Sunday, November 29, 2020

Story: What Annabella Wants Annabella Gets. Chapter 23.

by Jackie J

Following the meeting with her Aunt and cousin Annie, for a maid she still remained, caught up with Gwen who was still working in the bedrooms and she spent the rest of her day at her duties. Maud and Emily sat discussing what Annabella had told them. Maud was not unhappy; she would remain in charge of all the finances and her lifestyle would not change. Annabella would require a residence for herself, Raymond, and her baby. Rodrick would be staying in the cottage, certainly in the short term. Emily had already told Annabella that she would do anything for her, but perhaps she should have given more consideration to such an open -ended gesture if she knew what Annabella had planned for her.

A temporary residence would be found for Annabella and Emily would join them to help Annabella to readjust in regaining the poise and grace of a lady. In due course, when Annabella felt ready, she would return to Buckshire manor with her family.

 Maud stared at her daughter.

“Well I hope you are pleased with yourself, with what you have done. There was no need for it, no need at all. Annie was oblivious to who she really was this will not end well I am sure of it.”

Emily was pleased, no more pretence or the threat of exposure to be a fraud, she could go back to her normal life, albeit not straight away, but after she had helped Annabella become the lady she once was.

“It could not go on mother, I could not go on, it had to end and now it as. Annabella is not being vindictive and why should she be? Look, we will go along with what she wants and put all this behind us. You have what you wanted, your Brothers money, Annabella could have taken all that, but she wants you to continue running the family finances. I do not mind what she is asking of me, it won’t be for long, everything will be fine you will see.”

There were tears when Annie left three weeks after Emily’s revelations. Raymond had a new job, the staff at Sandown’s were told, and of course, Annie would have to go with him. Raymond had already been away from Sandown’s, not at his new job but preparing Gale house for its new residents.

Mrs Scripts served tea to her Mistress and smiled.

“We will miss Annie Mistress and the little one. I have written to Florrie like you told me to, and she will return here, the funeral is next week for her mother, then she will be back. 

Maud sipped on her tea and forced a smile.

“Yes, she will be missed, but it will be nice to have Florrie back at Sandown’s.”

Maud would miss her maid but her main concern was for her daughter and what she had agreed with Annabella. 

The first month passed quickly with elocution, deportment, and Annie learning of the finer things in life. Annie was a good pupil and Emily was watching Annabella blossom. Raymond busied himself about the manor that had been acquired for them. Something always in need of attention, the house was much larger than he had been used to and had not been maintained in the best condition. The tuition had not been all one way, there were no servants at Gale house and the two girls shared domestic duties, Emily picking up basic skills and why shouldn’t she help around the house? She was doing more than Annabella but Annabella had little Raymond to take care of, so why not and besides, she was getting quite good, Annabella had told her so.

Emily had returned to Sandown’s to visit her mother at the end of each month always assuring her that she was fine, and that Annabella’s rehabilitation was going well. Three months now and the third visit brought questions that Emily would rather not answer, and again, as on her second visit, she managed to evade her mother’s inquisition. Yes, her hands were a little rough, she had still not found any cream it was not a problem. Quiet and withdrawn? Nonsense perhaps it was just that she was not having to pretend to be Annabella anymore, that was all. Emily wanted to tell her mother, but how could she, not now, it had gone too far. Annabella and Raymond had made it quite clear if she did and did not do just as she was told her mother would be left with nothing.

Emily left Sandown’s after yet another row with her mother about what she had done, what she was doing with Annabella, it was the same after every visit. Emily now wishing she had listened to her mother before she started all this. How was she ever going to return to being Emily Hogarth now?

Maud was concerned but not overly so by her daughter’s situation, whatever she was up to, she had brought it on herself and she had pressing problems of her own at Buckshire manor. She had been confronted by the Hardwick woman; she knew everything, all her scheming was unravelling. Annie was being emancipated by her daughter and now this woman wanted her pound of flesh. Sat nursing a glass of sherry Maud smiled. Loathed as she was, she would have to speak with Annabella, something she had not done since she and her daughter had left Sandown’s, but what she had in mind would bring an end to Mrs Hardwicks plotting.

Emily returned to Gale house with less enthusiasm than she had at the outset of her plans for her cousin’s liberation from the life of a maid. Perhaps her mother had been right all along, she never expected Annabella to become how she was, what she herself had helped make her.

Emily entered the parlour to a scene of domestic bliss. Raymond in his fine suit sat reading by the fire. Annabella kneeling by the sheepskin rug that little Raymond was playing on. The beautiful dress Annabella was wearing, one of the many of Emily’s own, that Emily herself had altered with the sewing skills acquired from her cousin, it fitted so well. Perhaps she should be proud of that?

Annabella looked up and smiled cynically.

“I trust your mother was well, you have something for me Emily?”

Emily offered the satchel filled with coin to Annabella, the agreed monthly payment for Annabella from her mother.

Annabella now standing took the large heavy purse and handed it to Raymond then turned back to Emily.

Now Emily, why don’t you get changed, then take young Raymond for his bath, feed him and put him down then you can prepare supper for Mr Winstanley and myself.

