Sunday, August 16, 2020

Captions Sunday!

Vessa Velucci has even more captions for your enjoyment!


  1. Shots fired with that last one!
    I think I like the second the best, thanks for sharing.

  2. I’m not sure it’s REALLY a Jackie J tale until the maid is also locked into a chastity belt.

    Not a deal-breaker, mind you!

  3. Quite happy with the plots of these ones, though they could have possibly been written a bit better. And when I found that picture of the maid with the really short black bob, I knew I had to do something JackieJ related, I did ask Miss Langtry to check if Jackie was ok with it first, my goal was nothing more than some good mannered ribbing...


    1. Hehe, I think Jackie should be OK, it's just friendly poking. By the way, Jackie, if you are reding this, please check you spam folder. I've been trying to reach you for a long time, doesn't look like my messages are coming through!


    2. Similarly, Camille, is it okay to ask if you received the submission I sent about three days ago? Not rushing you, but I wanted to be sure it didn’t hit the spam folder. Thanks!

  4. Good captioned images. I especially enjoyed No. 2 because I have had similar ideas in my Hotel Heiress Humbled series.

  5. I love LOVE Stacy Spencer! Moms willingly becoming maids for their sons and daughters is one my favorite fantasies! Not stepmoms, but moms! It's too rarely seen in stories and captions, too. Come on, Moms! Put on that maid uniform and make yourself useful to your offspring! Mom might not mean maid, but it should!!
