
Friday, August 10, 2018

Story: The Secret Slave. Epilogue.

by SW

Widecreek Plantation, Georgia, September 1848

As the Master and Mistress of Widecreek manor sat down to breakfast, the lady - costumed in an expensive yet elegantly simple white lawn-cloth frock - half turned her head to the maid standing to attention behind her and asked:

“You have water warming for my bath?”

The girl dipped and replied, “Yes'm Mistiss 'Liz'beth.  It be ready soon as breakfus' is ovah an' we'se cleared table Ma'am.”

The mistress nodded slightly and said: “Very good Sophie.  You can bring it up immediately after clearing away,” and then, turning to the other maid at table, she continued: “You'll take care of the baby Milly, you may sit with him on the porch.”

The petite black girl smiled, dipped and then replied brightly, “Yes'm Mistiss,” it was a duty that she favored - as long as the baby, almost three months old, was settled and he generally was.

Pryce McGowan smiled to his wife across the polished oak table and taking his watch from its pocket he glanced at it and said gently: “There is much to be done this morning my dear.  You won't keep the girls from their work for too long I hope.” Elizabeth laughed, and even the two slave-maids gave a little smile when she replied: “Why darling husband?  Do we have something out of the ordinary expected today?”

It was the morning of their first wedding anniversary and there were twenty guests expected for luncheon and refreshments.  Most of the hard work in preparation for the celebration had been done in the days before, but a few details remained outstanding and it would be a very busy day for all in the household, except for baby George who would remain, for the most part, asleep in his basket.

After clearing the remains of the breakfast from table and carrying hot water upstairs to her mistress, who had ascended immediately after breakfast, Sophie knocked and entered the master bedchamber.  She set down the two buckets of water and stepped to lock the door - her mistress's bathing was never disturbed or intruded upon - and after giving a little dip she moved to assist with her miss's disrobing.   As Elizabeth stood for the undressing, she urgently enumerated a number of tasks that required to be done before the guests began to arrive and with a soft smile Sophie assured her, and not for the first time, that most had already been taken care of.  Thus, put at some ease Elizabeth relaxed a little and when fully undressed she asked lightly:

“How is the water?” 

Her maid knelt by the tub and dipped her elbow in the water and affected some repentance: “Ise sorry Mistiss,  reckon I brung it up too hot,” and knowing the answer before asking the question she said: “Yo' wan's me ter fetch some cold Ma'am?”  Elizabeth smiled and waved a hand and returned:

“No, that's alright, come massage me while it cools,” and Sophie curtseyed and smiled in reply and followed to the bed where Elizabeth, naked, placed herself upon its broad expanse and there allowed her maid to begin to massage her in the manner that she had performed that same duty a great many times before.  As Sophie began to rub, Elizabeth said languidly:

“Tomorrow you master will leave in the morning and be away overnight to attend a political meeting and while the house is quiet you shall sit here for an hour in the evening and you will write a letter to Spain.  I believe it is two weeks since you last did so?”

The writing of these letters were the only occasions when Sophie ever revisited her past as an educated white woman; those and the occasional glances at a newspaper - stolen glances when no-one, not even her mistress, was around to see.  Sophie smiled down as she gently massaged her mistress's breasts and replied:

“Yes'm, I tells them all is well an' my fiance is doin' well at milit'ry school Ma'am.”

Elizabeth nodded and closed her eyes: “Yes, do, and be sure to tell them that you ache for him and long for his two years of officer training to end.  They will want to know how much you miss him as he is away for such long periods,” and then she chuckled and Sophie smiled and said:

“Yes'm, and won't it be a pity when he dies in trainin' jes befo' he finishes Ma'am, an' befo' we wuz ter get married.”

They laughed together; it had been an easily concocted scheme and one that required no effort other than the inclusion of a few lines of lies in her letters to Seville.  The missives served to satisfy Sophie's parents as to her well-being and engagement to be married and thereby allow her to continue stay with Elizabeth for the foreseeable future.  They were perfectly content that Sophie was betrothed to a man, whom they had been told, would become a high-ranking officer, and that meanwhile, Sophie was able to provide companionship to Elizabeth at home; especially helpful to her now that she had a child to raise.  It seemed to them to be an admirable arrangement for all until their daughter could, at last, be married.

