
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Story: The Statue

Re-published with the author's kind permission. Please check out Tservo's wonderful Deviant Art page devoted to body- and age- swap stories.  I am generally not into magic in L2M stories, but this one is so well done I couldn't resist sharing it with you.

By Tservo96

Maria Rodriguez opened the door quietly in the crisp and dark early morning. She disarmed the alarm and began turning on lights in the kitchen. She took off her coat and hung it up in the closet next to the pantry. She tied on her white apron over her plain light blue dress to begin cooking breakfast. Her long black hair was pinned up as always and on her feet were her ever present comfortable white sneakers.

Breakfast wasn’t hard to get ready but her boss liked a warm breakfast casserole to start off her day. 

So once it was in to the oven, Maria headed upstairs to begin getting the bathroom ready.

She laid out fresh towels and a fluffy bathmat while lining up soap and shampoos, conditioners and lotions.

At exactly 6, she opened the door “Ms. Reeves; it’s time to get up” she said as she crossed the room.

Abigail Reeves stirred beneath her down comforter, her eyes covered in a mask as a milky white foot popped out from the side stretching out.

“Good Morning Maria” she said in a sleepy voice as she stretched her arms out above her head.

“Good Morning Ms. Reeves” Maria replied “You have a very busy day ahead of you”

“Oh, I know” Abigail replied scooting up into a sitting position and removing her mask “Please don’t remind me”

Maria smiled “I thought you wanted me to give you a daily rundown”

Abby sighed “I do, but somedays I want to wake up before responsibilities catch up to me”

“I’m sorry Ms. Reeves” Maria apologized.

“No need for you to be sorry Maria; I’m the one who has to go, go, go all day”

“But it’s worth it in the end isn’t it?” Maria asked as she straightened up the room.

“Is it?” Abby thought to herself as she swung her legs out and she put her feet on the carpet.

Abigail Reeves was 26 and was heir to an empire of business. Always ambitious, she had graduated with an MBA by 20 and had been at her Father’s side since she was 15. Graced with a gorgeous face and a body to die for; she was the face of the business now.

“What’s this box?” Maria asked as she replaced a book on the desk by the window.

“I have no idea; it looks like my idiot brother sent it but I didn’t bother to open it; I’m sure it’s more useless crap from the wannabe Indiana Jones” Abby said crossing the room and going into the bathroom.

Maria looked at the box quizzically. Abigail’s brother Robert had scorned the family business and gotten a degree in archeology. He was using his part of the family’s money to travel the world in search of myths, legends and adventure. After a two year search for Bigfoot, they had last heard he was in Chile searching for Incan gold.

There was no love lost between the siblings. Their father had always wanted Robert to join him but Robert had wanted no part of it ever. He left at 18 and had never looked back when Abigail was just 13 but in the few statements he gave whenever the press discovered who he was always showed a darkness toward his family even though no one could ever remember him being mistreated in any way.

“Robert is a jealous fool and a disgrace to the family name” Abigail called out from the other room

“Always wanting to stir up as much trouble as he could…I have no idea why he would send me anything now”

Maria lifted the box; it was very heavy and she was curious as to what was inside. She slit open the tape along the top but set it aside when she heard Abigail returning.

“I want my knee length black skirt and a white blouse; one of the silk ones” she said and Maria crossed the room to the huge walk in closet.

“Which shoes do you want Miss?” Maria asked.

“I don’t know yet” Abigail answered “I’ll decide that later”

Maria returned and laid out the clothes smiling, all the while thinking “She’s so skinny…it can’t be good to be that size”

Maria had never been mistaken for skinny. Now 41 years old, she hovered around 200 pounds at a height of 5’1”. Her cheeks were big and round and when she smiled, her dark brown eyes almost disappeared in them.

She turned and went back to the closet to pick out undergarments now “Do you want stockings or hose today Miss?”

“No” Abigail answered.

When Maria returned she saw Abigail standing at the desk staring down at the box “Did you open this?”

“Yes I was going to; we should see what’s inside in case it is something that might be dangerous or might start to smell” Maria replied.

“Well just be careful and wash your hands afterwards” Abigail replied turning her back to it.
Maria now opened the flap and let out a simple “Oh”

Abigail sighed “What? What is it?” she snapped not turning around.

Maria reached in the box and pulled out a very heavy and elaborately carved statue made of pure Jade. “Look at this Miss Reeves” she said putting it down on the desk.

