
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Story: The Secret Slave

by SW

Sophia Solano reclined at a small garden table and relaxed in the warmth of the late May sunshine.  Just nineteen years of age and the only child of a wealthy planter she was taking one of her frequent visits to her dear friend Elizabeth Deveraux who had been married at seventeen but bereaved less than a year later when her husband had perished in a steamboat explosion in the fall of 1844.   

Three years had passed since the tragedy and though the young widow mourned the loss of her husband she now very much enjoyed the financial independence and relative freedoms that her position in society permitted.   They chattered happily in the privacy of the elegant town-house garden and sipped cool drinks served by a pretty young mulatto maid.  Sophia watched the slave girl as she refilled their glasses and carried her tray back to the house.  

She asked her friend.  "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a slave?"  

Surprised by the question Elizabeth replied "No, why, do you?"  

Sophia said. "I do, sometimes.  What must it be like for them, to have to give themselves entirely to serving us?"  

"I don't suppose they feel anything much about it." replied Elizabeth, continuing "After all, they're born to serve and it's all they ever know."  

"True,” agreed Sophia, "but I'm sure some of them at least must feel, oh, what's the word ... degraded."  

Elizabeth laughed and replied.  "Oh Sophia, you do say some funny things sometimes.  You're not turning into an abolitionist are you?"  

Sophia laughed and said.  “Goodness no!  Could you imagine my father's reaction if I asked him to free our slaves!”  She paused and said. “It's just looking at your girl then, she's about our age and I just can't imagine what her life must be like.”  

Elizabeth shrugged nonchalantly and the conversation moved on.  The two young ladies spent much of the rest of the afternoon making plans for the summer: the dinner parties and balls they might attend, the clothes they would buy and, of course, the relative merits of several young gentlemen they were acquainted with.  

Just as Sophie announced that she had better leave to be home for dinner Elizabeth said,  "You know, if you really wanted to find out what it's like to be a slave girl I could arrange it for you." and laughed.  Sophia said, "Why, what do you mean Elizabeth, how could it be done?"  

Smiling, Elizabeth said. "Easily, your Spanish blood has given you an olive complexion and your hair is curly and black, just like plenty of light-skinned slave girls I've seen.  With a little time spent in the sun and dressed in a house maid's uniform I'm sure you could pass as a very prime light-skinned wench."  

Sophia was momentarily insulted by her friend's remark but saw the playful smile on Elizabeth's lips. She relaxed, giggled and said. “Then what, would you drug me and give me over to a passing slave trader?"  

Elizabeth, laughed and said, "No, but we could pretend that you were my maid and I could lend or hire you out to someone.  Perhaps a family hosting a large party and hiring servants to assist their own staff."  Both girls laughed but Sophia experienced a strange thrill at the thought of it and rising from the table said. "Well then, see if you can!" and walked toward the yard at the rear of the house and shouted to her negro driver who'd been dozing on the driving seat of the buggy where he'd waited during his mistress's visit.

One week later Elizabeth had visited Sophia at her family's plantation and was making herself ready to leave after a splendid dinner when Sophia ushered her away from the other guests and attending servants and said.  "I've been thinking about what you said, about hiring me out as a slave," she hesitated and said, "I'd like to do it."  

"What!" exclaimed Elizabeth, "You're not serious!"  

Sophia replied.  "I am, it would be an adventure. You could hire me out for a day as a house maid and I'll tell you all that happened."  

Elizabeth shrugged and said "I suppose if you really wanted but it would be utterly ghastly for you.  Who knows what could happen and what if you were discovered, your reputation would be ruined!"

"Well," said Sophia, "it might be dreadful, that's true, but that's what I want to find out.  Anyway, it would only be for a very short while, perhaps one day and night if I was just to help serve dinner.  You know plenty of people in Charleston, my family have no connections there and I myself have never been.  Will you do it?"  

Elizabeth said firmly, "My goodness Sophia, you need to think this through before I could consider assisting you in such an enterprise."  After Elizabeth had departed, Sophia became anxious at  what her friend must think of her; to have requested her help in such an outrageous plan.

When they next met it was Elizabeth who wasted no time in asking Sophia if she still had the silly notion of playing the role of slave.  Sophia said that she had and reminded Elizabeth that it had been her idea to conduct the experiment.  Elizabeth said.  "Yes, but I had been joking all along, I didn't expect you to countenance such an idea.”

Elizabeth continued disingenuously.  “If you really want to go through with this mad game I will help you, as a dear friend must, but it wouldn't mean that I approve."  

Sophia replied. "Don't you at least wonder what our slaves really think and say amongst themselves? I would be one of them for a day or so, they would accept me and talk freely in front of me, I'll be the only white person to get a glimpse of what really goes on!"  

"Well," said Elizabeth, "you do put forward a credible argument but it would take some careful planning."  

"I know," said Sophia, "I have already started, did you not notice that my skin is already a shade darker?"  

Elizabeth returned, "Why yes, I suppose I did."  

