
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Story: Miss Winterbourne’s New Helper. Chapters 1-4.

by Jackie J

Chapter 1

“Well Miss Winterbourne, how can I help? Where do I start?”

Miss Winterbourne turned from the sink and laughed which muted to a wry smile.

“Mistress, what were you thinking? You can start by getting out of the beautiful dress, you will ruin it!”

Lady Fitzgibbon smoothed her hands down over her dress and looked at her housekeeper.

“What, what’s wrong with this? Nonsense, it’s not that new!”

Miss Winterbourne walked away from the large stone sink and the stack of pots and pans with her dish cloth in hand.

“Mistress, not only will you ruin that dress but it is totally impractical. Your offer to help, whilst Janice is away, looking after her sick aunt is most welcome, but really, you cannot be serious doing her duties dressed like that.”

Miss Winterbourne pointed to a prim maid’s uniform hung at the far side of the kitchen.

“Look I altered that for you when you offered to help, it will be a good fit and perfect for the jobs in hand and I suggest you take up the offer of the cotton underwear, trust me the silk will make you uncomfortable and there are a pair of boots with some wool stockings in on the floor under your uniform.”

Lady Fitzgibbon walked to the garments hung by the far wall.


Feeling at the coarse fabric of the lace trimmed long woollen dress that her junior housemaid wore Lady Fitzgibbon smiled at the bloomers and petticoats then picked the long lace trimmed bibbed apron from the rail and wrapped it over her dress.

“No, I think not Miss Winterbourne, this apron will do adequately I have agreed to help but dressing in a housemaid’s uniform? Please, I am the Lady of the manor here at Longways, I am afraid that would never do, it just would never do.”

Miss Winterbourne shrugged her shoulders and sighed slinging the dish cloth over her broad shoulders.

“Well like you say Mistress you are the Lady of the manor, I have prepared that for you but it’s your choice, however I have warned you. I have worked her at Longways for twenty years now, since I was fourteen and I know how dirty and tiring some of the work is at the manor and I assure you the clothes for the job are hung on the peg beside you.”

Lady Fitzgibbon smiled and walked towards her housekeeper.

“Miss Winterbourne, I know you have my best interests at heart, but I couldn’t be seen wearing that I just couldn’t. Now what’s my first job, where shall I begin?”

Miss Winterbourne, Annie, pulled the dishcloth from around her shoulders and handed it to her Mistress pointing to the sink heaving with dirty crockery and cutlery pans stacked on the draining board.

“If you can tend to those whilst I go and change your bed linen and clean your bed chamber oh and set the fire for the stove when you have finished the pots.”

Miss Winterbourne huffed and marched from the kitchen, she had spent quite some time altering two of Janice’s uniforms and spent extra money from the housekeeping on the underwear when Lady Fitzgibbon offered to help whilst Janice was away. Annie already had the feeling that Lady Fitzgibbon’s help would be no help at all. Annie wanted to bring in a maid she knew from Upton Manor but her Mistress would have none of it saying it was a waste of money even questioning why she retained Janice at all, how hard could looking after the Manor be? That was when Lady Fitzgibbon said that she would help out herself.

Over an hour had passed and when Annie returned to the Kitchen and gasped in dismay. The fire for the stove was not lit, the pile of dirty pans remained on the drainer and the sink was obviously still filled with crockery. Lady Fitzgibbon was stood by the sink her apron saturated staring out of the window in a daydream gently and slowly running a cold dishcloth around a tea cup.

The arrival of Miss Winterbourne startled Lady Fitzgibbon who dropped and smashed the tea cup she had been nursing. Annie dipped her hand in the now cold water and tutted.

“Tut, tut, tut Mistress, you have been doing this for over an hour it should be finished by now and all this back in the cupboards and the pans on the rack. I asked you to light the fire in the stove but you haven’t.”

“And look at you, you are soaked and the soda from the water is leaching the colour from your dress onto your apron. O dear, look get the brush and pan from the cupboard by the door and sweep up that broken cup, then put the bits in the bin, over there by the wall.”

Stepping away from the sink Lady Fitzgibbon looked down at her feet her pretty pink satin shoes were speckled in blue dots, dye for her dress! Like a naughty school girl, she tried to hide her shoes under the hems of her dress but Miss Winterbourne had seen them already and just tutted.

Annie stood back with her hands on her hips and if Lady Fitzgibbon had behaved and in fact felt like a naughty school girl, then Miss Winterbourne certainly had the demeanour and expression of a strict school mistress with the tone and volume of her voice to match. 

“What did I tell you? Those shoes are ruined and probably your dress as well now sweep up that mess.”

Both women stared at each other. The housekeeper had just berated her Mistress?

Annie stood erect hands on hips with an expression of veiled anger; Lady Fitzgibbon skulked by the sink, awkward and unsure. Only seconds but it seemed time stood still who would blink first?
Annie was vexed and without thought of who was stood before her pointed to the cupboard where the cleaning materials and the brush and pan were stored her voice a little louder and commanding.

“Well are you going to sweep that mess up or what?”

Lady Fitzgibbon mumbled her response, she felt stupid, she had been made to feel stupid, she had been stupid, she was stupid. Not for being idle with the washing of the pot’s, or for not lighting the fire in the stove, not for ruining her dress and staining her pretty shoes, not even for smashing the cup. No, she was stupid for ever agreeing to help Miss Winterbourne in the first place!

“Erm, yes, yes, of course, of course the brush and pan.”

Miss Winterbourne smirked watching her Ladyship scurry up the kitchen towards the cupboard for the brush and dustpan. She had just spoken to her Mistress no differently than she would have to her junior housemaid Janice. What made her chuckle more was how her Mistress had reacted, contrite, sheepish, submissive even, not a word of protest she just did what her housekeeper had told her to do?

Watching her Mistress sweeping up the broken cup from the stone floor of the kitchen Annie shook her head and smiled at how hard she made that simple task look. This was not going to work and resigned herself to contacting Upton manor to see if the young maid Lucy could be spared for the time that Janice would be away. Lady Fitzgibbon would just have to pay.

With her Mistress away to change Annie finished the washing up sided everything away ignited the fire in the stove and started to prepare dinner. Just Lady Fitzgibbon to be served, Lord Jeffery was away in London and then would be travelling out to the overseas farms for their annual reviews
Lady Fitzgibbon dressed in her more regal attire sat alone at the large dining table and Annie served her Ladyship her evening meal. Little, in fact nothing was said about the earlier escapade in the kitchens.

