
Monday, September 24, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 10.

by Jackie J

With Madeline agreeing to stay at Sharston there was an awkward silence before Miss Jennings spoke pointing to the prone Countess on the bed.

“Well girl make yourself useful, tie and gag that I have something for it.”

Madeline looked at the discarded cord by the bed.

“I am not sure I know how Miss.”

Miss Jennings snatched up the thin rope.

“Then watch and learn girl.”

The Countess placed her hands into the small of her back and Madeline watched Miss Jennings skilfully form loops around her wrists, then with a double twist and knots that she worked twice she stood back.

“There done, you can do its ankles but not yet, let me see you gag it, nice and tight mind you, it needs to stretch the sides of its mouth.

The Countess lay passive and with the red ball filling her mouth Madeline drew the tapes tight through the buckle.

Miss Jennings rolled the Countess onto her back and smiled lightly teasing her fingers on the Countesses inner thighs and turned to Madeline who was picking up the ear plugs and blindfold.
“We are anxious, aren’t we? Not yet with those, the drawers, over there by the wall, in the bottom drawer you will find a bag bring it to me.”

Madeline obeyed and stood with the heavy bag in hand the Countess starting to wriggle and shake her head recognising the bag and more importantly what it contained. Twice she had endured this indignity at the hands of Miss Jennings; this was to be her third.

Miss Jennings laughed opening the bag.

“I told you your punishment wasn’t over, didn’t I?”

The Countesses darting worried eyes telling Madeline that whatever was in the bag it was not going to be pleasant for her.

Madeline stood open mouthed watching Miss Jennings working the contents of the bag around the squirming Countess whose futile resistance was no match for the practiced skills of Miss Jennings. Tugged tight into the Countesses crotch the device was locked in place.

Putting the distinctive gold chain attached to the key around her neck Miss Jennings stood from the bed and smiled at Madeline.

“Right girl now you can finish it off.”

Madeline astonished but aroused at what Miss Jennings had done enthusiastically finalised the Countesses preparation.

Ankles bound, ear plugs inserted and the blindfold applied Miss Jennings inspected Madeline’s work adding a little more tension to the ankle cord.

Countess Polanski trussed up once again only this time with the addition of the cumbersome contraption Madeline having recognised, all though never having seen one before, to be a chastity belt.

Madeline stood and stared at the Mistress of Sharston manor, Countess Polanski bound and helpless her sex confiscated and locked away behind the steel and leather belt by her housekeeper. Madeline reflected on the first time she saw the Countess at the auction of Annette, so smart, so proud a veiled arrogance exuding confidence and control, even power. Even when Madeline came to Sharston that same persona shone like a beacon of nobility. Looking down on her now naked, squirming and moaning in her bindings, totally helpless it, as Miss Jennings constantly referred to her, was none of these things.

Madeline felt a shiver run through her reminded of the Countesses words in the bath tub. “You need this Madeline just like I do.” Did she really? Miss Jennings broke Madeline’s thoughts.

“Good work Maddie, she will be fine for the night.”

“I do not know what she has said to you, to make you want to stay at Sharston, but that has seen something in you and I have allowed your little games to progress. Now you know about the Countesses desires you need to know something else. These chambers are my domain, in the confines of these rooms that on the bed is mine, it has no rights or privileges in here. If you want use of it you will ask my permission is that understood?”

Madeline, whilst somewhat confused by the reference to have use of it, nodded her understanding.

“Yes Miss.”

Miss Jennings continued.

“In the Manor you will treat the Countess with the upmost of respect, as I do, she is the Mistress of Sharston and you are her maid, never forget that. Like I said the Countess has seen something in you don’t let her down.”

Back in her cramped room laid in her bunk wearing her plain cotton nightdress Madeline was slow to sleep fighting the contradiction she had been confronted with. The vision of the Countess and how it would be possible to accept the demarcation demanded from what occurred in her chambers and within the rest of the manor. Madeline thought hard thinking of any incident since she arrived at Sharston that would give any clue or indication to the enigma that was Countess Polanski and her housekeeper, Miss Jennings, there was not a hint.

Madeline was put to work with Lizzie and if there was such a thing as light duty for a domestic servant then the pair of them shared it whilst Annie was left with the more gruelling tasks. The day following the revelation of the Countesses hidden desires Madeline saw nothing of the Countess but served her breakfast the day following. Madeline had noticed that the distinctive gold chain still hung around Miss Jennings neck and all that it implied.

Hearing the chime of the Countesses bell Madeline entered the dining room with her tray and curtsied.

“Your breakfast Mistress.”

It was strange for Madeline but the Countess sat in her normal aloof manner in her fine clothes and treated her maid with the level of disdain befitting of her rank. The same woman she had bound herself and seen spanked and put into chastity by her housekeeper sitting with all the poise and grace of the lady she was. Madeline noticed the dress she was wearing, beautiful though it was, offered a generous cut to the hips and skirt. Remembering the key still around Miss Jennings neck the Countess was obviously still wearing the belt that Miss Jennings had locked her into.

“Thank you, Maddie, I will ring for you to clear table.”

Maddie cleared the table when called without a word from the Countess.

The day passed with Maddie at her work with Lizzie. Maddie seeing fleeting glimpses of the Countess about the Manor strutting around like she owned the place, which of course she did. With the Countess hardly acknowledging her Maddie was becoming more frustrated angry perhaps at this lack of recognition. Maddie was just a maid of course, why should the Countess engage her in conversation or have a pleasant word? But this did not stop Maddie becoming increasingly resentful of this change in their relationship.

Late in the afternoon Madeline knocked on Miss Jennings office door and invited in, entered and curtsied.