Emily did as was now accustomed and curtsied.

“Yes Mistress.”

It had all started out well enough, much as Emily had planned and it was Emily herself who had joked that there could only be one Mistress in a household. How she soon came to regret that statement. How could she have been so naïve, Annie had been amongst gentry during her time at Sandown’s, she knew how they acted, spoke, and behaved. With modest tutorage Annabella was soon full of grace. Did Emily really think it had all been her own work? “You are teaching me it is only fair I teach you.” It seemed innocent enough at the time, and after all they were sharing the domestic work around the house. The sharing soon becoming disproportionate, subtly, and inconceivably but by the second month Annabella was doing little, always too busy with little Raymond. Emily had questioned this of course she had, but she was reminded that she had promised to do anything to help Annabella, after what her mother and she had done, so what was the problem?  When presented with a maid’s uniform, she thought it was a joke, then realising it wasn’t, had  threatened to leave, but it was an empty gesture, Annabella reminding her that if she did her mother would be left with nothing. 

At the outset it was only to wear whilst at her work around the house, when was she now not at work around the house or looking after young Raymond? Not long after reluctantly accepting to wear the uniform of a maid, Emily, whilst washing dishes in the Kitchen, was reminded by Annabella what Emily herself had told Annabella about maids and what respect a Mistress should expect. From that day onwards, for Annabella to become accustomed to that respect, Emily was told, that her maid would give that respect and with little choice she had. Yes, Mistress and a curtsy, how else should a maid address the mistress of the household? Given Emily was rarely if ever out of a maid’s uniform it was only right more should be provided and they were. Emily’s closets and drawers soon filled exclusively with maid’s attire. Of course, there was plenty of room in her closets and drawers for maid’s wear, there was little of her own clothes left, having spent many hours with needle and thread with alterations, her Mistress now had possession of those. After three months, with Emily’s help, Annabella had certainly taken back her identity from Emily. What Emily could not have envisaged, and found herself powerless to prevent, was that she would be taking and indeed now had taken over Annie’s identity, to be kept by Annabella for her maid.

Her duties attended to and supper prepared and served Emily sat in the kitchen having finished her own meal. She no longer dined with Annabella and Raymond, that privilege ended some time ago, when she was first into her maid’s uniform. A maid could not sit with the Master and Mistress of the household, could she, of course not. Emily had been full of remorse for what her mother and she had done with Annabella and that had weakened any resistance to what Annabella was doing to her, had now done with her, groomed her to be Annabella’s maid. It was strange, at first Emily was resistant but as time passed, she began to see the attraction that had drawn her cousin into the simplicity and anonymity of life being a maid. Like Annabella, Emily had never had purpose to her life, now, being a working maid, she did. 

Days of boredom replaced by meaningful work, things to do, things that had to be done. She did not have to think what to do and when she was told. Annabella had taught her the basic skills she required and her Mistress was ever helpful in adding to these abilities. The strangest thing, as time being aproned progressed, was that Emily was developing a strange pride in her work wishing to please her Mistress.

Annabella sat in the parlour reading the letter she had received from her Aunt, Lady Hogarth, she was to visit Gale House to discuss an important matter regarding Buckshire Manor, she would be calling that very Thursday.

Arrangements to leave Gale house, to take up residence at Buckshire manor, were well advanced and Annabella wondered what this matter could be. 

Annabella smiled at her maid entering the parlour to serve tea her aunt was in for quite a surprise when she visited.

Maud was not looking forward to her visit with Annabella but had little alternative if she were to placate the Hardwick women and arrived early in the afternoon at Gale house.

Annabella opened the door to welcome her aunt and Maud stood back staring at Annabella. The contrast to how Annie had been and how Annabella now appeared was stark. She looked every part the lady.

“Well you look much different Annabella I must say, and a lovely dress, I think Emily has one very similar, a good choice.”

Annabella smiled.

“Do come in Auntie, through to the parlour.”

Even Annabella’s voice had changed, much more refined, much as it had been before her time being a maid.

Maud followed Annabella down the hallway.

“Is Emily here, will she be joining us”

Annabella turned opening the door to the parlour.

“Yes, she is here, she will be joining us shortly.”

Maud did not wish to spend more time with Annabella than was necessary and taking a seat began to explain about Mrs Hardwick at Buckshire manor.

Maud explained the situation with Mrs Hardwick and what she proposed. Maud’s plan was straightforward enough. Annabella and Emily would go to Buckshire Manor together, to be seen together.  Agree the events had been rather strange but all had been resolved and that be an end to it. Of course, give this Hardwick woman a little something for her trouble.

“Well Annabella, what do you think, this Hardwick woman is trying to cause mischief this will put a stop to her thoughts of blackmail.”

Annabella, in thought, stood and pulled the call cord by the ornate fireplace.

“I am sure it will solve the matter you raise, a perfect plan, shall we take tea Auntie?

Maud chuckled watching Annabella pull the call cord.

“You know I can’t get over how you have changed in what is it, three months going on four, and what, you now have a maid of your own, remarkable. Emily must be pleased. Tea, yes that would be nice.”