After a very gentle manipulation of her mistress's breasts, which she knew could still be tender on occasion, Sophie moved her soothing attentions to her owner's toes.  The master of the house's frequent, and increasing, political activities and engagements meant that mistress and maid often enjoyed prolonged periods of quietude together in the master chamber when, undisturbed, they took delight with one another: one to serve and the other to receive.  After Sophie had been trained in the ways to be expected of her on that first day of her true bondage - when her mistress had taken possession of her before leaving the Morgan's place - she had never again been fully pleasured by her owner's hand and that suited Sophie well for her need and desire was to please her mistress only; she expected nothing in return.  Besides, Milly was always eager to relieve Sophie of unreleased 'tensions' at the end of a day's work.

But this day being so important and with urgent matters still to be taken care of before the guests arrived the massaging was, though pleasurable, not as thorough as usual and, after bringing Elizabeth to arousal, Sophie was ordered to help her mistress into the bath.  Elizabeth would have to be content to wait until the morrow when there would be plenty of time for matters to be taken to a satisfactory completion.

The rest of that morning passed quickly and in a veritable stir of activity; especially so for the slaves.  The plantation's household staff ordinarily comprised of the Housekeeper, Cook, and three maids; Milly, Dorcas and Sophie (the latter holding the special position of body servant to the Mistress).  However, with a sizable party of guests invited for the celebration, Pryce had borrowed two additional young but experienced house maids from his parent's plantation house.  After a final and unnecessary polishing of furniture and changes, under their mistress's fretful supervision, to the multitude of flower tubs and decorations that adorned the fine portico and veranda, the five maids had been sent to wash.  They then quickly changed into newly made trim, light-blue uniforms of calico and, that done, they donned their half aprons and dainty bonnets of white cotton lace and put on their highly polished flat shoes.  Rachel the housekeeper had taken much care over the cut and stitching of their new uniforms and white lace trims but Sophie thought, and with some amusement, that had the decollete been an inch lower they might have been fairly considered as immodest.  She was delighted to wear the costume which set off her own figure, and similarly so for the other slaves, to such advantage and made a welcome change from their drab work dresses in gray and the pleasing but austere black and white of their ordinary serving attire.

Not long before the first guests were expected, Elizabeth had the girls assemble on the veranda and she spoke to them in a stern and commanding voice as the housekeeper, one step behind the mistress, looked on:

“Now, all of you.  I will be looking for service of the highest standard from you.  We have many guests and you girls represent your master and I while you conduct your duties.  Any fault or failing will reflect badly upon us all. Do you understand?”

“Yes'm Mistiss,” the girl's chorused.

“You will show our visitors how proud you are to be house servants here and how well-trained you are,” here the mistress paused and looked searchingly along the row of dark faces.

“Yes'm Mistiss.”

“Attend your duties with dignity and grace and remember to smile and curtsey at every opportunity. Your good service will be a very important ingredient for the success of the party today”

“Yes'm Mistiss.”

Elizabeth smiled and continued:  “You all look handsome in your blue uniform and happy, bright faces will complete the pretty picture you present when serving, and remember, Master and I will be watching.  You hear me well?”

“Yes'm Mistiss.”

Then she ordered: “Very well,” she turned to the Housekeeper, “Rachel, get ready to receive the guest's things and girl's, go now to your stations at the serving tables, I do believe I hear the first carriage.”

The maids replied in unison: “Yes'm Mistiss,” curtseyed and, like a scattering flock of birds, flitted to the lawn where tables and chairs had been neatly arranged and furnished with a profusion of decorations for the party.

Sophie stood alert and at attention by the drinks table and cast her eyes along the long drive where some dust could be seen in the distance as a carriage came into view.  The drive, lined with splendid magnolias, was lengthy and wide and fitting for the fine house that was now her home.  She felt a tingle of excitement; her mistress's words on the porch had started her arousal and now the prospect of serving wealthy guests of high standing stimulated her further.  She enjoyed, no, delighted in serving, and attending strangers always caused a strong frisson between her legs.  To carry a tray loaded with refreshments or cakes and go among a group of her superiors, dipping and smiling with a humble eagerness, was a peculiar sort of joy to her and one that never seemed to diminish.  She found fulfillment in obsequious servility and that so many people - mostly strangers - would be demanding her attendance and service only added to her excitement.

