
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 8.

by Jackie J

An ashen-faced Christine Lamont returned to the breakfast bar having received a call from Welshpool General Hospital and sat down beside Charles. Her mother had taken a serious fall, head injuries and a broken hip. Christine’s father, restricted to a wheel chair following a stroke, would need care they had to go and help. Their conversation regarding what to do was broken with the telephone ringing again and Christine rushed to answer it.

The call, not from the hospital, but from Madeline.

Back in the kitchen Charles poured more coffee and asked who was on the phone.

Christine sighed.

“It was Madeline, seems she is going to stay up at Sharston Manor with the Countess for a few days, I told her again not to get too friendly with that maid friend of hers or she will end up like her, cheeky madam said she might just do that to spite me, I do hope she was joking. I have told her about her grandma and that we will be heading up to Welshpool to look after her granddad. I told her I didn’t know how long we will be away but she didn’t seem too bothered. Anyway, she is a grown woman, although the way she behaves you wouldn’t know it, she can look after herself we need to get organised for our trip it’s a long drive to Welshpool."

Having driven over to the de Courts to let them know they would be away for a while at Christine’s parents. Charles chatted with Damian about the previous evening and the change that had been brought about in Annette and the financial implications discussed during the return journey from Sharston. In the kitchen Christine was having a similar discussion with Nancy. Christine was fearful that whilst they were away Madeline would accept to be aproned herself and join Annie in service. She would like to see a similar attitude change in Madeline, to be well mannered and courteous like Annette and obviously halt her reckless spending but wouldn’t want her to become a maid. With Charles and Damian joining their wives in the kitchen the conversation continued.

 Damian pulled the Countesses business card from his wallet and gave it to Christine.

“Here take this if you are concerned telephone the Countess before you leave for Welshpool.”  

Christine did not telephone straight away but in their car on the way to Welshpool Christine looked at the card again.

Damian I am worried about Madeline staying up at Sharston I am going to telephone the Countess, Annette seemed quite docile the other evening but Madeline is easily led remember the trouble at the University if only we could turn back the clock hey?”

The number dialled the Countess picked up the phone fresh from her seduction of the Lamont’s daughter.

“Hello, Countess Polanski? Good afternoon it’s Christine Lamont, Madeline’s mother, we met last night, yes fine thank you.”

“I understand Madeline is staying with you for a few days I am just concerned that she does not get too familiar with Annette, I mean Annie as she is now.”

“Yes, yes I understand, Countess, demarcation, yes protocols; yes, I understand Annie knows her place, you have told Madeline how to treat her.”

“Yes, Countess the de Courts seem very pleased, Annie makes a perfect maid, yes they are quite comfortable leaving her in your care”

 “Countess the reason for my call is basically I wouldn’t want Madeline to end up like Annie, well not a maid. I must admit the attitude change would be great though.”

“Yes, Countess I know she is a grown woman with a mind of her own but she can be a little naive at times, younger than her years if you know what I mean.”

Christine laughed out loud hearing how Madeline was treating Annie hardly believing what the Countess had told her given they had been such close friends.

“Well I guess I need not worry then if that’s the case Countess and thank you for that sorry for troubling you.”

Having hung up the phone Christine turned to Damian.

“What a lovely lady the Countess is, it seems she has told Madeline how to use a maid and she is having no trouble treating Annie for the maid she is. I don’t think we need worry about Madeline Damian the Countess assured me she has no need for another maid at Sharston Manor.” 

Over the weekend the Countess and Madeline had further sets of “Tennis” both on and off the court. Madeline, becoming besotted with her teacher of all things Sapphic in the warmth of the Countesses bed.

Awkward at first, but no longer, Madeline was becoming increasingly comfortable with distancing herself from her old friend, treating Annie with complete disdain, much to the amusement of Countess Polanski. Madeline taking great pleasure from having the girl she had always looked up to from school days curtsying to her and calling her Miss.

