Monday, April 5, 2021

Story: The Education and Rehabilitation of Miss Caroline Drake. Chapters 1-3.

by Jackie J

Chapter 1

Caroline was born into privilege and enjoyed a cosseted childhood and adolescence. An only child she was spoiled beyond reason by her doting father. Raised in the magnificent country residence of her parents she wanted for nothing.  Eighteen, but looking younger than her age, the pretty and precocious daddy’s little princess was the belle of the ball. Many suiters rejected with an assertive coolness that belied her delicate pretty looks. Caroline was smart and a terrible tease which seemed to amuse her father, who could possibly be good enough for his little girl.

An idyllic existence, servants to wait on her every need, a wardrobe of expensive clothes and money no object. Not seen to be a flaw, in fact she was oblivious to it, was Caroline’s conceited attitude of deserved privilege, an attitude not uncommon and shared among her contemporaries’

Caroline’s stepmother did not share her husband’s unconditional admiration for his daughter, far from it. The sooner the despicable young woman was married off and out of her life the better. The feeling was mutual. Gwendoline was not her mother, something Caroline took pleasure in reminding her of at every opportunity.

Although resisted by Malcom, Gwendoline, during Caroline’s early teens had sought and had employed a governess in an attempt to instil some manners and civility into the wayward child. Miss Prentice had great success but was dismissed by Lord Drake, not comfortable seeing his daughters spirt, as he called it, diminished.

Lord Drake with plantations in Africa, the America’s, and the Caribbean was often away travelling on business for extended periods. Malcom also took his peerage seriously which took him away to the houses of Parliament in London.  When Caroline was much younger Gwendoline managed to cope with her surly attitude and general bad behaviour and later, for the brief period that Miss Prentice was employed.

Caroline’s eighteenth birthday had been a lavish event by any standards and heralded even more intolerable behaviour towards her stepmother. Caroline was always older beyond her years and started ordering around the staff insisting that, now she was eighteen, she was and must be treated her stepmothers equal in the household. Malcom, always seeing the best in his daughter refused to see any wrong she was just growing up that is all, and she would have to run a household when she was married.

The fever and dying in some good forsaken place were no fitting end to such a well-respected gentleman and Lord Drake was mourned by many but none more than is daughter. Grief can take people in many ways for Gwendoline, like many widows, shock, resentment, why Malcolm, and why now?  For Caroline, if her disposition could be more wicked, she took out her anger on anything and anybody that crossed her path. A civil word never passing her lips from that very day she had collapsed in a heap of sorrow at the news of her father’s death. 

Some staff left and those who stayed, and replacement servants, knew to give the young mistress a wide berth. With her father no longer available to spoil her she spoiled herself, Caroline’s extravagance knowing no bounds. Gwendoline’s criticism was met with tirades of abuse and deep and prolonged sulks. A more obnoxious young woman would be difficult to find. 

The intolerable situation could not continue, Gwendoline had tried everything to appease Caroline but with six months having past she was at her wits end something had to be done. Caroline had refused point blank to join her stepmother visiting the overseas interests of her late father, a journey that had to be made, with legal representation, to settle Malcom’s affairs.

Gwendoline feared for Caroline and the staff if her stepdaughter were left alone at the manor, she had to organise something for the extended time she would be away, but what?

Seeking some comfort for her loss, she had read them many times and folding away the letters of condolence she had received Gwendoline paused on one particular letter. Mauve paper still having a familiar and comforting scent.   A smile crossed her lips, it was certainly someone she could trust and maybe just what was required.

Trunks being prepared for her travels Gwendoline gave Caroline one last opportunity to accompany her.

“Caroline, I beg of you to come with me I am sure it is what your father would have wanted, see the places he used to visit.”

Caroline dismissed the invitation as if being asked to tread barefoot through an open sewer and flounced off to her rooms.

Mrs Dillon looked at Gwendoline and shrugged her shoulders.

