Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Story: The Cleaner Returns. Chapters 13-14.

by BigBird74


How many thresholds do we cross in our lives? When we leave home? When we enter our marital home for the first time? However many it would be, we can all relate to the sensations as we do it. A feeling of bubbling excitement, a step into the unknown or a moment of acute anxiety as we push ourselves forward. That was how Dahlia felt as she walked into the waiting room and then into the doctor’s office dressed as ‘Petra.’

In the back of her mind, she still felt she risked a ridicule. But that child-like moment of raw excitement pushed her into his room, her eyes cast to the ground. It was strange how dressing up can affect a person’s whole demeanour, how their body language can shift in a moment. Dahlia felt like a massive weight was pressing down on her shoulders, making them slouch. She struggled to lift her eyes to the level of the doctor. Shorn of her ‘body’ and the confidence her beauty had given her, she found herself a shy, retiring woman.

That said, the redness in her cheeks was not from shyness. Dahlia was experiencing a tremendous sexual high as the handsome doctor surveyed her, not as a supermodel, but as an ordinary, dumpy cleaner. Oh god! Why did she find this so arousing? “Good Mornin’ Sir,” she said in her mock accent.

“Good morning, Petra”, he replied curtly, as though he had met her a hundred time before and that there were better ways of spending his time than talking to the hired help. “You will find the cleaning trolley in the corridor outside,” he suggested somewhat cheekily, knowing that she had to leave the confines of his office suite to collect it.

“Yes Sir,” she looked up at him, her face a picture of confused delight, and turned on her heels to go collect the trolley. As she stepped tentatively towards the door, the doctor could not help but marvel at the lengths she had gone to in making herself resemble Petra. Not that he knew what she looked like. He had never seen a picture of her or anything like that. Walking forwards to the doorway, he watched as ‘Petra’ paused by the entrance to the office and took a deep breath, before stepping out in the corridor. He waited a moment to see her safely return, pushing the cart before her. Catching her eye, he gave her a reassuring smile and then returned to his desk to finish some paperwork.

Dahlia spent the next hour cleaning thoroughly. This was a far more potent experience than at the weekend. Not only was she displaying her odd desires in front of another person, but a man she, by know, was head over heels in love with. The way he was able to comfort and reassure her, the excitement they were sharing together, the implicit trust and bond she felt towards him, it all felt so right, like nothing she had experienced in a long time.

That warmth and affection tangled itself with all the other sensations and emotions that rippled she felt in her ‘Petra’ persona to form a strong desire within her to please him. At that very moment, the best way of achieving this was to sink herself deep into this little experiment. She again pictured herself as ‘Petra’ and not the super model, Dahlia Western. She touched her padded breasts and belly, her finger tips sinking down to her ‘fat’ thighs. It was like electricity was coursing through her body. She recalled how it felt to be less than perfect after she gorged on her dinner Saturday night. The freedom of that moment, to be able to be so reckless and undisciplined, it left her flushed and excited.
Could she do it for real? She was rich, but not that rich. What else could she do to earn a living? Modelling was all she had even known. That lack of options was what was making her feel trapped in this life. But, little known to Dahlia, a new alternative was about to make itself known.

“Petra. Please you have done enough for now.” The doctor was standing in the door way again. Had he been there long enough to catch Dahlia deep in thought, touching her fuller body? “I want to talk to you a little about how this is affecting you,” he continued in his dulcet tones.

Dahlia felt a little stiff as she rose to her feet. She could scarcely believe that an hour had passed, the time had passed so fast she felt mildly disoriented. The doctor could see that she had zoned out while working, just as he had hoped she might. The weeks of work he had put into Dahlia was now paying off. Dahlia found the menial nature of cleaning soothing and relaxing for a good reason. The whole process of dressing in character and then emptying her mind of her concerns very much resembled the process by which the doctor hypnotised her. Many patients develop the ability to enter a trance by themselves, wittingly or otherwise. Dahlia’s ‘routine’ formed a pattern that helped to soothe her anxious mind. It helped her relax and take herself away from what she was finding an increasingly maddening world.

So it was again, as she lay on the handsome doctor’s couch staring at his beautiful eyes, that Dahlia found herself blushing so red, feeling like a little girl playing dress up. She could not recall the last time she had felt so exuberant and was desperate to do anything it took to keep feeling this free.