Abigail turned “Oh” she said curtly. “What is it?” she repeated with a curl of her lip and a slight look of disgust on her face.

The statue stood about 8 inches tall and had two distinct bodies carved back to back. Both women leaned in, examining it to get a closer look at the amazing details. Both figures were female by their looks and their hair but one side appeared older and heavier and being dressed plainly in peasant cloth while the opposite side looked thinner and younger with the extra size being made up of elaborate robes to make the size match.

“Young and rich on one side and old and poor on the other” Maria thought “Just like us” she touched the younger figure, gently running her index finger over it.

Abigail took a deep breath, her brow furrowed as she looked at the statue. She saw where Maria’s finger rested and not thinking this to be anything but a nice looking piece of artwork; she reached out and touched the opposite side; the face of the older peasant woman.

Green light erupted from the statue bathing the entire room in an emerald glow. Maria cowered down and put her hands up over her head while Abigail staggered backwards, her eyes wide but her mouth held tightly shut.

A high pitched squeal emanated from the statue which sounded like a tea kettle about to explode. Then, the noise and the light stopped.

Both women were holding their breath and both blinked a few times realizing that the light and sound were gone and the room was back to normal.

Maria straightened up and Abigail loosened up, she relaxed her shoulders and exhaled before letting out a nervous laugh. “Dios Mio” Abigail said.

Maria’s head spun and she shot Abigail a strange look. What she saw was a look of shock on Abigail’s face “Why did I say that?” she barely managed to get out in a very shaky voice.

Maria shook her head.

“What’s going on? I don’t feel right” Abigail said. She grimaced and pressed down against her flat bare stomach “I don’t feel good…” she shook her head making her long blonde hair whip back and forth.

Maria stood motionless a few feet away. She felt like she might throw up; she could feel her throat tightening and a sour taste flooded her mouth “I don’t either” she said quietly as her stomach flipped.
The statue began to glow; a low green light built up from deep inside of it, starting at the base but rising up until the whole thing brightened.

Abigail slowly turned her head toward its unearthly radiance: She couldn’t look away and she realized her attention was drawn more to the side she had touched when a bright flash of light passed over her.

Maria had already been looking at the statue from where she stood; directly in front of the side she had touched. As the glow built up in intensity, she felt a deep instinctual feeling that something was about to happen “Oh My God” she said as a bright flash of light passed over her.

“Miss Reeves?!” she yelled out afraid.

“Maria?!” Abigail responded in an equally fearful voice.

They stood across from each other with the desk separating them, the statue on top in the middle still glowing a low lit and sickly green color.

“Whoa!” Abigail yelled out suddenly as she began to shrink.

“Miss Reeves?!” Maria repeated more urgently as she began to rise up, lifting up and growing taller.

“AH!” She screamed out and began to squirm and dance around in small steps.

“Maria! What’s happening to me!?” Abigail shoved her hands to her head and pulled at her hair as she felt her body begin to shift and move around on its own “This feels so strange! This doesn’t feel right at all!”

“I know…I feel it too!” Maria said. She held her breath suddenly as she felt her chest lift and straighten up. Her legs were growing longer and taking her height up and she looked across the way at her boss. “You look like you’re shrinking” she told her.

A look of shock was on Abigail’s face “You look like you’re growing!” she replied.

Abigail was tall; 5’11” which meant she had 10 inches on Maria but now “There’s not that much” she muttered out loud.

“What?” Maria replied.

“There should be like 10 inches between our heights but there’s no way there’s that much right now”

“What do you mean?” Maria asked.

“Look at us!” Abby screamed.

Maria flinched at the sudden yell but realized the point. She was used to looking way up at her boss but now only a few inches separated the tops of their heads; and they were getting closer to the same size.

Their jaws dropped as their heights evened up. Maria looked her boss up and down quickly as their changes seemed to pause for a moment while Abigail just stared straight ahead.

Then, Abigail shrunk down shorter than Maria. She whimpered and a tear came to her eye “Oh God” she moaned “Oh God make it stop” she pleaded as Maria continued to grow and she continued to shrink.

Maria was now at least two inches taller and still growing but Abigail also realized that she was also still shrinking.

Two inches became four and then six inches 5’9 to 5’3”. “Are we done?” Maria asked before feeling yet another lift. Abigail shook her head as she lost two more inches. The pit of her stomach burned as a thought popped into her head “There’s your 10 inches”

“Oh Shit” Abigail said covering her mouth in horror.

