Sunday, September 12, 2021

Story: It Was No Joke, Was It?

By Jackie J

Chapter 1

It would be fun, gate crashing the party, and it was. The evening drawing to a close, Elizabeth sat with her friend and they both giggled at each other’s outfits that they had worn to the fancy- dress ball at the palatial home of Lady Singleton. Most of the other guests had left when Lady Singletons housekeeper approached them and smiled at Elizabeth.

“Can you come with me please.”

Elizabeth turned in her seat to face her friend and shrugged her shoulders before standing and facing the tall housekeeper.

“What is it, what do you want, nothing wrong is there, we were just about to leave, are we the last?”

Maud smiled again looking Elizabeth up and down.

“Follow me please.”          

Lady Singleton was sat in the parlour, a weeping maid stood by her side. Elizabeth was ushered into the parlour and stared at the tearful maid, recognising her from earlier in the evening.

“What is it what’s wrong?”

A stern -faced Lady Singleton stood and walked slowly towards Elizabeth.

“Thought it was funny did you, you and your friend, teasing one of my maids?”

Elizabeth and her friend, having both chosen to come to the ball dressed as maids, had played a prank on this particular maid without thought of the consequences for the poor girl. Having convinced the maid, that they would be serving in the main hall, she had left her duties. According to Lady Singleton, having been found in her quarters, the maid had been dragged into the kitchens and an explanation spanked from her.

Lady Singleton, having told Elizabeth of the consequences for maid Paula, smirked turning to her housekeeper.

“Well Mrs Hutchings perhaps this girl wishes to be a maid and I must say she is certainly dressed for the role, what do you think?”

Elizabeth stood back from the intimidating figure of Lady Singleton.

“Look I am sorry, I am I really am, I didn’t know, it was just, well just a joke a bit of fun I, we didn’t know.”

Mrs Hutchings walked to the side of Lady Singleton and they both stared at an increasingly nervous Elizabeth.

“Yes, Lady Singleton, obviously wishes to be a maid, she offered to serve in the main hall, take Paula’s place, and dressed like she is? What else are we to assume.”

Mrs Hutchings walked close to Elizabeth.

“That is right girl isn’t it, you told Paula that you would serve the main hall, take her place?”

Elizabeth her mouth drying stuttered her response.

“Yes but, but, but, not really just in jest.”

Mrs Hutchings turned back to Lady Singleton.

“In jest she says Lady Singleton, it was no joke for Paula was it, her reddened backside bears testament to that. No, it was no jest Lady Singleton, all that actually happened was that this maid did not carry out the duties it had agreed to and its fellow maid, Paula, was punished for that.”   

Elizabeth was becoming more anxious listening to the Housekeeper.

“Look I am not a maid, I am guest at the Ball, well not invited officially but a guest all the same, I have said I am sorry now I would like to leave.”

Elizabeth turned to leave only for her wrist to be grabbed, pulled back, and spun around to face Mrs Hutchings.

“How dare you turn your back on me girl, I will tell you when you are dismissed, what sort of maid are you?”

Elizabeth raised her voice bellowing at the housekeeper.

“I AM NOT A MAID, LET GO OF ME, LET……………………………….”

The slap across Elizabeth’s face brought a stunned silence and a look of astonished disbelieve.

Mrs Hutchings glared at Elizabeth keeping a firm grip of her wrist.

“You are going nowhere girl, until you have paid for what you have done.”

Elizabeth tugged to free herself.


The second slap was more forceful than the first and Elizabeth wriggled and squirmed being pulled across the room to the arm of a sofa and bent over it. Elizbeth squealed, with her arm forced up her back she was helpless to prevent her skirts being raised and her knickers drawn down to her knees to receive a humiliating, thorough, and painful open handed spanking.

In shock, trembling with tears running down her cheeks, Elizabeth tugged up her knickers and smoothed down her skirts and apron standing wobbly with fear in her eyes.

“Maids don’t raise their voice, not in front of their Mistress, have you lost your senses girl.”

Elizabeth was sobbing.

“I, I, I am, I am not, not a maid, I am not a maid.”

Mrs Hutchings laughed.

