
Monday, June 25, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 27.

by Jackie J

Being head maid another day of organising staff in the manor guests coming and going, rooms to prepare, menus to decide upon, Jess was run off her feet. Whilst Jess had not forgotten about her arrangement with Maggie, far from it, it was not at the front of her mind. Jess caught a fleeting glimpse of Katrina but that was all. Jess knew they had no reason to fall out but Katrina seemed totally distracted with this special project which seemed to centre around suite 206 on the top floor. Jess was tempted to spy on Katrina but thought the better of it, no one was allowed near the secure suites and surely whatever Katrina was involved in could not go on for much longer it was almost eight weeks already?

Her work in the main manor completed and everyone busy Jess did her rounds and eventually found herself in the East wing. Maggie was out in the pens tending another crop of guests and looking over towards Jess waved her hand. Jess made her way down the ramp to the grazing area and shooing away a wondering harnessed guest stood by the rail of one of the pens taking care not to step in any of the mess. Maggie, huffing and puffing pail and mop in hand staggered to Jess.

“Phew this batch are hard work I hope you won’t be this much trouble when I have you down here in the piggy farm again.”

Jess blushed slightly looking down at the sloppy mess inside the pen and having eventually written the letters Maggie wanted she was dying to ask when she was to be harnessed again but she didn’t want to push things and appear too keen.

Jess giggled it was just a game wasn’t it and Maggie was in charge in the pens?

“No, of course not Miss Keeper.”

Maggie smiled looking into Jess’s eyes sensing her need, she had indulged Jess three times now allowing her to be harnessed in the pens building her confidence and trust and by Jess’s comments she obviously suspected nothing thinking it was  all a game but Jess had still not given Maggie the letters she had demanded and needed from her.

Maggie picked up her cane by the rail and wacked the ass cheeks of one of the guests making it squeal and scurry to the back of its pen.

 “That’s right you will be a good little piggy for your keeper my cane will make sure of that, but before that this little piggy needs give her keeper something doesn’t she, do you have it with you, I told you no more time in the pens until I have it?”

Maggie had allowed Jess two further short sessions in the harness but now insisted that before any further time in the pens Maggie had to have the letters she had previously requested.

Jess nervously pawed into her apron pocket and removed two signed letters and handed them to Maggie who turned away to read them. The first letter explaining that it was Jess who actually wanted, in fact demanded that Maggie secure her into a harness and cowl and keep her in the pens. The second which was the document Maggie really wanted, Jess effectively deputising Maggie in her absence. Perfect the wording almost verbatim of what Maggie had requested.

Maggie turned back to Jess folding the letters neatly a hidden smile on her face.

“Well Jess these are what I need and  if you are on your rounds you must have everything organised in the main Manor would you like to go to my store room, I know you want to?”

A shiver of excitement ran through Jess she had not planned on doing this today but Maggie was right everything was organised in the manor she did have some free time, not much, but enough for a short session, why not?

Jess giggled.

“Yes alright Maggie but I cannot stay long though, new guests will be arriving for the weekend; a number are booked to come down here. Just think they are paying handsomely for what I am getting for free.”

Of course nothing is for free is it?

Maggie smiled picked up her mop and bucket and, followed by Jess, headed up to the store room. Closing the door Jess looked down on a freshly prepared harness.

“Looks like you where you expecting me then Maggie?”

Of course, she had, but she was not going to tell Jess that.

“No, no that is just a harness I have been cleaning, like you said new guests are coming but we can use this one if you want.

Jess stripped off her uniform neatly folding it on the chair anxious to commence with time being short.

Maggie sensed Jess’s impatience and smirked at her eager nakedness telling her to slow down.
 “Sorry Maggie it’s just I know I have to be back in the Manor new guests and I have two new girls starting I will need to allocate them duties.”

Maggie smiled opening up the harness.

Jess struggled pushing her thighs into the harness openings and getting her shoulders under the padded steel plates attached to the spine bar.

 Wriggled into position with the guiding, encouraging hands of Maggie Jess sighed feeling the restraining leather straps tighten about her and hearing the distinctive click of each lock snapping shut.

“Oh, Maggie it is like I am really trapped it is so good of you to do this for me.”