“I have been laying in the sun at every opportunity," said Sophia giggling, "unclothed when Ma'ma and Pa'pa are out and I have ordered the servants not to disturb me.  I have found the perfect spot on the balcony of my room."

Sophia smiled with satisfaction.  

"Really Sophia!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "How daring of you!"  Sophia laughed again and said, "I have to be careful to turn so that I don't burn front or back".  

Elizabeth giggled and said. "We would have to think about where you can go and I think you should be called 'Sophie', a good slave name that will be easy for you when you are called to serve."  Sophia agreed and by the time they parted both girls were in high spirits and eager to pursue their plans for the audacious scheme.

It had been decided that Elizabeth would make the necessary enquiries on her next visit to Charleston in a few days time.  She did so and learned in a dressmaker's shop that a banker by the name of Morgan had put word out about engaging an additional maid to serve for a large party he held annually on the last Saturday of June at his town house mansion.  Elizabeth wrote a note and asked the shopkeeper to send it, on her behalf, to Mr Morgan. The note stated that it would suit her to hire out the services of her girl on that day and evening for a reasonable consideration.  She included a description similar in style to those found in slave auction advertisements and it ran:

'Sophie'. Very prime Octoroon wench aged 19.  Trained house maid, hard working and obedient.  Accustomed to serving dinner parties and functions.  Often remarked upon for her qualities and excellence.

Elizabeth received a note from Mr Morgan a few days later stating that he would like to see the girl 'Sophie' with a view to engaging her from Noon on Saturday the 28th of June until Noon the following day. Elizabeth immediately called on Sophia to tell her the news.

Sophia listened intently as Elizabeth outlined the arrangements.  'Sophie'  was to be taken to Morgan's mansion in just two days time to enable him to decide her suitability.  Sophia was filled with apprehension and excitement.

"I am really fearful now that this is becoming reality!" she said.  

"Well you don't have to do it."  rejoined Elizabeth.  

"No," replied Sophia, "but let's go to him and I'll decide after that."   

Elizabeth thought for a moment and said, "Very well, if you are certain, but remember, once there alone I cannot rescue you until the next day."  

Sophia drew a deep breath and said. "We shall need to buy a uniform for the first visit." And with that they settled down to discuss further details to see the adventure through properly.

The following day Sophia purchased for herself a house maid's outfit comprising a dress, an apron, a bonnet and shoes.  Slaves, of course, were not usually permitted underwear and Sophia wondered how she would feel going about naked beneath the dress.  She tried the ensemble on that afternoon in Elizabeth's chamber. Satisfied with the fit she called to Elizabeth who'd been waiting outside.  

As Elizabeth entered she exclaimed at the sight of Sophia tricked out as a maid. "Sophia!  My!  How you look the part, you appear every inch the likeliest slave girl in all South Carolina!"  

Sophia curtseyed mischievously and said.  "Why, thank you miss 'Liz'beth, Ma'am."  Sophia had already viewed herself in Elizabeth's tall mirror and had been very satisfied with the result of her efforts, she did indeed look ravishing!  The tight black dress buttoned at the front and was trimmed with white lace and showed off her voluptuous curves to perfection, the plunge of the neckline revealing the upper portion of her smooth, brown bosom.  The tightly fitting bodice produced a deep and shadowed cleavage between the high breasts and, though of good enough quality, the material was thin and allowed the contour of her nipples to be plainly visible to the onlooker.  

She had fixed her white lace bonnet to sit daintily atop her mass of curly hair but left a few tresses free to spill out and frame her pretty, tawny face.  The arms were bare almost to the shoulders and the neat little white lace apron tied tightly around her middle, emphasised the elegant taper of her torso, narrow waist and gentle widening of the hips.  The costume was completed with the plain but highly polished shoes appropriate to the station of an upper house servant.
Sophia had arranged to overnight with Elizabeth and after dinner in the privacy of Elizabeth's chamber she again put on the costume and practised the courtesies and manners of a chamber maid; serving drinks, combing Elizabeth's hair and helping her try on several outfits.  Both girls laughed and giggled as they played out their respective roles, especially whenever Sophia used slave dialect.  After a while they gave up the exercise as neither could take the other seriously enough in her role to make it meaningful.  In any case, Sophia had been waited upon by slaves since the day of her birth and she knew perfectly well how a house girl was expected to act and speak.

The following day, however, both awoke apprehensive and nervous, especially so Sophia who several times that morning almost decided to call the thing off.  She at last determined to see it through and after picking at a light breakfast she put on her outfit and was ready to go.  Elizabeth had given some of her servants time off after breakfast and sent the others out on errands.  They were thus able to slip out into the street unremarked as mistress and maid whereupon Elizabeth hired a buggy to take them to meet Morgan at his Charleston mansion.  

