
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 9.

By Jackie J

Whilst carrying clean linen to the guest room that she had cleaned, unseen looking over the banister on the stairway, Annie shivered at what she witnessed in the main hallway below. A grim-faced Madeline, wearing a uniform no different to her own, on her hands and knees, practically sobbing polishing the floor tiles. Miss Jennings stood angrily above her.

“Now girl put some effort into your work or you will get more of the same understand.”

Annie had missed Madeline’s first spanking at the hands of Miss Jennings but needed little imagination to know what had occurred, Annie having felt that large coarse callused hand of Miss Jennings on her tender ass many times. The shock of her swift descent from the pampered guest of the Countess to her hard-worked maid filling Madeline’s mind with confusion and she rubbed hard fearful of further punishment from Miss Jennings.

A teary face looked up at Miss Jennings.

“Yes, Miss sorry Miss.”

Playing the errant maid in the Countesses bedroom was one thing but this wasn’t play it was real. Madeline’s scuffed knuckles, broken nails and aching back bearing testament to those thoughts.  There was no fine meal served by an attentive maid that lunch time or evening. Madeline stared at the door of her room, a room just two doors along from Annie’s in the maid’s quarters, hearing the key turning in the lock the door slowly opened. Madeline cowered back on her bunk when Miss Jennings entered.

“Get off your bed you are to come with me girl.”

Madeline complied; of course, she did and was quickly on her feet, already knowing the reward for non-compliance to Miss Jennings instructions.

“Put your shoes back on quickly.”

Madeline bent to the floor with no less urgency than she had shown standing from her bed.

“Yes Miss.”

Madeline fumbled with the unfamiliar lacing of the stout black block heeled shoes she had been given to wear. Madeline, full of apprehension, stood silent and Miss Jennings stepped towards and smirked adjusting the lace trimmed lapels of her plain black dress.

“Get yourself a clean apron from the drawers Maddie I have something for you to see”

Maddie, she had never been called that not even at school but already she was responding to it and of course gave her mandatory reply to any instruction she was given.

“Yes Miss.”

A clean starched apron tied around her waist Madeline was ushered out of her room and taken up to the Countesses chambers.

When Madeline had questioned Miss Jennings why she was being treated like she had been she had been quickly silenced and told to take it up with the Countess. This couldn’t go on and now she was about to see the Countess she would put things right. The Countess surely would not have wanted her to be worked so hard and her bare bottom spanked, that was uncalled for. Yes, things would be put right now.

Miss Jennings smirked and putting a key into the Countesses door, which seemed strange, unlocked and opened the door pushing Madeline inside.

The Countess was not sat at her vanity and the door to her bedroom was closed?

Walking into the room Miss Jennings pointed to the closed door.

“Let’s see what the Countess has to say shall we, into the bedroom girl”

Securely bound hand and foot, gagged, blindfolded and her ears plugged the Countess lay naked face down on her bed squirming and softly moaning.

Madeline stood stunned at the vision before her, the Countess, Mistress of Sharston Manor laid naked and bound on her bed she looked so vulnerable like a captured angel, but why?

 Miss Jennings laughed.

Madeline watched Miss Jennings sit on the side of the bed and hook her fingers into the Countesses wetness bringing an immediate reaction from the trussed-up form that started to wriggle and gasp into its gag. Miss Jennings continued to work her fingers in her bound, deaf, blind and muted Mistress whilst she spoke, stroking her other hand over Countess Polanski’s trembling body.

“Beautiful isn’t it? You see Maddie this is mine not yours, she may be the Mistress in the Manor but in this bedroom she is mine to do with as I please. The Countess got a little bit ahead of herself with you, so now she is paying the price.”

Madeline’s face began to flush she was becoming wet and aroused and excited at the spectacle of the helpless Countess being abused by her housekeeper, something that did not go unnoticed by Miss Jennings.

 “I can see this excites you Maddie pass me that strap from the drawers.”

Madeline gulped her mouth becoming dry and retrieving the leather strap, not taking her eyes from the worked wet pussy which appeared to be yearning and pulsing to be explored by the unseen silent fingers, handed it to Miss Jennings.

 Standing from the bed Miss Jennings did not hold back with the strap. Stripe after vicious stripe lay across the arching tender tight ass of the Countess. Eventually the tension of resistance in her ass cheeks relaxed and the floppy red ass of the Countess wobbled in rhythm with her sobs, the redness deepening through crimson to a bruised purple.

Miss Jennings had watched Madeline’s facial expressions whilst she laid the strap on her bound Mistress. Wide eyed at first, then a tightening of the eyes, a curling of her mouth into a scorning smile. Madeline had been used by the Countess yet all the while she was her housekeepers submissive.

“Don’t worry Maddie she knew what was coming, but not that you would be here to see her like this and punished, of course she still doesn’t, but where’s the fun in that hey Maddie?”

Miss Jennings rolled the whimpering Countess onto her back and removed the earplugs and gag then looking at Madeline put her finger to her lips for silence.

The Countesses still blindfolded head moved from side to side.

Miss Jennings sat back on the bed and reinserted her fingers deep into the streaming hot slot bringing a gasp from the Countess.

“Thank your Mistress for your punishment slut.”

Madeline put her hand over her mouth to silence her own gasp hearing the Countesses half sobbed response.