The padded steel spine bar attached and jointed to the shoulder and thigh plates ensuring Jess remained restricted in a semi prone position Maggie attached and locked in place the stout leather mittens and bootees, in the form of hoofs.

 Bound and helpless in the harness Jess sought a concession to her impending ordeal.

“Maggie the posture collar, the neck brace thing, do you have one in softer leather it really hurt my neck last time.”

Maggie picked up a brand-new leather neck brace straight from its packaging and wrapped it around Jess’s neck forcing her head up high stretching her neck and chuckled. 

“A soft leather posture collar I don’t think so it’s going to be this new collar for you today”

When the three buckles at the back of the collar were pulled tight and locked it painfully raised Jess’s chin even higher than previously drawing back her neck. The neck brace posture collar so stiff if Jess had been standing normally see would be restricted to face up at the ceiling but Jess, her body held in a horizontal posture, her head faced forwards and only forwards. The collar robbing Jess of any strength from her neck muscles Jess could neither move her head up or down or side to side.
Speech difficult Jess gasped.

“Please Maggie that’s too tight, it hurts take it off”

Maggie chuckled.

“Nonsense you will get used to it.”

Maggie then set about working the ratchet winding the thigh plates up towards the spine bar which in turn lifted and spread Jess’s thighs wide giving open access to her ass and pussy but also locking Jess’s knees fixing her legs in a high spread squat tilting her forwards.

Maggie had never done this before with Jess previously leaving her in a more relaxed position of hands and knees and Jess struggling to speak with the tightness of her collar complained.

“Maggie, what are you doing I don’t need this, please lower it down again.”

Maggie said nothing giving Jess’s raised ass a sharp slap and laughed.

Jess had allowed Maggie a free reign in preparing her for the pens but was becoming increasingly worried with good reason, why was Maggie doing this, the collar and now presenting her ass and pussy her like she was one of the guests? This had to stop she only wanted a short session.

Hard to speak Jess again gasped her words.

 “Stop Maggie I don’t want to do this anymore stop it, I need to get back into the Manor my neck is really hurting me.”

Helpless locked in the harness Jess’s muffled complaining went unheeded.

Maggie stood back and giggled at Jess’s naked body contorted within the harness and especially by the stouter collar.

Jess was in agony her body struggling to adapt to its enforced posture and panted for release in almost a whisper.

“Please Maggie it hurts get me out of this.”

Maggie chuckled coupling a cowl to the harness brackets and to the sound of Jess’s forlorn muffled protests Maggie lowered the cowl over Jess’s head and wound up the jaw plate silencing Jess’s pleas and whispered into the cowl.

“There piggy all ready, now no more complaining remember it is you who asked for this, time to get you down to your pen.”

A leash attached to her muted human piggy in one hand and a cane in the other Maggie whacked and waddled her pet to the stench of the pens and pushed Jess into pen seven at the end of the row and chuckled.

Jess turned in her pen and with her restricted vision watched Maggie smiling down on her locking the pens gate.

Maggie had never locked her in her pen before, she had never had her ass raised and fixed high presenting her sex before and this collar. Still it won’t be for long Maggie will be back soon she knows I need to be back in the main Manor.

With Jess securely secreted away in the pens Maggie returned to her store room and after hiding away Jess’s head maid’s regalia picked up her mop and bucket and returned to her duties in the pens all she had to do now was wait.

Jess was becoming increasingly concerned that Maggie had not returned, being in the harness did play tricks with the mind concerning time but Jess was convinced she had been left in the pen too long.

It was later in the day when cook came wondering into the east wing a concerned look on her face and found Maggie by the pen adjacent to the one occupied by Jess. Jess heard Cooks voice and waddled to the bars of her locked pen gate to listen. Two new maids had arrived and Jess could not be found anywhere. Maggie shrugged her shoulders when asked if she had seen Jess.

“No, she has not been down here. She never comes here, does she?”

Cook was looking a little exasperated.

“Well I have looked everywhere not like Jess to just disappear is it?”

“I don’t know what to do someone will have to see these two new maids and new guests will be arriving soon. I know you have been put down here Maggie but you are still senior can you do something?”