“That is clear by your disrespect for your betters, but that is going to change girl, you wanted to take Paula’s place and take Paula’s place you shall.”

“Now, a curtsy from you girl, for your Mistress, and apologise for raising your voice and lack of respect or you will be back over the arm of that sofa for more of the same.”

Elizabeth was in shock, her bottom burning, fearful of more of the same she stumbled a meek curtsy.

“Sorry Lady Singleton, I am sorry, please let me go.”

Mrs Hutchings spun Elizabeth around and glared at her.

“How dare you girl, Lady Singleton? Lady Singleton? Mistress, this is your Mistress show your deference girl.”

Elizabeth’s second curtsy was much improved.

“Sorry Mistress, I am sorry.”

A knock on the door a maid entered and curtsied.

“Sorry to disturb you Mistress, Mrs Hutchings. You asked me to inform you when the other girl had left, she is on the last ferry to the mainland, Mr Giles took her.”

Elizabeth just stared at the maid, her friend had left, left without her, left her here at the mercy of these women?

The maid curtsied and left closing the door and Elizabeth turned to face her tormentors, the housekeeper grinned.

“Yes, your friend as gone, content that you will be staying with us, left you to face the consequences for what you did and what more fitting a punishment, than for you to become a maid, like Paula, the maid you so obviously want to be, that you will be.”

Elizabeth looked over to the side of the room where the maid Paula now stood, her head lowered hands across her apron a picture of accepted subservience. Elizabeth turned back to Lady Singleton with pleading eyes.

“Please I am sorry for what we did, you can’t do this, you cannot do this to me.”

Mrs Hutchings grabbed Elizabeth’s wrist again. A contrite, nervous, and increasingly afraid Elizabeth offered no resistance glancing over at the sofa of her degradation whilst being taken from the room.

“Come with me girl”

 A month later, not wearing the same outfit she had worn to the party, there was nothing fancy dress about the housemaids uniform she now wore, Elizabeth stepped nervously from the ferry onto the mainland to be met by her friend.

“Elizabeth, my goodness, what are your wearing, and your hair, you look so different, are you alright? I received your letter asking me to meet you here.”

Elizabeth, close to tears embraced her friend.

“Is there somewhere we can talk, I can’t stay long, I must return on the ferry, or they will report me for absconding.”

Sat in the tea shop by the ferry terminal Charlotte stared at her friend, it was Elizabeth, but she looked so different, she looked like, like a plain and common housemaid.  

Elizabeth stared back at Charlotte.

“Why did you leave me, after the party, why?

Charlotte was ready to offer a credible explanation.

“What? They told me you were staying, the man told me, the man who took me to the ferry. Lady Singleton knew your family, something you had not shared with me, and that not having seen you for some time, you had been invited to stay over, no such luck for me and I only just made the last ferry, it was all a rush. “

Elizabeth reached into her bag

“It was all lies, read this”

“O’ Charlotte, what is to become of me?  For what we did to that maid at the party Lady Singleton has taken me to be one of her maids, made me sign myself into her service.”

Charlotte examined the contract of service she had been given to read. It was, formal, official, binding, and containing signatures, one of which was Elizabeth’s.

Charlotte could not help but chuckle to herself but continued to look concerned handing the document back to a tearful Elizabeth.

“Elizabeth, I don’t understand, this is very clear, it says that you are one of Lady Singletons maids, all official. You a maid, incredible, but now it makes sense, your uniform and hair, just the way you look, who would consider you to be anything other than a common housemaid, and certainly not the daughter of Lord Randolph that’s for sure. Are those boots comfortable; they look very heavy and cumbersome.”

Elizabeth glared at Charlotte.

“You are laughing, don’t make fun of me, this is serious, you should not have left me there, what am I to do?”

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders

“What can you do, according to what you have just shown me you are contracted into the service of Lady Singleton the document is clear, its signed and stamped. Until you are released from the contract one of Lady Singletons maids you will remain, that is unless…..”

Charlotte took a sip of the tea they had been served.

“You say Lady Singleton made you sign the contract, were you forced to sign it?”

Elizabeth looked a little sheepish.