“What?!” Maria said scared of her new height and not sure what to do.

“Oh Shit!” Abigail repeated louder “Don’t you get it?!”

“What?” Maria repeated.

“We just switched heights” Abby explained. “We swapped; we, um…I’m your height now and you’re mine…which means…”

Maria’s small dark eyes widened as Abigail talked “Oh” she said.

“I think we’re switching bodies” Abigail said.

“And lives?” Maria added.

Abigail went paler than usual.

Abby swallowed hard, she still felt the unpleasant feeling all over her shrunken body. She looked down amazed at how close the floor looked to her eyes “This can’t be happening” she muttered “I can’t switch places with my maid”

Maria heard the words spoken, the final one dripping with such disdain and contempt that it caught her off-guard. She was speechless as she saw Abigail’s skin begin to darken and soften up as weight now began to transfer between the two of them.

For every pound Abigail gained, Maria lost.

Abigail’s eyes went wild as she felt her short legs begin to thicken. She looked down and saw them growing rounder and larger. Her stomach began to puff out and her hips and ass began to spread “It’s that fucking statue!” she said. She lunged for it but as her hands neared it; the green light intensified and she found herself being shoved back.

“Ah!” she exclaimed regaining her footing but realizing she couldn’t touch it. It pulsated, mocking her from its perch as her body changed beneath her. “I’ll fucking kill you Robert!” she seethed.

Abigail’s feet puffed up on top and her heels roughened up with white cracks coming out on her previously porcelain skin. Her long and elegant toes shrank back and her pedicure vanished leaving behind short stubby toes topped off by plain, roughed up nails with uneven edges.

“Ah!” Abigail screamed out tapping her feet up and down “Those aren’t my feet!” She looked over at the much taller and now thinning maid “Take off your shoes!” she ordered.

Maria swallowed; her feet felt tight in her sneakers and were getting tighter. She kicked her shoes off but bent down to take her socks off. As the plain white cotton socks slid back, they revealed long milky white feet with super soft skin. Her toes were long and elegant, topped off by an expensive pedicure with light pink nail polish and perfectly symmetrical edges and not a blemish in sight.

Maria gasped at seeing her feet and what they now looked like. She posed them; it came naturally to her to gently lift her heel and put her toes at an angle to get a good view of them at the end of her suddenly long legs.

The paler color began to creep up her legs changing her skin color there to begin with but quickly spreading out over her entire body. She was pale and Abigail was dark.

The shape of her long legs now started to change. Muscles tightened and toned up as cellulite and marks vanished away to soft, smooth and trim legs. Her short and chubby thighs were unrecognizable to her now as they turned long and firm.

“No! This is not happening!” Abigail said as she watched Maria acquire her legs and feet “I am not some 40 year old Mexican woman…I am not…I won’t look like you, I won’t!” she shook her head like a child not accepting their bedtime “As soon as this finishes, we’re going to touch that statue again and switch back. I am not leaving this room until I look like me again! Is that understood? You’re not Abigail and you never will be despite what’s happening to us”

Maria nodded and said “Of course” but a thought came to her “What if it doesn’t work in reverse? What if this is one way?” She looked over and saw how thick Ms. Reeves’ calves had become and just how rough her skin was.

Abigail rubbed her hands over her lower legs hard, really pressing down, gritting her teeth and looking very distressed “This isn’t physically possible” she stated “My body just can’t change into someone else’s. No stupid statue has that kind of power to manipulate flesh and bone and muscle…this is just impossible”

But as she said those words, her perfect thighs rolled out. Flab took over her inner thighs as they came together. Her muscles loosened and her hips shifted further outward pulling her entire body with them.

She grabbed at the softer flesh, now able to grab and handful and pinch down.

She was just wearing a simple pair of panties and a plain white tank top and now, those panties began to stretch out. The seams bulged across her expanding hips and flesh escaped out of the back and bottom as her ass grew.

Abigail’s eyes were as wide as saucers as her backside became dumpy and shapeless; just a lot of jiggly and loose flesh behind her.

Under Maria’s plain, pale blue dress, her changes continued as well. The utilitarian garment was designed to show off nothing but now, Maria hiked it up trying to get a view. She pulled it up to her hips and stuck her right hip out. Her toes pointed and a straight line ran all the way up her flawless leg. Her tight thighs shimmered as her hips sucked in and rose up. She looked over her shoulder as her ass tightened and lifted, rounding into the most perfect ass she had ever seen. It quivered in its tightness and even the large panties she had on couldn't hide how desirable a shape she now possessed.  