Just before noon their carriage arrived at the impressively large and well maintained establishment.  Sophia rose first and opened the door of the buggy for Elizabeth who then accepted the help of a middle-aged slave woman who had come from the house to meet them.  Sophia, who was offered no such aid, alighted from the carriage and followed Elizabeth toward the open door of the house, smoothing down the skirt of her dress as she walked up the broad steps of the portico.  

Just then Morgan appeared in the hallway within.  He said, "Good morning, Mrs Deveraux. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.  Please come this way." Turning to the slave woman he said,  "Martha, bring tea to the drawing room."  As he turned, Elizabeth noticed that he took a long and appreciative look at Sophia who now stood nervously with downcast eyes in front of the doorway.

He said, “This then is Sophie?"

"Yes," replied Elizabeth. "This is she."  

He studied her a little longer and said, "Come along with your mistress gal."  

Elizabeth watched with some amusement as Sophia made a little curtsey and said, "Yessuh."

Morgan led them into the spacious and well appointed drawing room and ushered Elizabeth to one of several large leather chairs and then he himself sat down leaving Sophia standing demurely near the door, hands clasped in front of her apron.  

Turning to Elizabeth he said, "I hope we can conduct this business quickly as I have much to do today.  Ordinarily I would have left this matter to Felicity, my wife, but she is unavoidably detained in town."  

Elizabeth replied, "Of course, please make your appraisal as soon as you wish."  

At that moment Martha entered bearing a tray with tea and after serving refreshments to her master and his guest, Morgan dismissed her and, turning to Elizabeth he said,  "Well then, I'll look the gal over now if I may?"

She replied, "Please do, I trust you will find her satisfactory in all respects, she is, as I mentioned in my letter, a trained house girl and accustomed to waiting at table and serving guests,” continuing, “she has excellent manners and speaks very well.”  

Morgan leaned back in his chair and said firmly, "Come over here gal where I can see you closer." Sophia curtseyed, murmured "Yessuh," and stepped over to him.   Morgan quite openly admired her face and figure for a moment and said,  "Place your cap on the floor and free your hair."  

Sophia complied and was then instructed to lift and carry a small table across the room and back. When she had returned the table to it's original position Morgan ordered her to again stand before him and, though her humiliation was excruciating, she obeyed without hesitation.  He rose from his chair and moved a step to her.  

Placing a hand on her chin he said  "Open up, let me see those teeth."  He pushed and pulled Sophia's lips to expose the exquisite pearly-white teeth.  Fully aware that he stood between the girl and her mistress he quickly and furtively moved a hand to her bosom and felt the firmness of her right breast through the thin cotton bodice.  At this Sophia looked directly at him and stepped back with a look of alarm and consternation across her beautiful face.  

But, his hard and determined expression instantly quelled her rebellion and she again lowered her eyes submissively.  Morgan took her trembling hands in his and turned them over and examined them.  After a moment he stepped back and said,  "Well Mrs Deveraux, you have an excellent looking wench here though she does seem rather timid.  

Elizabeth replied, "She's been with me since she was a not much more than a child and is not used to being placed in the hands of others.  I'm sure though that she would do well for you."  

Morgan said, "She would fit well with my own house girls and I believe she would serve tolerably.  I have already seen three other very good gals but, nevertheless, I'd like to discuss terms?"  

"Of course," said Elizabeth, "but I have a few conditions I must impose if there is to be an agreement.

“Go on,"  he said and Elizabeth continued, "The girl is inexperienced, if you know what I mean, and I don't want her sent back to me with a babe in her belly, nor do I want her marked with the whip."  Sophia shuffled uncomfortably with shame and fidgeted her clasped hands.  Elizabeth's words had shocked her but she was grateful that she, at least, had given these matters some thought.  

Morgan said, "Mrs Devereaux, I can promise you that this dinner party will be entirely respectable and the gentlemen guests will be accompanied by their wives.  Furthermore, all our servants are female and there are no bucks here to pester the wenches.”  

He smiled and continued, “As for whipping, we are careful not to administer any punishment that would devalue any of our slaves, nor indeed hired servants."  Elizabeth appeared satisfied with his assurances and so a price was soon agreed and a few moments later Elizabeth and Sophie were back in their carriage and returning to Elizabeth's house.

When they were alone Elizabeth giggled, "Oh Sophia, you are an expert actress, you were very convincing, I'm sure Morgan can't wait to show you off to his guests."   Sophia replied, "That was very difficult but, I have to admit, exciting!  Do you really think he believes me to be a slave girl?"

"There can be no question about it," replied Elizabeth,  "You were utterly convincing!  The way you carried yourself, curtseyed and 'Yessuh'ed', all exactly like a slave should."  

She then said, "Now that we have a master for you do you still want to go through with this?  I can easily inform him that you have taken unwell and send one of my girls in your place."  "No," Sophia said firmly,  "let's keep this game going. This will be interesting, if rather testing!"

The day of Morgan's dinner party arrived and Sophia, in a state of high anxiety, accompanied Elizabeth once again to the Morgan residence.  Martha, as housekeeper, met the carriage on arrival and opened the door for Sophia.  As the woman helped Sophia down Elizabeth said, and for Martha's benefit, "Now Sophie, you be a good girl and do as you're told just like you do for me. I'll come for you tomorrow."  