Mrs Dillon had been the housekeeper at Longwater manor for many years, going back to when Caroline’s mother was alive. Caroline was only two when Lady Drake died following a riding accident. Caroline could not have known her mother but always put her on a pedestal and no matter what her father’s new wife Gwendoline did she was never going to be good enough. Lord Drake could have been, should have been, firmer with his daughter but he only sought to placate her. Mrs Dillon, having watched Caroline develop over the years, with her father’s cossetting, was not surprised by what Miss Caroline had become. Spare the rod and ruin the child, if ever a rod was spared and the consequences realised, it was at Longwater manor with Miss Caroline Drake.

“It is not my place Mistress, but Miss Caroline gets worse by the day and with you going away I don’t know what we will do. She treats the staff terribly, you know she does, I thought Maggie, one of the new maid’s, was going to go for Miss Caroline yesterday when she tossed the lunch she had been served to the floor. Miss Caroline was difficult before, but since her father passed, she has no respect for anyone or anything.”

Gwendoline was concerned of course she was, but she had organised something that she was hopeful would restrain Caroline’s excesses during her absence.

“Come to my study this afternoon Mrs Dillon, two O’clock, I have something to discuss with you regarding Caroline whilst I am away. It involves you and your staff who’s help I am sure will be required.”

The meeting with her Mistress went well, what was being proposed she thought long overdue. Although quite draconian, it had brought the precocious Miss Caroline to heel previously, although only temporarily, before her father had intervened that was. With Caroline’s father no longer at Longwater the desired outcome may well be achieved this time. Some preparation would be required, and Mrs Dillon was enthusiastic to make all the necessary arrangements requested by her Mistress.

Caroline was sat in the parlour surrounded by expensive fabrics with her dressmaker fawning over her. More new clothes to complement those already overflowing from her closets. With orders placed Caroline left Miss Wilson to tidy away her fents and samples. Happy with the business that Miss Caroline gave her she accepted the young Mistresses surly attitude and was soon putting the last of her wares into her waiting carriage.

Lady Drake rarely purchased from Miss Wilson, her buying much less extravagant, and the draper was surprised when Gwendoline called her back into the manor.

“Miss Wilson, a moment of your time if I may.”

A polite curtsy of respect and she followed Lady Drake to her study.

Business was business and although Lady Drakes request was rather strange, she agreed to give her requirements priority. Aware that Lady Drake would be travelling she assumed the clothing she had ordered was for someone she would be meeting whilst away. Hence the urgency and the garments she required.

On the eve of Lady Drakes departure Mrs Dillon sat opposite Gwendoline in her Ladyships study reading the document she had been given which was signed and sealed by the counties Notary.

It was brief, explicit, and legal covering the period that Lady Drake would be out of the country.

“Give this to Miss Prentice when she arrives, you already have the instructions for your staff. You know what is required, a shame that it has come to this, but it must be done Mrs Dillon and I trust you will do your part.”

Mrs Dillon folded the parchment and placed it in her apron pocket.

“You can rely on me Lady Drake, everything is prepared as you requested and the parcels from Wilsons arrived this morning.”

Lady Drake would be meeting Lord and Lady Stokes at Southampton to board the vessel taking them on the first leg of their trip. Lord Stokes being her late husband’s business partner, they were to be joined on their journey by the Companies accountant Cecile Browning. Caroline did not even find time to bid her Stepmother farewell just glad to see the back of her for a few months. Caroline had plans for the time Gwendoline would be away from Longwater and chuckled to herself stood at the windows of her rooms watching the carriage depart.

Two uneventful days passed with Miss Caroline being at her dictatorial best about the manor. Mrs Dillion shaking her head at the young Mistresses attitude towards her staff. If she needed any further encouragement for what Lady Drake had proposed, Caroline provided it during those two days.

Caroline was away from the Manor for the rest of the week staying with one of her few remaining friends, an equally obnoxious individual, the daughter of Sir James Standish-Jones, Abigail.

It was Friday and Miss Prentice, a tall severe looking woman, arrived early in the morning at Longwater Manor. Greeted by Mrs Dillion she was taken through to Mrs Dillon’s small office. Sipping on a cup of tea prepared for her Miss Prentice smiled listening to Mrs Dillon telling her about Miss Caroline’s outrageous behaviour. Taking the letter of authority from Mrs Dillion Miss Prentice asked to meet and was introduced to her staff. Miss Prentice was to be head of household in Lady Drakes absence. She would stand no nonsense and they were to take instruction from Mrs Dillon or herself only. She had been summoned to Longwater by Lady Drake to finish the education of Miss Caroline that was interrupted some years ago.