The table cleared and a small glass of port served Annie approached Lady Fitzgibbon.

“Mistress, about cover for Janice, I really do think I should contact Upton Manor to see if the young maid Lucy is available like I suggested before. I cannot manage the manor on my own and well, after today, in the kitchens? I know you did your best Mistress but maid’s work is perhaps not what you thought, it is not easy work and to be honest, if I may, I don’t think you can cope.”

Lady Fitzgibbon looked at Annie questionably whilst she continued.

“And I must apologise for shouting at you like I did, I was just frustrated and forgot my place Mistress, I spoke and treated you no differently than I would have with Janice our junior housemaid, that was wrong Mistress and ruining your dress and shoes I cannot help feeling responsible.”

Lady Fitzgibbon raised her glass to her lips and took a sip of her port a smile growing on her face recollecting her time earlier that day with Miss Winterbourne in the kitchens. She had been hopeless and her chastisement by her housekeeper had shocked her for sure but she deserved it didn’t she, being slow and clumsy. The ruination of her dress and shoes were her own fault she had been offered “clothing for the job” and refused to wear it. A slight shudder and nervous tingle shimmered through Lady Fitzgibbon when she thought again of how Miss Winterbourne had chastised her how it made her feel, how she had reacted?

Lady Fitzgibbon had looked to make a saving whilst Janice was away there would be less work around the manor with her husband Jeffrey out at the plantations for some time as well and her two step daughters, who seemed to detest her, thankfully also still away from the manor travelling in Europe, it seemed a small sacrifice to help Miss Winterbourne herself. If she agreed now to hiring Lucy from Upton manor she would be admitting she was wrong and Miss Winterbourne was right all along. More than that she would be also admitting she was incapable of doing simple maid’s work?

“Miss Winterbourne please take a seat, here at the table beside me.”

Annie nervously sat in one of the high-backed upholstered chairs that she had regularly polished to their high sheen; always marvelling at the intricacy of the family crest decoratively carved into each, but had never sat in one.  Was her apology not enough?

“Yes, Mistress what is it?”

“About today Miss Winterbourne, I accept your apology however it was not necessary, the disaster in the kitchens earlier was all of my making, and you reacted as you would to any maid who was so slow and clumsy. Likewise, with my dress and shoes, you had gone to the trouble of preparing suitable garments for me to wear and I refused. No, an apology on your part was not called for. It should be me who is apologizing to you for basically, though it pains me to admit it, being so useless.“

“Now with regards to hiring Lucy from Upton manor I did not want to do that before and I still don’t, I have my reasons which you must respect. Today we got off on the wrong foot, I am sure I can do better and if I don’t meet your standards then, well, then you have every right to tell me so.”

Annie shuffled for comfort in the unfamiliar chair a little confused, after her experience in the kitchens why would her Mistress want to continue with her pretence to be a maid?

“Mistress, are you saying that you want to continue helping me, doing the work of the junior housemaid around the manor?”

Lady Fitzgibbon sat high in her chair a slight look of indignation on her face her housekeeper questioning the validity of her desires.

“That is exactly what I am saying Miss Winterbourne.”

Annie shook her head in resignation she had to talk her Mistress out of this. Lucy was trained, obedient and would be a genuine help for Annie, Lady Fitzgibbon on the other hand, if today was anything to go by, would be a liability.

“Mistress I beg you to reconsider, I am sorry to say this Mistress but please think again of today, you refused to wear your maid’s uniform, you struggled with basic tasks, you were clumsy which resulted in the raising of my voice to you? What will be different tomorrow? When we originally agreed for you to be my help, whilst Janice was away, we obviously did not think it through properly, it didn't work and it cannot work. Please Mistress allow me to contact Upton Manor in the morning.”

Lady Fitzgibbon looked at her housekeeper who, after the earlier disaster in the kitchens, was even more set against her helping around the manor and obviously keen to hire the accomplished maid Lucy.

Lady Fitzgibbon stood she did not want this discussion to become an argument or a test of wills.
“Let us both sleep on this and we will discuss matters again in the morning, hopefully we can reach an accord. I genuinely wish to help you Miss Winterbourne and in equal measure I do not wish to bring Lucy from Upton manor. You are the housekeeper and hopefully in the morning you will have thought out how we can achieve both?”  

Chapter 2

Laid in her bed before drifting off to sleep Lady Fitzgibbon giggled contemplating the events in the kitchen and how serious her housekeeper Miss Winterbourne was. The look on her face when she had dropped that cup and then chastised her, sending her for the brush and dust pan, the tone in her voice, she thought of what poor Janice must be put through. Miss Winterbourne had always been as sweet as honey with her Mistress but Lady Fitzgibbon had seen another side to her housekeeper.

Annie for her part tossed and turned in her bunk, it was ridiculous her Mistress helping her about the manor. Annie should have been firmer at the outset and just said no when it was first discussed, insisted that Lucy was hired, but she hadn’t. Even now her Mistress still seemed set on the idea, even after her embarrassing performance in the kitchens; Annie had to talk her out of it somehow, make her see sense get her to agree to hire Lucy?

Annie’s Eureka moment saw her sit bolt upright in her bed her eyes wide, that was it, no way would her Mistress agree to that, she even baulked at wearing Janice’s uniform, she would have to agree to bring in Lucy.  Annie smoothed herself down beneath her sheets a self-satisfied smile on her face.
The following morning breakfast was served, the table cleared and Lady Fitzgibbon, sat in her delicate silk negligee and peignoir, summoned her housekeeper back to the dining room.

“Well Miss Winterbourne, have you considered our discussion from last evening?”

Annie took a breath confident that the conditions she had formulated would be rejected out of hand by her Mistress and she would soon be contacting Upton manor to organize the services of young Lucy.

Lady Fitzgibbon sat and listened to her housekeeper her mouth slowly dropping open listening to Annie’s conditions for Lady Fitzgibbon’s, if she insisted on continuing to pursue her wish to be Miss Winterbourne's helper in Janice’s absence.

Lady Fitzgibbon was somewhat lost for words when her housekeeper finished implying that the only alternative would be to hire a maid from Upton Manor.

Gathering herself, pulling her silky peignoir around her Lady Fitzgibbon stood from the table a look of disbelieve on her face to what she had heard.