So much about Dahlia appealed to the doctor. She had taken this journey far beyond the limits of what he had originally considered possible and was constantly pushing against the boundaries one would normally expect. Even dressed as Petra, with the padding, wig and glasses, Dahlia was still an attractive woman. But that was not what was arousing him most. The biggest thrill was the power he had begun exerting over her thinking process, the way she was equating so much that was good in her life with her dressing up told him volumes about her personality, the biggest chapters being that Dahlia was clearly submissive and introvert. She enjoyed the process of making herself less attractive and then being dominated as such. The fact that she craved to be invisible was a prime signal of her introversion.

The idea of having such a beautiful ‘slave’ would normally be enough. But then was the question of her wealth. And the doctor was nothing if not greedy. He wanted it all and he thought he might see a way to do this. Melissa presented a wholly different challenge to Dahlia. Their personalities varied markedly and he noted a few times that the two of them were like ‘chalk and cheese’. Whereas Dahlia was driven, hard working with a steely resolve, Melissa was lazy, idle and easily dissuaded by effort.

An experiment of sorts had been evolving in the doctor’s imagination for some weeks. He smiled to himself as he imagined swapping the two sisters into one another’s bodies, like in some crazy sci-fi comic. What he had in mind was far more pedestrian and less magical. What if he could turn Melissa’s weaknesses into strengths and, vice versa, flip Dahlia’s positives into negatives?
The idea really began to look possible when he heard Dahlia talk of her pleasure at gorging herself on those previously ‘forbidden’ foods. The moment she had walked into his office wearing the padding around her middle, he speculated that she might have a tendency towards self-destructive behaviour that could be nurtured and, in the process, she could be relieved of her fortune.

Still, whatever the emerging flaws in her character, Dahlia was a smart woman. She needed a safety net into which she could fall if needed and, like any good salesman, the doctor knew he needed to reassure her all the way. What was unclear was whether Melissa could be the basis of that reassurance? On the surface that seemed unlikely. The two of them were at daggers drawn most of the day, but then family is family and if Dahlia’s compulsions and obsessions could be strengthened, perhaps a ‘deal’ of sorts could be struck?

During his conversations with both siblings, the tensions each felt for the other was never far from the surface, but, when one took a step back, it was clear that a solution of sorts could be divined. After all, Melissa was jealous of her sister for her wealth, status and beauty. Dahlia felt the need to vanish, at least for a while. She recognised that destroying her ‘brand’ would be ruinous. But what if the ‘brand’ could be lifted from Dahlia to Melissa for a brief while?

Melissa did sound a lot like her sister. Facially, they were similar, with Melissa receiving a bigger nose, pointier chin and slightly more outstretched ears that turned her from attractive to ordinary. What made them different was their weight. That, the doctor presumed, could be fixed by firmer resolve on Melissa’s part and that was his speciality.

He smiled at Dahlia. The tightness around his crotch making him feel impulsive and literally pumping with adrenalin. How often in his career would he be presented with an opportunity like this? To get rich and satiate his seedier desires with such a beautiful woman. He nodded and spoke reassuringly to her. He could see she loved him, her eyes wandering over his handsome features. This time, he knew he needed to aim higher than being a mere gigolo – a handsome flirtation that ended up in disappointment, in spite of a slightly heavier wallet.

“Petra,” he interrupted her, “the afternoon is over.”

He did not mean to make her blush, but Dahlia’s evident embarrassment, most likely at how again she had lost track of time, was cute. He pressed a little. “I think you need to be Dahlia again yes?”
Dahlia’s face turned even redder, as though contemplating an idea she had at that moment, but pulling back at the last minute.

“What were you thinking?” He asked. “You wanted to say something. Remember, this is all confidential. Nothing you say will ever leave these four walls.”

“I wondered…. whether you…. might have more time for me? Now? If… I paid you…” Dahlia pushed the words from her lip, feeling like she were almost being reduced to paying for erotic services.

“I am sorry, Petra. But I have to attend a gallery opening tonight,” he answered, waiting see how she handled the disappointment. He could not tell her the truth - that he had a steady girlfriend - for fear of popping this carefully constructed bubble.

Something flicked a switch inside Dahlia at that moment, as though an uncomfortable light now shone on her, making her feel slightly ridiculous. He took her hand. “It’s okay. You are safe with me.” And, with that simple gesture, he made her feel as though she could tell him anything. It was all going to be alright.


  1. Dahlia sounds like a Mills & Boon heroine who got lost and wandered into the wrong subgenre.

  2. I suppose the next step is to work on Melissa and organise the reversal of roles. Perhaps he might get 'Petra' to clean his house?

    I think I read a Mills and Boon many years ago out of curiosity and I've read reviews etc about the genre. Dahlia doesn't seem to fit the sterotype.



  3. Like this story a lot BB
    Jackie J

  4. fantastic series. I love how far this is getting into Dahlia's psychology.
