by Jackie J
Having passed through a small village
eventually the carriage rumbled up the drive to Sandowns. Not palatial like
Buckshire manor and the grounds less extensive but still an imposing property.
Lady Hogarth exited the carriage by the main entrance and her maid was told to
stay on the carriage until collected and taken into the house. With Lady
Hogarth welcomed in the doorway by a brute of a woman, who stared up at Annie,
the carriage jolted forwards and made its way to the rear of the house.
Sat on the carriage for some time the
woman she had seen welcoming her Mistress into the house with a warm smile
appeared on the steps of the rear entrance with a different less welcoming
expression and shouted up to her.
“Down girl let's be having you.”
Down off the carriage Annie stood in front
of the woman at the bottom of the steps.
“So, you are Annie, Mistress told me about
your troubles, well I judge as I see, keep your nose clean here girl or you
will be out on your ear understand?”
Annie nodded giving little consideration
to what her aunt had told this this woman about her “troubles”.
“Yes Miss.”