Sophia turned to Elizabeth and replied humbly. "Yes Mistiss, I'll be a good gal and be obeedjen' miss."  Elizabeth said, "Very well, see that you do.  I expect Mr Morgan will give me a full report on your behaviour.  Oh, and remember, you must now address Mr Morgan as 'Master."  With that she ordered the driver to rouse the horses and Martha escorted Sophia to the side of the house and into the kitchen.  

Sophia felt terribly alone and unprotected and found herself trembling at the thought of the trials that lay ahead.  Perhaps sensing this, Martha put her arm around Sophia's slender waist and said, "Don' you worry 'bout nothin' chile, you'll be jes fine!  Do like I say and no trouble will come.  Anyways, dis is a repec'able dinner tonight, ain't gonna be nothin' for yo' to do 'cept look bright, serve nice an' smart and mind yo' manners."  

Sophia nodded meekly saying.  “I'm just a little scared, that's all.”  Martha sat her down at the table and tried to soothe her saying,  "My's but ain't yo' a likely gal, a real high stepper, an' yo' speak almos' like a lady too.  What are yo' anyways gal?  Reckon yo' be mus' be octoroon wit dat real high yaller 'plexion yo's got, yo' be near as white as some ob dem fine lady guests tonight an' twice as purty!”

Martha nodded her head and continued,  “Yo see iffin some of dem gen'mens won' be arsking Massa iffin he be selling yo'.  Won't deys be vexed when deys find out yo' ain't his to sell!"  At this she laughed loudly and Sophia began to feel more at ease, telling herself that Martha at least, would look out for her.

Martha had coaxed Sophia to have some tea when a bell rang high up on the wall.  Martha looked up and said, "Dat'll be Mistiss arsking after yo'. Drink up and I'll be back to take yo' up in a minute." and she bustled off leaving Sophia alone with her thoughts and apprehensions.  

Sure enough, Martha returned and speaking in a more serious tone than before said,  "Come 'long now gal, let's get yo' upstairs to meet de Mistiss."  

Sophia was led through the sumptuous and decorous hall, up the grand wooden staircase and along the wide and richly carpeted corridor, passing several large and fine portraits and landscapes on the way.  With every step Sophia's fear intensified until at last, when they stopped at the door to the Mistress's chamber she felt herself trembling again.  

Before entering, Martha said quietly,  "Yo follow me in an' mind, don' look at de Missus, jes walk in an' stand beside me an' curtsey an keep yo' chin up an' eyes down.  She jes wan' to look yo' over and gib yo yourn orders."  Sophia nodded. The moment had arrived, she thought, her first real test as a slave girl was about to begin.

Sophia followed Martha in, stepped forward a few paces to take her place beside the older woman and curtseyed.  She was aware of the presence of the Mistress but having to look downward was unable to see her properly.  Felicity Morgan had been looking out of the window when they had entered and she turned and walked over to where they stood.

"Well now, so you'll be Sophie?"  Sophia replied, her voice faltering slightly, "Yes Mistiss."  

Mrs Morgan said in an even tone, "You'll have a busy time here Sophie.  There are more than twenty guests arriving after six. You'll serve dinner and refreshments afterwards but before that there are many preparations to be made."  

She continued, "For now you can help set table and do some cleaning and polishing and tomorrow you will assist at breakfast, help clear away and tidy the house.   

Martha here is our Housekeeper and you must do as she tells you.  Do you understand?"  Her voice cracking slightly Sophia replied, "Yes Mistiss."  

Mrs Morgan said firmly,  "Make no mistake, you shall be worked hard during your stay here.  This is a very busy occasion for our staff but you'll be given a good meal later and breakfast tomorrow and you will sleep in a clean bed in the quarters adjoining the kitchen."  

Mrs Morgan paused and said,  “I understand that we have authority to whip you if necessary, though not so hard as to mark you.  You are no different from our servants in that respect.  We do not mark our house girls.”  

She paused again and said,  “Of course, you're own Mistress shall be told how you did for us when you are collected tomorrow."   The Mistress ordered Sophia to turn around slowly and then said, "That dress will do for this evening Martha, it's very close in style to our own uniform and appears to be clean and fresh.  Give her a work dress for now and see that she is fed, washed and properly dressed with the others by six.  

"Yes Mistiss." replied Martha.  The Mistress dismissed them saying  "Now, both of you, run along and Martha have her started with chores,"   and she watched Sophia closely as they curtseyed and quickly left the room.

Martha took Sophia to a small room near the kitchen.  It was sparsely furnished with two low and narrow beds separated by a small chest of drawers against the wall and furnished with a crudely fashioned wardrobe and a small stool.  Martha took a flimsy, grey work dress and white turban from the wardrobe and told Sophia to "Shuck down."  

