
Monday, June 19, 2023

Story: Imposter Syndrome. Chapter 3.

By Jackie J

After their extended break, financed by the famous Jennifer Forbes of course, the household staff had all returned to maintain the upkeep of Doctor James’s residence, two housemaids and the cook.

Jen was now restricted to the top floor for the completion of her maid training, the top floor, being isolated and retained for patients staying at the Doctors residence for specialised treatments. Off limits for the domestic staff. The room Jen now occupied much nicer than her previous accommodation. Gone the old clothing and only two high quality cleaning smocks remained. Jen’s closet now boasting smart, indeed pretty maid’s dresses, these to be worn for formal events, and smart skirts and blouses for general wear. Her underwear although plain fitted well. Stockings and smart low-heeled shoes along with lace trimmed aprons and tiara caps completed this new maid’s workwear.

Jen deserved her promotion from cleaner to housemaid, Miss Ruskin had told her she did. and if she worked hard and trained well, she would soon be working in the household proper. Jen had no thoughts other than her duties and the new skills she must learn to be a perfect housemaid. Jen had been given selected illustrated literature to study, concerning maids work, and from her low base of cleaner, she had admired the pictures of the smartly dressed maids.

Jen had been looking forward to her first day wearing her new uniform, but Olga found her sad with evidence of tears staring into the dressing table mirror.

“What is wrong Jen, tell me.”

Jen pointed to the pages of an open book on the dressing table. A picture of a mature but well made-up maid, with a neat black bob hairstyle. Jen still deprived of cosmetics and with mousey hair in a short, but undefined style.

Jen fluffed her hair.

Look at me, my hair Miss, I should look like that, like in the book, I still look like a cleaner, you said I deserved to be a housemaid.”

Olga contained her amusement at the famous television personality, somewhat petulantly, seeking to mimic the image on the page.

Olga smiled placing a comforting hand on her maid’s shoulder before ripping the relevant page from the book and fixing it into the top corner of the mirror.

“There, we are Jen, you are right of course and that is just the look for you.”

The cut was not top salon but with its raven black gloss and neat bob style it was what Jen wanted. The makeup routine that Jen now adopted nothing like the delicate application of discrete and expensive cosmetics of Jennifer Forbes. From the heavy foundation, eye makeup and mascara to her bright red lips, she wore the mask of a maid, just like the picture on the mirror.

For four weeks the increasingly competent housemaid Jen followed Miss Ruskin’s instructions and teachings. Fearful of being forced to return to being that awful arrogant and undeserving woman, Jennifer Forbes, Jen learnt quickly.

Samantha, between patients at her clinic, studied the two contrasting pictures. A publicity shot of Jennifer Forbes and the image that Miss Ruskin had provided of her budding housemaid Jen.

The face framing free flowing long blonde hair gone replaced with the harsh black bob. Jen’s eyes having lost that expectant sparkle so obvious in the publicity shot. The subtle application of makeup making the very best of the television presenters fine facial features. For Jen an application of makeup that one would readily associate with someone of her desired social status.

Jennifer Forbes mobile had stopped ringing a few weeks after her arrival at Samantha’s residence. The message Jennifer had left on her voicemail, dictated to her by the good doctor, was succinct. “You have reached Jennifer Forbes voicemail, I am enjoying an undisturbed and extended vacation so, either leave a message or contact Violet Hemmings, my agent.” 

Emails were a mixed bag some frivolous, other were not. A standard bounce back replay guiding the sender to contact her agent, Violet. All was accepted and all was well apart from the text messages and emails from Jennifers agent. She had become increasingly frantic and more than anxious for Jennifer to speak to her. Samantha’s response, always with at least a week’s delay, demanding to be left alone,

This last email, concerning a makeup and hair product commercial, had made Samantha chuckle.


Samantha was becoming a little concerned about Jennifers agent, at the end of her emails she was now asking if Jennifer is alright, was she coping, saying she worries about her, with her “problems” and begging Jennifer to get in touch to speak with her. Just so she knows she is alright.

Samantha was in her office at the Clinic writing up patients notes. She had taken an early lunch given It would be two hours before her next patient arrived. Not far from her mind, whilst completing her medical follow up notes, was how to placate Jennifers agent, she could be trouble and ruin everything. 

The intercom buzzed on Samantha’s desk and her secretary spoke.

“Sorry to disturb you Doctor James but there is a lady here who needs to see you, she is quite agitated Doctor, will you see her? Her name is Violet Hemmings, she is not a patient but says that you are treating her client, Jennifer Forbes.”

