
Sunday, June 24, 2018

A few housekeeping points: New Tags and Anonymous Comments

Dear readers,

I've finally found time to plough through this blog's labels and introduced several new ones to make it easier looking for stories that you like (and avoiding the ones you don't). It's been a very laborious process going through 350+ posts and I might have wrongly classified some of them - if anything strikes you as wrong, please drop me a line and I'll fix it. Also, if you have good ideas for tags I could add, please let me know. Among the new labels I've created are BDSM, body swap, magic, and weight gain.

As you might have noticed, Google's been fiddling with some of Blogspot's services as of late, essentially resetting email notifications due to the European Union's new data protection rules. So, if you haven't been getting notifications the past month like myself, you need to set them up again and then click the subscribe link. It really makes a difference if you are trying to track new comments or new posts. I've added a new e-mail notification widget to the right if you'd like to subscribe/re-subscribe.

On the subject of comments. Last thing I want to do is to restrict comments to members only (even though that means I have to manually delete spam), but could I possibly ask those of you that don't use their Google accounts to use the Name/URL function to comment? You can select any name you like and no registration is needed as far as I understand. Or, at the very least, if you insist on using "Anonymous" to comment, could you sign your messages? I really value the comments that you make but the fact that I often can't distinguish between dozens of different "Anonymouses" is infuriating. Blogspot's system that doesn't allow you to reply to second-level comments directly makes it even harder to track who said what and to whom. It gets really messy sometimes. Thank you for your understanding!


  1. Good points, I will use an account from now on.

  2. Could you see to the library page as well? It hasn't been updated in some time. For all serialized stories that are long over, it would be nice if you could copy paste them into one or two pages like you did for Emma Finn's cleaner.

    1. Yep, that's my next big project and it scares me silly. Would probably have to republish a lot of the stories to do that, possibly retroactively. Not to mention that many of them would also need to be edited and reformatted big time.

  3. Hopefully, there will be additional stories for 2018. We're halfway through the year and aside from this past week, there was only 1 new story for 2018 with everything else carrying over from last year.

  4. A tag to indicate the transfer of power, wealth and status from a lady to her maid would be appreciated. I like it when someone else goes up and they go down.

    1. I like that theme too, but how would that be different from the "role swap"? Essentially any role swap includes a transfer of power.

    2. My apologies, I overlooked this. Please label my comment as needing glasses.

    3. There is actually "glasses" tag too!

  5. Actually my favorite is royalty downfall of princess or queen which is never written in any stories so please consider it

    1. +1 to this, i agree that we need this story

    2. Check out The Princess and the Prostitute by Artemis O'keefe if you haven't already.

    3. Have you read The Real Story of Cinderella?
      I don't think it warrants a separate tag just yet though...

    4. There are circumstances in which I'd love that kind of story and others in which I'd hate it.
      (O'Keefe's is's entirely pre-swap and the princess deserts a loving husband without his knowledge,where I'd want him to be involved, whether to enable her fantasies,introduce her to his,or she discovers and seeks to gratify his).

    5. To each their own, however, I would point out that she doesn't love him and I don't blame her for wanting out of what is presumably an arraigned marriage.

      "And I am equally as blessed to have such a handsome and strong prince as my husband." Her words were automatic and said with a hollowness that he never seemed to notice.

    6. @NotAnonymous
      Despite never having been a husband I tend to automatically identify with their interests.Since reading that story I've been musing on a riff where it's a case of a couple hiding their actually compatible kinks from each other in the belief the other would never understand...