Tuesday morning dressed in her flouncy tennis dress, that the Countess had given her to wear; Madeline was out on the court again waiting for the Countess.

Another gruelling game left Madeline exhausted sat on the bench breathing deep the countess still looking serene having hardly broken sweat.

The Countess removed her head band, shook out her hair and smiled down at Madeline.

“Well Madeline well beaten again, I think we need an incentive to bring out the best in you, your indoor tennis gets better day by day with our little game.

Madeline looked up at the Countess and chuckled at the reference to their developing games in the bedroom her face reddened from her exertions.

“I am sorry about that, my silly tantrums, you are just too good Countess, you really are.”

Countess Polanski laughed.

“Nonsense Madeline if you played more regularly you would surely improve.”

 “Anyway, young lady let’s get showered and changed, shall we?”

Making their way through the ornamental gardens by the fountain Annie was found scrubbing the stone steps at the rear of the Manor.

Seeing her Mistress Annie was quickly up onto her feet and curtsied to her Mistress and once friend.

“Mistress, Miss”

Without a word or acknowledgment, the Countess and Madeline strode past poor Annie who returned to her knees to continue her scrubbing.

Into the Manor the Countess gave Madeline her racquet telling her to put the racquets and balls back in the store room she had something to discuss with Miss Jennings.

Showered and wearing one of Annette’s pretty summer dresses Madeline joined the Countess in the dining room for lunch.

During their lunch, served by Lizzie, Countess Polanski looked up to catch Madeline staring at her with a doe eyed expression and smiled.

“So, Madeline you have been here at Sharston for four days already you will no doubt be wanting to get back home won’t you, we must make arrangements for that.”

Madeline didn’t want to leave, she wanted to stay, to be with the Countess and share her bed especially now with their titillating role play.

 Madeline stuttered a little.

“Countess no, no I don’t have to leave, I can stay I can, my parents are away I have nothing I need to go home for.”

The Countess feigned a look of surprise, of course her little poppet didn’t want to leave and soon she would have no say in whether she stayed at Sharston or not.

“Oh, so you want to stay here a little longer then Madeline that will be nice.”

Madeline smiled.

“Well if that’s alright with you Countess?”

It was agreed that Madeline could stay on at Sharston Manor for as long as she wished.

Countess Polanski stood from the table.

Now I have things to do this afternoon Madeline, no doubt you will want to use the library again I know you are fascinated with the history section.

Madeline stood.

“Yes, thank you Countess you have some wonderful books I will get the key from Miss Jennings.”

With Madeline having her head down in the books of the library Miss Jennings and the Countess began preparing for Madeline’s extended stay.

Miss Elizabeth Jones Spencer would be leaving to return to her family home; returning not as the rehabilitated rebellious daughter but as Lizzie an obedient house maid to serve the needs of her father and Stepmother, Lizzie’s Stepmother particularly keen to have her surly stepdaughter returned to be her household slave. It had been agreed that she would collect her maid from Sharston in two weeks’ time. 

With most things prepared Countess Polanski asked Miss Jennings to find Annie and send her to her study.

With the Countess sat on the comfort of her sofa sipping wine Annie knocked on the study door, entered when invited to do so and curtsied.


Countess Polanski smiled at Annette de Court the pretty and rich socialite that was shorn of her beautiful hair, wearing her unflattering maid’s uniform having become willingly trapped within her adopted persona of maid Annie. Miss Jennings, over the months of Annette de Court’s cruel and gruelling subjugation, had transformed the confident, giggling, carefree and rich young woman she was into a simpering, unsure domestic drudge of a compliant plain Jane of a housemaid.

“Annie, stand up straight girl when you stand in front of your Mistress.”

Annie curtsied again then stood forcing her aching back ramrod straight.

“Sorry Mistress.”

“That’s better Annie now Miss Lamont will be moving from the guest suite so in the morning I want you to pack up all those lovely clothes in the closets and drawers and give the room a deep clean, like a new pin mind.

