Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 6.

By Jackie J

With her guests having left barring one the Countess returned to the lounge to find Madeline giggling listening to Miss Jennings.

Countess Polanski smiled.

“What is so amusing Madeline.”

“Oh, Countess Miss Jennings is teasing me about Annie telling me that she had to spank her bare bottom like a naughty child when she was petulant.

The Countess sat opposite Miss Jennings and Madeline.

“Well Madeline I have to say that is true, it was Annie herself, having been told of such punishment by Lizzie, and demanding to be treated no different than any maid in service, approached Miss Jennings in a very contrite manner. She had, during that particular day, exhibited behaviour not befitting a maid in service and knew she had. Annie more or less demanded she should be punished in a fitting way. Previously she may have been sent to her room or missed supper but a fitting way for this behaviour was a spanking in front of her Mistress and Annie knew this. That first spanking, yes there have been more, I remember Annie entering the parlour and having dropped her knickers leaned over the arm of that very sofa you are sitting on and her taught, tight, bare cheeks were slapped crimson by Miss Jennings. Annie whelped at first which softened into an accepting whine.”

Countess Polanski her eyes tightening into a smile seeing Madeline’s look of astonishment at this revelation fixed Madeline in her gaze.

“You are right to refer to Annie as a child Madeline, you see a good maid is like a child and must be treated as such. Annie understands and accepts this now. You will find her quite different from the rich socialite Annette de Court you knew.”

Countess Polanski smiled across at Miss Jennings then at the still chuckling Madeline.

“Now Madeline your mother had a word with me just before she left and was adamant about this, she really was. She didn’t mind you staying here at Sharston but she had conditions. I know you were very good friends with Annette, but that was Annette, not Annie. Your mother is not comfortable with you having a housemaid for a friend, totally different social levels and I understand this. So, whilst you are my guest you must treat Annie for what she now is, just a housemaid. Annie will understand this she made her choice to be in service at Sharston and would not expect any familiarity with my guests not even an old friend such as you. However, I am not heartless and despite your mother’s explicit instructions, if you do want to spend some days here sharing time with Annie, which of course you well may, I will turn a blind eye. But and this is a big but, if you do want to do that, to be social equals again, well you will have to try on one of my maid’s uniforms for yourself. That of course will be your choice, be served by her or serve with her.”

The Countess paused with a kindly smile.

“But you don’t have to decide that now leave it until the morning.”

Madeline was shown to her room by the Countess and it was just like Annette had described it. The guest room was magnificent a large bed beautiful furniture, a dressing room, a shower room, opulent in the extreme.

“Oh, Countess this room is gorgeous just like Annette; sorry Annie had described it to me.”

The Countess smirked.

“Yes, we were surprised when Annie chose to leave it but she did, still her new room is quite adequate for her current needs, the needs of a maid.”

A nightdress found beneath the pillow Madeline slipped into it and hugged herself cocooned within its sensuous fabric. Warm beneath the cotton sheets and enveloped by the soft marshmallow like bed Madeline was soon asleep.

Clear of the Sharston driveway and out on the open road with Damian and Charles in the front and Christine and Nancy in the rear there was much to discuss. 

 Christine Lamont never one to hold back or mince her words turned to Nancy.

“So, is that it Nancy, you are going to leave her there, your daughter a common housemaid for that Countess and move out to France?”

Nancy smiled.

“Christine I am going to ask you a question and I want a straight answer.”

“How much have you spent on, or should I say how much has Madeline spent in the last three months?"

Christine was a little confused by the question and her silence, whilst endeavouring to calculate an amount, Charles turned in his seat and laughed.

“A small fortune a small bloody fortune Nancy every month is the same, spend, spend, spend Madeline cannot help herself.”

Christine was about to defend her daughter but she couldn’t her clothes, salon and car expenses alone were a tidy sum without her excessive social spending.

Damian chuckled.

“Annette was no different but the last three months nothing, Annette has cost us nothing apart from her mobile bill and even that was less than a quarter of the usual charges.”

Nancy laughed.