Sophia did so, feeling the warm flush of shame spread over her cheeks as the slave woman handed her the new clothes and hung her serving dress and bonnet in the wardrobe. Sophia put the work clothes on and found the dress to be quite a tight fit but was relieved to find that the material wasn't of the coarsest type that she knew some negroes had to wear.  

Martha then led Sophia into the dining room.  Four young slave women, dressed in similar outfits to her own were already hard at work cleaning and polishing.  Martha produced a dry cloth from her apron pocket and handing it to Sophia instructed her to "Shine up" the large marble fireplace.  Martha announced to the others, "Dis heah gal is Sophie an' she here to help 'til tomorrow.  Y'all keep her right and see dat she knows what to do," and she immediately went from the room leaving them at their duties.  

After a while one of the girls asked Sophia where she was from but none of the women paid her much attention.  As soon as Sophia had finished the polishing task one of the girls asked her to help move some furniture around the room and into position for the evening.  She was then instructed in more cleaning tasks and Sophia took the opportunity to look more closely at her companions as she worked.  All were around her own age, and very pretty and well shaped.  Two of the girls appeared to be octoroons, almost as light-skinned as herself, another was mulatto and the fourth quite black, a full blooded negro thought Sophia.  She felt very awkward in their company but carried out her duties in the same manner she'd watched her own slaves conduct themselves at work on countless occasions.

The afternoon was very hot and Sophia moistened with perspiration as she labored.  Her dress became damp and clammy and, to add to her discomfort, her limbs had begun to ache from the unaccustomed and relentless work.  The other women worked quickly but apparently effortlessly and, surprisingly, more or less in silence.  There was very little chatter amongst them and Sophia admired the way they moved with efficiency and quiet dignity.  Sophia thought, and not without a little shame, of how she herself had often voiced the opinion common among her class that, "Nigras are naturally lazy!"

After what seemed like an eternity to Sophia but was actually only about an hour, the dining room door swung open and Morgan strode in.  He moved purposefully to the huge dining table and examined it to make sure that it had been properly polished.  The girls immediately stopped working and those that had been bending to some task or working on their knees stood upright.  

They all turned to face him and curtseyed, Sophia did likewise and he said tersely,  "When you're done in here I want the hall floor scrubbed and polished and bed chambers made ready, I expect some guests to stay tonight.  Make sure the fireplaces are set, beds aired and lamps filled and trimmed."  

He continued, "You don't have much time left so don't let me catch any of you idling, d'you hear?"  As he spoke he raised a riding crop he'd been holding at his side and waved it in the air.  

The girls chorused, "Yes Massa." His eyes swept round the room and settled on Sophia who immediately lowered her eyes.  Morgan said  "Well Sophie, I can see that you've been working hard, your dress is quite damp."  He laughed and said,  "it clings to you in a most pleasing fashion."  Sophia blushed and lowered her head and could see quite clearly that he was right, the damp bodice did indeed conform closely to the contours of her bosom.

By late afternoon Sophia was exhausted and yearned to be back home reclining in her chamber sipping a cool drink.  The work had been much harder than she had expected.  Her arms, back and legs were tight and aching and her mouth felt dry as parchment.  At last, Martha emerged from the kitchen and called to the hall where Sophia had been on her knees polishing the lowest step of the staircase.  "Come along gals, feedin' time.”  

Sophia entered the kitchen and fell onto a stool at the table and eagerly drank a large bowl of water whilst the cook, who was about the same age as Martha, placed wooden bowls of rice and strips of fried pork and vegetables before them. Martha said "I's got to go roun' with Missus now for de work 'spection.  Yo' gals eat that up smart an' den yo's can all get washed iffin Missus say de work done all right."  Sophia ate the food though just a few hours before she would have considered it fit only for hogs.  

Then, a few minutes later, Martha returned and said, "Missus says de work done good enough so y'all kin get ready now.”  With that the girls rose from the table and followed one another through to a little ante-room which contained a privy and a crude contraption comprising a bucket with small holes in the base and suspended from a tall frame and fed with water from a trough pump.  Only some girls used the privy but all took off their work clothes and shoes in turn and went one at a time under the cold water whilst others worked the pump.  

Sophia, of course, stripped too and was mortified to be exposed in this way but comported herself well enough to hide her shame.  She was quite used to having her own slave girls see her naked when they had to bathe her at home but that was a very different situation from the one she now found herself in.  She saw that none of the girls had any body hair.  She knew that some owners made their house slaves remove body hair for supposed reasons of hygiene but it was not a demand that was imposed on the house girls in the Solano home.  

Sophia went last and gasped as the cold water drenched her sweated body.  Martha then led Sophia into the same room she'd been made to change dress in shortly after her arrival.  The negro girl was already in the room, towelling her voluminous hair dry and Martha said,  "I's gwine to hab my meal Milly, yo' tend to Sophie." and returned to the kitchen.  Sophia looked closely at the girl.  She was very black and very, very, beautiful.  Tightly curled hair spilled down to her shoulders and the features of her heart-shaped face bore testimony to her full African ancestry.  The lips were thick and smiling and her button nose, though wide, was not overly so.  The girl's skin was smooth and unblemished and her huge eyes were remarkable; almond shaped and sparkling with deep brown pupils set like dark jewels in clear blue-tinged mounts.  Those gorgeous eyes were set off to perfection with long upwardly curved lashes and trim brows underlining her noble forehead.  

