
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Story: The Job Interview. Part 3.

by Inanimate77 

Although it had been a couple days since Amy had traveled to Stich n'Time to get fitted for her maid uniform, things had begun to move quickly. Amy had met Susan for lunch where she revealed all the documents that she needed to sign. It seemed a bit much at the time, but Susan had assured Amy that the paperwork was necessary given it was a live-in position. The inch thick pile of papers required her to sign over 20 times during their lunch. 

Susan did not rush Amy and encouraged her to read through the documents but after reading through the fourth or fifth page of legal mumbo jumbo, Amy just started signing things. It was enough to make her brain hurt. The college student justified her actions by the simple fact that she was out of options. Her lease was up and she needed to move out now or risk having her landlord throw her stuff out on the street. Susan's patience and professionalism provided her with a lot of comfort. 

That trust seemed well placed when the next day movers showed up at Amy's apartment to pack up her things and get them over to Susan's home. They only left her with a few basic necessities to make it through the next few days before her official start date. Susan did not feel it was appropriate to have Amy living in her home until she started working. 

The day before Amy was to start she received several texts from Susan with instructions. She expected Amy to arrive and begin working at noon the next day. Amy's employer also mentioned that Amy could come by in the morning to drop off the remainder of her things. The final text from Susan informed Amy that she had an appointment with the seamstress at 10:00 in the morning to pick up her uniforms.


All of that had seemed normal enough except for a text that followed an hour later. In this text, Susan stressed the importance of being on time and in uniform at noon. She wanted to make it perfectly clear to Amy that she was on probation and that any poor performance could result in the girl's immediate dismissal. 

Amy was already apprehensive about starting the new job, but this final text only seemed to heighten her anxiety. With no options, Amy realized during the probation period that being fired would also result in her being homeless. This 3 month period meant that she would even be on edge during the first couple weeks back at school. 

The morning of Amy's appointment with the seamstress came quickly. She had barely slept the night before, tossing and turning with worry about her new job and the expectations that came with it. However, all of that was behind Amy as she walked into the Stich n'Time store. With the prior experience seared into her memory, she was eager to get in and get out as fast as possible. The familiar bell rang just like before as she entered the shop, but this time there was much more activity. Several women were standing around waiting. The little store was filled with energy.

While she waited, Amy took stock of the women. They mostly appeared to be her age although a couple appeared to be much older. When one of the girls emerged from the back in a green dress, it immediately became apparent to Amy that this was a bridal party. Claps and cheers arose as the girl walked out doing her best pose while everyone took pictures of the event.

That was when Amy happened to catch the eye of the seamstress. She quickly walked over to her, hoping to get out of the store as quickly as possible. "Excuse me," she said. "I'm here to pick up the uniforms."

The woman recognized her immediately. "Go take a seat over there. I will get to you as soon as I am done with this group." 

"But I'm in a hurry. I have a 10:00 appointment. Can you just give me the uniforms?" 

The annoyed seamstress scowled at Amy. "I said wait over there. I have important customers who need my attention. I'm not about to  give you these uniforms until they're fitted properly, otherwise you will just be back here again." 

Although she was upset, Amy let out a sigh and walked over to the designated area, feeling the weight of her anxiety bearing down on her. She did not like how the woman was talking to her, but at the same time she did not want to make a scene. 

As she waited, she watched the bridal party try on different dresses and accessories, admiring their joyous energy. It was a stark contrast to the fear that gripped her. 

Meanwhile the seamstress had walked back toward her customers.  She began making adjustments to the green dress that the young woman was wearing.  Her friends barely noticed as they continued jabbering away. 

"Megan, these dresses are gorgeous." 

"Seriously, this is the first bridesmaid dress that I've actually liked,” another girl responded.

More phones flashed as the seamstress continued with her adjustments. The young woman in the dress made it challenging for her as she kept posing for pictures. Amy could tell that the seamstress was frustrated, but the small business owner knew better than to say anything. Given how the woman had just spoken to her, Amy found the entire experience amusing. It served her right. 