Samantha paused for a moment looking at the time, she had a few hours before her next appointment, then pressed the reply toggle.

“Yes, yes Petra, send her through and be a dear and organise some coffee for us.”

Samantha had, in the guise of her client, been surreptitiously corresponding with this Violet woman for many weeks, but she did not look anything like Samantha had imagined. Tall, elegant, attractive in a sort of masculine way with her short, cropped hair. Violets sophisticated demeaner belied her pent-up frustrations which, with a raised voice, she showered on the one she held responsible.

“Where is she, Jennifer, she comes here to see you, she told me, you are helping her?”

“Well, thanks to your help she is who knows where, Scotland she said and that’s all she said, and won’t speak to me, just sends me emails and texts telling me to leave her alone. Leave her alone? I manage her career and from where I sit your “Help” is not helping at all.  Have you told her to do this, to ignore everyone, to ignore me, cut herself off like she as? Well, have you? Has she been in contact with you, I am at my wits end, she has her problems, which no doubt she has shared with you, but to do this, to be like this with me?”

Petra entered Doctor James office and laid the coffee tray on Samantha’s desk.

The interruption momentarily calmed Violet’s angst and Samantha, retaining her composure, sought to defuse her anger.

“Please sit, you are obviously concerned about Miss Forbes, I can see that.”

Thinking hard, of what to say, Samantha stole some time sliding a cup of coffee towards her visitor.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting that, you are obviously upset but who are you, my secretary said that Miss Forbes is a client of yours, I think I will need to know more than that before I discuss or disclose anything about a patient.”

Violet took Samantha’s reluctance to speak to her about her “Patient” to be an indication that the Doctor did know something, was holding something back, she had to know where Jennifer was, she just had to.

“I am sorry, I am sorry for shouting like that, it’s just, I am Jennifers agent have been since, well, I have been her agent for a long time, before the consumer champion program that she is starring in. I look after everything for her. I am concerned Doctor; I have been worried for the last weeks that something may have happened to her and this morning I received this.”

Violet held up a document which was clearly some sort of financial statement.

“It’s Jennifers expenses account, she hasn’t spent anything not a penny since she left for her “Vacation”. The last payment is a rather large sum to your clinic. She always uses this card always so why not now; I have come to you first before I go to the police, knowing that she is a patient of yours, I am hoping you know something.”

“Please help me please.”

Samantha hid her self-chastisement for not considering the obvious and significant detail that Violet now raised.

Whilst presenting a calm and serene expression, Samantha’s mind raced. This woman mentions the police, going to the police, I can’t let that happen, but what to do? I have nothing to hide, Jennifer Forbes sought and paid for her current situation. Jen’s conditioning is all but complete, she served dinner the other evening, and served it well.  Perhaps it was time anyway to unveil my famous housemaid, why not to this concerned agent I doubt she will want to scoop this story?

Samantha leaned forward with an expression of professional concern.

““I can see you are very upset and anxious; I want to help you and I will. I just need to check some things first, the files, some ethical edicts and issues, patient doctor confidentiality, you know how these things are.  Unfortunately, I have patients arriving shortly so why don’t you come back this evening, better still come to my residence, you can join me for dinner let us say seven thirty for eight. We can go through everything then, get to the bottom of why Miss Forbes is behaving like this.”

Violet looked up at the Doctor, she did know something, she was right to suspect this shrink was involved, does she know where Jennifer is, what she is doing? Ethics? Files, my goodness why can’t she just tell me.

Violet consoled herself that waiting a few more hours would not be a problem and, having dinner with London’s top psychiatrist and psychotherapist, had a certain appeal and agreed to visiting Doctor James’s home that evening.

“So, you do know something, I thought as much. Dinner? Well alright, seven thirty for eight, I can do that.”

Walking back around her desk Samantha pressed the call button and Petra was soon at the doorway.

“Miss Hemmings is leaving Petra, could you give her my address details.”

Turning back to Violet, Samantha smiled

 “I look forward to seeing you later, my secretary will give you the address details.”


With her uninvited visitor gone, Samantha called Petra into her office.

“Petra, something just came up and I will have to cancel the appointment I have for this afternoon, you have my diary, apologise and reschedule.”

Samantha gathered what she needed and was soon on her way home pondering what to do.