Maria felt a tingle run from deep inside her up her spine. The thick coarse black hairs in her pubic area pulled in one by one until nothing remained but smooth and supple pale skin. Her lips turned a light pink and moistened, glistening as they shifted and changed shape, taking on Abigail’s.

The skin refolded and her clitoris lifted and slid, throbbing in its readiness “Oh My God” she couldn’t help from saying it, it simply slipped out as her hand flashed forward and pressed down.

Anger and disappointment and confusion and red hot hatred all mixed together in Abigail “What’s happening to my body” she mumbled as her hands bounced from her thighs to her ass and back again. She squeezed and rubbed feeling the alien and unfamiliar textures under her fingers “This won’t ever be my body; I am Abigail Reeves and I do not look like this”

Abigail shivered from head to toe. A deep seated burning sensation rocketed through her body. Thick coarse black hairs now poked out of her skin and curled up and became visible from the top of her panties, which had ridden down hastily as her ass had dragged them down. Now pubic hairs came out poking into the strained fabric. She stood up as straight as she could and one of the seams popped along her right side. Flesh rushed forward tearing it further as he lips darkened in color as they refolded as reshaped into Maria’s shape. Her clitoris repositioned itself lower as her skin molded itself around it.

Abigail’s manicured fingers spread out, locked apart as they shot down to cover herself and press down. “Oh my God” she echoed Maria.

Their changes had already taken care of their waistlines but now their stomachs and chests began to swap.

Maria’s back trimmed and firmed up. The excess fat along her sides sucked in, tightening up her skin as her stomach pulled back, flattening out as it went. Her belly fat left her only to appear across the desk on Abigail.

Abigail’s hands now went and grabbed ahold of her excess belly fat even as it increased between her fingers. Her sides developed rolls as her skin loosened under the pull of extra pounds.

Abigail’s jaw locked and she shook with anger. She fixed her eyes on Maria across from her; Maria’s body continued to trim and change into hers “She has my height, my weight, my legs…and soon she’ll have my face” she thought. “I can’t let this happen to me. I can’t just let her take my body while I get hers in return…nobody will believe who I really am if she looks like me…how can I stop this? I have to stop this!”

Maria’s stomach was now flat and toned and now underneath her plain dress, her plain white bra began to strain.

Maria’s breasts inflated; rising up and growing large and into perfectly round globes. The flimsy hooks holding her bra clasped behind her back began to pull back, popping one by one “Ooo” she said as her nipples grew more sensitive even as they shrank down in size. Her areolas turned pinker than their usual brown shade as her breasts firmed up and perked up on their own, no longer needing the bra for support.

Maria’s dress jutted forward; the size of her breasts seemed magnified by her contrasting flat stomach. She badly wanted out of the extremely ill-fitting garment now. It had ridden up her longer legs and the sleeves were up above her wrists. It had now become very tight across her chest and if she were being perfectly honest with herself; she really wanted to see what her body had become.
She reached up and unzipped the back enjoying the cool breeze from the air conditioning across her bare back.

She pulled off the dress and gasped upon seeing her body. A quick shimmy of her shoulders took her bra down and off her arms leaving her in just the baggy panties. Her hands went to her new, large breasts and she gave them a squeeze that took her entire hands to even try and cover.

“Don’t you dare touch those like they’re yours!” Abigail screeched, her hands balled up into fists by her sides “And wipe that shitty smile off your face while you’re at it!”

“Sorry” Maria muttered with a shrug.

“No you’re not!” Abigail countered “You’re not sorry about this at all!” she stomped her foot “You’re enjoying this!”

Abigail’s breasts seemed to deflate on her chest, drooping and sagging and going flat against her chest almost blending in with her larger stomach to just create a single front. She tried lifting them up but her ill-fitting tank top was useless. Her stomach hung out from the bottom and her pancaked breasts could be seen easily by both of them.

Abigail looked down as she felt her breasts sag, a look of disgusted shock on her face when it came back up and met Maria’s “I’m disgusting and ugly!” she cried out.

Maria pursed her lips tightly not wanting to scream in Abigail’s disrespectful and cruel face. Granted this was obviously a dramatic experience and change for both of them but Abigail’s insults about what had been her body and life were not making her feel any sympathy for her.