Annabella retook her seat.

“Why thank you Auntie, I am coming to terms with being a mistress and of course so is Emily”

Emily unaware that her mother was at Gale house entered the parlour, curtsied, then froze on the spot. Maud casually turned to face the door seeing it open and gasped.

“O no, no, Annabella no, what have you done, what are you doing, Emily, Emily, no, you can’t be, you can’t.”

Annabella smirked watching her Auntie’s reaction at seeing her daughter enter the room and curtsy in her pristine maid’s uniform.

“Yes Auntie, Emily is now my maid, like you had me for your maid.”

Maud stood.

“This is ridiculous, preposterous having my daughter dressed like she is having her for your maid after what she has done for you.”

Emily composed herself, she knew her mother would lose everything unless she agreed to being Annabella’s maid, Annabella had made that quite clear, and stepped forward.

“Mother its fine it really is, and I am learning new things. Miss Annabella needs to know how to treat a maid, what better way than for me to be her maid, remember I did say I would do anything. Please sit-down Mother, don’t make a fuss, I want to do this, like I say I am fine.”

Annabella smiled.

“Tea for two Emily.”

Emily forced a smile and curtsied

“Yes Mistress.”

Maud watched her daughter turn and leave the room.

“Annabella, I am not happy, I think you are pushing things too much with Emily, how long are you going to keep her like this?”

Annabella shrugged her shoulders pleased with Emily’s professed, complicity to being a maid in front of her mother. Now she would seek that same complicity from her aunt. The pair had no compunction in having her for a maid why should she not repay them in kind.

“Auntie, I have allowed you to retain access to the wealth you have become accustomed, despite what you and Emily did with me. I am sure you would wish that arrangement to continue. Emily is most contrite, in fact somewhat ashamed of what she did and, being my maid, is helping her atone for her wickedness. Let Emily work through her guilt, you could help her, accept her to be a maid rather than your daughter, treat her as such, until she comes to terms with herself. She is doing really well it would be a shame for you to disturb that and who knows it could cause me to reconsider our own arrangement.” 

Maud Looked at Annabella considering her softly spoken words. The hint that her access to the money she enjoyed could be at risk had her attention. Emily had just told her she wanted to do it, was fine with the situation, her own words. This was all Emily’s doing anyway, perhaps being a maid for a while will make her realise the error of her ways, why not go along with it.

“Annabella, I do not agree with this at all but, if Emily is accepting of being your maid, so be it

Annabella smiled knowing her aunt would not sacrifice the wealthy lifestyle she had acquired and become accustomed to, not even for her daughter.



  1. I love this chapter ! Now what about the Countess's dismise as Lady Hogarth's maid ?

  2. I feel like this is what Emily secretly desired all along. This is why she was so fascinated by Annabella.

  3. Does anyone have access to that flow chart that helps you follow this story?

  4. Ms Jackie. Can you please include a list of character's in your next chapter? i have gotten so confused. What happened to the woman who was sent to prison and now spends life as an indentured/chastised maid? That was Annie/Annabella(s) Mother??? Wasn't there a housekeeper involved? I am starting to loose my mind now, like AnnaBella did.

    1. The woman in prison/indentured maid is Annabella's stepmother, the Countess, now banished to Switzerland. Annabella's housekeeper, who started this adventure, has been missing from the story. Mrs. Jarvis, the housekeeper, predicted that the adventure would not end well for her and she is about to be proven right. Mrs. Hardwick, the tutor/former maid, is the catalyst who will bring everything down. Lady Hogarth is one step away from an apron and a date with destiny. Is there someone in the shadows "licking their chops" looking for revenge? The story is on a slippery slope and I am loving every minute of it. Thank you, Jackie. Great chapter. I can't wait for the next installment.

  5. I agree more with Annabelle being a maid than Emily because that is according to the title because Annabelle has always fantasized about being a maid, please create an alternative chapter for Annabelle who chooses to remain a maid for aunt so that the story varies

  6. Anonymous is a very Prolific writer. 5 posts. Weird

  7. Finnegan's Wake was easier to follow. Well, maybe not, but at least its complexities had substance beneath them.

    1. Ah! you're longing for the joys of Useless Sorry wrong genre!

  8. Anonymous is a coward, unlike me, the famous Brazilian footballer Richardinho.
    He has not written as many maid stories or played as many international football matches as me.

    1. Maybe Anonymous is really Ronaldinho. Perhaps he just doesn't want his fans to know that he reads maid stories here.

  9. Annabella has not learned a single thing since the first chapter. She remains a single, insincere, self-centered, egotistical individual who cannot see beyond her own reflection. She seeks retribution while fawning innocence and simplicity. She is extolling her "pound of flesh from Emily who had an attack of conscience and has aided her recovery. One can only wonder what anger Annabella harbors for Lady Hogarth, Mrs. Jarvis, and Mrs. Hardwick. Annabella shows not one shred of compassion or understanding of the things that she herself has set in motion. All the troublemakers should get their just due. Where's the next chapter? Ronnie.