“Yes, Maddie what is it?”

Madeline was unsure of her ground knowing this meeting could end up with her over Miss Jennings desk having her backside slapped.

“Erm, erm Miss Jennings, the other evening you said if I wanted use of it I should ask your permission?”

Miss Jennings rocked back in her chair and chuckled.

“Already Maddie, two days, well, well someone is eager, the Countess spoke to you about this did she?”

The confidence Madeline had built up to approach Miss Jennings already fading.

“Erm, erm, no.”

Miss Jennings stood and approached Madeline making Madeline even more nervous.

“You know what she wants don’t you, are you woman enough to give it to her, are you Maddie or will it be you that will be trussed up on her bed?”

Miss Jennings stared into Madeline’s eyes then bent forward, removed the chain and key from around her neck and smiled toying with it in her fingers assessing Maid Maddie.

Perhaps surrendering herself to her housekeeper was no longer enough for the Countess perhaps she craves more degradation, to be taken lower, having one of her housemaids take control of her, especially a young maid, yes perhaps that is what she has seen in pretty Maddie, I wonder.”

Madeline held in Miss Jennings gaze gulped, could she really dominate the Countess like Miss Jennings had? Madeline definitely wanted to bring her down a peg or two after being snubbed like she had during the day? Of course, Madeline could not have known the Countesses attitude toward maid Maddie was deliberate and that Miss Jennings assumptions were indeed correct. 

Serving breakfast the following Morning Madeline hid her smile when she entered the dining room and curtsied.

“Your breakfast, Mistress.”

Countess Polanski wearing another beautiful dress but again with a generous cut to the hip and skirt turned to her maid to see the key to her confinement on the end of the golden chain now dangling around her maid’s neck. Maddie without expression tucked the key overtly back into the top of her uniform.

The reminder of the previous evening in her chambers not lost on the Countess.

Maddie's work around the Manor under the tutorage of Lizzie and the draconian supervision by Miss Jennings fell into a routine but there was nothing routine about her nocturnal activities in the Countesses chambers. Becoming more emboldened with each visit the chain remained around maid Maddie’s neck.

A week of wearing the restrictive belt Countess Polanski spoke with Miss Jennings seeking some respite from her torment insisting that her punishment should now be over. Miss Jennings, having monitored maid Maddie’s treatment of the Countess in her chambers was intrigued on a professional level, how the maid and Mistress dynamic was developing.

Miss Jennings knew which buttons to press suggesting it was not she who should be approached but her maid.

Miss Jennings smiled.

“So, tell me did she have you dress in a maid’s uniform again last night?”

Countess Polanski’s mind returned to the previous evening, not only had she been put into a maid’s uniform but she had bathed her maid, done her makeup and dressed her in one of her fine gowns before being made to clean her rooms then used to service her “Mistress”. Used no differently than she herself had used Madeline in her own bed. That exquisite denial of her own gratification, her own sex untouched locked within the confines of the belt having her writhe and squirm in delectable, ambrosial frustration whilst she licked and lapped at the sex of her mocking Mistress.

Countess Polanski blushed a little with those thoughts in her mind and snapped her answer.

“YES, each night she is more demanding and she taunts me with that bloody key, Oh Patricia what have I started?”

Miss Jennings stared at the Countess a wicked smile growing on her face.

“But you wanted this didn’t you? Look at yourself, shaking just like when I met you that first time. You need this don’t you admit it. After four years you are looking for more to move things up a notch or maybe more than just a notch? Physical restraint is not enough now is it, you crave mental incarceration, total capitulation, body and soul and not in the controlled, contrived way you have enjoyed with me, no I sense this is more than that.

Her mouth dry Countess Polanski could not deny the words of her housekeeper who knew her so well, she had read her like a book, it was true, all of it.

Miss Jennings smiled.

“So, the belt stays? You are to remain in chastity for your maid until she decides otherwise? I can see you are excited I suggest you go to your chambers I will find Maddie and send her up, why don’t you go and get yourself ready for her?”

Countess Polanski stood wetness creeping into her belt her mind and imaginings already in her chambers under the control of her maid, it was only mid morning for goodness sake what was she doing.

Miss Jennings stood from her desk and smirked

“Well, off you go Countess?”

Countess Polanski all of her dither stuttered.

“Yes, yes of course I will go now.”


  1. Very nice. Great story I look forward to more

  2. It's different. But I must say I'm not liking it. Probably because I don't like the idea of Maddie being in charge. I would have preferred Maddie and the countess side by side in from of Miss jennings

  3. so what was in the bag? Or is that to be explained?

    1. Chastity belt, the key of which is on the gold chain, initially worn by Miss Jennings and latterly maddie.

  4. Wonderful continuation of this story.

  5. I like how this is going...and would even like to see Miss Jennings fall to Madeline, and then Madeline feel guilty about Annette and raise her up again! It would be nice to subvert some of the typical tropes we see here.

  6. The story has the distinctive elements of a Lady2maid story but with much more to engross and excite the reader.

    This is a piece of marvellous fiction however it must not be forgotten in real life role play, no totally restrained individual should ever be left unsupervised with a ball gag in situ, as can have risks from discomfort to fatality. Please don't take this as critiscism as it is not.

    Maddie is certainly taking to her new dual role very well and enjoying it, power, control then next day back to servitude.

    Thank you Jackie for continuing this powerful tale.

  7. Not to sound too much like sour grapes. But it is starting to sound a lot like the story your wrote back in 2016: Miss Jacqueline Symonds. Sorry, but it sounds like it is heading in that direction. Still love it thou, Miss Jackie.