Presently, the party was a hubbub of laughter and gaiety and the girls were kept busy at all times.  There were continual rounds of drinks to be proffered, glasses to be removed for washing in the kitchen, carafes and decanters – all of fine crystal – to be replenished, and then followed the salads, breads and baking to be served with teas and coffees.   Whilst the maid's worked continuously Sophie noticed how they attracted approving glances - and even lingering looks from the gentlemen - and she was, too, very aware of much attention directed at herself.  She had little interest in the admirers but, never-the-less, she was a beautiful young woman and it pleased her, naturally, that the gentlemen evidently found her so becoming.  Undoubtedly, the sight of the five young slave-girls, so pretty, fine figured and outfitted in their fetching blue serving dresses, gave worthy cause for the admiration.  And so busy, well trained in their duties and pleasing in manner that it would be an exceptional gentleman who would not take pleasure in watching them go about their work.  Sophie also knew perfectly well that their status and condition caused many men to view them with even more ardor and lascivious thoughts than might be accorded any group of similarly pretty girls who were not slaves; for the slave must obey, and she must give herself to the service and pleasure of others and that, surely, cast a seductive and powerful spell for many.

At length the celebration came to an end and as the last visitor's buggy faded from view the maids were allowed a short rest which afforded them time to change into their work dresses and, such was their mistress's satisfaction with them, they were permitted leftovers from the tables and - under the housekeeper's supervision - each was given a small slave-bowl of wine before returning to the garden to clear and fold the tables and chairs and begin their business of returning the house to its more customary condition. 

Having had a prolonged luncheon with an overindulgence of cakes, and in the master's case, whiskey, only a light dinner was demanded of cook and after it was over Pryce read his newspaper drowsily by the drawing room fire.  Elizabeth, though, took baby George upstairs and she had Sophie accompany her to massage her feet while she nursed her baby.  The other slaves were allowed free time in the kitchen and each was grateful to be allowed to sit at leisure - tired but happy; happy because the day had gone well and they had been told that they would each be given a new Sunday necklace in reward for their good work.  

Upstairs, Sophie knelt at her mistress's feet and began to run them with adoration and mused upon her situation.  Certainly, her mistress was strict and, at times, very demanding, but she was fair and appreciative of good service.  Sophie often recollected her time under Caroline Cranstone's roof and she shuddered to think that, but for Elizabeth's wit and persistence in having Morgan purchase her at the Charleston slave market, she might so very easily have been condemned to serve an equally vile mistress, or perhaps even a master like Johnstone.  She massaged her owner's toes lovingly and rubbed into the soft white skin a soothing salve with firm but careful and unhurried caresses.  After a while, Elizabeth, with babe at her breast, spoke softly to her girl and praised her work at the party:

“You all did so very well Sophie.  Master and I are proud of you all and, do you know how delightful you looked?  We had offers for you, you know, very good offers girl.”

Sophie stopped stroking momentarily: “You ain' goin' ter sell me is yo' Mistiss?” It was an unnecessary question but it gave Sophie a thrill to ask it: to pretend that she was nothing but chattel and could be sold off on her owner's whim excited her.

Elizabeth chuckled:  “Of course not girl!  Such a silly slave you are.  Why, your knowledge and skills as my personal maid are much too valuable, and besides, it would take time to train any girl that we bought to replace you even for your ordinary duties downstairs.  As long as you behave well and give excellent service you will remain here Sophie,” and she reached down and stroked her slave's forehead.

Sophie resumed the adoration of her mistress's feet and sighed with an affectation of relief:  “Thankee Missa.  I wan's ter stay bein' yo' an' Massa's gal.  I ain't nevah wan's ter be sol' again Mistiss.”

Baby George gurgled happily at his mother's breast and as she smiled at him lovingly she considered how, after all the difficulties she and Sophie had encountered, they had come through together and how her life could not be improved upon in any respect.  She had a fine husband - a good man - and one who was steadily rising in political and, therefore, social circles.  They had a beautiful and healthy baby and, she was beginning to think, another one growing inside her - although she had told no-one of her suspicions.  And, most surprising of all, here at her feet was the girl she loved as much as she loved her husband - though in a quite different way.  Since that day in May of the year before, less than eighteen months previously, when she had teasingly suggested that her best friend might become a slave it seemed inconceivable that it could turn out to be so.  Yet, there was Sophie at her feet now, and she was the very best slave imaginable, for Elizabeth had realized very quickly that her girl wanted to be her slave.  

