
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Story: Ms. Paula Johnson, Successful Barrister

by Jackie J

Attractive, polite and diligent Wendy was the perfect maid for Paula Johnson. Paula Johnson single, by choice, in her early thirties and a successful Barrister, which took her away for weeks at a time, Wendy looking after the rambling household in her absence.

Ms Johnson was quite fastidious about her maid and her attire, traditional, old fashioned especially in the modern era. Wendy wore a prim maid’s uniform, black calf length dress, starched apron, seamed stockings, impractical stilettos and a lace trimmed cap her uniform to be worn at all times.
Ms Johnson also insisting on being called Miss, Miss Paula or Ms Johnson with little or no familiarity.

Paula a pretty brunette would be returning in a few days from her latest trip at a claims tribunal for a medical Insurance company, always proud of how many claims she could reject.

Having been engaged by Ms Johnson for some time Wendy had become familiar with her Mistresses routines and, more importantly, her desires and was ready to make some changes within the Johnson household and put her plan into action.

The sleek company limousine pulled onto the drive and out stepped her boss who purposefully strode to the door laptop over her shoulder briefcase in hand followed by her chauffer hauling her suitcase.

Paula always took extra care with her appearance even after her flight not a hair out of place, makeup immaculate, a crisp white blouse and tailored skirt and jacket. Wendy opened the door and welcomed her Mistress home with a curtsy, another of Ms Johnson’s demands of her maid, a traditional curtsy at all times.

Paula ignored the greeting offered by Wendy, dropped her things, kicked off her heels and walked to the kitchen to fix a juice.

For the most part of the day Paula wrestled with her paperwork in the study the main purpose of this activity to ensure she maximised her expense claims and charges.

Wednesday’s, when not travelling, was Paula’s day with the “Ladies” the morning spent at the salon being pampered, lunch at the country club followed by an afternoon of drinks and gossip. Not particularly well liked by her circle of so called friends all of whom were wealthy and self-centred but they tolerated each other’s arrogance.

Wendy had chosen today for that reason, her employer will be quite relaxed when she returned home and as usual would have had just one too many at the bar.

Wendy had spent the afternoon preparing for Paula’s return, Paula, following a very relaxed session at the country club, having unwisely confided some of her secret desires in Wendy, was about to see those fantasises realised by her scheming maid, the reality and consequences of which will be far reaching and ultimately life changing for both Paula Johnson and her maid.

Headlights scanning across the closed drapes of the large lounge windows heralded the return of Wendy’s Mistress and all was prepared for her.

Wendy stood by the door listening to the lazy scuffing of Paula’s heels as she approached the door and opened it just as Paula was leaning to raise the knocker.

The effect was perfect the inebriated lady of the house stumbling forward to be caught in Wendy’s awaiting arms.

“Miss Paula, please be careful, are you all right?”

Some incoherent mumblings from the prim and proper barrister and she stands unsteady on her heels grinning at her maid.

“Let me help you with those Miss."

Wendy knelt and slowly and lightly ran her fingers down Jenny’s stocking clad calves before gently removing her heels.

Paula giggled to Wendy’s touch.

“Mmm, that’s nice Wendy.”

Wendy smiled her seduction in play.

“I have your bath drawn and ready for you Miss Paula.”

Wendy followed closely behind her wobbly boss up the stairs and into the bathroom. Candles lined the tub which steamed with the fragrance of scented oils to help relax her Mistresses inhibitions.

Paula fumbling with the buttons of her blouse Wendy stepped forward.

“Allow me”

Smiling, her body close and her face even closer to Paula’s Wendy started to slowly and seductively peel her prey, the scent of Wendy’s perfume filling Paula’s senses.

Easing the blouse off Jenny’s shoulders Wendy let her finger trickle down the sides to her Mistresses hips bringing a gentle sigh from Paula’s moist glossed lips.

Unhitched, Paula’s skirt slipped to the floor and with gentle persuasion she stepped clumsily from it.