Back at her home Samantha summoned Miss Ruskin to her study. Samantha explained what had happened at the clinic, being doorstepped by Jennifer Forbes agent. Olga stared open mouthed when she was told that Samantha had invited this agent Violet Hemmings to dinner that very evening.

Samantha could see some panic in Olga’s eyes.

“What, what is it, what’s the problem, this changes nothing. Remember Miss Forbes came here willingly, asked for this, wanted this, why she is even paying for her treatment, her conditioning. You have said yourself she is happy being Jen, scrubbing and cleaning and the housemaid training, pleased with way she looks, the way she wants to look now. The night before last when you had her serve dinner. Jen did not miss a beat she was perfect, you said so yourself. It was always my intention to exhibit the results of our work. I am convinced that Jen is ready, Jennifer Forbes, all be it with your guidance, has turned herself into nothing but a domestic drone, proving my theory beyond doubt. Yes, why not unveil our celebrity maid to this Hemmings woman, it will be interesting to gauge her reaction.

“Have Jen serve table again this evening but have Charlotte welcome our guest and serve drinks before dinner.”

Charlotte, wearing her best formal maid’s uniform, the same uniform that Jen will be wearing, greeted Miss Hemmings with a respectful bob curtsy on her arrival.

Good evening, Miss Hemmings. Doctor James is expecting you, follow me please.

Violet could not help but admire the way the maid that welcomed her presented herself, her poise, her manner, and her uniform. Following the maid down a hallway Violet was drawn to the seams of her stockings, her eyes raising to the neatly formed bow of the maid’s apron ties. Violet had seen such maids at functions but never in a private home, a reflection of how successful and wealthy Doctor James was.

The door to a reception room opened and Violet entered, following the maid who introduced her.

“Miss Hemmings Mistress, your guest.”

Samantha stood and walked towards Violet and brushed the visitor’s cheek with her own, Miss Ruskin remaining seated.

“Very punctual Violet, so pleased you could come, may I introduce my Housekeeper Miss Ruskin, she will be joining us this evening.  Perhaps a drink, what would you like.”

Violet had tried, a smart trouser suit but she was totally eclipsed by her hosts outfit, Samantha looked stunning. The opulence of the residence, the perfect maid and the film star looks and appearance of her host, left violet searching for her simple reply, which stuttered out.

“Erm , erm, yes yes, erm, wine, white wine, dry if you have , have that Doctor James.”

Samantha sought to relax her guest and gently took hold of Violets hands in her own and smiled.

“Doctor James, nonsense, Samantha, you must call me Samantha. White wine, let me get that for you.”

Samantha looked toward her waiting maid.

“A white wine, and whisky for Miss Ruskin and myself.”

Charlotte bobbed a polite curtsy before leaving.

“Yes Mistress”

With the only interruption being the return of the maid with the drinks, Violet listened intently whilst Samantha reviewed the visits of Miss Jennifer Forbes to her London Clinic, supported by her Notes, photographs, recordings and videos.

The sash cord pulled Charlotte appeared and took a further order of drinks. Violet, having listened thus far, changed her order taking a whiskey a large one. 

Violet looked across at Samantha,

“My goodness I never knew, but that explains so much, the last months of the television program, that Connie Black article, becoming withdrawn. She wouldn’t go anywhere. Then all this, the things she said to you about herself, undeserving, a fraud? How ridiculous.  Imposter Syndrome you say and pioneering treatment, Jennifer wanted to participate in a pioneering treatment.”

Samantha passed Violet the document that Jennifer had unwittingly signed committing herself into the unconditional care of Doctor James, to be treated according to her diagnosed needs at the behest of Doctor James, agreeing to accept all treatments.

Violet scanned the document whist Charlotte retuned to serve the drinks.

Having taken a gulp of her Whiskey violet looked at Samantha questioningly a worried tone to her voice.

“What, Jennifer signed herself into your care under the Mental Health Act, what was she thinking, as she gone mad, Oh my goodness, what have I said? No disrespect to you Samantha, but I am right, there is little difference between what she has done and actually being committed?”

Samantha took a sip of her whiskey.

“Well, Miss Forbes volunteered to sign herself into my care, to receive my treatment. The wording and the conditions of her committal are in principle the same, so yes. In fact, no difference at all.  But don’t worry, once I sign a release, she will be free of any restraints under the mental health act.”

Violet relaxed a little following Samantha’s explanation.

“So Jennifer signed up for the treatment you recommended, which we have not come to yet, but why then did she go to Scotland, is that where she is, where she is having the treatment, and what is this treatment, should you not be with her?”