Sophie, began to move her tender caresses higher and onto her mistress's ankles and calves but Elizabeth, not without some reluctance, demurred:

“No girl, that will do.  I must feed your young Massy here and besides, I am so very tired.  Go and see if master needs anything and if he is asleep then wake him gently and send him up.  Then you may go to your quarters, I know you must be tired too Sophie, I will put baby George to bed and disrobe myself this evening,” and she smiled and added, “You will attend me tomorrow when I shall need company while your master will be away.”  

Sophie leaned forward and, unbid, gently brought her lips to her mistress's feet, one after the other with a soft and sensuous kiss, then, slightly embarrassed by her own humble action, she rose up quietly, smiled and said softly:

“Yes'm.  Thank yo' Ma'am, an' Ise goin' ter take good care of yo' tomorrow jes like yo' wan's.  Good night Missa,” and she curtseyed and left the room as quiet as a mouse.

It was not very long after departing her mistress's chamber that Sophie had been joined by Milly in her pallet bed.  The black girl had slid quietly in, lain beside her and wrapped a loving arm around Sophie's waist.   Then she began to gently fondle the lighter-skinned girl's breasts and Sophie blew out the little tallow candle upon the plain little dresser between their beds.  That night the slave-girls, being so tired, contented each other with gentle fondling and a loving embrace with whispered endearments.  Their pleasures were softer and less exuberant then was their custom, both were quite exhausted and Sophie declined to be brought to the moaning and whimpering and suppressed squeals of pleasure that Milly so expertly guided her to on most nights.  Not long before sleep claimed the black girl, Sophie murmured to her:

“Do yo' think it possible to love two people at once gal?”

Milly giggled quietly and replied, “Who yo' talkin' abou' gal?  Mistiss lovin' Massa an' yo', or yo' lovin' Mistiss an' me?”

Sophie laughed a little and said, “Both,” and Milly rejoined:

“I dunno gal, all I knows is I only loves one and that be yo'.”

Sophie took the petite slave-girl in her arms and kissed her deeply on the lips and when she released her, Milly rested her head on the coarse pillow and fell asleep at once - smiling.

Sophie held her sleeping girl tight and looked out of the little window of their small room.  It was a clear night and the stars sparkled - vivid against the dark, moonless expanse above the horizon - and she fixed her eyes on the bright and shimmering North Star.  But Sophie new that clouds were gathering just beyond that clear sky's horizon.  Clouds to the north that would close together and form a storm, perhaps a storm of war, and she wondered what might become of them all then.



  1. Very nice story. Thank you for posting....:-) :-)

  2. a nice ending is so boring... too lovey dovey. she needed to be sold off

  3. Yeahhh keep in gentle and succulent ^_^ thanks for the adventure <3 <3

  4. What a cool story. I would have favoured an unhappy ending where sophie would have been sold though. I think of writing a similiar story which is set up not in the past but today. Could take place in dubai where one girl and her family becomes the sponsor of her friend who has now to work as a maid in their house... problem is i donot have that much time at the moment. We will see...


    1. Write it!! I'll help you edit.

    2. There's an unfinished story on here with that very theme by Barefoot Servant called 'Maid in China'.

      It seems I was wrong last time to ignore the possibility of an Epilogue to round off this story. I'm not usually wrong (hah!) but in this case I'm glad I was. Whilst there are few surprises here it does neatly tie off the odd loose end but leaves just a few hanging that could possibly, in the future cause problems (eg Sophie's parents making a visit).

      However, in view of the upheaval soon to come in the shape of the American Civil war (I still think of the Civil war involving cavaliers and roundheads :) ) there seems to be little risk. What follows this could be the topic of a very different story but one not perhaps fitting in to a Lady to Maid theme. Or could Sophie become the lady and Elizabeth the maid? That would be fun.

      Thanks to both SW and Canille for this intriguing story and, of course Camille herself for providing the web site as a platform.