Wendy’s face ever so close to Paula’s, her fingers slowly slipped inside the top of Jenny’s panties. Wendy’s palm, pressing at Jenny’s quivering tummy, her hand slid inside. As their lips fleetingly touch Paula’s breathing faltered, a sharp intake of breath followed by a sigh as her panties floated down to her ankles. Paula’s garter belt and stockings then caressed to the floor by Wendy’s skilled touch to join her panties.

Paula’s eyes closed momentarily and she swayed slightly, her bra unhooked Wendy gently and slowly ran the straps down Paula’s arms brushing her breasts and firming nipples with the inside of her arms.

Knowing her Mistresses secret fantasies, which her mistress so carelessly let slip to her maid, Wendy pulled poor Paula under her spell and, taking her hand, leads her to the bath easing her down into the scented bubbles.

Keeping hold of Wendy’s hand Paula looked up at Wendy wistfully.

Wendy smiled and released her employer’s hand from hers then leaned forward and teasingly ran her hands to cup Paula’s ample breasts lazily smearing her thumbs over her erect nipples.

The sigh from Paula’s lips all that Wendy needed to know.

“Be a good girl and relax in your bath I will be back soon.”

Aroused by Wendy’s touch, Paula’s fingers quickly found herself and rocked back strumming gently at her clitoris.  Stood just outside the door Wendy smiled listening to the rhythmic splashes and knew that the smart sophisticated bitch that had ruled her life for so long would soon be hers and under her control.

Paula, laid back in the tub with the hypnotic scent of the candles, the thought of Wendy’s sensuous touch, the subtle ingress of the oils prepared in the bubble filled water seeping through her pores, Paula was sliding out of control and let out a scream of submission to her lust; water sluicing over the side of the tub not holding back on her masturbation.

Panting heavily Paula arrived and flopped back her eyes glazed her body numb tingling with sensuous delight.

The clothes Wendy had dressed herself in, when she returned to the bathroom, had not been selected on a whim, they had been revealed to Wendy in an unguarded comment as part of her Mistresses fantasy.

A leather Basque over a bat winged pure white silk blouse, thigh length spiked boots a studded chocker around her neck and tight-fitting front laced leather pants hugging into her crotch.

Stood looking down on poor Paula, weak from her exertions, Wendy smiled and offered her hand for the dazed disorientated Paula to rise from the suds.

Padded dry by the probing touch of Wendy Paula, aroused again, looked at Wendy her mind only half in reality. Paula stared at Wendy reaching for and touching the flowing silken sleeves tightly cuffed at the wrist.

Wendy pushed her hand away and reaching for a collar and leash she smoothed it around Paula’s delicate white neck and whispered into her ear.

“Fasten your collar and hand me your leash GIRL.”

Paula’s eyes, half focusing on the blurred outline of her maid, fumbled with the collar tugging it tight and closing the clasp then handing the leather leash to her maid.

“Knees girl”

Her voice raised strong and commanding


Paula her submissiveness released eased herself down to her knees and Wendy pulled her tight to her crotch and smirked.

A gentle tug on the leash and her Mistress was on all fours.

“Pets Crawl girl”

Wendy paraded her naked Mistress on all fours on the end of her leash to the master bedroom.

Wendy lay back on the large bed and told Mistress to remove her tight leather pants.
Paula reached up and with excited finger started to unfasten the laces.

Wendy raised her foot and pushed Paula who flopped helpless to the floor, Wendy standing from the bed glared down at her.

“Not with your hands girl with your teeth.”

Having her Mistress stand Wendy took an arm binder and secured it in place then pressed Paula back to her knees and lay back on the bed.

“My pants girl, remove them.”

Wendy, hot and wet herself to have her Mistress lapping in her sex, her befuddled Mistress drew back the last lace with her teeth, the scent of Wendy’s sex filled Paula’s senses and she tipped and licked at Wendy’s clit then pressed her tongue deep into her moist pink heat.

Wendy leaned up and pulled Paula tight into her and moaned with pleasure.

Her arms locked behind her thrusting her tongue into Wendy’s pungent cunt was driving Paula deeper into her submissive fantasy, wanting this, needing this, craving this. Paula’s head moved in and out side to side her knees shuffling to get purchase on the deep piled carpet.