“Yes Mistress.”

A bobbed curtsy and she was gone. 

Nine thirty that evening full of anticipation Madeline knocked on the door to Countess Polanski’s rooms and entered. Sat at her vanity the Countess looked up and smiled possessively at the pretty thing entering her bedroom.

Madeline closed the door behind her and her flimsy negligee fluttered about her ankles with the draft.
Countess Polanski stood, approached a quivering Madeline and ran her hands loosely over her form.
“And what do you want coming to my rooms dressed like that girl?”

Over the days, unknown to Madeline of its more sinister implications, Madeline had been drawn into the Countesses little games to spice up their nocturnal activities, Madeline the Scullery maid and the Countess her cruel Aunt who had put her into service in her home; Madeline, craving to relive her initial seduction, at the hands of the Countess, the Countess continuing to increase her level of control over the besotted Madeline.

“Oh, Auntie I was frightened I thought I heard a noise may I sleep in your bed with you tonight?”
The scenario changed, Countess Polanski left that to Madeline, but the result was always the same.
Madeline was chastised for coming to her aunt’s rooms being just a maid and playfully spanked the first two times feigning tears, but the previous evening and this night with her spanking less playful Madeline shed real tears. Stood in the corner of the room facing the wall with her bottom burning and tears streaming down her face she was wet in anticipation. The Countess continuing her tirade of chastisement only served to excite and stimulate Madeline’s desires more becoming streaming wet knowing that the Countess was stripping unseen behind her.

Silly girl, stupid girl, silly girl stupid girl silly girl stupid girl, words that resonated deep in Madeline’s mind she was a silly girl she was a stupid girl. When the Countesses hand grabbed her arm and spun her away from the wall and questioned what she was her response was not contrived.
“I am a silly girl Auntie I am a stupid girl, I am just your maid.”

The Countess happy at Madeline’s progress into her role smiled and lifted her nightdress.

“And what do silly stupid girls, silly stupid maids do for their auntie when they come to her room?”

Madeline, her legs weak her passion raging out of control, lowered to her knees to feel a gentle controlling hand on the back of her head guiding her to the glistening wet warmth of the Countess. Her face tight between firm thighs her fingers at herself and her tongue thrashing within soft pink folds her emotions and imaginings rose to a crescendo and burst in a climax so strong the finger nails of her free hand clawed and scratched at the Countesses thighs.

The Countess aroused herself pulled the floppy body of Madeline onto her bed and spreading her legs pushed Madeline’s face back between them. Madeline’s head swam and swirled her tongue feasting on the flowing juices working herself again with her fingers. Madeline could not help herself and rolled away to her side pounding her own sloppy mess for all she was worth.

Madeline’s scream was not from her release but the tight grip of her hair by the Countess dragging her back to her service. The entwined couple gnawed and nibbled, licked and sucked fingered and fucked each other in a frenzy of sex until both laid panting across the Countesses stained and crumpled bed.

The Countess embraced Madeline and smiled what a good little slutty maid she was becoming and she intended to keep it that way. Thumbing one of Madeline’s still erect nipples she whispered softly.
“You enjoy this don’t you Madeline being my miscreant maid, my shy little niece?”

Madeline moaned and squirmed to the Countesses touch and looked up with wanting eyes and
weakly smiled.

“Yes Auntie, I am a naughty maid.”

Her fingers still teasing at Madeline’s nipple the Countess continued.

“Well I am glad you say that Madeline because I have decided, given you wish to stay at Sharston that is what you will be here, my shy little niece my naughty maid we will extend our little game from the bedroom to the manor as a whole what do you think of that, my naughty little maid?” 

Madeline giggled and squirmed but the Countesses fingers remained engaged around her stiff budding nipple.

“But Countess, sorry Auntie what will Miss Jennings and your maids say?”

