
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Story: The Job Interview. Part 1.

by Inanimate77

This was not the job that Amy had expected to get when she went away to college, but that didn't matter at the moment. The 21 year old junior didn't have an internship and was completely out of cash. To make matters worse, her lease was up and she didn't have a place to live. She really needed this job whether she wanted to do it or not. That was how she found herself at the doorstep of the large home inquiring about a live-in housemaid position.

The advertisement highlighted several key benefits which appealed to Amy. First the hours were flexible which was critical to the college student. Amy needed a job that would work with her college class schedule. However, even more important to Amy was the fact that the job was a live-in position. It included free housing and given her current apartment situation that was very appealing.

Ringing the doorbell, the business major was not sure what to wear and had picked something out that was probably more appropriate for an interview with a corporation, not a potential employer looking for a maid.

As she stood at the doorstep, Amy nervously fidgeted with her skirt, trying to smooth out the wrinkles. She took a deep breath and looked at herself in the reflection of the door's peephole. Her long curly hair was tied up in a bun, and she had put on some minimal makeup to look more presentable.

The woman who answered the door appeared to be in her early 30s. She had brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and piercing green eyes. While Amy was dressed quite formally, her potential employer was wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of designer leggings. She gave Amy a strange look, "Hello can I help you?"

The woman's reaction made Amy even more nervous. "Um... hi, I'm Amy. I'm here for the 2:30 interview." 

The silence that followed felt like an eternity as the woman processed what she had just heard. It took her a moment to realize that this person was in fact her 2:30 interview.  Although she did not want to stereotype most domestics, Susan had frankly assumed that this applicant, like all the rest, would be from some far off third world country.  She certainly did not expect her to arrive wearing a pant suit even if it was a low end department store brand.  "Oh... I'm so sorry. Yes I'm Susan. Please come in."

The woman directed Amy to a chair situated in a home office that was situated off the main entryway. "Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?" 

"Some water would be lovely," Amy replied. 

The woman stepped out and returned a minute later with a glass of water. Amy thanked her as Susan sat down in a leather computer chair. "So tell me a little bit about yourself?" 

Amy fidgeted for a minute before nervously handing Susan her resume. "Well as you can see I'm currently a student, but I have several years experience waiting tables and working as a nanny during the Summer." 

Again the woman looked surprised. She was not expecting to be handed a resume. Perhaps references, but certainly not a formal resume. Her eyes glanced it over before fixating on the girl’s education. This had to be some sort of prank. There was no way a student at Harvard would want to be her live in housemaid. 

While Amy kept babbling about her background and experience, Susan found herself getting more and more upset. Although, she was careful not to show any change in her outward appearance. This was really bizarre.  Not only did this maid not fit her mental image, but she also attended the same elite university that Susan graduated from a few years ago.  In fact, her little sister Lexi, was a student there now. 

Susan's mind was racing. Who was this girl and what was her angle? The more Amy spoke, the more the Susan became convinced that something was off. She tried to keep her cool and continued to ask more questions while attempting to read between the lines. 

"So, you're willing to live here and work for me? What about your studies?" Susan asked, not quite able to keep the skepticism out of her voice. 

Amy's heart sank at Susan's tone. She could tell that the woman was not convinced, and she was afraid that she might lose the opportunity. Amy took a deep breath and tried to explain. "I know my resume might look a little odd for this kind of job. But I assure you that I'm a hard worker and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. My studies are important to me, but I can manage my time effectively to balance both work and school." 

Susan raised an eyebrow, "I see. And how did you hear about this job opening?" 

Amy hesitated before answering, "I saw the advertisement online. It sounded like a great opportunity." 

Susan nodded slowly, still clearly skeptical. She decided to ask a more personal question, "Are you really comfortable working as a housemaid? I see that you go to Harvard. How will you feel if others find out you are working as a domestic servant?" 

Amy honestly had not given that question much thought. She was so focused on getting a job and finding a place to live that she hadn't really contemplated what others might think about her. While Harvard tried to present itself as a progressive, forward thinking University, a large percentage of the students came from old money. They already looked down at social climbers like Amy. This would only make matters harder. 

"What I do to make money on the side is really no one's business," she responded. 

Susan remained unconvinced. Part of her still doubted whether Amy was even serious about this interview. It felt a bit like a sorority prank. That hypothesis only grew when she actually saw that Amy was a member of a sorority. However, even if Amy was really serious, Susan still had her doubts. Working as a domestic worker was not an easy job. The last thing she wanted to do was hire Amy, move her into her home and then find out in a couple of months that it wasn't going to work out. Susan had to be sure the girl was not going to change her mind. 

She decided to push the issue. Susan was going to discuss aspects of the job in more detail. While doing so, she decided to embellish things a bit with the hopes of scaring the girl away. Once Amy realized how difficult and humiliating this job was going to be, she would willingly give up so that Susan could hire a more experienced maid who appreciated the job and would remain loyal to her family. 