“No, not exactly, in fact not at all, I had to sign it to help Paula, I was told there was no other way.”

Charlotte forced away her smile, her friend had signed herself into service willingly, not under duress, but willingly. Why and how this had been achieved, Charlotte was intrigued and wanted to know, wanted to hear the full story, and pressed her friend.

Paula, help Paula, what do you mean?

Elizabeth sighed.

“That Friday at the ball, you remember the maid, the one we convinced that we were maids and that we would take her place and serve in the main hall?”

Charlotte showed some recollection but begged her friend to continue.

“Well, it seems she, Paula, got into a lot of trouble, she was spanked by the housekeeper Mrs Hutchings for dereliction of her duties. When I was taken to see Lady Singleton by Mrs Hutchings, they said it was my, well our fault and I must repay for what I, we had done. Given I was not on the guest list and already dressed as a maid they, Mrs Hutchings, and Mistress, said I should repay Paula by taking her place like we had said we would. I resisted at first but they, well Mrs Hutchings, convinced me, believe me, she was very convincing, I had little choice. Having reluctantly agreed to what they wanted, thinking it was some elaborate way of teaching me a lesson, Mistress said that given I had agreed to take Paula’s place, it would need to be done correctly and that I must sign a contract the same has Paula’s.”

Elizabeth paused reflecting on her naivety.

“Like I just said, I thought Mrs Hutchings and Mistress were just teaching me a lesson and the contract was just part of that, not real, just wanting it to seem real. It was only the following day that I realised what I had done. The contract was real, I had indeed unwittingly signed myself into the service of Lady Singleton.  I was taken into the servant’s quarters and put into one of these, one of the household’s maid’s uniforms and then, to my horror, Mrs Hutchings cut my hair short, like this, like Paula’s.  A practical cut for a working maid she said. A notary came that day and duly endorsed the documents, you will have seen his stamp on my copy of the contract.” 

Elizabeth sipped on her tea her voice breaking

“Two days being a maid I begged to see Mistress, to speak with her, to release me from the contract, to tell her that I am Lord Randolph’s daughter. Mrs Hutchings just smirked and told me that my Mistress did not converse with her maid’s and would never consider releasing a good and obedient maid from her service. I protested; it was obvious that I was not a maid of any description. Mrs Hutchings then showed me her strap and said I shouldn’t worry this would ensure that I would become a good and obedient maid.”

Charlotte frowned.

“This Mrs Hutchings, she took her strap to you?”

Elizabeth looked shamed faced at her friend. 

“Only when I fail in my duties or show disrespect to my betters, it is for my own good, to help me become a better maid.”

Charlotte could hardly believe what she was hearing, for her own good? For her to become a better   maid. Only a month, but was Elizabeth already becoming accepting of what was happening to her? There was something Charlotte had to know.

“So, are you going to break the contract, run away, you are the mainland now, why not?”

Elizabeth clasped Charlottes hands.

“No, no I can’t, they told me they will report me if I abscond, I will be found and taken back, what then, the scandal, everyone will know that I have become a maid, foolishly agreed to be a maid. Perhaps they are after all just teaching me a lesson Charlotte and they will let me go, but it’s been a month now. You mustn’t tell anyone what has happened, promise me Charlotte.”

The hooter on the ferry blasted out its five-minute warning of departure and Elizabeth turned toward the tea shops door.

“I must go Charlotte, Mrs Hutchings dictated the letter I wrote to you, to meet me here at the ferry terminal to give you this, a letter to the university, informing them that I am discontinuing my studies. Please take it and give it to the chancellor. It explains I am moving to Switzerland to finish my studies. Don’t forget me, I will try and keep in touch, remember not a word to anyone.

Elizabeth stood and with a swirl of her heavy skirts hurried from the tea shop to board the ferry back to her new life at Ravenscroft manor, one of Lady Singletons housemaids.

Sitting back, watching the ferry steam off into mist on is journey back to the Island, Charlotte smirked sipping on her tea before ordering a fresh pot, and a clean cup and saucer.

The ferry was not quite out of sight when Fiona entered the tea shop smiling at Charlotte whilst taking her seat at the table.