Wendy wallowed in her domination of her employer taunting her which only made Paula more willing, more eager.

“Eat me bitch get that tongue deep. That’s right bitch deep. Ohh...”

Allowing herself the pleasure of her orgasm Wendy dragged Paula by her leash onto the bed and chuckled attaching the harness of a large dildo around her waist.

Paula kneeled passively when Wendy placed a ball gag into her mouth, locked her ankles to a spreader bar then took her from behind fucking her hard, first her wet sloppy slot then to muffled squeals driving the dong deep into her ass.

Filling her mistress’s pussy again with the thick black dong Paula moaned with pleasure, taken by a dominant woman, her deep and hidden fantasy.

Riding her rough tugging Paula’s head back by her hair Wendy drove every ounce of herself into the spread juice-soaked sex of her Mistress that she held helpless and writhing on the bed.

Paula, shaking and moaning, orgasm after orgasm, climax after climax racking through her enfeebled body, the dildo relentlessly battering her sex. Paula had never known anything like this only in her most lucid dreams and screamed repeatedly into the gag that muffled her cries, not screams of pain but of unbridled pleasure that left her weak, used but strangely fulfilled.

Wendy heavy with sweat, her hair matted by her exertions withdrew the dildo with a loud slurp, the rubber warm to the touch from its pounding dripping with her Mistresses juices.
Tugging her mistress’s head to its tip Paula needed no encouragement to take its taste to her lips drawing down its length sucking it clean of her own spoil.

Paula seemed spent and Wendy unlaced the arm binder, unshackled Paula’s ankles and removed the gag.

Wendy, taken a little by surprise, Paula puts her arms around Wendy holding her hot slick body against the leather garb of Wendy and forced her lips to Wendy’s. A long lingering kiss tongues entwined then Paula flopped onto her back staring up longingly at Wendy.

 “Oh Wendy, Wendy that was awesome, I have never, I never thought, I Oh Wendy.”

A snap of a phial under Paula’s nose brings her to her senses, reality and the consequence of her encouraged lesbian lust.

Paula, her eyes like saucers, pleaded with her words, pawed lazily towards the kneeling Wendy, the large dildo still swinging in its straps about her crotch.

“Oh, Wendy what have you done, what have I done, what have we done, Oh Wendy, no one must ever know.”

“This must be our secret.”

“Oh, Wendy I will do anything, anything”

 Wendy looked down on her mistress and smiling ran her fingers through Paula’s matted hair.

“I know you will Miss I know your will.”

Seven O’clock on the dot the following morning, no different than any other day, Wendy entered her mistress’s bedroom in her neat uniform dropped a curtsy and placed the breakfast tray by the bed as if nothing had transpired the night before.

“Breakfast Miss”

Paula pulling herself up onto the support of her pillows feeling soreness in her rectum stared at her maid.

"Wendy er, er, er did er"

“Yes, Miss what is it, did what sorry?”

“Er, nothing, nothing you may go.”

Wendy curtsied turned and left to return to her duties, or so Paula thought.

Paula reached for the coffee and cupped the mug in two hands sipping and thinking?
Did I dream that? The soreness of her arse telling her different but she did not dare to believe that what had happed had been real!

Showered and sat naked by her vanity the colour drained from Paula seeing what was coiled and laid by her cosmetics, Paula whispered to herself.

“Oh My God, Oh my God no, please no.”

Her trembling hand reached forward and picked up the collar and leash she had so willingly fastened around her own neck for her maid the previous night. It was true, all of it. Holding the leash, she could feel her wetness growing sat staring at her reflection in the mirror. Unconsciously her fingers had found herself the collar and leash slipping to the floor as she firstly gently massaged then probed herself. Her eyes closed the vigour of her masturbation increased until slipping from the stool to the floor she was in full flow reliving her degradation at the hands of her maid. Pandora’s Box had been opened and things would never be the same.

Soon squirming and writhing in the deep pile of the carpet her fingers remorselessly battering herself seeking orgasm. Wanting to experience again her willing subjugation by her maid poor Paula came in a torrent her pussy oozing her release.