"Okay, let me be clear about the job requirements," Susan began. "You'll be responsible for cleaning the entire house, cooking meals, doing laundry, and running errands. You'll be on call 24/7, and you won't be allowed to have visitors. Also, you'll be living in the basement with no access to the main house other than to clean it." 

Amy's heart sank as she heard the list of duties that Susan expected her to do. It was much more than she had anticipated. She had never cooked before and didn't think that her cleaning skills were up to par. However, she was determined to make this work. 

"I understand that the job is demanding, but I'm willing to put in the effort required to make it work. I'm a quick learner, and I will do my best to ensure that you're satisfied with my work. I'm willing to work hard and follow your instructions to the letter." 

If anything, Susan had to give Amy credit. The girl definitely seemed determined to get this job. When Susan posted the role, she expected to get a bunch of immigrants. Her mental image had been of hiring a young girl from South America or perhaps Asia. She was still struggling to fit Amy into that mental model. Why would a highly educated woman want to demean herself with work that was clearly beneath her. 

This only made Susan push the matter harder. She decided to discuss the uniform. This actually wasn't a requirement but she decided to pretend like it was one. 

"Oh, one more thing Amy. If you get the job, you'll have to wear a uniform. It's a standard black and white maid's uniform. We have a tailor who will make it for you. You'll have to wear it every day while you're working." 

Amy hesitated for a moment before responding. The thought of wearing a uniform made the job seem even more demeaning, but she was desperate for a place to live. "I understand. I'm willing to wear whatever uniform is necessary to do the job." 

Susan was a bit taken aback by how easy it was to get Amy to agree to the uniform. The college student hadn't even really pushed back at all. Where was the sense of pride. The immigrants Susan had expected to interview would have pushed back. They might be immigrants who needed a job, but they still had their dignity. 

Ever the opportunist, Susan began to wonder how far she could push things. Having come from a privileged background, Susan was used to getting her way, but this opportunity seemed to be almost too good to be true. Now rather than trying to scare Amy away, Susan hoped that she could get the girl to agree to more work. Why not take advantage of things. She continued to push Amy as she discussed the role further. 

"Great," Susan said, nodding her head. "Now, one more thing. Would you be willing to do some extra work outside the job description? I mean, things like giving me a massage when I come home from work or running personal errands for me." 

Amy was shocked. She hadn't expected this kind of request from Susan. She had read the job posting and it had clearly stated the job requirements. Giving massages and running personal errands were definitely not part of the job description. 

"I'm not sure that's appropriate," Amy said hesitantly. "I understand that I'll have to work hard, but I can't do things that aren't part of the job description." 

Susan looked at Amy with a smirk on her face. "Well, if you want the job, you'll have to do what I say. If not, I'm sure I can find someone who will." 

Amy was taken aback by Susan's tone. She had been so nice up until this point that it really caught her off guard. On the surface this job had sounded like potentially the perfect opportunity, but now Amy was not quite so sure. "I'm sorry for my tone," Amy finally said. "I am still very excited about this position. 

"So you are comfortable with the position as I have described it," Susan asked? 

"Yes, I am." Amy did not hesitate. She tried to put on a brave face. 

"Well then, why don't we have a bit of a trial run. It will also give you a chance to ask me a few questions, " replied Susan who proceeded to kick off her shoes and place her sock covered feet up near Amy. 

The intention was clear. This was the moment of truth for both women. Amy tried to hide her disgust as she glanced at Susan's feet. She could smell a faint hint of sweat. It was clear that Susan was trying to test her limits. Amy knew that she needed to prove herself if she wanted the job. 

She took a deep breath and forced herself to stay calm. "Of course, I'm happy to help in any way that I can," she said, trying not to show any signs of discomfort. 

Amy took a deep breath and tried to keep her composure as she looked at Susan's feet. She was uneasy about the prospect of massaging them, but she knew that she had to play along if she wanted to get the job. She slowly walked over to Susan and knelt down beside the couch. 

Susan could not believe what was happening. This went beyond anything she could have possibly imagined. Not only had she convinced Amy that foot massages were part of the job, but she now had the girl on the floor kneeling in front of her. The picture of this intelligent college girl kneeling in front of her was simply divine. It was taking every inch of her will power to hold it together as she literally felt like she had won the lottery.

As Amy began massaging Susan's feet, she couldn't help but feel humiliated. She had never done anything like this before, and it made her feel vulnerable. But she knew that she had to keep up appearances if she wanted to get the job. 

Susan, on the other hand, was enjoying the feeling of power that came with having someone kneel at her feet. She let out a small moan of pleasure as Amy's fingers worked their way up and down her arches. 

"That's it," she said, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. "You're a natural at this." 

Amy didn't respond, but continued to massage Susan's feet. She knew that if she wanted to keep this job, she had to do whatever it took to please Susan. 

After what felt like an eternity, Susan finally pulled her feet away from Amy. "That was very good," she said, a hint of approval in her voice. "Come now, do you have any questions for me?" 