Miss Prentice had her particular methods but would rely on the support of all staff at the manor. The cook, the footman, the groundsman and the three maids had all suffered from the unjustified tirades of Miss Caroline and had no issue in agreeing to Miss Prentice’s terms. The three maids could not help but giggle listening to how Miss Caroline was to be treated by the staff until they were told differently by Miss Prentice.

The staff dismissed back to their duties Mrs Dillon showed Miss Prentice what had been prepared for her at the request of Lady Drake. The top floor of the manor was seldom used but with the deep cleaning and new rugs the upper landings looked impressive. The three rooms that were requested by Miss Prentice had been decorated and furnished to their requirements and Miss Prentice paid particular attention to each of the room’s security. 

“Prefect Mrs Dillon. I have been granted the use of Lady Drakes rooms for my stay so see that my things are taken there.”

 Miss Prentice pushed open the door to the smallest and most sparsely furnished room. A plain wooden floor, a desk and chair, a stout bench and little else.

“The large Crimson trunk with the broad leather strapping and silver buckles can be placed in here.”  

Miss Prentice settled into her rooms and the following day sat in the parlour awaiting Miss Caroline’s return to Longwater Manor.


Chapter 2


Caroline stepped down from Abigail’s carriage outside the main entrance to the manor and looked around frustrated that none of the staff were waiting to meet her and carry in the baggage that she had taken with her for the short visit she had made to her friends. Mrs Dillon would have known she was returning and would surely have seen the carriage on the lane?  Caroline had wanted Abigail to stay with her, but her mother and father had insisted that Abigail join them on their visit to their vineyard in France. Abigail would not be returning for some time but would come to stay with Caroline on her return.

Caroline waved farewell to her friend then stood waiting for assistance for longer than she was willing to accept before bursting through the entrance screaming for Mrs Dillon and her staff.

“Where are you all, get here at once I will have you all out on your ears, do you hear me, get here at once and fetch in my baggage. NOW DO YOU HEAR.”

Hearing the commotion Miss Prentice placed her bookmark into the novel she was reading and placed her book on the small table by her chair and waited.

The staff had been told not to attend to the returning Miss Caroline and Mrs Dillon entered the hallway from the rear rooms.

“Miss Caroline the staff are all busy, I will have your things attended to, but you have a visitor Miss, she is waiting for you in the parlour.”

Caroline glared at the housekeeper.

“Visitor? For me? Who is it, what does she want, no matter, in the parlour you say?”

Caroline strode into the Parlour seeing a lady sat with her back to the door facing the ornate fireplace, the lady remaining seated when Caroline entered. The woman not immediately recognised, certainly not from behind and Caroline, seeing the woman remaining seated thought her to be quite rude, and Caroline spoke in a questioning dismissive and arrogant voice.

“You wish to see me? Who are you, what do you want?”

The tall frame of Miss Prentice stood from her chair and slowly turned to face Caroline, the recognition of the woman was instantaneous. How could Caroline forget “That woman” and a shiver ran through her remembering the last time the woman was at Longwater manor, what was she doing here and why?

Four years since her father had unceremoniously dismissed the wicked cow, following Caroline’s unjustified and malicious allegations, much to the annoyance of her stepmother. Brought to Longwater by her stepmother to be her governess, to curb her wayward tendencies and educate her in manners, decorum and deportment, fashion her into a clone of accepted convention for what a young lady should be. The woman’s brutal regime did not last long at Longwater thanks to her father’s intervention.

Miss Prentices smile belied her intent studying the diminutive, spoiled brat she remembered. The same arrogant posture and expression of deviance on her face. Petite and pretty she certainly was her womanly development seeming a contradiction to her youthful features.

“I was sorry to hear of your fathers passing and..."

Caroline cut her visitor off mid- sentence.

“I now see who you are, you have no business here, my witch of a stepmother is away and will be for some time, so I suggest you head through that door and be gone.”

Caroline tugged on the service call cord a smug grin on her face.

“I will get someone to show you out, goodbye and good riddance.”