“Thank you, Mistress, for punishing me I should have asked your permission before taking the girl in your bed, thank you for reminding me that I am yours and obey your rules in this room.”

Miss Jennings smiled and looked at Madeline.

“Your punishment is not over you know that don’t you and you will accept whatever I see fit wont you slut.”

I tweak of the Countesses engorged clitoris by Miss Jennings bringing a submissive moan of pleasure.

“Yes Mistress.”

Miss Jennings chuckled and removed the Countesses blindfold and the Countesses blinking, tear filled eyes went wide seeing Madeline stood looking down at her. Her shocked face looked at Miss Jennings then back to Madeline.

Miss Jennings stood and smiled watching the speechless Countess strain in her bindings.

“Maddie, attend to the Countess there is salve in the dresser, I will be back to collect you in an hour, you will either be leaving with Charles, to take you home, or you will stay, I am comfortable whatever your choice.”

Miss Jennings left and Madeline just stared at the Countess only half believing what she had witnessed.

Countess Polanski forced a weak pleading smile through the aching pain of her bruised bottom.
“Untie me please, don’t worry I am not going to do anything to you, my wrists first.”

Untied and without a word the Countess staggered into the wet room and having turned on the taps, collapsed to her knees at the edge of the free-standing bath tub.

Madeline followed the Countess into the wet room and continued just to stare at her.

The Countess raised her head.

“Don’t look at me like that, who are you to judge? Look it’s complicated alright, help me into the bath and I will explain.”

Laid in the soothing scented water of the bath the Countess looked at Madeline dressed in her maid’s uniform, Madeline, for the time being, having put her own predicament to the back of her mind and listened with bated breath.

“It was about four years ago, I met Miss Jennings at a club, having a PhD in psychology it did not take her long to establish and exploit my suppressed needs. Hotel rooms at first then she came to Sharston for the weekend, a weekend that turned into two weeks, two magical weeks. I was a strong woman always in control but Patricia peeled away each and every layer of my persona and then feasted on the exposed, vulnerable, ripe fruit at the core of my very being. She opened the door into another world and it was her trophy at the end of those weeks that stepped through that door willingly with unconditional acceptance of her dominance and closed the door behind me. Miss Jennings became my housekeeper and I remained and still do the Mistress of Sharston Manor but in my chambers, what was my own personal sanctuary it is Miss Jennings who became and is Mistress. When you arrived I saw something in you, I wanted you to have and experience those same feelings that I had during that magical awaking to Sapphic capitulation and I wasn’t wrong was I, Madeline?"

Madeline could not deny how she had felt being taken by the Countess and during their subsequent “games” she had shared similar feelings to those described by the Countess. But she had also felt no less stronger feelings seeing the vulnerability of the countesses trussed up flesh and the way Miss Jennings had treated her.

Madeline picked up the sponge and having soaped it worked it gently, perhaps a little sensually, about the countess’s body pondering what all this meant.

“But today, Miss Jennings had me dress like this, put me in a small cramped room, made me work hard all day mopping and polishing the floors she even spanked me, my bare bottom no less.”
The Countess leaned out of the bath tub and took hold of Madeline’s hand looking deep into Madeline’s eyes.

“And? How did that make you feel, when she spanked you, treated you like that, did you not feel helpless and hopeless were you not aroused?”

Madeline looked to the floor cursing the blush she could feel growing across her face.

The Countess slid back in the bath and laughed.

“I knew you would Madeline, I just knew it, the way you swooned to my touch, you need this Madeline, just like I do.”

“Look when Miss Jennings comes back for you don’t leave say you will stay, be my maid here at Sharston, please, it’s just starting for you. Annette was always going to be just a maid here, like Lizzie but you Madeline, for you it will be different, very different. You will do maid’s work of course you will, you will be a very good maid Miss Jennings will make sure of that, but that will be a small price to pay for the erotic riches you will find here at Sharston.”

Madeline stood and took a bath sheet from the heated rail and held it out for the Countess to wrap herself within.

The Countess smiled and Madeline smiled back and curtsied.

“Will there be anything else Mistress?”

The Countess arms outstretched, dropped the towel and embraced Madeline at her maid’s overt declaration of acceptance to stay at Sharston.

“You won’t regret it Madeline, whoops sorry Maddie.”

When the pair walked back into the bedroom a stern-faced Miss Jennings was waiting for them.
Miss Jennings pointed to the Countess.

“You, on the bed face down not a word.”

Miss Jennings then turned to Madeline.

“Well girl what is it to be?”

Madeline looked at the Countess positioning herself on her bed then back at Miss Jennings. Could she really do this, was she out of her mind, she could leave all this madness now, put all this behind her; forget those feelings that had been awakened within her? Surely, she couldn’t she was going to be a maid and used for goodness knows what else?

Madeline’s knees weakened into a curtsy, her head lowered and her words of commitment meekly flowed from her quivering lips.

“I will stay, Miss” 


  1. WOOO !! I did not expect this, Miss Jackie. Interesting. But loved it just the same.

  2. Great story. I feel it should end here but I suspect it wont.

  3. Jackie sure is taking the readers on a magical mystery tour, a very magical one.

    I liked that twist immensely, very cleverly done, and fitted the story seamlessly.

    The Countess in my opinion is "A riddle wrapped up in an enigma" but the solving of the riddle has become much clearer.

    Thank you for this chapter, a most enjoyable read.