Amy had been so humiliated by the foot massage that she had forgotten to ask Susan any questions. She quickly sat back in the chair, relieved that this ordeal was over as her potential employer pulled her feet away. However, the college student could not shake herself out of what had just happened. While Susan's feet were not particularly dirty, Amy could still detect a hint of sweat on her hands. This was terribly distracting. Amy could not think clearly and she struggled to think of any questions to ask. 

Meanwhile Susan was still scheming. What else could she make Amy do? How could she make this a more permanent situation? At this point she was convinced that she wanted to hire Amy, but she was still worried the girl would grow a spine and walk out. Susan needed to lock her into the role and push her further. Then a light bulb went off in her mind. Susan would reach out to her friend Beth.  As an attorney, Beth could draft up an employment contract to help lock down Amy even if she changed her mind. 

As Susan continued to scheme, Amy finally managed to pull her wits together. Having gone this far already she wanted to make sure she could get the job. "Susan, can you tell me more about the pay and benefits of this position? You mentioned I would be staying in the basement. I assume it is furnished?" 

How delightful, the girl was clearly interested. Susan realized she had her hooked. Now all she had to do was real her in. The plan was simple. Sell her on the live in component, low ball her on the weekly salary and mention the employment contract less as a contract and more as something that Amy just needed to sign. 

The live in component of this job was always going to be the hardest part to sell. Sure there was a bathroom with a shower and a bedroom, but it was a bit musty. It was more of a room that she had thrown a spare bed in, hard tile floors, no windows with low ceilings. Several of the immigrant girls who had already interviewed for this job had walked away once they saw the living conditions. It was hardly a selling point, but if Susan played her cards right she would convince Amy it was downright luxurious which would make it easier to offer her a very low weekly salary as well. 

"Of course, dear. The basement is fully furnished with a bed, bathroom, and a small kitchenette. It's not the fanciest living space, but it's cozy and perfect for someone like you. You'll have everything you need down there," Susan said with a smile. "As for the pay, I was thinking about offering you $400 a week. And with regards to benefits, we can discuss those further once you sign the employment contract. My friend Beth can help us with that." 

Amy's face fell at the mention of the low salary, but she tried not to show it. She needed this job and was willing to make sacrifices to get it. "That sounds fair," she said quietly. 

"Excellent," Susan said with a smile. "I'll have Beth draw up the employment contract and we can discuss it further at a later time. In the meantime, why don't you go home and think about it? I'll give you a call in a few days to see if you're still interested." 

Amy nodded, still feeling uneasy about the whole situation, but her options were running out. She had to move out soon and didn't even have a job. Even as a student, that would make finding a new place quite challenging. "Thank you Susan. Let me know when things are ready and I will come by to sign everything." 

"Wonderful, dear. I will have Beth work her magic and hopefully we can get you started by this weekend." Susan led Amy to the front door. The girl looked a little dejected as she left. 

Susan, on the other hand, was shivering with excitement. This was going to be incredible. The power trip of using Amy left her positively dripping with desire, and she had only scratched the surface. 


  1. This appears to be your first story here---I'm going to take the time, a bit later, to fully digest it! 'Grats for writing this!!

    1. The Bridal Shower (2021/04) and Leah's First Day (2022/08) are also great stories by Inanimate77 on this site.

  2. Interesting concept. Not quite a "Lady" seeking a lowly maids position. But a young woman unwittingly lowering her lifestyle. Will be watching for Chapter 2 to see what unfolds. So far, so good.....

    1. Not sure why you would try and find fault with a new author on the site.

    2. I love that concept much, much more then: "Lady seeking a lowly maids position".

    3. Unless we're talking about a character who actually has an aristocratic title, what does "lady" mean other than a woman from a social/economic background where working as a maid would normally be something they would not do?

  3. Very interesting and something a little new. Look forward to coming back and reading the next one!

  4. Really glad this piece came out, can't wait for the next one!

  5. Very interesting can't wait for the next part..

  6. Very interesting story. Surely this college girl will be stripped off her identity and will live permantly as a pathetic maid only.

    1. I am wondering if this scenario is the way it will go also?

    2. With Susan's apparent expectation that maids should be "immigrants", I wonder if an ethnic transformation might be on the cards.

  7. Thanks for the great story, happy to hear from you after waiting a long time :)
    That start has also left me "positively dripping with desire".
    Any chances that The Bridal Shower/Leah's First Day will be continued?
    I'd love to hear more of Leah's downfall.

  8. The premise is interesting, I can wait to see where you will lead us.

  9. I love it. I can't wait for the next chapter!

  10. This story is off to a good start, and I'm looking forward to future instalments.

  11. Great beginning. Looking forward to the contract. Perhaps it will include dress, appearance (including an appropriate haircut), conduct, and deportment that is expected 24/7 as the new maid is on call 24/7.

  12. Lovely, lovely. can't wait for the next chapter JJ XX

  13. no updates again (