Sophia stared in open admiration and Milly said in a friendly tone,  "You be in here wi' me tonite.  I sleep on the bed nearest the door an' you is to have the other, I put fresh linen on it fo' you comin'."  As she spoke she revealed large, even and brilliantly white teeth flashing in striking contrast with her black skin.  Sophia thought that never had she seen such a pretty negro girl before and couldn't help but allow her gaze to fall on her exposed charms.  The girl's body matched her face for loveliness.  

A graceful sweep of the finely sculpted neck and shoulders led to seductively ripe breasts.  Though of generous proportion they sat high and pert on her slender frame.  Droplets of water still glinted on the dark globes and drips formed on the plump and erect black nipples, the girl's skin was so black that Sophie could not discern further darkening around the nipples.  Below the beautiful breasts her chest narrowed to a slim waist and her lower abdomen flared to pleasingly wide hips.  The contours of the girl's belly spoke of an absence of slackness or excess flesh.  Though only, at most, about twenty years of age, years of manual work had firmed her limbs and body resulting in a taught yet exquisitely rounded physique.  Almost lost in the shadows of blackness Sophia could only just make out the mound of the girl's sex.  

Still smiling, Milly said "Yo' better get dried off gal, we's got to be ready now."  Her words broke the spell that had been cast and Sophia hurriedly took a towel from her bed and quickly dried and dressed herself in the serving clothes that had earlier been placed in the wardrobe.   

Martha returned just as they were fitting their shoes and said, "Mistiss wants to see y'all in de hall, come 'long quickly."  The two girls hurried from their little room and were joined in the narrow corridor that led from the kitchen to the quarters by the other girls.  Milly whispered soothingly to Sophia. "Don' worry gal, no harm will come to yo' tonite, jes do like the Mistiss an' Martha says."

They all followed Martha into the reception hall and she directed them to form a line leading from the bottom of the stairs toward the front door.  Sophia glanced up the stairs to see the Mistress descending.  She was able to see now that Felicity Morgan was about thirty years of age.  She was attired in a very fine, corseted, cream dress and her hair and neck were bejewelled with what what appeared to be very expensive tiara and necklace.  She had fair hair, was pretty with a petite physique and aristocratic bearing.  

As her “Mistress” reached the lower steps Sophia lowered her eyes and remembered to raise her head and stand erect and to attention.  The Mistress walked along the line of five girls making minor adjustments to their outfits here and there.  When she arrived at Sophia she reached up with both hands and pushed Sophia's bonnet up and back slightly and said. "Very well Martha, the girls will do fine like this."  

Before Martha, who was standing behind her Mistress, could reply, the Mistress raised her voice and said,  "Now.  I don't have to remind you all that this is a very important occasion tonite and you must all be on your very best behaviour.  I will be watching each of you closely, as will your Master.  See that you do well and give a good impression to our guests."  

In unison the girls said: "Yes Mistiss."  

She continued, "There will be very important people here and you must show them what you can do.  You must smile when you serve and look bright and cheerful at all times.  Is that clear?"  The slaves repeated:  "Yes Mistiss."  

The mistress continued, tersely, "Any fault will earn you a switching with the crop and half rations for a week."   Sophie gave an inward shudder and Felicity Morgan then said in a softer tone,  "If you do well, as I know you all can, you will be allowed some extra time off during the week and, perhaps, be given a new dress.  Now, go wait in the kitchen, the first guests will be here very shortly."  

The girls curtseyed, said “Yes Mistiss.” again and filed back to the kitchen.  Martha took position at the small window watching for arrivals and the others sat down at the table for a few precious moments before the work of the evening began.

After a few minutes Martha jumped back from the window and shouted: “Dere's a carriage!  All ob you quick, into de drawing room an' stand by de windows an' fire.”  The slaves stepped quickly into the room and Sophia took position by one side of the large fireplace and close to a table which had been set out with drinks whilst the other girls spread themselves around the large room, their backs close against the walls.  

Sophie was again filled with apprehension and nervous anticipation of what would be demanded of her.  Presently they heard muffled voices in the hall before Martha opened the door.  Morgan entered and showed the first four guests into the room as Martha returned to her mistress in the hall who was awaiting others.  

Sophia had earlier been instructed by Martha to pour the wine and other refreshments and leave the serving to the others, at least, until most of the guests had arrived, so, when Morgan had seated the guests and nodded in the general direction of the table - thus ordering the drinks to be poured - she set to her work.  Before long all of the guests had arrived, some two dozen in fact, and after about an hour of pouring and occasionally serving drinks in the drawing room the dinner bell clanged loudly from outwith.  