Maria had worked for the Reeves family for 20 years; had known Abigail through all those years and had watched her become more and more spoiled over the years. Her cruelty and condescension didn’t stop with the servants, it extended to everyone she deemed lower than her. She had been a spoiled brat as a child and had grown into an arrogant and aloof adult but now confronted with the improbable loss of her looks and identity, she was growing increasingly desperate “Serves you right” she thought. 

“See how you like being treated and looked at the way you did to me and to everyone. Maybe this is happening as some kind of divine justice. I’ll make a better Abigail than you ever were and spending some time as me will do you some good…teach you some humility”

The changes now reached their shoulders and arms. Maria’s lifted and rounded off while Abigail’s broadened. Abigail’s upper arms puffed out full and soft while Maria’s muscles toned and her arms trimmed down in girth.

With their forearms shifted, the changes moved down into their hands. Abigail’s jaw dropped anew as her hands puffed up and a dull ache settled into them. Her fingers shortened and her skin toughened up; callouses built up and her manicure vanished leaving behind pale and banged up fingernails. She had the hands of a working woman now.

Abigail passed her foreign looking hands back and forth before her eyes. Maria was blurry behind them as she was focused on her hands but she could see her staring at hands of her own.

Maria had brought her own hands up as a tingling sensation settled into them making them feel like they had fallen asleep. She flexed out her fingers just as they began to grow long and thin and elegant much like her toes had. A matching pink polish appeared as her manicured nails took shape atop her soft and slim hands “This is incredible” she mumbled to herself waving her digits back and forth in a slow arc showing off how little manual labor these hands had actually seen.

Maria’s neck lengthened as Abigail’s shortened and thickened with lines etching in “Nooooooooo” she whined as the changes reached higher and higher almost completely changing them into the other.
Abigail stomped her foot in frustration as she watched Maria’s chin jut forward and round off pulling her jaw line up and back as it went. It cleared out the excess skin below eliminating Maria’s double chin in the process.

Maria’s cheeks lifted and took on a high boned chiseled look as her lips plumped and her skin cleared. Her teeth straightened and turned bright white as her eyes widened and brightened to sky blue. Her nose, which had been flat and broad at the base with a bump on the bridge now streamlined into a perfectly aligned and placed nose. Her brow softened and her eyebrows thinned and lightened dramatically. Even her ears shrank down as her face changed shape and appearance.

Maria was aware of changes occurring to her face but she watched Abigail’s changes with fascination; seeing the face she knew from her reflection now appearing on another woman.
Abigail’s chin came in and down. Excess skin and flesh appeared, giving her a second chin and a lower jawline. Her lips thinned and her teeth shifted crooked in her mouth losing their applied sheen. Her cheeks puffed up chubby and round, almost swallowing her narrowing brown eyes. Her nose flattened out and broadened and a bump appeared on her bridge as her eyebrows thickened and darkened, elongating and turning bushy atop a lower brow and forehead. Her ears enlarged just as her blonde hair began to darken.

It started at her roots; the blonde changed to black and grew out thicker coming up in length at the ends to make it more manageable for work and Abigail now looked exactly like Maria.
Maria’s hair lightened to bright blonde locks which grew down longer, tapering off in a professional style which was touched up weekly and Maria was now, for all intents and purposes, Abigail.
The light intensified in the statue before disappearing and turning back to its dull lightless appearance.

Both woman were in absolute shock at their reversal of looks. Where once a tall blonde had stood, now a short and stocky Latina was in her place and vice versa.

Abigail took stock of herself and Maria in front of her one more time now that it appeared to be complete. Maria looked like her from head to toe.

Abigail stalked around the desk, her short legs pumping to take her right up to her maid. She touched her arm, poking at it “You feel like me too” she sniffed the air “You even smell like me”

She stepped back though hearing her voice, now tinged with an accent “And I sound like you” she said with contempt in her voice. “I sound like my Mexican maid!”

Maria reeled back, her increased height was causing her additional issues in sizing up her former body now so close and so small in front of her. “And I’m Puerto Rican for your knowledge” Maria said in her clear accent free voice.

Abigail grabbed Maria’s soft hands in hers and clamped down. She dragged her forward, stopping at the desk “Touch it!” she said forcing Maria’s hand forward.

Maria jerked her hand free from Abigail’s grasp “I will” She stood up straight, throwing back her shoulders and sticking out her chin “You don’t have to tear my arm off!”