“So is it done, like you promised me, I will be very upset if it isn’t, you know that don’t you Charlotte.”

Charlotte had to do what she had, Fiona’s aunt struggled to find staff willing to work at Ravenscroft and Elizabeth was the ideal candidate. It wasn’t easy, Elizabeth thought it wrong to go to a ball without an invite and a fancy -dress ball, not her thing at all. When confronted with the outfits Charlotte had chosen for them to wear, she was mortified. Once at the Ball she had relaxed and joined in the fun but was not happy with the trick that Charlotte convinced Elizabeth to play on the maid. Elizabeth being the ideal candidate? Yes, she was. Naive and trusting, an only child, her father, a military man, who had paid the ultimate sacrifice some years past. Elizabeth’s mother, her enfeebled body and mind confined to a bath chair in a home on the south coast.  Who would come looking, who would care? But that wasn’t the main reason Elizabeth now found herself a common housemaid.

“Yes, it is done, like you asked, now can I have my letters back, you said you would if I did this for you.”

Fiona poured herself a cup of tea before removing a set of incriminating letters bound in a crimson ribbon from her satchel. Removing half of the letters from the confines of the ribbon and returning them to her satchel she passed those remaining to Charlotte.

Fiona laughed

“Half now and you can have the rest when my aunt confirms her maid is, shall we say fully settled into her new station in life. It is only month after all, so tell me, how did my aunts new maid seem?”

Charlotte, ridden with guilt having seen Elizabeth like she was,  was not proud of what she had done but if Fiona did what she was threatening, to circulate the letters, she would be ruined.

“Upset, worried, what do you think, but strangely accepting and believed what I told her, about leaving her. She is more frightened of anyone finding out what she has done. Made me promise not to tell anyone, gave me a letter for the university explaining her disappearance. Still clinging to the hope that she is just being taught a lesson for what she did to the maid at the ball. Believes, if she works hard, she will be free to leave. “

Fiona leaned forward and giggled.

“How perfect, you say that she made you promise not to tell anyone, say anything, and of course you won’t, will you?”

Charlotte sighed she needed those remaining letters back.

“No, of course not, I will keep my promise.”

Fiona was not at all concerned that she had condemned an educated young and carefree girl into a life of servitude in her aunt’s secluded home under the strict supervision of the housekeeper Mrs Hutchings. but why the pretty Elizabeth Randolph, why indeed. 

Giles Jefferson and Fiona had courted for years but for the last six months Giles had preferred the company of Elizabeth and Fiona’s plans of engagement and marriage were at serious risk, something had to be done.

Fiona was her aunt’s favourite niece and, after a tearful pleading with her aunt of what to do about her failing relationship with Sir Giles Jefferson, and the pretty Elizabeth Randolph, plans were laid.

Charlotte wanted no part of it until Fiona showed her the letters, then she had little choice. Elizabeth had made it clear at the outset that she had no intention of going to any Fancy-dress ball, especially without an invite and at such a remote place? Having eventually been convinced it would be fun Elizabeth again told her fried no way would she go anywhere dressed in the outfits that Charlotte had obtained. Charlotte had to get Elizabeth to the party and her pleading eventually wore Elizabeth’s resistance down. A long cloak shielded Elizabeth’s embarrassment on the journey to the ball. Elizabeth was surprised how easily Charlotte convinced the staff on the door to let them enter without invitations but once inside, with guests in all manner or outfits, the two girls soon blended in. Elizabeth relaxed little knowing what was planned for her at the end of the evening.  Watching the two interloper maids, in conversation with her maid Paula, Lady Singleton smiled knowing the plans for her nieces love rival were progressing well and informed her housekeeper.

Chapter 2

Sat at the back of the ferry, with the huddle of third-class passengers, Elizabeth raised the collar of her dress against the chill, thankful for the heavy woollen dress she wore. Strange that even her fellow passengers, themselves only being able to afford third class passage, showed an attitude of superiority, looking down on the shivering maid. Not really strange, after all she was just a maid, wasn’t she? Elizabeth’s family were not rich, but wealthy, and certainly wealthy enough to prevent such cattle class travel. Perhaps Charlotte had been right, break the contract, run away. It was too late now the Island was coming into view.