“Well Miss Winterbourne I must say I was not expecting that, the conditions you describe seem a little extreme to say the least?

Annie pushed a piece of piece of paper onto the table a slight smirk on her face, she was right no way could her Mistress agree to this, everything was going to plan.

“Mistress I have written the main points down here for you to look through I will be in the kitchens making a start on the week’s laundry. Just let me know, the uniform you refused to wear yesterday is hung in Janice’s room you can write your letter of agreement covering the points I have raised there if that is what you want to do, or I can have Lucy here first thing tomorrow morning.”

Miss Winterbourne left the dining room and Lady Fitzgibbon retook her seat and pulled the document towards her and started to go through the conditions written by her housekeeper.

She chuckled she knew her housekeeper wanted the young maid from Upton manor to help her and suspected she had put in these conditions to frighten her off. The listing contained words such as obey, unconditional, respect. It was no different than what would be required when hiring a proper maid into service. In fact, it was! Miss Winterbourne had taken the details from Janice’s conditions of service.

Lady Fitzgibbon raised her fine china cup to her lips, took a sip and smiled contemplating the proposition.

Miss Winterbourne in some respects, if not in all respects was right, if she was going to help she would have to do the job properly and agreeing to stick with it, come what may until Janice returned, was only fair. Her husband was away, there were no visitors coming and she knew of no plans for the twins to return for some time. But three weeks being a maid under the supervision of her housekeeper and complying, without complaint or recourse, with these somewhat draconian conditions?

If she wrote and signed a letter agreeing to these terms, that her housekeeper had demanded, there could be no back tracking, no going back on her word, her honour would be at stake. It was all so preposterous she would have to treat her housekeeper as if her better for the duration? She couldn’t do that, could she?

Down in the kitchens in the back scullery Miss Winterbourne was busy sorting the laundry, not something she would normally do. That, along with all the other mundane jobs around the manor, was work for Janice her junior housemaid not the housekeeper.  Annie smiled to herself soon she would have Lucy to help her, she was sure of it; no way would her Mistress agree to what she had demanded of her.

Collecting the soda from the cupboard in the kitchen Annie heard the rustle of skirts on the stone steps leading down from the main manor? She had to lean against the worktop for support when the figure emerged from the bottom of the stairway? Her Mistress, Lady Fitzgibbon dressed in Janice’s maids uniform, the same uniform that she had refused to wear the day earlier? Miss Winterbourne just stared in disbelief, if she was wearing the uniform she had agreed to her terms, agreed in totality? Her Mistress was holding a letter, her letter of agreement?

Miss Winterbourne took a deep breath when Lady Fitzgibbon approached her and took the letter from her hand without a word and started to read.

It could not be clearer her Mistress had agreed to enter service under the supervision of Miss Winterbourne accepting the role and conditions of a junior housemaid until the return of Janice, her flowing signature bold at the foot of the neatly written text.

Miss Winterbourne folded the letter and the attached conditions of service and pushed them deep into her apron pocket.

“Mmmm, well I was certainly not expecting this Mistress but if this is your choice, you know what I expect from you now, you knew what you were to become when you dressed in that uniform, tied on that apron and signed the letter of agreement I requested?”

Lady Fitzgibbon was nervous and unsure in her unfamiliar garb, the maid’s uniform previously worn by Miss Winterbourne's junior housemaid Janice, her name still emblazoned on the dress and apron and forced a smile.

“Yes, until Janice returns I am to be your housemaid and comply with the conditions stipulated in the agreement I have signed.”

Miss Winterbourne smirked; still only half believing her Mistress was doing this, but if she was Mrs. Winterbourne intended to see how good the Mistress of Longways was at taking orders instead of giving them.

“Well then, let us begin then shall we; we won’t be using the term Mistress for some time, will we? You have agreed to that. OUR Mistress Lady Fitzgibbon is considered to be away from Longways until Janice returns. But what to call you?”

Annie smiled at Janice’s name, which was embroidered on all of her uniforms and aprons both of which Lady Fitzgibbon now wore.

“We don’t need to confuse matters do we, you will be doing her work, her name is on your uniforms so you can carry her name, it will also help you remember that you are no longer the mistress here at Longways, just MY junior housemaid.”

Lady Fitzgibbon’s fingers toyed nervously in her skirts and apron, she had not considered a change of name, thinking that her own first name of Clementine would be used but Miss Winterbourne had a point, Janice’s name was on the uniform and she was right it would help her to forget she was the Mistress of Longways.  

“So, JANICE, you have agreed to the conditions of your service and as agreed you will receive no preferential treatment for who you were before you put on that uniform and became my junior housemaid is that understood?”

Janice nodded and mumbled


Miss Winterbourne stood back a pace the look on her face no different than the expression Lady Fitzgibbon had seen the previous day when she had smashed the cup whilst she still held rank and privilege in her own Manor.

“What? Yes, what JANICE?”

Had she forgotten already? She would not forget again, it would become second nature, a bobbed curtsy and address the housekeeper by her full name or Miss when addressing or replying to her, it was one of the conditions.

A shuffled curtsy followed by what would soon be a natural mantra.

“Sorry Miss, Miss Winterbourne. Yes, Miss, understood.”

Miss Winterbourne saw the same submissive demeanour and compliance she had witnessed the previous day with the smashed cup. Perhaps having her Mistress for her maid could turn out to be better than she had thought.

“That’s better JANICE, discipline is essential to running a household such as this beautiful manor. Our job is to maintain the manor in pristine condition and service our Mistresses wishes.”

Annie took the opportunity to distance her maid’s current persona from that which she had previously enjoyed and would relentlessly continue to do so. If lady Fitzgibbon was to embrace her role of Janice and comply unconditionally with the wishes of her housekeeper it would be necessary.

“Of course, we know that our Mistress, Lady Fitzgibbon is away and will be for some time but our standards here will not slip I will make sure of that.”  

The two women had conflicting thoughts to a common end.

Lady Fitzgibbon had given her word and had already been made starkly aware of what she had signed up to. She was Janice now, junior housemaid to Miss Winterbourne and would have to forget her life above stairs until Janice returned, she would need to embrace her new position in the manor and resolved herself to do just that.

Miss Winterbourne could not believe that her Mistress had agreed to the outrageous conditions she had demanded of her but she had, Lady Fitzgibbon had placed herself under the unconditional control of her housekeeper to become her junior maid. It was going to be difficult for Miss Winterbourne but she was resolved to see this through, forget that she was, up until that very morning, her Mistress and treat her like the junior housemaid she had chosen to be.