Laid panting in the cooling of her climax her legs spread wide Paula softly moaned in pleasure turning onto her side and opening her eyes.

A cold shudder ran through her seeing spiked heels by her face. Looking up beyond the leather boots and thigh hugging trousers, the shimmering white silk blouse cocooned within the leather basque, the smiling face of her maid Wendy.

“Time to get dressed PAULA.”

Paula? Paula, her maid had never addressed her in that way always Mistress, Miss or Miss Johnson, never just Paula?

Paula started to stand only to be pushed back to the floor by the spike heeled boot of her maid.

Only at that point could Paula have changed her future, she could have stood, forced herself to her feet, resisted, told her maid she was fired but she didn’t, she couldn’t. Staring up meekly from her knees at her maid dressed as she was, in her leather garb, Paula wilted.

Wendy knew she had her Mistress now and was not going to let this moment of reversal go.

Holding out to Paula a full ensemble of a maid’s uniform that she had prepared, Wendy smiled.

“Time to dress girl”

Paula, helped to her feet all of a dither, nervously shaking with excitement and anticipation her legs wobbly, began to dress. Wendy sat by the vanity tapping a crop on the heels of her boots staring intently at her mistress whilst she dressed in her maid’s uniform.

Paula’s mind was in turmoil reconciling it was just part of a game, not real, just some fun sex play, how wrong could she have been.

Paula now dressed in her maid’s uniform, black dress seamed stockings and starched white apron Wendy walked to the quivering frame of her mistress and scrapping back Paula’s hair into a rough pony completed her look with the addition of a lacy cap.

Wendy stood back and smiled.

“Perfect Paula, just perfect, now let me see you curtsy to your MISTRESS.”

Paula hesitated

“Wendy I think this has gone too far, much too far.”

Wendy laughed and clicked the remote and the TV screen flicked into life.

“Watch this Paula and if you want to be the only person who sees it you will do as you are told.”

Paula stood open mouthed, nervously twisting her fingers in her apron, watching herself led naked on all fours on the end of a leash then, having stood passively to be bound, licking and lapping at Wendy’s pussy before being gagged and fucked by her maid then sucking clean the large dildo that had left her screaming in delight.
The short film finished and the remote clicked Wendy glared at Paula.

“Now curtsy for your mistress girl.”

Wendy, raising her voice and with crop in her hand


Paula her mind now in a whirl dropped a curtsy, as she does she knows she is moist, not moist but wet, not wet but soaking? What is she to do? What can she do? The thought of giving herself to her maid is now all consuming and her expression reveals it all.

Wendy smiles, now is the time to complete her dominance and subjugation of her mistress.

“You are fucking wet aren’t you girl, tell your mistress that you are soaking drop your knickers show me.”

Paula is out of control, under control, blushing, flushing and fumbling under her dress and petticoats she drops her baggy cotton knickers to her ankles to reveal the sodden gusset.

“Yes, Mistress I am soaking. Sloppy wet.”

Wendy strides forwards and raising Paula’s skirts hooks her fingers into Paula’s hot wet slot.
Paula hangs on Wendy’s grip her body numb with arousal and Wendy whispers softly but commandingly to her quivering Mistress.

“You are mine now girl, tell your mistress who owns you.”

Paula gasps out her reply.

“You do Mistress you own me.”

“And who is my maid.”

“I am your maid mistress.”

Wendy rubbed her thumb on Paula’s budding clit bringing a soft moan of submission.

“Last night you said you would do anything to keep your little secret safe but I have decided I don’t want anything I want everything.

“Tell your mistress she can have everything”

Wendy’s fingers teased and strummed within Paula’s wet, wanting, pouting pussy and Paula gasped and panted her acceptance of total of subjugation at the hands of her maid.

“Yes, Mistress everything is yours everything.”

Wendy slowly withdrew her fingers and the dishevelled moaning bundle that was her  Mistress dropped to her knees her own fingers replacing those of Wendy’s.