“So, you ask are we going to leave Annette with the Countess Nancy, can we afford not too? It’s time Annette learned to provide for herself, alright being a maid was never my first choice for her but I have to admit she makes a very good maid and she has certainly lost that cocky arrogance that used to annoy me. Sharston Manor is a nice place and the Countess is such a lovely Lady, she was no less surprised than me that Annette had taken to maid’s work like she had. It seemed, from what the Countess told us, it was Annette who really wanted to get stuck in and help the other girl Lizzie. No if Annette is happy, and she just told us she was when we chatted with her, why go back to Annette I rather like this Annie girl.”

Damian at the wheel had a tinge of regret but the ends justified the means. They could leave for France knowing their daughter was in the safe and secure hands of the Countess and her surly attitude and excessive spending had been curtailed. Damian reflected on that chance meeting with Simon Jones Spencer in an airports first class lounge on a return trip from a business meeting. Having just put his mobile down on the table in front of him Damian sighed. Another call from Nancy about Annette and her extravagant spending and reckless behaviour, no way could they move to France and leave her to continue in her ways. Simon having overheard one side of the conversation pushed Damian’s drink towards him.

“Sounds like you need it, daughters hey?”

Over the next hour Damian listened to Simon’s situation which in many ways reflected his own. Damian at first dismissed the solution Simon had found but was never the less intrigued and accepted the business card of a Countess Polanski, who lived within fifty miles from his home. Nancy was at her wits end with her daughter and having talked through what Simon Jones Spencer had told Damian, it was agreed Damian would arrange to meet the Countess. It wouldn’t be cheap but all they had to do was take an extended holiday at their chateaux and the Countess would do the rest. Having been told of the Countesses methods and seeing Simon’s daughter Elizabeth in her neat maid’s uniform meekly curtsying to the Countess, quite a transformation to the girl Simon had described during their meeting, Damian was convinced and signed the cheque for twenty thousand pounds, a fraction of what they had spent in school and university fees and what the high maintenance Annette would regard as pocket money.

Elizabeth Jones Spencer had arrived at Sharston Manor under the pretence that it was a prize for a two week stay to live in the splendour of a Countesses manor. Agreeing to be robed and aproned shortly after her arrival, just to help out around the manor for a few days, Lizzie had walked willingly onto the path of her own subjugation from her feckless arrogant lifestyle to that of a common housemaid.

When Damian and Nancy learnt of the maid for a month idea that Annette’s friend Madeline had come up with they knew the Countesses scheme for their daughter was in motion.

Madeline awoke to the sound of her door opening, not having heard the gentle knock before the maid entered. Stretching in the comfort of the large bed Madeline yawned and gazed at the maid advancing with her tray toward the bed and curtsy.

“Morning tea Miss, breakfast will be served at eight thirty.”

The tray placed on the nightstand the maid curtsied again, turned and left the room without a further word.

Madeline sat up against her pillows and stared half in disbelieve at the closing door behind the leaving maid.

Annette? Madeline then giggled to herself of course not that was Annie.

Having sipped her tea Madeline was reluctant to peel herself from the princess like nightdress she was wearing but the shower room looked no less inviting and was soon swathed in sweet scented lather below the soft stream of the shower head.

Towelled dry and wearing a towelling robe Madeline, investigating the suite, opened the walk-in dressing room she was surprised to see Annette’s clothes, that she had sent for her, hanging neatly on the rails. Annette had always dressed in high end designer clothes always just a cut above what Madeline could afford. Madeline chuckled, her fingers fondling the delicate fabric of a particular dress of Annette’s she had always admired. Could she, should she?

Having helped herself to Annette’s lingerie from the drawers and having stepped into a pair of Annette’s expensive heels Madeline sighed then giggled letting Annette’s beautiful dress shimmer over her.


Sat at the vanity drying and brushing through her hair Madeline paused placing down her brush and dryer noticing an ornate jewellery box. A melodic tone chimed from the musical box when she lifted the lid and inside, Annette’s jewellery? Her gold diamond studded earrings, necklace, bracelet, rings even her Rolex watch? Madeline had Jewellery but not like this. Madeline’s hair dry she could not resist, why should she, Annie wouldn’t be wearing them.

 Turning her head from side to side Madeline admired the earrings how the diamonds glinted in the morning sunlight streaming through the windows. Removing her Tag, not without value itself, the Rolex slid onto Madeline’s wrist and she smiled at the sapphires on its face.