And so, it was that this accepted new reality for the pair began.

Lady Fitzgibbon, Janice, was ushered into the back scullery to be confronted by the piles of laundry the washboard and tub all prepared.

Miss Winterbourne smiled at Janice’s expression of dread.

“Watch what I do carefully I shall only show you once JANICE.”

Taking a sheet, she dropped it into the tub than scrubbed it against the washboard her words again seeking to distance the Mistress she was from the maid she now was.

“These are the sheets from her Ladyships chambers and must be washed thoroughly, all the laundry in those two baskets by the wall are Lady Fitzgibbon's and she will not be happy should a stain remain on any of the garments when she returns, so you will do a good job or else, do you understand?”

Janice stumbled into an awkward curtsy.

“Yes Miss Winterbourne.”

Janice’s arms and back soon started to ache but she soldiered on and the irony of Miss Winterbourne’s words was not lost on her new maid. “Her Ladyship will not be happy if a stain remains.” She was her Ladyship; well she was up until this morning? Scrubbing away Janice thought of the times she had complained about the laundry never realizing just what an arduous task it was. Bedding and clothing scrubbed clean mangled and folded into baskets for drying Janice looked at her wrinkled hands from the water and soda and sighed.

Miss Winterbourne appeared, smiled and with Janice struggling with one of the baskets marched her new maid out into the yard at the rear of the manor to hang out the washing on the lines. Four baskets of laundry pegged out, in an order dictated by Miss Winterbourne, Janice sighed with relief watching the washing fluttering in the breeze. Strange but she felt a sense of achievement when Miss Winterbourne praised her work, but at what cost, her back still ached and her delicate hands had been ravaged by the soda.

No time to rest, Janice was shown how to set the fire in the stove then taken up into the main manor to clean the fire grates in the rooms, all the rooms. Another realization for Janice was just how many fire grates there were in the manor, all of which had to be cleaned, blackened and polished to a glistening sheen.

Janice was filthy her hands and face mottled with smeared soot, as was her apron, she would soon realize that with more care she could avoid being covered in so much grime whilst she went about her duties.

Miss Winterbourne looked at her ragged looking maid, there was a hint of sympathy, but Lady Fitzgibbon had agreed to everything and the work needed to be done, the alternative was for Annie to do the work herself but why should she, she had a junior housemaid to do all the dirty and mundane jobs didn’t she.

Janice was sent to her room to wash and change her apron, not the splendid bed chamber above stairs Lady Fitzgibbon had enjoyed, she would be using Janice’s room for the duration of being junior housemaid, another of the conditions she had agreed to.

The room was cramped with basic furniture a bunk, closet and drawers a small table with a wash bowl, a lump of carbolic soap and wash rag by its side, a small mirror on the wall above the restrictive facilities. On inspection the closet and drawers contained uniforms, hosiery and underwear. Janice washed in the basic facilities of her room the odour of the carbolic soap strong and masking the remaining fragrance of her cosseted femininity from her time above stairs.

A clean apron tied and ready to return to what duties would come next Miss Winterbourne was at the threshold of Janice’s room.

A hairbrush and clips in hand she ushered Janice back to sit on her bunk.

“I took the liberty of bringing these from Lady Fitzgibbon's chambers, I noticed today that your long hair, being worn down and around your shoulders, is a distraction that a junior housemaid does not need. You will brush out your hair and clip it up under your cap. When you are ready return to the kitchens for lunch we have a busy afternoon ahead of us.”

Miss Winterbourne was right her dangling hair had been a problem whilst she worked, not a problem for Lady Fitzgibbon lounging in the manor but for Longways junior housemaid?

Lunch had been prepared by Miss Winterbourne, two thick slices of rough cut ham a dollop of pickle and a crust of bread spread out on a wooden board, a mug of tea steaming by its side on the large table in the kitchens. No fine china, that was reserved for above stairs not the staff and the cuisine basic at best.

Janice was hungry from her labours and enthusiastically tucked in to her lunch.

Chapter 3

The first week of Lady Fitzgibbon's “service” was arduous if not downright painful and of course highly humiliating for the lady of the manor taking orders, orders given with increasing confidence, by her housekeeper Miss Winterbourne. If Miss Winterbourne was growing in confidence of how she treated her junior housemaid it was in no small part encouraged by lady Fitzgibbon’s attentive submissiveness to her.

The combination of being dressed in a maid’s uniform, having only the basic facilities of the maid’s quarters, constantly swathed in the scent of service from the carbolic soap she washed in, the confusion and unfamiliarity of the many tasks she was being shown and the demeaning ritual of curtsying to her housekeeper all serving to reinforce her chosen role.

By the end of that week she had tidied, swept, scrubbed, mopped, cleaned and polished throughout the manor. Any petulance or complaining had been rebuked with increasing sternness and reminded of her agreement with the housekeeper of Longways manor. Miss Winterbourne took particular pleasure when having her junior housemaid clean lady Fitzgibbon's personal chambers and chuckled having Janice refer constantly to lady Fitzgibbon in the third person.

Given Miss Winterbourne had not suspected this charade would continue as it had or even if at all, she had only altered two of the absent Janice’s uniforms and obtained limited underwear. Given lady Fitzgibbon had agreed to be held for an extended period of service this oversight needed to be rectified. During the evenings Janice was found unpicking seams and sewing to size additional maid’s dresses under the supervision of Miss Winterbourne. The additional underwear, that of the absent Janice, whilst baggy and loose would have to suffice, Miss Winterbourne not wishing to spend any more money from her household budget.

The second week was no less tiring for the junior housemaid of Longways manor now familiar with the routines and the expectations and standards demanded by Miss Winterbourne. Janice ate in the kitchens with Miss Winterbourne and by the end of the week she was preparing and serving the meals. Conversation was strained during the first week between housekeeper and maid but with the increasing acceptance by Janice, of her role and subservient position to her housekeeper, in the times shared together, they discussed matters relating to the upkeep and cleanliness of the manor. 

During one such conversation, with Janice having displayed some petulance, complaining and shoddy work Janice was reminded that Lady Fitzgibbon had sanctioned the spanking of Miss Winterbourne’s junior housemaid for repeated indiscretions, insolence or lack of respect on numerous occasions. The threat of such punishment to be delivered to her own tender behind, whilst made was not really considered a possibility. Her housekeeper would not spank the bare buttocks of her mistress, which of course was true but the floppy cheeks of her junior housemaid? 