Wendy  opened the laces of her leather trousers and pulled her now maid to her own hot snatch which Paula eagerly engulfed with her mouth, her tongue probing within the wet pink folds of Wendy’s pussy.

Paula finger fucked herself whilst she licked and lapped between Wendy’s straddled thighs her lust knowing no bounds; she was lost in her debauchery, enslaved by her submissive desires.

Wendy almost suffocated her slut pulling her tight into her crotch when she came then dropped her pussy licker to the floor.

Paula squirmed and moaned finishing herself off before lying panting at Wendy’s, her mistress’s feet.
Paula started to pull up her knickers only for Wendy to stamp her feet onto the soaked gusset.

“No girl I have something for you, something you will wear to remind you who owns that pussy of yours.”

Opening a package by the bed Wendy removed a stout chastity belt and handed it to her now maid.

“Put this on girl.”

Paula’s eyes went wide seeing the device her frazzled mind besotted by her tormentor, she stood and taking the belt kicked off her soiled knickers and stepped into the leather straps of the chastity belt. Raising her skirts Paula pulled the belt tight into her crotch and fastened it around her waist.

Wendy leaned forward smirking and snapped the lock to seal her maid’s pussy within the confines of the steel and leather chastity belt.

A fresh pair of baggy knickers offered Paula pulled them on then smoothed down her skirts to conceal her confinement.

Paula looked up at Wendy who smiled holding a collar similar to the one she wore the night before but this one was heavier and ornate.

Wendy just smiled, Paula knew what she must do and taking the collar from her mistress placed it around her neck and closed the clasp. Wendy reaching behind Paula’s neck rolled the combination lock, her Mistress was now hers.

"Now girl downstairs I have some paperwork for you."

Paula looked at Wendy and swaying out her dress curtsied.

Feeling the tug of her chastity belt and the thoughts that it caused to rage through her mind, thoughts of her subjugation and enslavement to her once maid she meekly spoke

“Yes Mistress.”

In the study where the sophisticated professional used to do her work, at the desk where Paula Johnson, the successful Barrister plotted her cases laid two typed documents.

Wendy, standing behind her maid Paula pointed at the two documents and placed a pen in her quivering hand

“Sign them girl”

A little reluctance and the collar that Paula placed around her own neck started to tighten and tighten until she choked the tension released as quick as it came.

Wendy grabbed her maid’s hair and scowled at the now frightened Paula.

“Did you think I would leave you with any free will girl, any chance to back track, to change your mind? You have taken my collar, you are mine girl so get used to it; it is what you wanted after all isn’t it?”

“Do as you are told girl and the collar you so willingly placed around your own neck will stay loose, disobey me and it will choke your insolence from you understand girl?”

A few tears roll on the cheeks of Paula what had she done allowing this?

Her thoughts were cut short with the raised voice of her once maid now mistress

“Sign the papers.”

Her signature in place, on both documents, Wendy smiled.

The first letter to Paula's chambers explaining that she was resigning to travel within Asia and that all contact should be made through Miss Wendy Lawson at the current address, Miss Lawson having taken over the lease on the property whist she is away.

The second document addressed to Ms Paula Johnson’s bank explaining that she will be travelling in Asia for some time and that a power of attorney be given to Miss Lawson whose signature and details accompany this letter.

“Now girl let me show you something.”

Wendy grabbed a now forlorn looking Paula by the arm and dragged her to the rear of the rambling house and opened the door, a very stout solid wooden door, to what was a guest room. A few alterations having been made during Paula’s last, indeed her very, very last business trip.

Bars and one-way glass to the windows, sound proofed walls, a small bed, shower, toilet and wash basin everything a maid’s quarters would need.

Wendy opened up the closet to reveal all the clothing that her maid would require. A row of maid’s dresses, aprons and in the drawers, plain underwear and hosiery, shoes neatly stacked to the side.

Wendy smirked.

“Well Girl what do you think of your new home?”

Paula just stared into her new world and what it contained.