Finally she finished and the girl walked back into the changing area. The seamstress headed over toward Amy. She was visibly flustered as she approached. 

"Alright Missy, time to put this on." The shop owner pulled a dress off a rod and handed it to Amy. 

Amy looked around a little confused. "Ummm... Ma'am the changing area is full."

The shopkeeper glared at her. "So." 

"Well there is nowhere to get changed." 

"Are you daft girl? There is no one else in the store. You can get changed over there." The woman pointed to a spot over at the side of the store. It was away from the door and the front windows but provided no cover from the other customers. 

Amy could not believe that the woman wanted her to strip right in front of the strangers. However, she didn't have time to wait around. At this rate she would be late for her first day. She felt humiliated but walked over to the spot and tried to discreetly change into the uniform. 

As Amy was struggling to put on the uniform, she heard snickering and giggling from the bridal party. She could feel their eyes on her, watching her every move. It was as if they were enjoying her discomfort. Amy felt humiliated, but she was determined to get the uniform on as quickly as possible and get out of the store. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Amy emerged from the makeshift changing area in her new maid uniform. It was a simple black dress with a white apron and cap. She felt ridiculous. To make matters worse, the uniform did not quite fit. 

"Omg Megan, you have to have the servers dress like that at the reception. The uniform is perfect." 

"Seriously, girl. There really is nothing better than a black maid uniform.  That dress just screams the help." A second girl replied, emphasizing 'the help' with her hands. 

Before Amy really had a chance to react the bridal party had surrounded her. The girls continued to comment about her appearance.

Amy could feel her cheeks burning with shame as the girls laughed and made jokes. She was at a loss for words, feeling trapped and helpless. She wanted nothing more than to get out of there and forget this humiliating experience. 

The girls were talking at Amy, not to her. That changed when the bride walked right up to her. "I have a wonderful idea," she said while looking at Amy. "Girl, I have a question for you."

Amy felt like she was about to cry. She struggled to make eye contact with the young woman in front of her. Finally she managed to reply, "What miss?" 

The girl beamed. "Miss, I love the sound of that. Well, I have a business proposition for you." She gestured over to the girls. "As you can see I have a lot of bridesmaids in my wedding. They are there to support me on my big day." 

"Damn right. We're here for you." 

"Indeed," the future bride continued. "However, what I am lacking at the moment is a bride's maid." 

Amy did not follow. She stood there for a moment trying to understand what the woman was getting at. As the silence built, making her more and more uncomfortable, she felt compelled to reply. "I'm not following you." 

"Of course you aren't Girl. That's probably why you're wearing that uniform." The bride laughed at her own joke. "You see I need a maid to tend to me and my bridal party, and I think you would be perfect for that role." 

Amy was confused and taken aback. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was this bride seriously asking her to be her personal maid on her wedding day? She had never been so humiliated in her life. The other girls in the bridal party were snickering and making jokes at her expense while the bride just stood there, waiting for her answer. 

"I'm sorry, miss. I can't do that. I have a job to go to," Amy said, trying to sound as firm as possible. 

The bride's smile vanished, replaced with a scowl. "Are you refusing my offer?" 

Amy shook her head. "Yes, miss. I just don't think it's a good idea. I need to go to my job."

The woman's face softened a little. "I understand. It's just that I thought it would be nice to have someone to take care of us on my big day." 

The bride's mother could see the disappointment in her daughter's face. "Girl, I'd be happy to chat with your employer to work something out." 

Amy felt trapped. All eyes remained glued on her.  She just wanted to get out of the shop. To make matters worse, time was ticking.  Amy really did not want to be late on her first day. She sat there in silence, paralyzed by the embarrassment of the situation. 

The seamstress suddenly interrupted. "Mrs. Grant, I would be happy to give you the name of her employer. I'm sure Susan would be open to the idea." 