When directed to a particular task, a curtsy and a polite, “Yes Miss” still brought a veiled smirk from Miss Winterbourne. At times she had to pinch herself to remind her who her submissive maid really was. It was becoming more difficult to see her busy and willing maid as anything other than the maid she had chosen to be? During the week, without prompting, Janice herself, on numerous occasions, referred to lady Fitzgibbon in the third person much to the amusement of Miss Winterbourne.

The veiled threat of a spanking kept Longways junior maid on her toes, whilst Janice didn’t believe Miss Winterbourne would actually carry out her threat she was now on her third and last warning following the of excessive use of polish on the dining room furniture, furniture she you used to sit upon which now she cleaned and polished. 

Tuesday of the third week Miss Winterbourne received word from the absent Janice that her stay with her aunt was to be extended from the original three weeks to six. Miss Winterbourne was angry at the first reading of the letter. She would be left to do all the work if Janice did not return, but then smiled referring back to the letter of agreement lady Fitzgibbon had written and signed. It was unambiguous and clear she would remain a maid under the supervision of Miss Winterbourne at Longways until the return of the junior housemaid Janice, there was no mention of three weeks.

With Janice hard at work in the manor scrubbing and polishing floors Miss Winterbourne smiled to herself. Three weeks, six weeks what does it matter Lady Fitzgibbon remains my junior maid until Janice returns.

The day’s work done and having finished her supper in the kitchens, a weary junior housemaid curtsied to the housekeeper of Longways manor and asked permission to go to her room. A formality which Janice was reluctant to comply with at first but like all the other demands made by her housekeeper she now dutifully complied each evening before being excused.

Janice now no less familiar with that name than her own slowly made her way back to her room. Constantly weary from her work she stripped from her uniform, a wash from the bowl and into her plain cotton nightdress Janice sighed, slipped beneath the thin sheets of her hard bunk and was soon into a dreamless sleep.

It was Thursday of the third week of her agreed service, her body ached and she had never felt so tired but Janice would be returning and her self-imposed ordeal would soon be over, wouldn’t it?
Friday, Saturday then Sunday came and went without a word of Longways junior housemaid returning from her aunts. It was Monday and having prepared breakfast for Miss Winterbourne Janice just had to ask.

 Janice now without thought or hesitation, such had been her accepted conditioning, curtsied to her housekeeper.


Miss Winterbourne had deliberately not shared the information about Janice’s delayed return to Longways with her junior housemaid, why would she.

Miss Winterbourne put down her cup and smiled.

“Yes, Janice what is it?”

 “Miss, I thought that your junior housemaid was to return this week I have been in your service for three weeks now?”

Miss Winterbourne spoke without emotion.

 “That is correct Janice my housemaid was to return in three weeks but it seems she will not be returning just yet.”

Miss Winterbourne watched the expression change on Janice’s face from one of expectation of impending release from her servitude to one of quizzical concern and continued.

“But that is not a problem Janice you will remember our Mistress, Lady Fitzgibbon, instructed you to be the junior housemaid at Longways manor, under my supervision, until the previous junior housemaid returned. Given she is not returned you will remain in service at Longways until she does.”

Janice just stared at Miss Winterbourne hardly believing what she had just been told. She was to continue under the supervision of Miss Winterbourne, to remain the junior housemaid at Longways.
She couldn’t, she was so weary, constantly tired, the work was hard and physical, taking its toll both physically and mentally. She genuinely feared for her sanity if she did the agreement. That was only for three weeks, wasn’t it?

Janice’s voice raised an octave but quivering with nervous trepidation lacked both confidence and conviction such had been Miss Winterbourne's subjugation of her.

“No, no I can’t. I won’t, I was, I am Mistress here at Longways, this has got to end, it must, it was only for three weeks. We will hire that girl from Upton manor, Lucy, yes Lucy you must hire Lucy, I must and go to my rooms. To bathe.”

Miss Winterbourne stood back with the stern expression of one who would be obeyed a look that Janice had come to know.

“No, no, who do you think you are talking to GIRL?”

Miss Winterbourne held up the agreement Lady Fitzgibbon had foolishly signed pointing to the specific paragraph citing “Until the return of the junior housemaid” with no mention of three weeks and ensured she kept Lady Fitzgibbon very much in the third person.

“If Lady Fitzgibbon had wanted to hire Lucy from Upton Manor she would have done so at the time but she didn’t. I recall Lady Fitzgibbon was so set against taking a maid from Upton manor, by her own hand, she gave me you JANICE and as the agreement between Lady Fitzgibbon and me states you are to remain under my supervision until my junior housemaid returns. It is my duty to Lady Fitzgibbon to ensure this agreement is honoured, if she was here now she would say the same.”

Janice’s shoulders slumped, from an expectation that her time of giving herself into the control of her housekeeper was at an end feeling of hopelessness and an acceptance to her continued subjugation embraced her like an invisible self-spun web of her own entrapment. She had agreed to this, insisted on this, surrendered all governance to her housekeeper, she had no say in the matter or indeed anything else in the manor she was the junior housemaid of Miss Winterbourne and so she would remain until the absent housemaid Janice retuned.

Another week passed and Janice continued to fall deeper under her own self-inflicted spell. Her hands well roughened, her nails short and more often than not lined with ingrained grime, her complexion without its glow, her hair looking unkempt wrapped tight under her maids cap. If one had to describe a working junior housemaid Lady Fitzgibbon, Janice, was becoming just that.

Miss Winterbourne was spending less time with household duties why should she? Miss Winterbourne was the housekeeper at Longways manor she had a well-trained junior housemaid to do those tasks and a very competent and compliant housemaid Janice was becoming. Janice was rising early and her increased work load kept her busy from dawn to dusk with little time to contemplate anything other than her duties and pleasing the demanding housekeeper of Longways, Miss Winterbourne. 

Five weeks had passed and Miss Winterbourne smiled at the transformation she had brought about in her Mistress.

The shock of her drastic change in circumstances accepted, the constant wearing of a maid’s uniform, her willing compliance to Miss Winterbourne’s draconian regime, the tiring workload, the confusion of persona, with the constant referral of her former self in the third person, her fight to see herself as anything other than Janice the junior housemaid at Longways was being lost, a process not discouraged in fact actively encouraged by Miss Winterbourne.