Wearing her maid’s uniform, beneath which a chastity belt was securely locked to her, a controlling collar around her neck, to ensure her compliance to her mistress’s wishes, Paula knew she has no option but to accept her new position. To confirm her permanent subjugation by her maid she had resigned from the chambers, her career has a barrister over, her wealth and home transferred into the hands of her mistress and all who had known, what was Paula Johnson have been told that she is away in Asia.

 Ms Paula Johnson’s life was over the life of Paula the maid of Miss Wendy Lawson had begun.

Any lingering defiance was choked out of her by the collar and with the chastity belt keeping her in a state of constant sexual arousal and frustration, released from time to time by the increasingly dominant Miss Wendy, Paula soon adapted to her domestic servitude.

With her submissive tendencies released and her hopeless situation reinforced at every opportunity by her demanding Mistress, within twelve months it was as if Paula had always been the maid in what was her own home meekly going about her duties and being used in the bed of her mistress.

Wendy now a regular herself at the country club was often asked what had become of her employer Paula Johnson.

Not only inwardly but outwardly Paula Johnson had changed. No makeup of course, no jewellery or fine clothes, her hair cut into a short bob and dyed blonde, and a good few extra pounds swelling her hips and ass. Her dowdy lived in appearance all adding age to her years but it was still unmistakably the woman she was.

A true test of just how embedded Wendy’s conditioning had become within the once successful Barrister was the day the Ladies from the country club were invited to dinner at Wendy’s home.

Wendy kept her maid in her quarters until all the ladies had arrived and were seated at the table. She then rang for her maid to attend.

Paula entered the main dining room in her neat maids’ uniform and curtsied

“You rang mistress.”

The ladies had to do double take? Was it really that arrogant opinionated bitch Paula Johnson?

Giggles and chatter worked around the table.

Wendy stood at the head of the table.

“Ladies, ladies settle it is just my maid, PAULA JOHNSON.”

“You will remember her at your country club, of course you will, and you asked what had become of her? Well ladies as you can see she has become my maid, a very good and obedient maid.”

Wendy walked over to her maid with a possessive grin.

“Tell the ladies why you became my maid Paula.”

Paula stepped forwards and curtsied to the ladies and spoke in her now meek and timid voice.

“My name is Paula I am maid to my Mistress, Miss Wendy”

“I was a rich successful barrister but I secretly desired for my maid to dominate me for our rolls to be reversed and allowed my maid to first seduce and then subjugate me. I now serve the Mistress who was my maid; I have given everything I own to her so I may serve her. To show that I am her property I wear my mistress’s collar and her chastity belt she owns everything including my body which is hers to use as she wishes.”

Julia, a quite butch lady from the country club stood from the table and slowly clapped.

 “Oh yes very good Wendy, Paula very good, very amusing Paula Johnson your maid and sex toy. Pull the other one, come on Paula stop the act. “

Half joking Julia asks to see the chastity belt too prove what she is saying.

Paula looks to her mistress who nods her approval.

Paula eases down her knickers to her knees then lifts her maids dress, lace trimmed apron and petticoats high to reveal her now well-established chastity belt the bright shiny lock in clear view.

The ladies gasp in unison; it is true Paula Johnson has become her maid's maid and sex toy. 

Her clothing rearranged Paula is sent to the kitchen to prepare dinner and the ladies chatter.
Wendy taps her glass and the chattering ceases all eyes turned to Wendy.

“Now Ladies before my maid serves dinner, who would like to have my maid serving in their household? If you make your interest known during the evening we can make the necessary arrangement”

There was no shortage of interest and when a drunken Julia asked if she could stay over at the end of the night Wendy’s Eyes lit up.

"Why of course Julia, and what are your hidden fantasies?"


  1. Lovely short story, Jackie!
    Thank you

  2. Oh so good!
    How many stories do you think you've written btw?


    1. Giggles.
      Not Sure Charles but I am on with some more
      perhaps have to pull them altogether at some time.

      Thank you for your kind comment

      Jackie J

  3. A short but oh so intense story, a quick fix for the reader, liking it immensely.
    Thank you for your efforts

  4. Good story. I wonder how many of the other ladies at the country club secretly desire to take up the white apron?