Amy's jaw dropped. Did the shopkeeper just offer to share her employer's info with this woman?  Amy felt like she was being traded around like chattel. 

The bride's mother smiled. "That would be wonderful, thank you." 

Amy felt like she was going to be sick. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was being asked to be a personal maid for a group of strangers, and her employer was going to be contacted without her permission. She had to get out of there. 

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go," Amy said, her voice shaky. 

The bride's mother nodded. "Of course, dear. We won't keep you any longer. Don't worry, girl. We'll talk to your employer and make sure everything is taken care of. You'll have plenty of time to take care of us on the big day." 

Amy wanted to scream. This was not what she had signed up for when she took the job as a maid. She had never felt so degraded and humiliated in her life. But she knew she couldn't say anything, not with all these people around her. 

"Thank you, miss," she managed to say. 

Amy grabbed her backpack and bolted out of the store, not looking back. She could hear the girls laughing and whispering as she ran down the street. The college girl was three blocks down the street before she realized that she was still wearing her uniform.

 Amy stopped dead in her tracks, looking down at herself. She could feel the eyes of the people on her, judging her as they passed by.  The college student felt small and helpless in her black maid uniform.  This was bad.  Amy had to get out of it and change into something else. 

But where could she change?  She desperately looked around, searching for a public restroom or a secluded spot to change, but there was nothing in sight. She felt trapped.  There was no escaping the humiliation of the uniform. 

Even though it was out of her way, Amy turned down a side street to get off the main road. The number of people quickly dwindled as she walked away from the business district.  She was still self conscious about her appearance, but at least there were less people staring at her. 

After walking a couple more blocks, Amy stopped to catch her breath. This helped calm her down, easing her anxiety and allowing the college student a moment to think.  It was only then that she realized that she was still wearing the apron and the hat. Without hesitating, Amy quickly pulled both items off and threw them in her backpack. This still left her wearing the plain black dress, but that was far less humiliating. 

As she felt her heart rate return to normal, Amy looked down at her phone. She had 20 minutes to get to her destination and almost a mile to go. Thankfully it was not that hot as the determined woman double timed it to work.


  1. really looking forward to reading the next chapter, thank you in advance

  2. Replies
    1. It'll going to be AMAAAAAAAAZING🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  3. This is a great story! I can't wait for more. Thank you so much.

  4. Brilliant chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

  5. Very good and building the tension nicely! Thank you IA77! K x

  6. I am trying to flesh out an outline for the rest of this story. I will admit I originally created this with the intention of it only being the part, so I don't yet have a clear ending in mind. However, I have some ideas in mind for the next part which I hope that everyone will like. I realize the slow burn nature of this story is not for everyone.

    1. Keep it up this way!!
      Most of us like longer story and slow burn.
      Men your works are amazing.
      Amazing writers like you are very rare.
      So happy to have you<3

  7. Nice continuation, thanks!
    She hasn't even started her main job and already has a side quest, haha.
    I'm looking forward to her humbling experiences.
    Maybe her other uniforms are a bit more frisky?

  8. I support the development of a longer story. I'm really enjoying your writing. With Amy not understanding and knowing what is in her voluminous contract (I can just imagine how Susan and Beth have locked down and locked in Amy), Susan taking control over fundamentally all of Amy's possessions under the pretext of looking after her move (a brilliant strategy to ensure further dependence on and control by Susan), and the bridal party and tailor's interaction, the story is flowering beautifully. Keep up the great work!

  9. Running in the street and uniform!!

  10. I’m wondering whether this author has bitten off more than he can chew — before even getting going on the first storyline he has introduced an entirely new one. Writing one story is hard enough, but two, simultaneously may turn out to be a problem …

    1. The great thing about being the author is you get to decide how much of a story you want to build out and how much you want to leave to the imagination.