This could not be going better for Maggie if she had planned it cook acknowledging her to be the senior maid.

Maggie feigned a look of being deep in thought before speaking.

“Well I never thought I would have to do this but Jess did recognise me to be her deputy should she not be available I have a note from her which says that and she did give me a head maid’s uniform to wear, I will have to find it. Give the new girls some tea I will be up to the main Manor directly just need time to change.

Cook left and Maggie walked the short distance to the pen Jess was held in finding her agitated pet with its snout poking through the rails of its pen.

“Don’t worry I will cover for you a good job you gave me that letter.”

Maggie disappeared to return shortly after dressed in Jess’s uniform and stood by the pen gate.

“This fits very well, don’t you think? Now don’t you fret piggy I sort things out in the manor and then come back to get you out.”

Jess watched Maggie leave her mind in turmoil and spent another forlorn period trying to extricate herself from the harness, she had to get out of this she had to! Wriggling twisting, straining but of course the harness held firm and she flopped down in the filthy straw of the pen.

 How much time had passed Jess could not tell when she heard the familiar voice of Wendy? What was Wendy doing back here? Wendy merrily going from Pen to pen filling the feed and water troughs a word for each of the willing captives who unlike Jess had paid for the pleasure of their incarceration to be treated like an animal.

Jess forced herself to her hoofs and waddled to the pen gate.

Wendy filled her troughs and smiled down at piggy seven.

“I am your new keeper, Wendy, and don’t worry I have done this job before and know how you piggy’s like to be treated, fresh food and water for you that will see you through to the morning.”
Jess watched Wendy disappear out of sight and waddled towards her trough before the lights in the pens dimmed for the night.

Keeping track of time was impossible being harnessed and confined within the cowl one of the attractions that brought so many paying guests to the pens but for Jess it just added to her growing anxiety.

Jess drifted in and out of sleep at least her body was getting used to its enforced posture and the ache in her neck had eased somewhat although still uncomfortable.

Awoken by the whispering voice of Maggie a disoriented Jess blinked her eyes looking out through the narrow slit of the cowl focusing on the shadowy figure.

“Jess, it’s Maggie wake up.”

The top section of the cowl raised Jess stared at Maggie and tried to speak resulting only in incoherent muffed moans the jaw brace and posture collar preventing speech.  At last Maggie had come to release her form the harness or so she thought?

Maggie put her finger to her lips.

“Shhh, Wendy will hear you. “

“I have come to tell you everything is alright in the manor; the new girls are working the upstairs rooms and I have sent Wendy back down here to look after the pens she is getting things ready for the new guests due down here tomorrow.”

Jess moaned her eyes wide wriggling and twisting in her harness wanting to be released.


“Look I did not know what to say about you disappearing I was in a panic I don’t know why I said it but it just came out that you had gone to meet with Mistress Sharista. I spoke with Katrina she did not seem concerned and counter signed your letter so there will be no doubt who is head maid whilst you are away.”

Jess became more agitated her moans louder trying to get up on her hoofs.

Maggie grabbed Jess’s nose squeezing hard Jess now struggling for breath quietened and Maggie released her grip.

“Now shut up and listen. I have told everyone you have gone to meet our Mistress. If I release you now, how will we explain that? You are going to have to stay here until I can think of something, and don’t worry, I have given Wendy some paperwork for you. You are the rebellious and wayward daughter of a Lord here at Stoneleigh for conditioning. Wendy is not the brightest and will suspect nothing.

Maggie could not hide her smile.

“And given you are staying you better have these like the others.

Jess tried to shake her head her eyes wide seeing two balls of softening wax in Maggie’s hands.
“Wendy is good with dumb animals I am sure you will enjoy your conditioning.”

Jess wriggled and twisted but was helpless and could do nothing to prevent Maggie pressing the wax firmly into her ears condemning Jess to a silent world.  The cowl closed and sealed Maggie stood back and chuckled.

Hidden within her cowl warm tears ran down Jess’s cheeks watching Maggie leave the pen through the gate and replacing the lock.  


  1. Nice Jess is finally in the harness. But it seems like it is only half the harness as it is missing the other parts to it.

  2. I've only read this chapter, and the one immediately before it. I CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE! This is awesome!!!