The main body of passengers having dispersed, Elizabeth stood alone on the quay and Mr Giles approached.

“Lizzy, good to see to back, did you see your friend?

Elizabeth nodded

“Yes, yes I did.”

Mr Giles smiled.

“You are lucky that you got to meet her, especially being so new at the manor. Mrs Hutchings rarely lets her maids visit the mainland, the horse and trap is around the other side, follow me.” 

Lizzy, Elizabeth hated that name, but Mrs Hutchings had decided that is what she would be called, and she had to accept it. Apart from Lady Singleton and Mrs Hutchings no one at Ravenscroft manor knew the true identity of the new maid. That was one welcome concession gratefully received by Elizabeth, at least no one knew who she actually was. That is apart from Paula who had been sworn to silence over the circumstances of the new maid’s arrival and knew better than to ever break that covenant. To the other members of Lady Singletons staff Lizzy was a disowned rich girl down on her luck, thankful to have been taken into service at the manor.

It wasn’t sympathy, Elizabeth had found that to be an emotion very short in supply at Ravenscroft. Tasks had to be completed and the new girl had to pull her weight, so the other girls showed her the ropes. If their encouragement and the transfer of their skills should prove not enough, then the strap of Mrs Hutchings provided the extra inducement required for Lizzy to be a quick learner.

Six months became twelve, settled routines, and an acceptance of what she was, one would be hard pressed to have reason too separate maid Lizzy from the other maids at Ravenscroft. Efficient, obedient, and servile a perfect housemaid. Bereft of all ambition except to serve, Elizabeth Randolph, Lizzy, had succumbed totally to her indoctrination at the hands of Mrs Hutchings.

Kept busy and often tied Lizzy had little time to reflect on a life once lived. There was a hopelessness to her situation, that she would ever be anything other than one of Mistresses maids. The mind is fragile and can be protective and manipulative, such was the case with Lizzy. She was a maid and perversely to her situation of entrapment, Lizzy sought to be the best maid she could.  Her fawning curtsies were no longer contrived or performed because she must, there was genuine humble reverence in her acts of deference.

Elizabeth Randolph’s transformation amused Lady Singleton and she would always have Lizzy serve afternoon tea, especially when guests were being entertained. The dowdy maid stood attentive at service now bearing little resemblance to the pretty love rival of her niece.

Fiona was now engaged to Sir Giles Jefferson and the plans for the wedding well advanced. Charlotte was very surprised but also excited having been asked to be her maid of honour. When the venue for the wedding was announced, Charlotte asked Fiona if she had lost her mind.

“But you can’t Fiona, she is still there at your aunt’s residence, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Randolph, who knows what she will do when she sees you and me? I beg you to reconsider.”

Fiona smirked, followed by a wicked smile.

“Elizabeth? Elizabeth who, is that not the girl who left for Switzerland, at my aunt’s home? How ridiculous. I was there only the other month, surely, I would have seen her, and she would have seen me.”

Fiona laughed out loud.

“No Charlotte, no Elizabeth Randolph at Ravenscroft. There is a maid Lizzy, who I must admit does bear some resemblance to your old friend, a dowdy looking thing, but one of my aunt’s best maids by all accounts, I was most impressed with her service and deference, she displays such a meaningful curtsy.”

Charlotte did not share Fiona’s amusement, two years since she had agreed to Fiona’s wicked scheme. The last letter she had received from her old friend, dictated by Mrs Hutchings of course, was over a year ago. She was happy, being a maid was not that bad, Mrs Hutchings was helping her become a good maid. Elizabeth had obviously not recognised Fiona would she recognise her? What had they done to Elizabeth, Lizzy?

Despite Fiona’s assurances, that she had nothing to worry about, Charlotte was apprehensive stepping onto the ferry. It was two months before the wedding and Fiona and Charlotte were visiting her aunt to see the Chapel and make final arrangements.

At the threshold of Ravenscroft manor, the curtsying maid’s eyes never made contact, her gaze remaining lowered.

“Take you case Miss.”

