
Monday, July 24, 2023

Story: The Job Interview. Part 2.

by Inanimate77

A day had passed since Susan had interviewed Amy for the housemaid position and the college junior was having second thoughts. Although her options were pretty limited, she felt the whole idea of working as a housemaid demeaning. Unable to sleep much, Amy had gotten up early and spent the last several hours scanning every source she could find for job opportunities that would meet her needs.

There were plenty of jobs out there. That was not the problem. The challenge was two fold. She really needed flexibility. School was unpredictable. There would be nights she needed more time to study. Her class schedule also changed every couple of months. That problem was manageable. The bigger issue, however, was the lack of housing. The Boston housing market was really tight. With her limited credit history and negligible income, no respectable landlord was going to offer her a lease. Unless Amy was open to living in a bad neighborhood far from school her options were pretty limited

The longer she searched the more determined Amy became to find a way out of the situation, but so far a solution eluded her. Just before lunch Amy's phone buzzed with a text. The message indicated that Amy had an appointment at Stitch n'Time to be fitted for her uniforms. It appeared that despite her best efforts things were beginning to move forward.

Amy stared down at the text for several minutes. She really wanted to text her new employer back and politely decline the role. Whatever she decided, the college student had to make up her mind quickly. The appointment was scheduled at 1:00. Given the time it would take to walk there, Amy figured she had 30 minutes to make up her mind before it was made up for her by not showing.

Eventually Amy gave up. She grabbed a pair of shoes and headed toward the seamstress shop. It was a rather cold yet lovely late Spring day. The sun was shining and the humidity that plagued the area during the Summer had not yet arrived. Amy had thrown on a sweatshirt for extra warmth. Although she was not exactly familiar with the area, Amy made good time and arrived at the shop about 10 minutes early.

The shop was situated in a small business district surrounded by tightly packed urban housing. A little bell rang as Amy opened the door. Inside she found dozens of dresses hanging from racks. Toward the back of the show room there was a simple desk with an old school cash register sitting off to the side. The place appeared to be empty.

"Can I help you?" Amy was startled as a woman appeared from a door along the side of the room. The woman appeared to be in her early 50s. She was stout and slightly overweight. Amy noticed her simple black dress which was paired with black heels that clicked as she walked along the hardwood floor of the shop.

"Yes I am here for a fitting."

 he seamstress walked over to the desk and pulled out a book. "Alright, which wedding?"

Amy paused. This was all a bit embarrassing. "Ummm... it's not for a wedding. I am here to be fitted for a uniform."

The woman looked puzzled for a moment. The only uniform fitting she had scheduled for today was for a housekeeper. This customer was wearing a Harvard sweatshirt and a nice pair of leggings. "I'm sorry dear, but the only uniform fitting I have scheduled today is for a housekeeper."

"Yes that's it."

There was an awkward pause. Could this girl really be serious? Given the proximity of her store to the University, she had dealt with her share of rich, snotty brats, but never in her 30 years had she fitted one of them in a housekeeper uniform. "I'm sorry. Did you say you're here for the housekeeper fitting?"

"Yes, that's right. Susan made an appointment for me." Amy fidgeted a bit. This was even more awkward than she had expected. The older woman was looking at her like she had two heads.

"Well alright then. Please follow me. I have a fitting room in the back."

Amy followed the woman to the back of the store. She had not really noticed this area when she walked in as the lighting wasn't great. There were also a few boxes stacked up that sort of blocked the view providing a little bit of privacy.

"Alright dear, you're going to need to slip out of that sweatshirt. I need to get accurate measurements."

Amy hesitated for a moment. It suddenly dawned on her that she was about to strip down in front of a complete stranger for a uniform fitting. She was a bit apprehensive, but she had come this far and needed the job. She took off her sweatshirt and handed it to the old seamstress, who gave her a nod of approval. Amy stood in her leggings and sports bra, feeling a bit exposed. The seamstress took out her measuring tape and started to take her measurements.

As the fitting went on, Amy felt more and more self-conscious. She couldn't help but feel like the older woman was judging her. She tried to keep her eyes to the ground as the seamstress worked, but her eyes kept wandering.

"Have you ever worked as a housekeeper before?" the seamstress asked, breaking the silence.

 "No, I haven't," Amy replied, feeling a bit embarrassed.

 "Well it's certainly not for everyone," the woman replied as she wrapped the tape around Amy's waist. "I can't remember the last time I measured someone for a residential position. Occasionally I get the one off hotel housekeeper, but I'd just assumed that uniformed maids had fallen out of favor."

Amy winced upon hearing her words. "I wasn't sure about it at first either, but Susan assured me it was a great way to avoid getting my own clothes dirty." She tried to appear nonchalant even though she felt like a part of her was dying inside. "After giving it some thought, I figured what the heck. It really doesn't matter what I'm wearing."