The six-week anniversary of lady Fitzgibbon’s entry into service came and went unheralded and unnoticed by the busy junior housemaid of Longways manor, the drudgery of her daily routines merging days and weeks into one endless continuum of her established servitude. There would be no imminent return of the absent housemaid Janice, Miss Winterbourne having written to Janice extending her absence indefinitely, she had no need to return until she felt her Aunt was well enough to be left, which would be some time yet. Even suggesting she seek alternative employment in the area where her aunt lived.

Eight weeks of her turmoil and subjugation had left Lady Fitzgibbon; the lady Miss Winterbourne had served these last four years since her marriage to the widower Lord Jeffrey Fitzgibbon, a broken woman, subservient in all things to her housekeeper, bereft of hope and accepting of her role to be nothing other than the junior housemaid in her own manor house.

During the tenth week Miss Winterbourne, seeing stains remaining on some garments and Janice’s rant, that if she did not like it she could wash them herself, was fuming. Miss Winterbourne sensed a rebellion in her housemaid which after all this time she was not going to tolerate. Returning from the study, with Janice, already regretting her words, she was shown the written permission given to Miss Winterbourne to spank her junior housemaid signed by Lady Fitzgibbon herself. 

Janice stared at the document and cowered back pleading with Miss Winterbourne but it was to no avail the stronger Miss Winterbourne tired of her maid’s petulance and lack of industry held Janice over her knee, lowered her cotton bloomers and whacked her ass red. A weeping, contrite Janice utterly humiliated by her spanking raised her underwear and stared at a stern-faced Miss Winterbourne. It was the first spanking but not the last, an emboldened Miss Winterbourne had relished the power of having her whimpering mistress over her knee. 

This first spanking was a watershed moment, Janice already compliant to the wishes of Miss Winterbourne her debasement was now complete. Her befuddled mind reconciling that she deserved to be punished in this way, lady Fitzgibbon had authorized the housekeeper of Longways to discipline her junior maid in this manner. The threat of and acceptance of further spankings at the hands of Miss Winterbourne ensured there were no more outbursts of dissent.

Having Janice serving her dinner in the dining room of the manor had become a nightly routine for Annie Janice regularly complementing Annie on the beautiful dresses and gowns she was now wearing, all from Lady Fitzgibbon's own closets and willingly altered to fit by Longways junior housemaid. Each outfit accessorized with expensive jewellery.

Twelve weeks had now passed and the once vivacious confident Lady Fitzgibbon looking well beyond her young years swathed in her uniform of established and accepted rank shuffled around the manor about her duties. Berated, humiliated, ridiculed, spanked and stripped of her dignity now humbly serving the needs of her housekeeper more like that of a mistress of the manor.

Lord Jeffrey would not be back until the end of the year and Annie was enjoying having her former mistress at her beck and call but she would have to plan for his return. She had the signed letter from Lady Fitzgibbon demanding to be put into service in her own home which she was seeing more and more has her insurance should her actions be questioned.

Sipping on a glass of sherry gazing down the driveway through the large French windows Annie almost fainted when she saw an unannounced carriage entering the gates of Longways manor, panic was not the word? What should she do, lock Janice away in her room? Put Janice in Lady Fitzgibbon's bed chambers, bed chambers that Miss Winterbourne was now using? Thoughts and actions were not quick enough and she watched the two glamorous twin daughters of Lord Fitzgibbon dismount the carriage and watching the coachman unloading numerous trunks they were obviously not here on a flying visit?

The twins, born of Lord Fitzgibbon’s first wife, who died in childbirth, had nothing but contempt and loathing for the current Lady Fitzgibbon. They had seen their father taken from them by the wiles of the vivacious Miss Clementine Roxford. They now spent as little time as they could at Longways manor although before the arrival of the new Lady Fitzgibbon it had been their home.

Chapter 4

Having hastily travelled back from the continent, having had word of their father’s illness, news which had not yet reached Longways manor, they had yet to arrange new lodgings in London and as such as a last resort, they would have to spend time at Longways and force themselves to be civil to their stepmother.

The girls did not knock they barged into the hallway and shouted for Miss Winterbourne.

“Annie, Annie where are you, your girls are back.”

The twins at twenty-two had blossomed into fine young ladies supported by the wealth of their father. Neither planned to marry or had any inclination whatsoever towards men their needs in that regard were served elsewhere.

Not having stepped foot in Longways for some time, they left some twelve months after the current lady Fitzgibbon arrived on the arm of their father who they doted on visited and stayed rarely.  Annie had been like a big sister to the twins when she came to Longways to be a maid before becoming housekeeper and was sorry to see them leave when they did under such circumstances.

Miss Winterbourne gathered herself strode into the hallway and, in a rustle of silk and lace embraced them both then ushered them quickly into the front parlour hoping Janice had not heard the commotion of the twin’s arrival.

Taken through into the front parlour by Miss Winterbourne the girls sat on the sofa and explained why they had returned unannounced to Longways. Annie was not aware of what had happened to Lord Jeffrey and conflicting thoughts filled her mind when she was told Lord Jeffrey had been severely affected by a serious stroke and was being brought back to England from the Americas. The twins also confirming that they had little intention of staying at Longways a minute longer than they had to. Annie could forget about any problems with Lord Fitzgibbon, concerning what she had done with his wife, but the twins?

Tabatha looked at Miss Winterbourne and smiled.

“I must say you are looking very well, rather splendid, that’s a lovely dress you are wearing Annie anyone would think that you were Lady of the manor. Speaking of which where is the witch? Is she away From Longways, spending my father’s money no doubt?”

Greta joined in denouncing their stepmother.

“You know how we feel about her Annie she was far too young for father he should never have married her. How old is she, twenty eight, younger than you Annie, young enough to be his daughter for goodness sake, scandalous. Now he is taken ill?”

“So where is she Annie, our stepmother and Janice the young maid, your junior housemaid where is she I thought that she would be up here serving tea by now, don’t tell me your standards are slipping Annie?”

Annie gulped and looked nervously towards the door being reminded that within the more recent training of her junior housemaid she had told Janice that if she heard visitors arriving she should not await instruction, she was to prepare tea and bring it to the front parlour to serve.

That last vestige of Lady Fitzgibbon's dignity was ridden roughshod over when she despaired at meeting guests in her new role, that of junior housemaid totally subservient to her own housekeeper in her own home, she had no choice she was just a maid she would do as she was told and of course she meekly did.   