Her appearance was much changed, and her demeanour, meek, humble, servile, but that voice. It was Elizabeth, there could be no doubt.

Fiona linked Charlotte and they waltzed up the steps and into the manor to be greeted by Lady Singleton, Fiona’s aunt.

Charlotte had tried to prepare herself for weeks before coming to Ravenscroft, unsure what she would find, but nothing could have prepared her for that chilling encounter at the bottom of the steps.

During the weeks stay at Ravenscroft Charlotte had watched her once friend busy herself at her duties. Diligent and showing a natural deference when required. Fiona had been right Lizzy’s curtsies were displayed in the most genuine way. There was no evidence of her being cajoled, there was no pretence to what she was. Elizabeth Randolph was now the most competent of maids of that there could be little doubt, in fact none.

On the last evening of their stay, after dinner sat around the table, with Lizzy having cleared the last of the plates, Lady Singleton smiled at Charlotte.

“But for you Charlotte this wedding may not have been taking place, but there again, with what you know, well at some point you may be tempted to reveal what you know, that could prove calamitous for my niece and her betrothed could it not?”

Mrs Hutchings appeared and topped up Charlotte’s glass, Fiona and Lady Singleton refusing the offer of the same for them.

Charlotte was relaxed and smiled taking a large sip of the wine.

Your secrets are safe with me Lady Singleton, why Elizabeth seems quite happy being a maid, well not happy but con, con, cont conte…nt……………………………………….

With Charlotte slumped over the table Lady Singleton turned to her niece.

“It is for the best dear, bringing that girl to Ravenscroft was the right thing to do, tricking her into thinking she was to be your maid of honour and that the wedding would be held here. We cannot have anything spoiling your happiness can we. She will be looked after, like her friend.”

Lady Singleton laughed.

“It is said by many that educated young ladies, even more mature ones, make the best housemaids, and Mrs Hutchings is so good at just that, helping them become perfect obedient maids.”

Fiona looked across the table at the slumped Charlotte and giggled.

“Thank you, aunty, I am sure Charlotte will be happy here, well not happy but con, con, content.”

Lady Singleton chuckled embracing her niece.

“What a wicked girl you are Fiona, but Charlotte? Surely you mean Lottie.”

Mrs Hutchings returned to the dining room and Lady Singleton stood from her chair.

“A new recruit for you Mrs Hutchings, strip it and put in the cellars for a month then you can start preparing it for service.”


Fiona married Giles and they lived happily. Fiona with little thought of Elizabeth and Charlotte.  Lottie, rebellious at first, but Mrs Hutchings soon tamed her and ensured that she became no less a proficient and obedient maid than Lizzie.

 Fiona and Giles visited her aunts over the years and Giles once remarked that one of her auntie’s maids reminded him of a girl he once knew. Not a shrew like creature like the maid but having similar features.

“What was her name, Elizabeth something, she moved to Switzerland to live, you knew her Fiona, I am sure you did?

Fiona smiled and wrapped her arms around her love.

“I can’t say I remember, Giles. Switzerland you say? How interesting.”


The end



  1. Ms Jackie. Excellent as expected. And finally, ones once friend become a fellow maid along side her. It would of been a better ending if you had expounded on Lottie & Lizzies new found occupations. But a great story non the less. Worth the long wait.

  2. I'm happy to read you again... One month in Mrs. Hutching's little cell would make any girl meek, humble and servile. Maybe Fiona should be visiting her Aunt more often...

  3. What a wickedly wonderful story!

  4. I am not enthused about seeing more JackieJ here, but this story, at least, seems to have been copy-edited. It wasn't copy-edited very well. A quick scan shows lots of missing commas and several sentence fragments, but, on the whole, it's readable, with no howler-level errors.

    1. Oh! Go fornicate thy self. You must be an un employed English Major, with nothing better to do.

    2. The commenter sat at the manual typewiter, head throbbing from the fumes of Nugent's White-Out, squirmed her throbbing bottom on the hard wooden seat and turned to look at Maid lukas.
      "Why can't I at least use a word processor to copy-edit JackieJ's story?" she whined. "This is so unfair!"
      Maid lukas slapped the tawse against her palm and said, "I told you what would happen if you used the 'U' word again. Stand up and take your drawers off. Six more of the best, and you'll finish your task with your bare bottom on the chair. Another infraction, and you'll get six more, and have a lovely sandpaper cushion!"