    3. Thanks mana ray. I try to write a first part and would like to send it to you for a little bit of editing as english is not my mother tongue. I have quite a lot to do so i donot know when i am gonna make it. But i have lots of ideas.


    4. Peter again: I have written a first 1100 words of a first chapter. Do you think i can send it to you so you can get a first impression? I dont want to put too much effort in a story who nobody likes in the end... ;-). Could you provide me with an E-mail-adress? Thanks

    5. yeah it's send it over!

    6. Pls check inbox.I send you an email. I have forgotten to enter something in the subject line though... maybe you have to check the spam folder...

  5. Haha. I like it that Sophie is happy. My story that I thought if but not sure how to write is about a young naive noble girl who gets lost in the city but becomes obsessed with the way prostitutes dress after seeing them. And becomes a prostitute without even realising what it is after asking to try there clothes to see what it looks like on her

    1. I quite like your story idea!

    2. Could certainly be interesting.
      Would she wind up as a high-class or low-class prostitute?

    3. To be honest I would say low class as that way no one would realise it is her

    4. What are you thinking attracts her to the prostitutes' dress?
      She might start out with something the high-class ones wear and then be forced down-market...

    5. I think the freedom of the dress compared to a noblewoman dress. A prostitutes dress would be a lot less restrictive plus if it was summer it could be more revealing

  6. una bella historia que emociona y hace amar a sus protagonistas, fluida y verosimil pero que lamentablemente a partir del capitulo 13 se empieza a enredar con situaciones imposibles, echos absurdos y explicaciones dificilmente creibles saliendose del espiritu de complicidad de dos amigas embarcadas en un juego de rol ama-esclava con sus respectivos deseos y contradicciones tan familiares en ese tipo de relacion. Por desgracia a partir de la fuga de Sophie de la plantacion de la prima de Elizabeth, pareciera que el autor fuera otro, o que le hubiera entrado prisa por acabar la historia para irse de vacaciones en Agosto como asi fue, dejando toda la historia inconclusa y llena de interrogantes, rematado con un lamentable epilogo que pretende explicar de forma increible la principal duda del inacabado final ¿que pasaba con Sophie y su esperada ida a casa de sus padres en España en seis meses? el epilogo pasando de puntillas o ignorando todos los demas interrogantes, nos deja la increible historia de las cartas a España con tan truculento resultado de la futura muerte del inexistente prometido como solucion a la esclavitud de Sophie para siempre, increible, ya lo era que los padres dejaran a una menor seis meses al cuidado de su joven y viuda amiga al otro lado del mundo, tampoco es creible que los padres aceptaran un prometido para su unica hija sin conocerle, ni darle su bendicion, imposible para la epoca y una vez fallecido supondria la vuelta inescusable de Sophie, no su prolongacion, para colmo el epilogo se situa en septiembre de 1848, año en que acabo la guerra con mexico, el año anterior cuando la venta de sophie francia abolio la esclavitud y en georgia hacia años que los esclavos con un quinto de sangre negra eran liberados, imposible su venta, liberia se habia independizado y se enviaban negros liberados alli, para colmo georgia fue invadida por Sherman 16 años despues, en el 1864 tomando Atlanta en septiembre refrendando la 13º enmienda que abolio la esclavitud un año despues, de forma que la esclava para siempre es imposible, pesimo epilogo

    1. my apologies to you and the other readers for coming out in Spanish, choppy and incomplete, things of my translator and my incompetence, my native language is German and although my English reading is fluent, my writing is not, it is quite wrong , so I had to write it in German in the notebook, translate it separately, the blog would not let me and copy and paste the translation, it would not leave me with the mail that I usually use as an alias and finally it was published with my own and to my surprise of a draft I used, missing lines and finally wrong translation, fortunately it did not come out in Chinese

  7. I would have liked a paragraph or two at least of Elizabeth getting her revenge on Johnstone. It certainly didn't seem likely that she would forgive or forget and she married a man with steadily rising political and social power, not to mention his family. One slimeball of a lawyer doesn't seem to be too great of an opponent. While the risk that he may attempt to expose the two of them and what they'd been up to exists if they go after him, considering how he immediately lept at the opportunity to sell Sophie before her parents were even over the horizon, it seems likely that he would remain a continuing threat of blackmail if left alone.