Turning to leave the parlour Caroline’s squeal echoed though the manor, Miss Prentice moving swiftly to entwine her fingers in the young Mistresses hair and, having kicked closed the door with her heeled boot, pulled her back into the room.

Caroline wiggled and squirmed screaming abuse being dragged across the room until a vicious slap across her face quickly followed by another stunned her into shocked silence.

Pressed down to her knees angry tear filling eyes glared up her captor who painfully twisted her curls for compliance.

“Well, I see you have changed little, we have unfinished business you and I. Lady Drake sent for me to complete your education that was so abruptly curtailed by your late father. There will be no such interference this time young lady.”

Miss Prentice pulled the call cord three times and Mrs Dillon soon entered the parlour with two of the maids at her side.

The two maids looked in astonishment at their young Mistress squirming on her knees held by her hair. Mrs Dillon showing less surprise remembering Miss Prentices previous treatment of a younger Miss Caroline in her attempts to curb the unruly madame.

Miss Prentice pushed Caroline forward and down onto the floor towards Mrs Dillon and the maids.

“Strip her, strip her naked, she has no right to such clothing.”

Caroline with fear on her face struggled to her feet screeching.

“No, no, how dare you I am Mistress of the manor help me this woman is mad.”

Caroline was no physical match for Mrs Dillon and her maids. Screaming abuse with futile resistance, she was overpowered, and her dress and underwear dragged from her. A maid gripping each of her arms a naked Caroline kicked out and spat at Miss Prentice when she approached screaming forlornly for release.

Miss Prentice ignored the torrent of foul language and teasingly fondled Caroline’s breasts, small and firm but proportionate to her diminutive frame.  Caroline tugged and pulled to free herself from the maid’s grip, her reward, two stinging slaps across her face.

 Miss Prentice pointed to the larger of the chairs.

“Put this naughty little girl over the arm of that chair.”

Held securely over the arm of the chair Caroline’s humiliation in front of her housekeeper and maids continued. Slap after slap rained down on Caroline’s floppy buttocks until her words of abuse and resistance reduced to a teary sobbing whimper and the cheeks of her bottom glowed red from the heat of her spanking.

Miss Prentice smiled down on the moaning limp and naked girl stripped of its dignity and draped over the chair. Its weary frighted face turned to look up at her the anger in its eyes gone now filled with tears and confused fear.

“Take her to her to her room to reflect on the reward for her insolence Mrs Dillon, you know where.”

The maids gathered up Miss Caroline’s clothing and Mrs Dillion helped a wobbly Miss Caroline up the main staircase. Going beyond the first-floor rooms and the second to the upper landings Caroline looked back down the stairway and spoke wearily.

“Where are we going, where are you taking me why, what are you doing, you must help me please.”

Mrs Dillon could not help but smile, please? The first time she had heard such a word from the lips of the young mistress.

A key taken from her apron pocket Mrs Dillon opened the door to what would be Miss Caroline’s new accommodation at Longwater.

Helped inside Caroline looked around the room and turned to Mrs Dillon a look of undisguised horror on her face.

“No, what is this, no you cannot put me in here, this not my room.”

Mrs Dillon stepped out of the room and locked the door behind her.

Caroline weakly banged on the door and groped for the door handle but there was no handle on the inside of the door.

Turning to the window she drew back the curtains and looked through the newly fitted bars. The room was in the lofts at the back of the Manor and the small and locked window looked out onto nothing more than the rear yard below and the tall beech hedge that concealed the back of the manor from open moorland.

Caroline had paid little attention to the tradesmen that had been working in the manor the previous weeks little knowing they were preparing for what her stepmother had planned for her in her absence. Caroline’s nakedness was bringing a chill, and she opened the closet to find something to cover herself. Caroline scowled at what she found and slammed the doors closed. The stinging of her bottom now turning to a dull ache she threw herself down onto the small bed in frustration pulling the brightly coloured bedspread around her. How long she laid there alone with her thoughts she did not know and hearing the key turn in the lock Caroline sat up staring at the door.

 Miss Prentice entered and Caroline hutched back on the bed clutching the bedspread around her for modesty.