Sophia had dreaded serving dinner more than any other duty as she knew that she would be under very strict supervision.  As she took her place in the dining room she trembled and felt her belly flutter.  In the event, all went off well and she was relieved that she and the other girls had apparently performed the important duties to the satisfaction of their Master and Mistress.  After dinner, the gentlemen repaired to a downstairs parlor to smoke and leaving the ladies to return to the drawing room.  Martha told Sophia and the two octoroon girls, Lindy and Rosa, to serve the men whilst she would attend to the ladies in the drawing room assisted by Milly and Sara.  Sophia and the other two light-skinned slaves were soon at work serving brandy and cigars and they were kept very busy with the demands of the thirteen men.  

The atmosphere in the parlor was considerably more relaxed than at table.  On this sort of occasion at home Sophia would have been in her drawing room with the other ladies, now she wondered what opportunity this novel situation as a slave maid might provide for her in respect of learning something of the ways of gentlemen free from any constraints imposed by the presence of ladies.

The party of men continually demanded attendance and the three girls were constantly refilling glasses, going round with cigars, running errands to the kitchen and so on.  As the drinks flowed and the evening wore on it became quite plain to Sophia the the men were taking plenty of interest in the movements and doings of the girls.  She noticed on several occasions their eyes fix on Lindy and Rosa's breasts as they bent to serve.  

She had little doubt that she too was receiving plenty of admiration but of course, obliged to lower her gaze when serving the men at close quarters, she could not be sure.  She was surprised how free and easy the men spoke, first of their wives and then of their slave women at home.  At times the conversation became quite bawdy and she was quite disgusted with the realisation that this was how some gentlemen, at least, behaved alone in each other's company.

Sometime later, carrying a tray laden with empty bottles across the hall, Sophia had almost reached the kitchen when she heard the parlor door close behind her and a man shout: "You gal, put that down and come over here."  She placed the tray on one of the hall tables and turned to see the man, whom she had gathered earlier, was named Johnstone, standing by the staircase.  

She replied "Yessuh," and walked over to him.  He was quite tall and with an imperious manner, he reached out and abruptly clasped her left elbow with a vice like hand.  Pulling her forcefully to his chest he sneered,  "You're a pretty little pet, I've been watching you all evening."  

He swung her round and pulled the back of her shoulders tight against his chest and said. "Don't struggle now gal, I only want to feel you over."  Startled by the speed and strength of his actions Sophia was speechless. "Now then," he said, "let me feel these ripe brown fruits of yours."

He reached his arms around her and grabbing her breasts firmly he began to squeeze them hard. Sophia reacted and tried to break free.  She said, "Oh suh, I got work to do, please let me go suh!"

He said brusquely, "I mean to see what you've got gal."  

Then he whispered menacingly in her ear, "Do you want me to tell your Master that you displeased me?"  

Sophia, now in a fright, was again at a loss for words.  He pushed her before him into a corner of the hall and swung her around and positioned her back against a wide square pillar, the base of which was almost surrounded by floor vases containing tall and leafy plants.  They were now completely hidden to anyone who might cross the hall.  

"Now," he said, "let me see these titties properly."  He swiftly unbuttoned the front of her dress, and then, gripping the low neckline he pushed the material over the shoulders then down below her bust. Sophia gasped but felt unable to struggle, she had become powerless to resist.  

Johnstone's face was twisted with lust as he stared at her exposed breasts, his hands spread over them and he held each nipple very tightly between thumb and forefinger.  Sophia whimpered and turned her head from him, she could not bear to see the look of unbridled desire that contorted his arrogant face.  After what seemed like an eternity he reached down with his right hand and hoisted and bunched the skirt of her dress.  

Sophia summoned enough willpower to try and push him away from her but he released his left hand from her breast and slapped her hard on the now naked right thigh.  She gasped and was about to shriek but with a lightning fast move he covered her mouth and hissed:  "You listen to me little slave gal.  You take this quietly or I swear I'll whip you right here and now and tell Morgan you were sassy to me.  He'll be grateful I saved him the trouble of beating you himself!"  

For an instant she considered throwing off the guise of slave and slapping the scoundrel hard across his arrogant face but she knew that this would not have been wise; in fact it would be ruinous.  Her family's good name would be dragged through the mud for evermore and she herself would be ostracised from society and openly ridiculed.  She slumped back against the pillar and awaited her fate.  

Johnstone sensed his victory in her submission and said, “That's better, you be a good gal now and do like you're told, I won't harm you.”  Replacing one hand on her right breast with the other he simultaneously continued to lift and gather the thin serving dress until the entire front of the skirt was fully in his grasp.  He pressed the tightly bunched material hard against her rib cage and pressed her hard against the pillar.  

Sophia mewed and moaned but offered no resistance as he once again released her breast, this time not to slap her but to move his wandering free hand onto her abdomen.  She felt his fingers spread down across the lower part of her belly.  She shuddered as he began to trace over the lips of her sex and she waited for the moment when he would push those probing fingers into her.  As he worked on her most intimate parts, her body, to her horror and shame, began to respond.  