    1. I think Elizabeth had too much to lose. Her husband didn't know the truth about Sophie and it wouldn't have looked good for Elizabeth if he'd found out. Also, I guess Johnstone didn't know where Elizabeth and Sophie went to so he posed no more danger to them.

    2. Plus I think Johnstone would be worried about what would happen if he was found out and disappeared

  8. Elizabeth can do nothing because she has cheated on her husband who does not know and ruin his political career to know the story. In chapter 17 when Jhonstone and Sophie recognize each other and collapse, Sophie orders Sally to tell him after he asked her about it and that it was a shame that she happened to be able to talk to him, but nothing more was said about her until I asked if he would go with his parents on the trip, telling his mother that she would be well taken care of with Elizabeth, the one in the banker's house supposed that she was a slave, when she saw her in her house she supposed that she was the bastard daughter, as the mother said I would be in Elizabeth's care, ask the banker for Elizabeth's address to buy it, but he did not know the special relationship, he supposed that he would not have papers like many bastard daughters that were not registered by the parents, not that he was free, or that he was marked, that was the blackmail of Elizabeth, the lack of documents and that her fiancée knew nothing about her maid, if she had known the whole story she would not have tried to sell it, the truth is that a rebellious marked slave was worth much less that the dress that they did not take away ... incredible thing, but also incredible that they sold it, in that time as supposed octoron would be free, only the mulatos could be slaves, the slaves with a fifth of black blood were released, in their place would have blackmailed them both by demanding money.

    1. Hi, SW (one of the authors) replying here. I don't quite follow all of your comment but to summarize my intention: Johnstone realized that Sophie was not a slave when he saw her at her parent's home and he realized that she and Elizabeth had been playing a dangerous game and both were, therefore, open to blackmail. He used Sophie for sex and sold her for money and that was the end of his involvement with them at that point - he'd benefitted very well from his blackmail. Also, had he attempted further blackmail he'd have ruined his own career as a lawyer. Regarding 'Octoroons' etc - Sophie did indeed appear light skinned but she had been tanned in the sun and looked no lighter than many mixed race slaves so I don't believe her ancestory would be questioned at a slave auction. She was just another light-skinned slave on the block and there was no-one to validate her as being white. Only Elizabeth could have supported her if Sophie had claimed that she was white and that would have ruined Elizabeth if she had tried to help Sophie as Sophie's parents were already at sea and for her to confirm that Sophie was white would only have caused further trouble for her (assuming she had been around to support Sophie's claim). I hope this helps to explain things. I think, perhaps, some of the story was lost in translation - it was made clear that Johnstobe knew Sophie wasn't a slave in the dialogue at the harbor but maybe his sarcastic remarks didn't translate to your language very well.

    2. I imagine laws varied from place to place,but in many the child of a slave mother was always a slave no matter how white.

  9. An Appreciative ReaderAugust 13, 2018 at 12:23 AM

    Personally, for this story, I'm glad it was a happy ending, maybe because it's much closer to real behaviour than some of the other stories (not a complaint about other authors in case it reads that way, just the American slave system was real and vile as has been discussed after various other chapters.)

    The story has been well written and good it has come to a conclusion. If you ever feel inspired I would like to read a 20 year after epilogue, that takes us post US Civil War so fascinating to know what has happened to Elizabeth and Sophie - has the subterfuge lasted and what would be the effects of war on the arrangement (Sophie would be the best part of 20 years a slave if she stayed that way till war's end in 1865, curious to know the conflicts within her...)

  10. I enjoyed reading this story a lot, thank you for your concerted effort!
    It was very well written and thought through, a lot of careful consideration must have been put into it.
    Most of the qualities I like in L2M stories can be found in here: the racial change of Sophie and the developement of the relationship of Elizabeth and Sophia from equals to Mistress and slave.
    The various punishments and signs of a slave (branding, collar, chains).
    And of course the erotic parts! (they could have been a bit more explicit for my taste, but were perfectly placed along the narration.)
    Most often I do not like a good ending for the main character, but in this case it was just the way it had to be, I'm very happy with it.
    Just one point I did not quite understand: after the slave revolt why did Elizabeth not seek immediate help?
    At least she could have informed somebody about the circumstances and then travel home.
    Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading your next stories!
