Sunday, January 30, 2022

Story: A Lady and Her Maid. Chapter 8.

by Jackie J

Chapter 8

Maud had sat in her room for some time, having been sent there by her mistress. Why she had not been allowed to answer the door had seemed strange, but it was what her Mistress wanted.

When the call bell eventually rang Maud was quick to her feet and passing through the kitchen she noted the signal had come from the parlour. Before going through to her Mistress she filled the kettle and slid it onto the stove in anticipation. Maud’s anticipation was rewarded: her Mistress requested tea for herself and her guest. Lady Summerfield’s sister no less. Why did the lady visitor look familiar? It was strange but she did. The tea served, Maud wondered if she should return to her room or continue with the day’s tasks. The work would not do itself and she returned to her cleaning in the dining room. Disturbed again by the call bell, she was back to the parlour. 

There was a weak smile on Maud’s face when she left her mistress. Lady Summerfield’s sister was to stay over at the manor. Maud had cleaned the guest rooms many times but there had never been a guest staying in any of them. The master guest room was the grandest of them and it was an excited maid that headed up the broad stairs to prepare the room, her mind already contemplating lunch and dinner for two. Maud had last cleaned the larger of the guest rooms a week ago, but another thorough cleaning was in order. Fresh linen and the windows opened to air the room, flowers from the garden the finishing touch. There was heat in the room, but Maud set a fire in the grate. Standing by the door Maud surveyed the room pleased with her work. Back to the dining room, just the polishing to finish off and then she would have lunch to prepare.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Story: A Lady and Her Maid. Chapter 7.

by Jackie J

Chapter 7

There had developed an unmistakable normality at Stag Head Manor, with its groundsman cum groom and coachman, its maid and mistress. Constance, the once gracious Mistress of the manor had evolved into a perfect maid, mainly by her own delusional imaginings, utterly consumed by and held captive within the dumbed down persona of her own making, that of Maud Williams.

Maud’s weight gain had been subtle but significant over the months, although her figure could be said to be more plump than overweight. Once considered quite statuesque, along with her chubby cheeks, busty chest, an often-slapped, broad worker woman’s backside now protruded below her neatly tied aprons bow. Gone the gracious step of a lady, from the wearing of heavy boots and restrictive garb, and her light educated voice now replaced with her encouraged common speech. There was little that remained of the once sophisticated and elegant Lady Constance Summerfield. In fact, nothing at all!

Whilst the degradation and debasement of the former mistress of Stag Head manor could not have been better triumphed, the transformation of maid to lady, by Miss Jennifer Jenkins, was no less profound. Jenny the maid had blossomed, assuming a deserved superiority over her fawning maid until becoming second nature. Wearing fine clothes and with her developed grace no one would consider the ladylike Miss Jenkins to be other than the Mistress of the manor.

Having taken breakfast and returned to her rooms to dress, Jennifer looked out from an upstairs widow over the lawns towards the gatehouse. Not the best of days, low cloud, and drizzle in the air, not a day to be outdoors. More a day to be spent in the library.


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Story: A Lady and Her Maid. Chapter 6.

by Jackie J

Chapter 6

A month had passed since the visit from the customs agents and Jennifer had heard nothing further.

Jennifer smiled cynically at her once mistress down on her hands and knees polishing the upper landings floors. Now convinced of her Mistress’s motivation for their role reversal, Jennifer reconciled that a continuation of the situation was only what her Mistress would want. She wouldn’t want to be discovered, would she? Life of maid, her maid, was much better than the potential confines of a prison cell.

Ever more confident of her position, it was two weeks later that Jennifer took up the invitation of Mrs Geraldine Booth to take afternoon tea at her residence. A number of ladies were present, and Jennifer was not out of place amongst them. The new dress she wore drew many favourable comments. The event was passing well until Geraldine, unknown to Jennifer, the wife of the local magistrate, took Jennifer to one side.

“Is it true then about Constance?”

Jennifer was taken somewhat off guard.

“True? What? What is true?”

Geraldine privy to highly confidential information, released on the pillows of her bed by her husband, smirked.

“You know, why she left the manor in such a hurry… You had a visit did you not, from the customs? I have it on good authority Constance is a wanted woman. Warrants have been issued. Come on Jennifer, you must know! You can tell me. What is going on?”

Jennifer stayed calm. How did Geraldine know all this? Was it common knowledge? Jennifer needed to know just how much she did know.

“Geraldine you obviously know more than me. Yes, the customs officers visited the manor and took away some files. They didn’t tell me anything other than they needed to speak with Constance about some matter or other. Wanted woman, warrants? I was told nothing of this. You must tell me what you know, Geraldine, to be sure I am most confused.”

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Story: A Lady and Her Maid. Chapter 5.

by Jackie J

Chapter 5

If the phrase 'be careful what you wish for' was ever more poignant, it was surely the case for Lady Constance Summerfield. The life of a maid that she had coveted and contrived to be her own would appear to have been a most reckless endeavour. The best laid plans of mice and men, or in this case Lady Summerfield, could have not been better illustrated. It could only be those who had known Constance extremely well that would recognise her to be other than the maid she now was. Plain faced, cropped hair, a slightly stooped posture, callused hands, and a servile demeanour all swathed in the apparel of service.

Aproned she had wished to be and aproned she had truly been. Jennifer had little conscience for what she had done, what had become of her once mistress. She wanted to be a maid and a maid she now was. Jennifer of course could have called a halt at any time during the extraordinary and comprehensive transformation from lady to maid, sought help for her Mistress, but why would she? It had gone too far for that now.

Jennifer was well aware that the continued absence of Lady Summerfield would, at some point, be questioned. But by whom? No one had shown any concern whatsoever for the wellbeing and whereabouts of Lady Summerfield.