With only one thing on her mind, escape, Caroline sprang from the bed only to be wafted away and sent sprawling on the floor by a laughing Miss Prentice. Another foiled attempt to attack Miss Prentice saw her squealing and cowering, her ear being tightly gripped and painfully twisted.

“What a naughty little girl you are Caroline, just like I remember, but that is all going to change. You behave like a petulant child and you will be treated as such until, well until I decide otherwise. You no longer have any rights in this household, and should you fail to respect everyone in it you will be punished until you do. So, let us make a start, get you dressed shall we.”

Caroline was pulled to the closet and a twist of her ear and firm instruction had her trembling hand open the closet doors.

“These are the clothes you will wear, make your selection, I will return in an hour and expect to find you dressed. If not, I will have the maids pick something and dress you, your choice.”

When Miss Prentice returned with two of the maids, as expected, Caroline had not dressed and was sat on the bed wrapped in the bed covers.

The maids had been briefed and giggled picking an outfit for their Mistress from the selection in the closet.

Miss Prentice smiled at what the maids had chosen.

Very pretty, perfect for your first day, the underwear you will find in the drawer’s ladies, socks and shoes in the side cabinet.

Caroline screamed seeing the outfit the tittering maids held up.

“No, no I won’t wear that I am a grown woman you are a monster, mad, all of you, you won’t get away with this.”

It was a wrestle and Miss Prentice brought Caroline’s resistance to an end with another severe spanking leaving Caroline sobbing whilst the maids took pleasure in dressing their Mistress like they would a doll. A short navy and white sailor styled dress flared with petticoats, exposed mid-calf, ribboned pantalettes heavy with lace and short white socks, the ribbon tops of which matched those of her pretty pantalettes.  Shoes buckled in place Caroline was forced down on a chair. Her face cleansed of rouge, Mrs Dillon joined the group to trim and braid Caroline’s hair into ribboned pigtails. Larger more developed young women would look ridiculous but Caroline’s petite frame and stature, pigtailed and dressed as she was, not ridiculous at all. She appeared no different to any rich child of the period, very girly and prissy for a mid-teen but not uncommon amongst domineering mothers wishing to keep their daughter’s child- like as long as they could.

Caroline glared at Miss Prentice.

“I won’t keep these clothes on, I won’t, I will rip them of and take out these stupid pigtails, you see if I don’t, I won’t be treated like this, like a child, I won’t. I am a grown woman”

Miss Prentice Smirked looking at the appearance of Caroline, who would possibly think that of her now.

“I would expect no less from you, but I can assure that will not happen. Mrs Dillon hold the girl, you two an arm each.

With Caroline restrained and her right arm held out in front of her Miss Prentice held Caroline’s tiny hand in a vice like grip crunching its knuckles and dislocating the thumb. Caroline was on the point of fainting supported by Mrs Dillon who winced at the sound of Caroline’s knuckles cracking.  Laying the floppy thumb across the palm and squeezing the fingers back into a fist Mrs Prentice applied and buckled a tight leather binding. With Caroline’s hand no more than a stump a false hand was attached and gloved. Miss Prentice repeated the painful procedure to Caroline’s left hand.

Weak from her ordeal, tears streamed down Caroline’s cheeks, from the pain yes, but also from her humiliation at the hands of her sneering maids and her smirking housekeeper Mrs Dillon. But more than the pain and humiliation the main cause of her distress was her inflicted helplessness and the chilling words of her nemesis, Miss Pritchard, her Governess.

Chapter 3

With the maids and Mrs Dillon dismissed a tearful Caroline sat on the bed sniffling and softly sobbing having listened to Miss Prentice, she was trapped. The reason her fingers were bound and beyond use, she was to learn respect for others and humility something lacking in her personality. She would now have to ask for every assistance, washing, dressing, feeding everything she did she would have to ask others for their help. The reason she was to be dressed in child’s clothing had been made clear to her. With her petulance and deserving attitude she behaves like a spoilt child. Now she will share the appearance of one. The footman and gardener come groundsman are to referred to by her as Sir and Mrs Dillon and her maids Miss. Her Governess will be curtsied to and called Mistress.

It was like a bad dream, a nightmare but it was all real, the ache of her spanked bottom her cramped useless fingers and the juvenile clothing she now wore bearing testament to that.