      A princess follows her vanilla-loving husband when he sneaks off and discovers he is spending time at a brothel near the palace walls run by a procurer the prince has on the lookout for girls who look as much like the princess as possible.She sees her husband with a girl very like her,commanding her,restraining her,punishing her,sodomizing her,using her as a toilet,and desperately wishes it were herself receiving this treatment.
      After some observation and preparation she offers herself to the procurer as the next lookalike and is accepted.
      After some sessions as her husband's prostitute where he appreciates her resemblance but is unaware of her identity,he discovers it,and she is beaten especially severely for her deception,which she finds especially erotic...and since they now know they both like this,they no longer go through the missionary motions at the palace and carry on their sex life exclusively at the brothel.
      The procurer recruits a new girl whose resemblance to the princess is positively amazing,and husband & wife agree that it is most befitting,most arousing,if she is obliged to compete with the new girl for his attention rather than be guaranteed it,and they cultivate their interchangeability.
      After a while the new girl assumes the public identity of the princess and the real one lives at the brothel full time,also serving other customers,from timid boys entering their first sexual experiences who she is required to help develop into harsh & demanding masters,to withered old men who may die on her.
      Then the fake princess dies of a disease to which the royal family were thought to be (and are) immune,and the princess is legally dead,though her husband continues to regularly use/abuse her as his prostitute.
      Then the prince dies,and her father the King discovers his late son-in-law's dalliances,and this prostitute who looks like his late daughter...her beauty is such that he's had his "if only she weren't my daughter" moments and he decides to indulge himself with the lookalike.After some sessions he too realizes her true identity and punishes her extremely for having turned to prostitution and let him think her dead,and she again finds this particularly arousing...she cries out her plea to come back soon that the procurer mercilessly requires that she make to every departing patron no matter how roughly he has treated her,and in the pregnant silence afterward father and daughter realize she definitely has a new regular customer.

      My ideas go on a bit past that,but maybe not your attention?

    7. (I forgot to insert deceiving him into incest as one of the things for which the King was beating the princess...definitely something he mentions though the incest winds up continuing after the discovery.If he wants future spankings to punish naughtiness in which he is complicit,he is the king after all and he makes the rules).

    8. I was right there with you up until the fake princess dies, the husband dies and the king has a go at his daughter. If you are going to dispose of the two characters who know the protagonist’s true identity, it should be for a good reason because they had the greatest story potential. To throw them away for the purposes of adding incest to the story is not a good move. That is not something you want to introduce near the climax. It should be the main theme, up front and center. Think of it in terms of porn. You’ve watching some husband and wife BDSM and then her dad inexplicably shows up for the money shot. Like, where did that come from? If I wanted that I would have searched for it.

      You don’t gain anything from throwing your readers a hard, fetish curveball. The people who don’t care for that may be turned off by it and the people who do like it would want it as the main course and not a dessert so this wouldn’t appeal to them either.

    9. Anonymous,are you the Anonymous who started this subtopic,and not Not Anonymous,or another Anonymous...?

      Thanks for your reaction,I guess you prefer limited fetish menus to things snowballing.To me more kinks showing up is in tune with things going deeper and deeper,and when one thing has gone as deep as it can go why not add another?
      The death of those who knew her old identity is a logical progression toward the new one's permanence.(Her father in turn dies...but I won't tell you further things that don't interest you.What do you see as a preferable continuation?)

    10. It's not about what you or I prefer, it's about catering to the tastes of the diners. Imagine your story as a plate of scrambled eggs. Having a prostitute become the princess is a nice, complimentary flavor akin to adding some salt. Incest with the king is ketchup. It would be very divisive as it completely changes the taste. There’s nothing wrong with putting ketchup on eggs, however, when it is added part-way through their meal, there's a good chance you just ruined what was left for them. You won’t satisfy anyone by doing this. The people who don’t like ketchup on their eggs will get up and leave while the people who do aren’t even in your restaurant. When it comes to kinks, the key is to let everybody know what is on the menu when they sit down. You don’t want to stray too far from what was advertised because you can only lose people’s interest as the story progresses. Keep that in mind. You’re not adding more readers by including more kinks, you’re subtracting them. The themes you are going to explore should be plainly evident from the start. Look at the way you teased how the princess would become a prostitute. She first sees that her husband is into that and then gets into it herself. That's exactly how you would want to do it with the king. There should be a scene in the beginning where he goes to the brothel to procure a woman that resembles his daughter. Maybe he has her dressed and style by the same servants that attend to his daughter. This would let people know what they can expect later on.

    11. You probably wouldn't want to do a story where the husband and father are into the exact same thing as developing their desires would cause you to retread a lot of the same material. Ideally, you would drop one character to focus on the other. This should either be a story about a husband and wife or a father and her daughter.