Samantha placed some more files on her lap and continued.

“Jennifer is not in Scotland, she never went to Scotland, that was a blind to ensure the press knew nothing of what she was doing or where she was doing it. she was on the edge she trusted no one”

Violet became agitated,

“Look if Jennifer is not in Scotland where the bloody Hell is she, tell me for goodness’ sake tell me.”

Samantha opened the first file.

“She is here, here in my home, she received her treatment here. Under the supervision of Miss Ruskin who is not only my Housekeeper but also a qualified psychiatric nurse.”

Samantha passed Violet the program that her client had agreed, her treatment.

Violet was on her feet placing the document on the table without reading it.

“Enough of these games, look, if Jennifer is here, I want to see her, in fact I demand to see her.  Now!”

Samantha pointed to the chair from which Violet had stood.

“All in good time, I promise, but sit down, sit down please, read the document. This is what Miss Forbes wanted, in fact needed. When you have read the notes, and viewed Jennifers progress, which was all recorded, then we can go through for dinner, and you can see your client.” 

Edited of course, and skilfully, Violet sat entranced by what she was shown.

From Jennifers arrival, her enthusiasm to enter the program of treatment, willingly giving up access and control of all Jennifer Forbes possessions. Removing her clothing, wearing her new clothing, accepting her name to be Jen. It was clear there was no coercion when she stepped into her overall for the first time. There of course was no recording of Jennifers experience in the box room, being held in a cage. Jen, seen cleaning and scrubbing, more than happy to accept Miss Ruskin’s authoritarian regime. Violet sat speechless watching her client demanding to mimic the housemaid’s appearance in a journal she held. Violet let out an audible gasp looking at the finished article smiling and staring proudly from the screen before the humble maid turned to thank Miss Ruskin for her deserved promotion from cleaner to housemaid. 

Samantha pressed the remote, and the screen went blank.

“So now you know Violet, what has become of your client, Miss Jennifer Forbes, whilst under my care. As you can clearly see from the recordings, all by her own volition and actions, she is now content to be Jen, a house maid. Jen no longer in denial of her true worth or haunted by the spectre of knowing herself to be a fraud.”

Violet stared at the blank screen for a few moments then turned to Samantha.

“Really? Why?

Samantha quite proud of her work, the transformation of a famous television personality into a common housemaid replied.

“Yes Violet, really, your client is no longer the television presenter Jennifer Forbes, she is Jen, a housemaid, a very good housemaid I may add. Why, because Jen knows that Miss Jennifer Forbes was an imposter, that woman never deserved all that she had, all that she was. Jen knows that you can only have what you deserve, and all she deserves is to be a housemaid. Obviously, Miss Forbes treatment is not complete, we have taken her down the social ladder and now we must help her climb it again. Miss Forbes embraced her inner self much better than even I anticipated, and we now have some way to go to convince Jen that she deserves the wealth and fame of a television presenter. Reverse the process if you will”.

Samantha saw no anger or distress in Jennifers agent following the revelations and wondered why.

“A lot to take in, I can understand that, with you having been running around, working for and serving a housemaid for all this time, doesn’t seem right does it, Violet.”

Violet handed the files back to Samantha.

“No, it doesn’t, Miss Forbes could be quite demanding at times, remarkable what you have done to her, what she has done to herself, most remarkable. From what I have read and seen she obviously wanted this, and indeed paid for the privilege of her social downgrade. It could be seen to be a waste of Miss Jennifer Forbes money not to get full value from this Jen woman?” 

Samantha laughed at how easily Violet, intentionally or not, separated the persona of Jennifer Forbes from the housemaid Jen.

“Goodness me Violet whatever are you thinking”.

“Let us go through to the dining room, you can meet my maid and we can continue our discussions.”



  1. I love your stories JJ!

  2. Oh my God!!
    Absolutely amazing!!
    But it should not have been ended here😭
    I thought Miss Hemmings would see Dr. James' new housemaid in this part😭😭
    Can't wait for next part!!
    Please write it asap😅
    Love you and your works so much♥️♥️♥️♥️

  3. Interesting stories. They do however need extensive proofreading and corrections.

  4. Wonderful, creative story. Thank you! I can't help but wonder if Violet Hemmings might not just decide to involve herself a bit in Jennifer's conditioning to her new status in life.

  5. Eagerly anticipating the next installment when Jen the maid is revealed to her now superior assistant.