Caroline looked up at Miss Prentice initially with more begging than demanding eyes.

“Please, you cannot do this to me you can’t, stop this now and I won’t say anything I won’t, you can’t keep me like this. I won’t do as you say I won’t”

Caroline’s tone changed seeing the benign smile on Miss Prentice’s face turn to a smirk and she shook her false hands in front of her

“You blasted evil witch you won’t get away with this, now get these bloody things off my hands now.”

Miss Prentice walked to the door.

“You have much to learn but fortunately you have me to teach you and teach you, I will. I will leave you to reflect on your situation for a while then we shall begin.”

Left alone Caroline tugged and pulled on the cruelly applied appendages but they were securely attached leaving only minimal restricted movement of her fingers within. The large mirror, that had been fitted and covering most of the far wall, was a cruel addition to the fixtures of the room offering a constant reflection of how she looked how she had been made to look. Caroline cursed the image reflected back to her, fresh faced, her hair with ribboned pigtails and a fringe, frills, lace, and ribbons. The loose bodice of her pretty dress concealing her womanly figure, her arms exposed below the short, puffed sleeves. What stared back at her from mirror bearing little if no resemblance to what she was, who she was, the young woman she was. Caroline turned away from her infantilised image cursing the perfection of Miss Prentice’s transformation of her. Further attempts to release her hands proved fruitless.

Miss Prentice, who was sat in the Parlour, looked up at the clock, she would let Caroline stew for a while longer. Miss Prentice was very successful and a well-respected Governess very much in demand and handsomely paid for her work. She had served many of the landed gentry but that all changed following her previous time at Longwater manor. Thanks to Caroline’s scurrilous allegations, denied by herself and refuted by Lady Drake, but believed verbatim by her doting father, Lord Drake, everything changed. Lord Drake made it his mission to ruin her and her reputation, and he did. Humiliated and her reputation trashed, she had not worked in those circles since that day, confined to what low paid work she could get in nurseys and schools. Caroline, the precocious little madame had been responsible for ruining her life and now, thanks to Lady Drake, she would have her revenge.

Jenny, the larger of the maids, who had often been called fat and lazy by the young Mistress of Longwater, had been assigned to assist Miss Prentice and smiling, entering the parlour, she curtsied.

“You said to come at two O’clock Miss Prentice.”

Miss Prentice stood from her chair and smoothed down her skirts. There was something of the night with Miss Prentice. Nothing you could touch or feel only sense, a quiet brooding that commanded respect and obedience.

“Yes, I did, come with me let’s see how our little girl is doing shall we, I may need your help I am going to take her into the village, bring the cloak and bonnet from the chair for her.”

Jenny picked up the short cloak and bonnet and smirked, she could not wait to see her Mistress wearing it over what she was already dressed in.

Caroline stood back against the wall when Miss Prentice and Jenny entered her room her eyes, still puffy from her tears of frustration, focused on what Jenny was carrying.

“Is that for me? you cannot be serious, I am not leaving this room like this, dressed like this, looking like this, and wearing that, never.”

Resistance was futile and Caroline was soon wrapped and buttoned into the short shoulder cloak and the ribbon of her bonnet tied securely beneath her chin.

Miss Prentice mocked poor Caroline who, in all fairness, did look rather sweet, her diminutive frame clothed as it was.

“Doesn’t she look pretty Jenny, what a pretty little girl she makes.”

Jenny giggled.

“Yes, Miss Prentice very pretty, I would say cute Miss.”

Caroline felt helpless and stupid and could not help but catch her reflection in the mirror. The combination of seeing herself and the comments making her blush with embarrassment.

The humiliation continued.

“Look Jenny she is blushing poor thing.”

 Caroline wiggled and twisted wanting to be free of the obviously childish cloak and bonnet.

“Stop this stop it, you cannot do this to me, I am the Mistress of Longwater Manor.”

Miss Prentice smiled flicking her pigtails then turning her to face the mirrored rear wall.

“Stop, I have hardly started, Mistress of Longwater manor, look in the mirror, a Mistress, don’t be so silly, what nonsense, it is plain to see you are nothing but a child.”

Miss Prentice laughed and grabbing Caroline’s wrist pulled her to and the door.