“No…the less time I spend out of my body and in yours; the better. You touch and then I touch it and we’ll change back and then I’ll smash that damn thing into a million pieces and go find my brother and kick his ass!” Abigail spit out.

“Does it matter where I touch it?” Maria asked.

“Yes! Touch the side with the old woman on it” Abigail demanded.

“I’m also only 41…I’m not old” Maria said easing her hand forward.

“Well you’re old to me” Abigail replied.

Maria let out a sigh through her perfectly sculpted nose “Fine” she said putting her index finger against the cold stone.

Abigail shook her shoulders and let out a sigh herself “I can’t wait to get things to the way they’re supposed to be” She shook her head, her eyes showing nothing but disgust “Make things right around here” she put out her finger and touched the side of the statue with the younger and thinner figure in the flowing ornate robes.

The statue turned black.

Both women’s eyes widened at the sight, sucking in air of shock “I can’t move my finger!” Abigail announced. She tried to pull her hand away but it was stuck and held fast to the statue.

Maria tried to pull her finger back but found she was also unable “Neither can I” she said.

“What’s going on…this is even scarier than before?!” Abigail cried out.

The high pitched whistling noise returned with a vengeance. Both women shut their eyes against the painful noise; their hands began to shake, vibrated by the statue.

The vibrations ran up their arms and into their whole bodies and then, it all stopped.

The room got deathly quiet. Both women wore a blank expression as their hands slipped off and they stood across from each other once more.

Several seconds passed with no movement until Abigail blinked and her neck twitched.

Maria licked her lips and swallowed as she blinked and looked around, breathing again. Slowly she opened her mouth “Maria” she called out.

Abigail looked up “Yes Ms. Reeves” she replied horrified at her response but unable to stop herself from saying it.

Maria’s mind took off at a million miles a second “Why did I call her Maria?! I’m Maria!”

Their jaws hung open as their eyes met. Abigail’s chin dipped down to her chest as Maria’s chin went up and out. They both knew things had indeed changed.

Abigail’s eyes burned as she stared at the floor “We’ve wasted enough time this morning on this silliness” she heard her own voice scolding her.

“You need to get dressed for your job. I need to get ready for mine” Maria found herself saying even as her own mind tried to catch up to the words coming out. “I’m going to go shower and…” she stopped when she heard Abigail gasp. “What is it?”

“The statue!” she was pointing to the desktop “It’s gone!”

“Where did it go?” Maria asked, her eyes darting around.

“It just vanished Ms. Reeves” Abigail said “I was looking at it and then, it vanished!”

Their jaws hung open yet again until Maria simply walked to the bathroom and started the shower. She heard her maid scurrying about getting her things ready.

Over the course of the next hour, Maria found herself dressed in a pencil length black skirt, white silk blouse and black leather heels from Italy. Her blonde tresses and make-up were impeccably done as she marched out to her Porsche to drive to work. All the while her mind reeled at what had happened.

Abigail went about her household duties, acting out and working hard despite her mind screaming for her to stop but she couldn’t.

Maria arrived at her office on the 45th floor of the Skyscraper that carried her last name. She strode past her father’s office never noticing the plain brown box sitting on his secretary’s desk.

Eve Lansing, long suffering secretary to Franklin Reeves came to her desk and saw the box with Robert Reeves return address in the corner. “What would Robert be sending here?” she thought as she picked it up “It’s really heavy” she added as she split it open seeing the jade statue inside…


  1. Interesting story. A little clunky, but in a way that gives it a certain retro charm, reminiscent of WEIRD TALES-era pulp fantasy. It was disappointing that it focused so much on the mechanics of the physical transformation and didn't really deal with the aftermath. At any rate, it was a welcome break from the run of seemingly never-ending serials.

    1. Well, 99 percent of stories here deal with the aftermath so I think it's good to have something focusing almost exclusively on the transformation. Interesting you'd mention Weird Tales, didn't think of that. For some reason this one reminded me of Robo's A Model Maid.

  2. In original story, it was a petite Chinese maid. As for thet weight gain, they are never erotic. Especially when they women become very fat

    1. Depends on who you talk you! There is a huge weight gain community and its members would probably disagree that it isn't erotic.

  3. I would have preferred it better if it hadn't been a complete change. As it is the writer might as well have said they switched bodies and been done with it.

    1. I agree, a mind swap is generally a story-killer for me, but not always.

  4. No more ladies to maids bodyswap stories??

    1. Not a lot of those out there. I can think of Borrowed Gown and A Model Maid from the top of my head.