The woman smiled. "Well your employer really picked out a lovely uniform. Once we get it fitted, the dress will look really smart on you."

"As long as it's comfortable."

"It will be," the seamstress assured her. "So I have to ask, what interested you in this role?"

"Well I was hoping for something that would work with my schedule. It's hard to find a job that is so flexible. Susan was very accommodating."

The woman nodded, "So I assume you're a student, then?"

"Yes I am. I attend Harvard." Amy cringed as she said this. She hated how the locals reacted when you mentioned that you attended Harvard. Some rolled their eyes. Others made a quip. It was always awkward.

However, the seamstress hardly acknowledged it. She just kept right on measuring. In a way this was almost worse. As embarrassing as it was for someone on the street to make a comment, Amy couldn't deny the fact that she kind of liked the attention. At this point in her life getting accepted to Harvard had been her pinnacle achievement, yet this service worker didn't even offer it a passing comment.

As the woman measured down Amy's leg she said, "So when do you need these by?"

"Susan mentioned that she would like me to start this weekend."

"Thanks, that's helpful. When she called earlier she mentioned it was a rush delivery, but that can mean different things to different people."

Amy nodded, relieved that the fitting was almost over. She couldn't wait to put her sweatshirt back on and leave the shop. But as the seamstress finished up, she handed Amy a slip of paper with the final measurements and a note on where to pick up her uniforms. I'll have these ready for you by Friday. You'll need to come in for a final fitting to make sure we got everything right."

Amy forced a smile and quickly grabbed her sweatshirt, eager to leave the shop and never look back. "Thank you."

The woman gently touched her arm. "You know if you're looking for extra work, I've been looking for a girl to come by and clean."

Amy felt a lump forming in her throat. "Oh really," she finally managed to say.

"Yes, it's probably just 5 hours a week. I'm super flexible. Nights, weekends, whatever works best for you."

"Well I'm not really sure how much time I'll have with my new job."

"Of course, of course. Happy to wait until you get settled. Just let me know. Pay is $10/hour."

"I'll think about it and let you know." Amy bolted out of the store. This had to be one of the most embarrassing days of her life.

The woman just smiled as she watched the woman leave. What a great country. The daughter of poor immigrants had risen up to the point where she was on the verge of hiring an Ivy League student to be her cleaner. 


  1. Intriguing and exciting. Keep it coming please.

  2. An interesting second chapter that delightfully sets the stage for what I hope to be Amy's eventual transformation into a competent housekeeper. Thank you!

  3. Lovely - more soon please!

  4. I don't want to wait 20 days for another chapter !!

  5. Really loving this, shaping up to be my fav story on this blog in a long time. I love that Amy is reluctant to do all this but finds herself going along with every step anyway — delicious combo. Can’t wait for her to be in uniform 24/7, I’m hoping the uniforms include an apron and high starched collar? Hope the next part comes sooner than 20 days but happy with whatever you can give!

  6. Lovely. Very well-written.

  7. Maid outfit and cap

  8. Mob cap for cleaning, lacy cap for serving. With appropriate aprons, of course.

  9. Nice shot with this story.
    No criticism, but such story should have all its parts being published at once. It destroys the pleasure to make people waiting x days before the next part, so it destroys the efforts of the writer too.

    Now to the story itself:
    I must somehow laugh because I once put an add at a University to hire a female student for a maid position. I got several answers (with CV, photo and cover letter for the position !) , among them one law student. She probably wanted to make some extra money beside her studies. The salty point is that after my first reply for an interview, she never replied again despite the fact that she had sent me all her details for the position. From those element, you could see that she was probably from a good family and I presume that she had talked to her mother in the meanwhile, who most probably went upset about her daughter working as a uniformed maid instead of doing her law.
    I also got some others leads and the only thing I will say about that is that there is fully some potential to hire female students for this kind of position :-).
    So it's not just a myth. Fascinating what drives them.

    A master.

  10. Great stuff - would love to see a third chapter in your Leah/Charlotte story also!

  11. I am working on a Part 3 for this story. I intend for it to be a slow build. I like to focus more on the details of humiliation rather than just jumping head first.

    1. Great story so far, Lets hope Susan makes Amy an appointment at the hairdressers soon for a practical maids haircut maybe a junior would be tasked with giving her a nice short basin cut, would also be nice if Susan had some old worn out canvas Keds for her to wear.

    2. Love the slow build! Can’t wait to read part 3

    3. But please skip foot massage a maid she should clean dirty toilets on knees. And of course (in a next chapters) she needs to go outside a house in a full uniform!

    4. Please focus on humiliation and public humiliation, also the maid needs to be made to do dirty work. Humiliation is sadly overlooked in this genre of stories.