A knock on the door and Madeline began to panic Annette well Annie was back what, would she think seeing her wearing her dress and the jewellery!

The door opened before Madeline could move from the vanity stool, it was not Annie but the Countess who entered and smiled seeing that Madeline had pillaged Annette’s things from the dressing room and spying the distinctive Rolex on her wrist.

Madeline quickly stood looking sheepish.

“Countess, I, I, I well I saw Annette’s clothing in the dressing room we are the same size and I have no things of my own with me  I........”

The Countess cut Madeline short.

“Madeline dear it’s fine, that dress is a particular favourite of mine a John Mills, not my size, but I would have worn it myself given Annie no longer has use for her wardrobe.”

The Countess stood close lifted Madeline’s wrist then sensuously ran her fingers through Madeline’s hair exposing the glistening earrings and smiled.

“I am sure Annette would have wanted you to have this beautiful watch and her other jewellery, my maid has no use for use for such expensive things like these.”

The Countess staring into Madeline’s eyes let her hand slide gently from her hair and over her shoulders with the gentlest of touch sending a tingle of budding arousal shivering through Madeline’s body her wrist released by the Countess it flopped idly by her side.

The Countess knew she could take this pretty thing there and then but it wasn’t time just yet.
Madeline’s knees felt weak when the Countess stood back for her and smiled.

“Come down for breakfast when you are ready, Madeline.”

Madeline gulped for composure.

“Ye, ye, yes, yes I will Countess.”

The Countess left and Madeline panted starting to flush and sat back at the vanity speaking under her breath fuck, fuck. A dampness growing in her panties Madeline giggled feeling her nipples hardening. Madeline was not a lesbian, was she?? Madeline’s palm pressed to her mound her other hand caressing her breasts her breathing heavy, her legs like jelly she staggered from the vanity to the bed and laid on her back her fingers slipped inside her panties and she was at herself. Her head full of imaging’s her release came in a gush leaving her laid prostrate across the bed panting for breath.


  1. I like it. But I really hope that this is a build up her image with clothes and jewellery and the bring her down to maid situation.

    Jackie I love the story so far and I cannot wait for what happens next.

  2. Oh Jackie, you are a tease!

  3. I agree Anie become madeline's maid and her family give Madeline and her mother her clothes and expensive jewellery ,

    1. Really. I would rather Madeline as the maid. Because she was using a 2 heads coin when they first decided the maid for a month challenge

    2. I don't like Madeline as maid ,she Will become her friend mistress and annie give her clothes ,jewellery,money for her friend mistress ,this can more embarassing

  4. Thank you Miss Jackie. I luv it and where it is heading.

  5. The Countess utilises a wealth of methods to control, be that money, psychology, physical through to subtlety and as we have just witnessed sexuality.

    Jackie you sure have us in suspense, regarding what plan the Countess has for Madeline?

    It seems dear Madeline will fall under the control of the Countess in whatever way she wishes.

    Thank you for the addition of this wonderful chapter, it is greatly appreciated.

    1. The evil-controller types deserve punishment...the Countess should wind up becoming someone's maid,though I doubt that's in store.

  6. "That of course will be your choice, be served by her or serve with her."

    Hm, how about two different endings? :)

  7. This chapter grabbed my attention! The fathers intentionally putting their daughters into the Countess' care made the situation make more sense. I also like how the Countess is toying with Madeline, like a cat playing with a mouse. I expect that her fall will be as a result of kinky play with the Countess but not until her parents have a chance to observe the positive impact on their finances her visit at Sharston manor has.
    If things are heading in the direction of Madeline simply taking advantage of the situation to rob her friend I'll have to second Slave Gamer's idea about two endings.
    Well done ether way though.

  8. I am enjoying this story greatly! Nice development and multiple traps for the girls. I saw the groundwork for including Madeline being laid in the first set of chapters. I think that she would made a great Maddie. I am looking forward to her experiencing putting on the maid uniform and what duties she performs in the household.

  9. nice chapter! I see a future where Annie and maddie work as maids under strict rules. Annie in Maddies former home, and Maddie in Annies former home.
    Grey Master.

  10. I really hate the idea of Madeline being Annie's mistress. The website is ladies to maids. So Madeline needs to downgrade as well
