
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 14.

by Jackie J
Having returned from her palatial residence or what was her home, Cathy, having reconciled that her home was now to be the guest room in her neighbour’s house; Cathy placed her maid’s uniforms in the closet, underwear in the drawers and then entered the kitchen to prepare lunch for her Mistress.
A light lunch served a sullen Cathy sat in the kitchen, the contrasting images of Catherine Lucas and maid Cathy etched in her mind. Cathy’s thoughts drifted to Jackie her maid and how this had all started. It was a bit of fun, then the sex, the accident, the spankings, being drawn deeper into the persona of a maid and now willingly having accepted to be taken from the comfort and safety of her home to be the housemaid of her neighbour.
Jacqueline had gone, deserted her, Miss Crabtree was her Mistress now, a mistress that had already disciplined her, the sting of the strap still lingering across her behind. Cathy giggled to herself, why she was amused by her thoughts was strange but she did. Cathy thought of the website Ladies to maids, how she had read were ladies were slowly denigrated, stripped of their trappings of wealth, subjugated and placed into and accepting a life of servitude becoming the maid of their maid.

Chomping on a stick of celery Cathy reflected on those titillating muses, at least her situation wasn’t permanent was it? Pauline, Miss Crabtree, was her Mistress sure, but she was sheltering her really wasn’t she? Her scars would heal and her hair would grow again and all would return to normal wouldn’t it?
When Michael returned he would be none the wiser would he? She would have to explain why Jackie unexpectedly left but she had some time to think of that, just left for another job. Cathy having convinced herself she was not being groomed and prepared for a permanent journey down the social ladder to a life of service, like the ladies on the website, stood from her stool and entered the dining room to clear the table from lunch. How wrong could she have been!
A week passed Pauline attending various functions substituting for Catherine Lucas and maid Cathy went about her duties scrubbing, cleaning, dusting, polishing, and keeping her mistress's home spotless. The laundry serving meals every domestic task detailed in a demanding rota of daily duties. Pauline took every opportunity to reinforce Cathy’s lowly status and should she find fault with her maid’s work Cathy became accepting of adopting the position across the stool in the kitchen to receive her punishment. She was a maid, she had done wrong, she deserved to be punished by her mistress and she was.
Camille had confirmed that Catherine’s wealth, stolen by Jacqueline, had been successfully transferred into new accounts and what of Jacqueline?
Her mind being slowly turned to mush by the continued sexual stimulation she was becoming an empty shell held in the confines of the play room. She would have no further part to play in the subjugation of Catherine Lucas or indeed in anything else requiring more than a modicum of intelligence, her executive days were over her future would be the empty headed bimbo maid of Camille.
It was Thursday around three in the afternoon when the pretty Christine Roberts, Monica’s daughter, arrived at Pauline’s with an envelope from Dawson and Laing, Jacqueline’s expected notice of termination. Christine did not know Catherine Lucas, why would she? When Pauline’s increasingly nervous maid opened the door and curtsied, Christine just politely smiled and entered.  Pauline took the envelope confirming that Jacqueline would receive them.
Sat in the lounge and Cathy having served tea to her Mistress and guest, Christine explained about Michael Lucas having been recalled early from his trip to Asia because of the potential scandal, indicating that Miss Jacqueline Frobisher might not be the only head to roll if details of what she had done what she is gets out.
Pauline sat back and smiled hiding her concern that Catherine’s husband had returned prematurely.
“Well I think Jacqueline knew her double life was over she left just after the party the other evening, I have a temporary forwarding address but I was sworn to secrecy, I could not possibly let you have it.”
Christine smiled.
“I understand best to be discrete, I don’t want to know, I don’t think anyone will after this. My husband told me Jacqueline Frobisher is a closed book and I think that is for the best.”
Shortly after Christine had left Pauline drew back the curtains of the lounge seeing a car pull into her neighbours drive? It was Catherine’s Husband?
Pauline sat for some time considering what to do then decided to go and see her neighbour tell him that Catherine had gone away taken a short vacation, she could act dumb about Jacqueline.
The doorbell rang and Pauline repeatedly pressed the button but no response?  Michael must be inside his car was still on the drive? Pauline considered entering with her key, it would be normal for Catherine to leave a key if she was away. Pausing Pauline peeped through the lounge window then quickly drew back before slowly taking another look hidden by the curtains.
Fuck? Wow O dear Michael you are going to be no trouble at all are you.
Pauline chuckled watching Michael daintily placing down a wine glass and walking, with practiced and convincing feminine poise, the hem of his dress wafting below the knee, out of the lounge.
Pauline thought of confronting Michael but declined there would be time for that later but with Michael’s early return she needed to move her plans forward for her maid.
Pauline returned to the Lucas household in the early evening and this time Michael answered the door.