Thankfully Janice was in the back scullery attending to the weeks Laundry so she was unaware of the twin’s arrival at Longways.

Tabatha giggled seeing Annie look to the door the way she had.

“What is it Annie you look a bag of nerves dear who are you expecting to come through that door you don’t have a man hidden away do you?”

Annie giggled nervously.

“A man, no of course not it’s just erm.”

Annie had to tell them they were going to find out anyway.

“Wait here I need to get something to show you.”

Returning with the agreement signed by Lady Fitzgibbon Annie offered it to the girls and sat back on a chair whilst they read the letter?

Both looked up in dismay then looked again at the text before the letter was placed on the low table in front of them.

With a puzzled expression Tabatha was the first to speak.

“I don’t understand Annie, Clementine agreed, well reading this wanted to be your junior housemaid? Why for goodness sake? Whatever possessed her to even think of such a thing? This is a joke, right?
Annie looked across at the two girls both eager to know more.

“No Tabatha not a joke at all you will see from her words she was quite insistent on doing it.”

Annie then told them how it all came about how with Janice being away she had wanted to hire in a maid from Upton manor, how she had come up with conditions no different to those of a junior housemaid, trying to dissuade Lady Fitzgibbon from doing such a thing.

The girls already reading the list of conditions attached to the letter of the agreement signed by their stepmother.

Greta laughed.

“She agreed to these, all these conditions, was she mad?”

Annie spoke in an apologetic voice.

“I didn’t think she would but she did, she put on one of Janice’s uniforms tied on her apron and gave me that letter, what was I to do? The manor needed a junior housemaid, I could not hire Lucy from Upton manor and well, she forced me into the agreement. Given she was to be my maid I couldn’t call her mistress any longer, she wore Janice’s uniforms, so I gave her the name of Janice.”

Tabatha smiled putting down the conditions of service on top of the letter.

“So, this letter is dated three months ago, I presume the real Janice is back at Longways now, no doubt you had some fun and I do hope you teased our stepmother mercilessly, how long did our stepmother manage to last being maid Janice under these conditions before you had to send for that girl from Upton manor? Not long I wager?”

Annie just sat unsure how to explain how things had progressed looking down at her shoes.

Tabatha looked questioningly at Annie.

“Annie look at me, Annie Janice is back at Longways, isn’t she?”

Annie did not look up and just shook her head, “No, she is still with her aunt.”

Greta reached forward grabbed the agreement and smirked.

“But it states here, agreed and signed in her own hand that our stepmother, lady Fitzgibbon would remain in your service, being your junior housemaid, until Janice returned to Longways?”

Tabatha interrupted her sister a knowing look of what she suspected. 

“Annie if Janice is still with her aunt, then, no, you can’t have done, surely not, not for all this time?”

Annie looked up and nodded.

“So, let me get this straight Annie, you have our stepmother for you housemaid here in her own home, that’s why you are dressed like you are, that dress it’s one of hers, isn’t it? It bloody well is and those earrings and the broach, your shoes?

Annie nodded contritely.


Greta and Tabatha looked at each other, then at Annie, both despised Clementine, their stepmother and both had thought and discussed together what they would like to do with the uppity girl who had stolen their father’s affections.  If what Annie had told them was true, and they had no reason to doubt her, this could be such an opportunity. With their father seriously ill he couldn’t protect her, now could he?

“I am sorry girls I couldn’t help myself she was so arrogant about the whole thing, I thought I would teach her a lesson, treated her just like I would a new junior housemaid, I had her doing everything. She complied, the harsher I was the more submissive she became. The intended three weeks became six then then and well she doesn’t even mention returning to being the Mistress at Longways anymore.”

Annie neglecting to mention she had spanked Janice into screaming out her denouncement of her entitlement the last time the subject was raised never to be mentioned again.

Annie looked at the twins and Tabatha stood.

“Well Annie what you have done is deplorable and despicable, although in your defence it was all of her own making. Leave us whilst we decide what to do about this.

Greta giggled.

“Have your maid serve us tea.”

Annie stood and reached for the agreement but Greta snatched it from the table and smirked.

“I don’t think so Annie we will look after this, send up your housemaid and wait for the maid’s bell to call you back.”

Annie turned by the door unsure of her fate her “Insurance” now in the possession of the twins.
Finding Janice busy with the laundry Annie told her to change into a clean apron and go to the front parlour and take tea for two guests.

Janice curtsied.

“Yes Miss, tea for two in the front parlour.”

A knock on the door, told to enter and with tray in hand, Janice entered the parlour and instinctively curtsied to the two elegant young women sat on the sofa. The twins looked in astonishment at what stood before them. It was Clementine, lady Fitzgibbon, their stepmother alright but wearing the uniform of a Longways maid she looked so different, the plain baggy black dress and full bibbed apron her heavy boots, unkempt hair scrunched under her cap, her bland complexion and weary eyes, with a much fully figure than they recalled.

Janice approached to serve looking again at the “guests” her eyes went wide recognizing who the two elegant women were, could it really be them, could it really, was she saved from her ordeal; yes, it was it was the twins, she recognized them, Miss Winterbourne couldn’t keep her for her maid now. Janice looked questioningly again was she imagining it, no it really was the twins!

Tabatha and Greta said nothing just stared in veiled amusement.

Janice pulled off her cap and shook out her greasy unkempt hair.

“Girls, it’s me Clementine, Praises be that you are here, Miss Winterbourne, Annie, my housekeeper has done this to me, I am close to losing my mind, you have to help me please, she is using me for her housemaid I made a silly agreement but Miss Winterbourne won’t release me from it, please you have to help me. Tabatha, Greta, please say something. You are the first people I have seen in Months, I have been kept a virtual prisoner in my own home, being used as the junior maid. I live in the maid’s quarters wear only maid’s uniforms do all the work about the manor, Miss, chastises me for the slightest mistake she even spanks me.”

Greta turned to Tabatha then back to Janice and smirked.

“Yes, we know all that JANICE, now please serve the tea.”

Janice looked at the twins their faces blank of expression her voice raising in frustration
“Janice, Janice, Janice I am not Janice I am your mother, your stepmother Lady Fitzgibbon, your father’s wife you must help me you must.”

Tabatha smiled turning a cup and placing it onto a saucer.