“I am taking you to the village and you will behave, or you will be spanked where you stand, is that clear or should I remind you what a sound spanking is.”

Caroline just stood staring in disbelief, Miss Prentice was serious, she was going to parade her in the village dressed like she was.

The door opened and taken through it, down the stairways and out of the manor to the waiting carriage Caroline felt the cool breeze waft around her lacy pantalettes and flounce her petticoats. The footman looked in surprise and amusement at what was being pushed up into the carriage by Miss Prentice. Was that really the mistress, Miss Caroline?  The footman crossed himself and sat back at his reigns listening to Miss Prentices instructions.

“To the village Mr Graham, there is no rush take it slow.”

The carriage meandered slowly towards the village that was now visible on the hill ahead. Caroline slinking down low on the seats, she could not be seen like this she just couldn’t. Caroline’s mind was working overtime, she could not remove the hideous claws she had been put into and, without her fingers free, she could not get out of the ridiculous clothes she had been dressed in. A smile came over Caroline’s face, Miss Prentice was not so clever after all. Fancy bringing her to the village, once out of the carriage she would break free, she could easily outrun Miss Prentice with the witch wearing her long skirts and heeled boots, she would be away and free. Caroline did not know many people in the village, especially the traders, why in heavens name would she, shopping was for the servants. The jewellers, she visited there regularly, spent a lot of money with them, they knew her, and knew her well, they would help. Yes, she would get to Saladines, get free, then find the constable, Miss Prentice would be spending the night behind bars for what she has done.

Miss Prentice knew one big weakness of Caroline she loved the new confection of chocolate and opening her bag placed a slab on her knees and cracked it into edible pieces. Caroline glanced at the broken bar then caught the scent of its aroma, she could not resist and Miss Prentice raised a piece to Caroline’s lips. Caroline bit at the chunk, which was stuffed into her mouth, Miss Prentice just tutted and offered another piece, which was gratefully accepted and eagerly devoured. Entering the village Caroline was finding it harder to focus slipping sideways in the seats Miss Prentice smiling at her.

Out of the carriage Caroline looked glassy eyed at her Governess and, her wrist firmly taken, she was walked, unsteady and passively at her Governesses side. Caroline now aware the chocolate she had so greedily snatched must have been drugged, Miss Prentice was not as stupid as she had thought.

The Bakers wife turned from the ovens when Miss Prentice entered the bakery. Caroline’s mind was foggy and unclear a little unsteady on her feet. She could not run now, Miss Prentice had seen to that, but Caroline knew this was her chance, she must tell this woman, the Bakers wife, what was happening to her, what this witch of a women had done to her.

Caroline’s tongue slopped numb and loose about her mouth as she tried to speak, and Mrs Riley, the baker’s wife, leaned forward over the counter, with a look of concern.

“O’ you poor thing!”

Mrs Riley sensing the awkwardness of the situation turned to Miss Prentice her finger rotating at her temple.

“Is she, you know, is she a little backward?”

Caroline could hear and understand and in frustration was grunting and shaking.

Miss Prentice smiled.

“I am afraid so, poor thing, a cousin of Miss Caroline at the manor, Lady Drakes niece, such a shame for one so pretty, she can’t even speak properly, a result of the shock from putting her hands into an open fire whilst left alone. As you can see, she now wears these special gloves. I have been brought to Longwater manor to be her governess to help with her education. Perhaps one of your buns will calm her a little, she likes treats.”

A bun provided Miss Prentice collected two loafs and was about to leave when Mrs Riley came from behind the counter and, being rather tall herself, stooped slightly lifted Caroline’s chin, her face framed by her bonnet.

Unable to speak Caroline’s eyes were pleading for the woman to recognise her but Mrs Riley’s words only reinforced her feelings of despair.

“Yes, I see it now, she has the look of Miss Caroline, a cousin you say, how old is she, fourteen I would guess?

Caroline was helplessly slurping and groaning, the foolish woman must recognise her, she must, fourteen is she blind, I am a grown woman, help, help me please. Caroline’s unspoken pleading only met by a sympathetic smile from Mrs Riley, Miss Prentice gripped Caroline’s arm a little tighter.