  12. In response to “A Master”’s comment above, there’s nothing unusual about university students taking up jobs as cleaners/maids! I did just that myself when I was at uni to make money on the side and had quite a few cleaning jobs over my three years. None of them required a uniform but I would have happily worn one, especially because cleaning jobs which require uniforms are usually at the upper end of the pay scale. I came to really enjoy house-cleaning as a result and, as I have written in various places, I have come back to it in recent years as an “escape” from my stressful working life.

    Kristina x (katyn99)

    1. K,

      this comes somehow late and hopefully you see it. Your comment is interesting and it would be nice to develop on it. Do you have any email where you can be contacted?

      A Master

  13. Oh, and some of the other girls did “escort” work, which certainly paid more, but wasn’t really my thing.

    Kristina Katyn. katyn99

    1. you mean a "whore" job, not "escort"

  14. Well, yes, that’s the truth of it of course. I think you can charge more if you wear nice clothes and do it through an “escort” agency. A girl I know paid her whole way through university and into founding a successful beauty business that way. Girls tend not to mention this sort of thing to guys though.

    Kristina x

  15. This story is building up nicely and it’s a thrill in my view to have to wait in excited anticipation for the next part! I suspect that the daughter of poor immigrants will make sure that the Ivy League student fully experiences the life of the downtrodden.

  16. A lovely second chapter. It is wonderful the story is a slow build. Looking forward to many more chapters.

  17. no updates again ( so i post a short generated by AI "Victim of unfortunate circumstances"

    Lady Emma had a secret obsession: she had a deep-seeded desire to dress up as a Victorian maid. She had a fetish for wearing old-fashioned lacy aprons and starched petticoat, but she was too embarrassed to do this in public.

    In an effort to fulfill her dream, she secretly bribed a court to force her to wear a maid uniform all the time. She was now legally required to wear a full Victorian maid uniform as part of a court order with small addition. In order to protect her from being raped and to prevent any form of self-gratification while she did her duties, a secure steel chastity belt was added to her uniform.

    At first, people were alarmed when they saw Emma being forced to wear this strange "victorian time outfit”. They start saw her as a victim of unfortunate circumstances that forced her to live in a way she wouldn't have chosen for herself. However, over time, as people got used to seeing her wearing uniform, they accepted that and start thinking she worked as a maid in Lady Emma’s estate.

    Eventually, Lady Emma’s goal was fulfilled, and she was finally able to embrace her fetish and live out her fantasies forever. She no longer had to keep her secret obsession hidden and could live out her dreams every day.

    1. I guess real authors are safe for now judging by that effort.

  18. Dear Inanimate77, I don’t think we can wait much longer for your next instalment - the tension is becoming too great to withstand! Hopefully your creative blood is flowing richly. ABC

  19. No new chapter before weekend? Maybe site owner is not reading emails

  20. I can't wait until Amy's next surprise appointments before she moves in/signs the contract. Perhaps an appointment will be for a proper haircut? Other appointments? With the detail of the uniform measurements Amy's full transformation is underway.

    1. Imagine Amy having to report to the hair salon on a training day, her mistress has agreed Amy's hair should be cut by the most junior trainee, Amy's to be there all day as she'll go though several cuts before she finally has the cut her mistress has requested, a simple short and surviceable basin cut !

  21. I am looking forward to Amy being dressed in her work and dress uniforms with proper headdress. Then with work on her deportment, speech, etc., she will look smart and presentable and conduct herself smartly. With work by Susan and others, with the terms of the contract Beth is drafting that completely locks Amy down, will ensure Amy's full obedience and compliance for a new 24/7 life. In addition to the contact Beth is drafting, perhaps she will also be involved in Amy's transformation?

  22. The site owner has little to do with speed of publishing — we are awaiting upon the author, the respected Inanimate77, to complete part 3. By the way, this site needs a few more enthusiastic authors to produce material please - why not have a go if you’ve not done so recently!

  23. It's possible that inanimate77 delivered story to the site owner but he didn't publish it yet on a website. Since it's the most anticipated story so far we expect at least Camille`s statement or a comment

  24. also not published mass of new stories from Jackie J

  25. @all i contacted inanimate77 - chapter 3 is almost done!

  26. A surprise proper and smart haircut, before moving in, starting the position, and signing the contract, would be wonderful. Perhaps Amy receives a text message with an address and no business name and assumes it must be for shoes to go with her uniforms, or for some other items or services. She does not check the address for the business name and arrives in front of a hair salon. Perhaps the hair salon is run by the sister or daughter of the lady who measured Amy for her uniforms?

  27. Thank you letting us know Chapter 3 is almost done. Thank you inanimate77.


  29. Love this so far x