“Janice enough, we know who you were of course we do, but more importantly we respect not who but what you are now, Miss Winterbourne told us everything. That Lady Fitzgibbon wished for you to be Miss Winterbourne’s housemaid and from what we have been told a very good maid you are.”

Greta held up the signed letter of agreement.

“Yes, we have read your “silly agreement” it does not look silly to us at all. Lady Fitzgibbon clearly states in this agreement that you are to remain the housemaid at Longways under the supervision of its housekeeper, replacing the absent junior housemaid until she returns. The junior maid is yet to return and so maid Janice you remain. We would never interfere and go against the wishes of our stepmother.”

“Now, put that raggy mess of hair back under your cap and serve the tea girl you will have it cold.”
Janice looked in disbelief listening to the twins sat smugly on the sofa disowning her they were going to allow Miss Winterbourne, her housekeeper to remain in control of her, to keep her for the maid at Longways.

“Greta, Tabatha, please don’t do this to me I will surely lose my mind if I remain like this much longer. I am not sure who I am anymore, Jeffery will be home at the end of the year he can’t find me like this he can’t.”

Seeing the twins unmoved Janice almost screaming in despair pleaded with Tabatha.

“STOP, STOP surely I have a say in this, you cannot do this to me.”

Greta laughed standing from the sofa.

“I feel you are forgetting your place Janice you have no say in anything here at Longways. I have read the agreement. When Lady Fitzgibbon committed you to be a maid under the supervision of the Longways housekeeper all rights and privileges that you previously held were sacrificed for the duration of the agreement. If you have a problem honouring Lady Fitzgibbon’s word I suggest you take it up with Lady Fitzgibbon, she is the one who placed you here to be a maid.”

Janice just stared in confusion at the contradiction of her personas and Greta continued.

“Well am I wrong Janice, Lady Fitzgibbon committed you to be a maid at Longways under the supervision of its housekeeper within the terms of the agreement she signed did she not?”
Janice looked blankly hesitating and Greta stepped closer.

“Well Janice answer me.”

Janice mumbled her answer lowering her head.

“Yes, she did.”

Greta smirked at Janice.

“And did Lady Fitzgibbon accept the removal of all your rights and privileges when you became the housemaid here at Longways as stated in the agreement.

Janice without raising her head answered.

“Yes, she did.”

Greta hid her amusement at how the once vivacious confident Clementine was submissively wilting before her.

“And would Lady Fitzgibbon and her housekeeper allow their junior housemaid to question the terms of her service at Longways?”

Janice stuttering back into her shell of subjugation spoke almost in a whisper, “No, no they wouldn’t.”

Greta smirked and pulled the call cord for Annie to return to the parlour which she did having dressed back into her housekeepers’ uniform unsure of what the twins would do but hid her smile seeing her maid still stood in front of them her head lowered pushing up her greasy hair and replacing her cap.
Tabatha stood from the sofa and joined Annie by the door looking directly at Janice a smirk on her face.

“Well Miss Winterbourne we have spoken with your maid Janice who confirms what you told us earlier, which of course is confirmed by the letter written and signed by Lady Fitzgibbon herself, that Janice is the maid here at Longways and will remain under your supervision until the terms of the agreement are met, that being the return of the absent junior maid. My sister and I have no intention of interfering with Lady Fitzgibbon’s agreement with you and given this replacement maid, that Lady Fitzgibbon gave you, is giving good service I see no reason to hurry the return of your absentee,”
Tabatha chuckled and continued her taunting.

“And given Lady Fitzgibbon will not be returning for some time Miss Winterbourne I see no reason why you shouldn’t continue to have full use of her wardrobe.”

Annie smiled realizing the twins were not only condoning what she had done to her mistress, their stepmother, but actually promoting its continuance.

Janice stood with her head lowered and with shoulders slumped, what was being said was right. Lady Fitzgibbon had agreed for her to be the housemaid under the supervision of Longways housekeeper until the absent housemaid Janice returned.

Annie stepped forward and placing her hand under Janice’s chin smiled and lifted her head.

“Well Janice it seems you are to remain in service here at Longways for some time yet and of course I will ensure your service is satisfactory. Now go and prepare the rooms for Lady Fitzgibbon’s stepdaughters.”

Janice left without hope meekly curtsied.

“Yes, Miss.”

To be continued.... 


  1. I can't wait for the next episode! I wish for (Janice) Clementine a peaceful future. Her husband must leave her. He will therefore marry a true lady or maybe the mysterious Lucy. For Clementine a simple and modest life dedicated only to housework. Mary will obediently serve the new mistress as a dumb skivvy. Her hands calloused and ruined will have to speak for her.
    Thanks Jackie ML

    1. Clementine will obediently serve the new mistress as a dumb skivvy...... Sorry. ML

    2. Mmmmmmm, lets see?
      Jackie J

  2. Jackie, as always your stories are absolutely amazing. So believable and the characters are so well constructed.
    I love them and you never fail. Is there anywhere where I could read your complete works ? Shaun

    1. Hi Lisa,Shaun
      Most are here on Camille's fantastic site. I did write some on the locked in lace site but I think that site is closed now?

      Thank you for your kind comments and of course I have more stories in the pipe line LOL

      Hugs and Kisses
      Jackie J

  3. This is very good. You're an excellent writer, I particularly like your dialogue

    1. Thank you very much appreciated
      Jackie J

  4. I like this a lot! You pay a lot of attention to her mental status as she becomes more and more submissive. Really like how she is brought so low, and Miss Winterbourne's natural authoritarianism. Name changes are a nice touch too. Great work!

    1. Thank you so glad this story pressed the right buttons for you.

      Jackie J

  5. Very much love all your stories Jackie please continue writing

  6. Will there be more parts to this story or is this a complete story?


  7. I have read your story with a lot of interest and I especially like the way you developed the characters. I hope that you will continue with the story and I can't wait to see what is in store for Janice (Clementine).
    One avenue to explore would be to have Janice (Clementine) escape Miss Winterbourne's clutches, return as the Lady of the Manor only to fall back into Miss Winterbourne's control with the help of the two step-daughters. It would make for some high drama as Janice has to struggle to regain her status while Miss Winterborne assumes a superior position in the household. Imagine the situation of an additional maidservant in the household and Janice still cannot escape her position. Please, please continue with the story.

  8. Wondering if this story will continue?

  9. Wonderful storytelling Jackie would like to see where this goes. What happens if Lord Fitz dies because of his stroke.