    3. That was a charming bit of parody, AJB. Thanks. Surely though, no-one would be so cruel. Just copy-editing a Jackie J story is punishment enough. (Or just reading one, for that matter.)

    4. Please AJB! Do not make me the Mean/Bad maid. I just hate these readers who every time Ms. Jackie writes another story. they are the 1st ones to comment and criticize Ms. Jackie's work. If they do not like her style and content. Why oh WHY! Do they stay on this site and read her stories? I think they are just closet Masochists' and looking for attention. And I guess. I am giving them what they seek. Never again .....

    5. Reading Jackie J is like watching a car crash. You know it's going to be bad. You want to look away. But you just can't resist the urge to see exactly how bad it will be.

    6. No. Do the same thing over and over again although you don't like it, is just stupid.
      Stupid for waste of time. But some people have maaaaaaaaaaaany time, because they have nothing more in their life.

    7. Arcadia bowed her head before Maid lukas and acknowledged her fault.
      "I confess, you are quite correct, it was not my place to assign you to discipline the lazy, whiny, and-" she glared at the nameless wretch who was still snivelling as she stood with her nose in a corner "-let us not forget cowardly maid who refuses to share any name, even the simplest and most basic of pseudonyms, evidently thinks herself too good to share a name with us.
      "Do you know what I think, lukas? I think what she really needs to spur her on to finish her copy-editing chores is not a BARE bottom, but rather to wear those special drawers that Lakewood the butler was so thrifty as to make, after he made that lovely rubber paddle. No-one has worn them, but I think uour friend has earned them."
      She opened the chest which held the spare linen and pulled out the folded garment in question and shook it out. She held it up so the whimpering snip could see the very special lining of its seat. Lakewood had bored a series of holes through the rubber of the paddle to ensure it had plenty of edge with which to work mischief with a girl's backside, and he had saved the small cylinders of rubber excised from the rubber sheet and glued them to the inside of the drawers. Anyone who sat down whilst wearing them would experience acute discomfort, even with a completely unmarred bottom, much less one as tenderised as the unfortunate, unnamed and clearly unreformed new servant.
      "Lift your foot, O Nameless One," Arcadia intoned in mock-solemnity.

    8. Best story on here this year.

    9. Beyond her handful of hard-core enthusiasts, I doubt that many, if any, readers here actually waste time in perusing a Jackie J story beginning-to-end. Most readers, I suspect, just scan the first few paragraphs, say to themselves "Same old same old." and move on.

  5. Do none of these girls have families?

  6. Good story. But if you are making us wait for such a long time at least make the story bigger.

  7. THANK YOU JACKIE for this delightful story! May the Force be with you!

  8. It would be really excellent if people griping about Jackie J's writing instead used that energy to write and submit their own stories and showed us how it should be done. Personally, I enjoyed this one.

    1. Camille has an exclusive contract with Jackie J.
      She's paid handsomely to post no more than one story a month and it has to be terrible.

  9. Charming story, Jackie! I'm so glad you're here again. Don't listen to the curmudgeons, just ignore them!

  10. There are many here who enjoy Jackie J's stories, and many who hate them. It is natural and positive that both groups express their opinions in comments. What is unhealthy is for those comments to degenerate into personal insults. As in any discussion, always "play the ball, not the man".

  11. Thank you very much, Jackie, for this and all your other stories. And please, please consider a continuation of "An Invite from a Neighbour".

  12. Great story, thanks!
    It's always exciting to discover a new twist in bringing down a haughty lady.
    I wonder what will happen in the cellars during the month of training (I like a thorough description of spankings :))

    I get it that not everyone is a fan of Jackie J, but nobody is forced to read her stories.
    I do enjoy them and would not like her to post less because of the haters.

    1. I hadn't been here in a year and a half and decided to catch up...but the stories of kidnappers going unpunished make me feel I didn't miss much.