  11. Big fan of the setting, hope the author can keep it going because he has other stories that tend to stop after a couple of chapters

  12. I’ve published a few stories myself and found that you have to be ruthless in limiting subject matter and ideally thinking up a plot twist to keep things both brief and interesting — otherwise three years later you’re on XYZ Story Part 78 (Annabel’s mistress thinks up a new sub-variation to her previous controlling household service rule 14).

    1. If you are Lorenzo, can't wait for the rest of those stories.

  13. really loving this story, you're an excellent writer. Love the plot twist with the bridal party. im imagining Amy's contract signed over to the bride after her mother purchases the contract and gifts amy to her as a wedding present. anyway love the story cant wait to see where you go with it

  14. as no updates again i post another AI assisted story concept

    Maria Gomez was not your average Mexican actress. She had made a name for herself by playing maids in various television serials, some of which were actually filmed on her own expansive property to cut costs. Always appearing on-screen in her signature uniform, over time Maria found herself pigeonholed into her TV persona, trapped in a surreal blend of fiction and reality. The relentless typecasting didn't stop there. Her fans started showing up at her property, insistent on seeing Maria not just as an actress, but as the live-in maid she portrayed on screen. They could not separate the maidenly uniform from the woman, recognizing her only in the context of her character. They would often scold her for not wearing her uniform, even during her personal outings or social events.
    All this came to a head when Maria had an intense argument with the producers, refusing to be shackled by her uniform and her on-screen persona. But the producers had another agenda. Using a court order, they forced her to always be in her maid’s character, even when she was at her home. They believed this would serve two purposes - to protect Maria from possible fan attacks and to serve as a living advertisement for their series. Ironically, Maria found herself having to wear her character's uniform even in her own home. This amused her actual housekeeper and maids, who couldn't help but see their boss as just another household help dressed in the uniform. The once respected mistress was now seen as "just another lazy maid." Maria’s housekeeper suggested a radical idea - for Maria to quite literally play her on-screen character in real life, by getting hired as a live-in maid in her own house via a domestic recruiting agency. Using her screen name, Marisol Suarez, Maria applied for the position, and got hired. From that surreal point onward, Maria began to fully live her role. She ate with the other maids, slept in the maid’s quarters instead of her previously luxurious room, and performed house chores when she wasn't filming. This absurd arrangement was consolatory in one way - it took her mind off her tumultuous life as a celebrated actress. As part of her continued immersion, she also modeled for catalog shoots featuring clothes and accessories for maids and household help. The shoots occurred throughout her mansion, further adding to the bizarre mix of her personal life and professional obligations. In time Maria found a curious solace in the routine, discovering comfort in the practicality and efficiency of her maid's uniform and cleaning materials. She tested various aprons, gloves, and other cleaning material made of latex, rubber, and PVC and found them easy to clean and disinfect. Wearing her uniform soon became second nature, including her favorite duralatex apron and maid bonnet. Rather curiously, Maria found herself not just merely surviving, but thriving within her imposed lifestyle. She felt as though she was no longer merely an actress merely playing a role. Instead, she felt like a real life maid whose life was an elaborate play about a famous actress. And that's when she knew for certain - she wasn't a casualty of her circumstances. Instead, she was a high-profile actress living a most unconventional life with the highest degree of creativity.

    1. These are worse than no updates.

    2. Well done. It deserves its own posting/ thread. Please continue.

  15. Hmm, AI tales are maybe useful as an early first draft.

  16. Love this story. Please publish the next episode soon xx

  17. Please publish the next episode of this brilliant story soon. xx

  18. This is such a wonderful story. Really looking forward to the next chapter. I hope there are many more chapters to come. The relationship between Amy and Susan has so many opportunities. Plus the other characters introduced so far have great potential. The ideas put forward in the comments are very interesting. I would really like to see a complete makeover and transformation of Amy by Susan and maybe by the other characters. The contract drafted by Susan and now signed by Amy is so nicely done.

  19. Very much looking forward to the continuation of the outstanding 'The Job Interview'.