Countess Polanski pleased there was no immediate dismissal of her scheme for Madeline smiled and moved her hand to stroke through Madeline’s hair.

“They will say nothing, you see guests come and go but you wish to stay so you cannot be a guest can you. No, I think Madeline will be Countess Polanski’s niece, rich once but now just a maid. A maid who is always finding some excuse or other to make her way to her Aunties rooms each night.
Madeline giggled again being reminded of her coming to the Countesses chambers.

“So, what will Aunties niece do at Sharston?”

Countess Polanski smirked.

“She will do as she is told, won’t she?”

The domineering look on the Countesses face made Madeline squirm and paw her hands to the lean athletic body of the Countess wanting to be taken again, used again.

“Oh yes, Auntie. Your maid will do as she is told.”

The Countesses fingers slid down to Madeline’s wetness and her thumb teased at her clitoris making Madeline moan.

“Yes, you will won’t you, tell your Auntie what a good maid you will be.”

Madeline sprawled back on the bed in willing helpless capitulation to the Countesses touch.

“Yes, Auntie I will be a good maid.”

With the morning light raking through the leaded windows Countess Polanski was already showed and dressed and she leaned down to whisper into Madeline’s awakening ear.

“Wake up Madeline Miss Jennings will be here for you soon you will be in trouble being caught in my room and wearing that beautiful nightdress.”

Countess Polanski chuckled looking at the expression on Madeline’s face
Madeline looked quizzically at the Countess then smiled thinking she was being teased and spoke in a jocular manner.

“Oh yes I forgot Countess, sorry Auntie or will it be Mistress now I am to be the naughty maid of my cruel aunt.”

Countess Polanski helped Madeline from the bed.

“Mistress in the Manor of course, no one must know our little secret must they.”

A knock on the door which swiftly opened and a smirking Miss Jennings entered.

“I understand you have something for me Mistress?”

The Countess smiled and pointed to Madeline.

Yes, I do, our new maid for Sharston Manor, Maid Maddie, see that she is attired, roomed and put to work, bring it to my rooms this evening after dinner.

Madeline stared at the countess with a look of incredulity Miss Jennings grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the door of the Countesses chambers.

A deceitful, discrete wink from the Countess misleading Madeline into her willing enrobing into the uniform of a Sharston maid believing her nocturnal game was still in play. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Lukas glad that you atre enjoying
      Jackie J

  2. The Countess is a expert at drawing in her prey that is for sure, and appears to be creating her own, "perfect refuge for the lost souls of the area" to meet her needs and desires.

    A marvellous tale of Sapphic power and submission, told so well through Jackie Js literary expertise.

    I must say i like the continued involvement of Annie and Madelines parents, that for me makes the story complete, not sure how to describe it, but it is a normality, a real element, as the goings on at Sharston under the direction of the Countess, are a very exciting mix power play and homoeroticism, a very exciting fantasy for sure.

    Jackie thank you for keeping me hooked to this wonderful tale.

    1. Thank you for your comments Betsy and that you are liking the story

      Jackie J

  3. Was not the name of Madeline’s mother Christine? Why did Nancy have phone call with Countess?

    1. Whoops,
      Yes apologies hope this did not spoil it for you.
      Jackie J

    2. Thanks, that's been fixed with Jackie's help. Should be fine now!

  4. Please Jackie, I would like more information about Lizzie and her stepmother. I think the girl will not be doing well in what was her house! Or maybe it could be another story.....

    1. MMmmmmmmmm,
      Yes Lizzie returns home and with what she has learned and had done to her and after a period of time sets about turning the tables on her stepmother ????? Another story indeed??
      Jackie J

  5. Enjoying this story immensely. Nothing much more to say about this really. The only thing that's missing probably is some pictures, so here's one I came across recently which I think people will like. I hope I'm allowed to link to it?

    1. What's the connectiom between the story and the picture? The story isn't TG is it, or have I missed something?

    2. There is no connection, it's just a cool picture!