“Hi Michael I saw your car, I called earlier but you must have been busy, you are back early from your trip is everything alright?”
Michael stood in the doorway wearing a dressing gown and stood back for Pauline to enter.
“Come in Pauline yes everything is fine just wondering where Catherine is and erm the maid erm Jackie, yes Jackie.”
Pauline smiled at Michael who should have taken more care in removing his makeup specs of mascara on his lashes.
“Catherine is away, she left me with a key the other week, a short break she said whilst you are away. Your maid I’m not sure, haven’t seen her for some time then I wouldn’t, I don’t think she went with Catherine and with Catherine leaving me a key I guess she is away somewhere herself, taking a break?”
Michael inquired further.
“So do you know where Catherine went and for how long?”
Pauline moved a little further into the hallway.
“No not specifically, you know what Catherine is like with her holidays always spare of the moment. She did mention the Keys, maybe there, how long? Well again who knows, until she gets fed up of the place? I guess with you being away she wouldn’t think it mattered.”
“Why are you back home early, Michael?”  
Abruptly put on the spot Michael stuttered slightly.
“Erm, erm,  just a work thing, I will probably have to go back out there to finish off the trip.”
Michael could not hide the concern for Jacqueline in his voice
“Are you sure you haven’t seen Jackie Pauline, she should be here, I am sure she would have said if she was leaving”
Pauline smiled and made light of Michaels comments looking him straight into his eyes.
“Jackie the maid why if I did not know better Michael I would say you are more concerned about her than your wife, is there something I should know?”
Michael looked embarrassed.
“No, no, it’s just, well, never mind she will be in touch. Thank you for dropping by Pauline I will try and get in touch with Jac.., I mean Catherine.”
Pauline smiled making her way out of the door.
“Have you got something in your eye Michael? Anyway if you need anything I am just next door bye.”
Pauline chuckled heading back to her home and her obedient maid.
Michael looked in the hall mirror and gasped seeing beads of mascara hanging on his lashes? Fuck she didn’t see that did she?
Walking into the lounge Michael slumped into his favourite chair and stared at his cell. He had been told not to contact her under any circumstances but he had to and pressed the speed dial. The phone just rang out, three further calls went unanswered and he was becoming increasingly concerned for Jacqueline.
Michael did return to Asia two days later to finish the last month of his truncated tour oblivious to the planned fates of his wife and his lover concealed within the home of his outwardly friendly neighbour and that his neighbour also had plans for him on his return.
In the Crabtree household should Cathy ever consider complaining or foolishly actually raising the matter, of her increasingly harsh treatment by her mistress, Pauline gave her short shrift mocking her looks and reminding her she was only being treated like she was, like a common maid because that was her own wish and of course what she was. Cathy was becoming more withdrawn, nervous and unsure, with each day that passed, her self confidence was being slowly and surely drained from her by her ever demanding and taunting Mistress. Pauline’s treatment of her maid beginning to make Jacqueline’s period of tutorage into servitude, for Catherine Lucas, by comparison, look more like a fairy godmother than a Mistress.
Dates and days and even time were beginning to mean less and less with little relevance to Miss Crabtree’s increasingly confused and harassed maid. Relentlessly harried from task to task maid Cathy was punished for the slightest indiscretion or failure to comply to her mistresses exacting standards. By the third week of her service to her Mistress, Miss Crabtree, it was an anxious and timid maid Cathy that was genuinely seeking praise from and fawning over her Mistress?
With Pauline having taken over Catherine Lucas’s social engagements Mrs Catherine Lucas was always referred to in the third person whenever mentioned. Pauline had even brought over the portrait of Catherine Lucas which she hung by the mirror in the hallway. The stark contrast of the images a constant reminder for maid Cathy of how far away she was from her emancipation, the self imposed exile into the life of a maid, now rapidly becoming the established maid of her neighbour Miss Crabtree.
Over the weeks Pauline had plundered Catherine’s wardrobe and had her maid adjust the various garments to a better fit for her Mistress. Miss Crabtree was representing Catherine Lucas, the neighbour from next door after all and had to look her best hadn’t she?
A month had passed and Michael would be due back shortly from Asia. Maid Cathy needed to be made aware of two outstanding matters that would complete her subjugation and condemn her to a life of servitude at the hands of her neighbour. Firstly, that her Mistresses neighbour, Mrs Catherine Lucas, the glamorous lady in the portrait, was financially ruined. Secondly that her scars would never heal and that her hair would never re grow and of course the consequences of both for Miss Crabtree’s maid Cathy.


  1. So many ways this can play out, Jackie a brain dead bimbo maid, Michael being turned into a maid and poor Catherine I guess she’s not getting her looks and beautiful hair back. And what about Pauline, is she going to get everything, all of Catherine’s money and now catching Michael in her web... where will it all end?

  2. The next chapter is gonna be so exiting when the truth fully revealed to Cathy :)

  3. I’m definitely looking forward to the big reveal. It’s going to be epic. This is a wonderful roller coaster ride.