    12. You're basically asking for the story to stop when I'm still thinking of what could happen to go further.Once she's done everything with her husband as his prostitute,his passing on seems a logical progression to me.My thoughts peter out on the third leg of an incest trifecta,as she fulfills her father's dying wish that she have a son with her brother who is brought up as the child of her brother's infertile wife,but without the issue of her husband's fantasies she would never have had the incest opportunities.(I've also thought that her duties at the brothel,inherited from her husband's other prostitutes,might include sex with animals...but to your tastes only those into everything in the story would want any of it?)

    13. You misunderstand. It’s not that this is where the story should end, but that the direction you chose to move the story forward may not be ideal. Again, I would reiterate the porn example. Think of the type of titles you see while browsing videos. It’s usually some description of the sex act and the participants involved. A title like “Teen Cheerleader seduced by Step-Mom” tells you what to expect.

      I don’t say this to kink shame, but under no circumstances should sex with animals ever be included in a story that is not about sex with animals. It is a terrible idea. When someone clicks on “Teen Cheerleader seduced by Step-Mom”, the last thing they would want is for there to be a jar of peanut butter and a hungry dog.

      You should respect your readers enough not to do that. If they wanted to hear the tale of the girl who cried wolf in bed with her hot to trot pitbull, they would have clicked on “the tale of the girl who cried wolf in bed with her hot to trot pitbull” and not “The Princess and the Prostitute”.

    14. With the constantly changing names,I don't know how many different people I'm trading comments with...or has it actually been one besides Camille here?

      You are saying that stories should concentrate on a single fetish,I am saying that makes them impossible to continue.How do you see it as viable to continue if no new kinks are added?

    15. I would recommend that you choose a niche and stick to it. That could be one fetish or it could be a small combination of fetishes that play well together. On this site, Lady to Maid (or some variation of it) is the main kink and then each author usually adds their own sub-kinks to it like foot fetish, weight gain or age progression. You don’t want to do too many as you run the risk of turning the story into a dog’s breakfast, a jumbled mess that doesn’t really know what it wants to be.

      If you’re having trouble keeping the theme consistent then you might try asking other people for advice or setting the story down and coming back to it later with a fresh perspective. The best advice I can give you is to just start writing. You’ll probably come up with ideas you wouldn’t have imagined when you’re in the moment.

    16. I have quite a broad palette of fetish interests but am well aware they can't all fit in any one woman's story.You haven't addressed how a story can keep on going without fresh kinks.A princess becomes a prostitute,completely,permanently.
      The end?

    17. These types of stories are all about the journey, because the destination is generally spelled out well in advance. Yes, the princess will become a prostitute, but the fun is in how she gets there and what she does afterward. Knowing when to end a story is important too. If you can’t think of anything to do other than to jump the shark then you’d be better off saving that scenario for a new story and ending the current one.

      You really shouldn’t run out of material though. You can write a decent story in 20 pages.

    18. So at what point is "what she does afterward" all told?
      In my scenario she moves on,eventually,from the prince for whom she became a prostitute to a prince who has no idea she has ever been anything but a prostitute.Logical progresses finish somewhere.

    19. What is the point of how a lady adjusts to life as a maid? It’s just something people like to read.

      If that’s what you wanna do, then go ahead. It's not a bad way to go, provided you keep your nose clean.

    20. At some point adjusting to life as a maid/stripper/prostitute becomes ongoing daily life in that role,and unless new ingredients crop up this can be tedious.
      Unlike those who like constant reminders of the old life lost,encounters with those who see her fall,etc.,I'm more intrigued by situations where she can get to where she no longer even remembers her old life,though that doesn't seem viable in this case.And I prefer the woman's enthusiasm to misery over her evolution.

  6. Thank you for all the effort you are putting in, it is very appreciated


    1. You are very welcome. I wish I could devote more time to this blog.

    2. How much time do you spend on a given chapter? I can see the days, but in terms of sitting down and typing at the computer.

    3. It really depends. I am not very fast or persistent I am afraid. I think my personal record was nearly 3,000 words in a given day (a full day's work), but if I do 1,000 words/day I am super happy, typically it's a lot less.