“She gets so excited being out like this, she is very immature as you can see but yes. you guess correctly. fourteen, she is not used to people are you dear.”

The Bakers wife, feeling sorry for the child’s condition, gently nipped Caroline’s cheek in a friendly way.

“Who is a pretty little girl then, you be a good girl for your governess and enjoy your bun.”

A similar performance played out in the butchers and drapers and a visit to the post office was essential, Mr Tankard, the postmaster, the source of all gossip in and around the village. An awareness that Lady Drakes niece, a slow-witted child, was staying at Longwater manor, would soon be common knowledge.

Back in the carriage, returning to Longwater, Miss Prentice chuckled. Caroline had played her part well. Slobbering in frustration, dragging her feet being pulled along, her behaviour easily taken for that of a child’s petulance, and of course it had been.

Caroline in a half stupor lolloped in her seat, her scheme for escape thwarted it would be some time before Caroline left Longwater again. Caroline’s tongue still numbed she mumbled incomprehensively pawing at the skirts of Miss Prentice. Miss Prentice laughed at her helplessness of the girl who had ruined her life.

“I hope you enjoyed you little trip to the village. The Bakers wife was very taken with you, wasn’t she? Now I have a little treat for you.”

Caroline shook her head her eyes wide with fear watching Miss Prentice remove a piece of chocolate from her bag. Mumbled protests from her sloppy mouth were silenced when Miss Prentice took hold of her chin and forced the chocolate into her mouth. The confection melting its insidious stupefaction into a groaning Caroline.

Miss Prentice wiped some but left enough of the slavered chocolate from around Caroline’s mouth., it amused her. A child with chocolate smeared around its mouth nothing odd about that.

Miss Prentice chuckled

“Don’t worry Caroline your Governess has plenty of chocolate for you, she knows how much you like it.”

The carriage pulled to a rest in front of the manor and an enfeebled Caroline was helped inside.

Mrs Dillon looked a little concerned removing Caroline’s bonnet and cloak.

“Is she alright Miss Prentice, she doesn’t look well at all?”

Miss Prentice smiled.

“This little girl is tired, it has had a busy afternoon Mrs Dillon, she has met some nice people in the village, haven’t you dear?

Caroline could not concentrate looking around her trying to speak.

Miss Prentice smirked

“Perhaps over tied Mrs Dillon, have Jenny bathe her, cook knows what her meals are to be so see that she is fed then Jenny can put her to bed, she knows what to do.”

Caroline offered no resistance when Jenny removed her clothes and placed her in the bathtub.  Scrubbed and dried, and wearing only a cotton slip, Caroline was taken to the kitchens and sat at the servants table whilst Jenny spoon fed her the sloppy, sweet mash cook had prepared for her.

Taken back to her room Caroline moaned and peed having been squatted over a pot. Laying Caroline on the bed Jenny giggled securing her helpless mistress into a sleep sack, her arms and legs confined within.

Jenny laughed at the ridiculousness of her Mistress trussed up like she was and pulled the sheets over her. Jenny could not resist one last tease.

Caroline’s weak eyes stared up at Jenny as the maid lowered her lips to her forehead and laid a kiss.

“Nighty night, see you in the morning.”

Jenny left the room laughing locking the door behind her.

A tear ran down Caroline cheek, what was to become of her. With those haunting thoughts her eyes flickered, then closed, her head turned to the side and she drifted into a deep sleep.


  1. This reminds me of my own childhood......

  2. I presume that school lessons, early bedtime will follow. Nappies may be ?

  3. I like it very much..

  4. Perhaps it would be fitting for Caroline to eventually be put to work as the lowest of all maids, to be supervised by, and answerable to, all of the servants she used to deride so much.

    1. I am sure that is where this story is eventually heading. At least I hope so. :>P

  5. Why would a petite 18 year old have "floppy buttocks"?
    Who is Miss Pritchard from the end of chapter 2?
    More shoddy proofreading I imagine.

  6. This is a very good beginning. The governess very much reminds me of a family friend when I was about 22. No nonsense and her ways only with a very heavy hand.

  7. Like where this is going, please keep up the good work.

  8. Magnificent, edpecially love the part wher3 she's put to bed, no doubt nice and earlyjust like a child would.