At first, little jolts and tremors radiated from beneath his touch but these feelings built into waves of pleasure.  Sophia Solano, was indeed a virgin, but she was well practised in the art of self-stimulation; and the unmistakable sensations that overtook her now were very familiar.  The warm feeling swept through her abdomen and chest and she felt her face flush as muscles deep in her belly tightened and quivered.   She fought hard against the rising excitement and hoped that her sex, which she knew had moistened inside, had not betrayed her arousal to him.  

She turned her eyes to his with an imploring look so that he might halt the exploration of the virgin purse but all hope was dashed, his face was filled with desire.  He smiled as he gazed at her heaving breasts and then cupped and pressed her sex and started to rub the palm of his hand over the now swollen and damp nether lips.  

Tears had begun to form in Sophia's eyes but, just then, she heard footsteps descending the stairs.  Johnstone immediately released her from his iron grip and the hem of her dress fell to the floor.  As he stepped around in front of the pillar she somehow managed to lift and fasten her bodice, though her hands trembled.  

A slave girl came down into view around the bend in the stairs.  It was Milly and she evidently did not notice Sophia but spoke to Johnstone as he stood awkwardly by the staircase.  Surprised to see him there, Milly said.  "Oh suh!  kin I get yo anythin', suh?"  

Johnstone said,  "I felt a little unwell and came out for some air.  Go fetch me a glass of water quick as you can."  Milly replied. "Yessuh, I be right back for yo, shall I bring it to the porch or the drawing room suh?"  

Johnstone said irritably.  "Just bring it here and make sure it's cold."  

Through the banisters Sophia could see Milly curtsey and walk quickly toward the kitchen.  As soon as she had disappeared from sight, Johnstone moved swiftly back to Sophia.  He cupped her chin firmly in his hand and whispered, "Don't you breathe a word of this to anyone!"   

Sophia nodded weakly but was taken aback when instead of releasing her he thrust his body against hers, pinning her against the pillar once more.  She felt his hardness press against her belly and again her body defied her!  

Suddenly, stepping back from her, he said calmly,  “Now you go straighten out your clothes in the kitchen and get back to your duties,” adding, “and you better put on a pleasing face gal, like nothing has happened.  I'll be watching you, do you hear me?”  

Sophia mumbled, “Yessuh,” and slipped quickly away from him, half running toward the kitchen just as Milly came out carrying a tray with a glass of water.  

When he saw Milly approaching Johnstone shouted angrily at Sophia:  “You watch where you're going you clumsy gal,  you nearly tripped over me.”  

As Milly served him he said to her,  "That damned yaller gal stumbled into me a moment ago.  She better take care or I'll be telling your Master. You tell her that from me!"  

Meekly, the negro girl said, "Yessuh, I tell her like you say suh."   

He drained the glass, placed it firmly on the tray and told her to get back to work.

….................... To be continued


  1. Another fine story. Great work.

  2. Great story, I look forward to the next instalment!

  3. I am liking this story immensely, having a friend to facilitate this transformation is for me quite excitingly erotic.
    Fine authorship carries this story so well.
    I am gripped by this story

  4. I never really liked the "race" change but this story is very good cant wait for the next part

  5. Thanks. I like race change stories and have been looking for this kind of stories where a lady becomes a slave by some reason. This is a great story. When can we wait continuation? And does anybody know other stories like this?

    1. I love this plot too. There are a couple of similar "octoroon" stories I posted on this blog earlier, but they tend to be either too short or unfinished. A white woman mistaken for a light-skinned slave (or discovering that she's actually a slave after being brought up as a rich lady) is a plot device that's been used a few times in the 19th century, even giving name to a "tragic octoroon" genre. The whole white slavery narrative was quite popular throughout the 18-19th century, sometimes used as part of the abolitionist narrative, but clearly had strong erotic "damsel in distress" overtones.

    2. There are several stories online similar to this one. Most of the ones I'm familiar with are hard to access. For example, there is a story titled "The Mississippi Masqueraders" written by Imreadonly that's quite similar to this one. It's available on The Spanking Library site, which requires a free registration. It's filed under the author Imreadonly2 as a "serial" rather than a "story."

      The story is also available on the Yahoo Group stripsearch4. This was C Lakewood's site prior to his death. This will also probably require some sort of registration.

      Both sites have several stories similar to this one. The Mississippi Masqueraders is one of the better stories in my opinion.

      T. H. Enerdly

  6. Promising plot here; good storytelling, but PLEASE lighten up on the dialect. The darkey-speak is so over-the-top laughable that it breaks the mood of the story. Dialect is always a tricky thing in fiction. If a writer doesn't genuinely know a particular dialect fluently, it's better to stick to standard English.

    1. I have to say I am a huge fan of the use of accents and dialects in transformation stories, even as I fully realize they often come across as over-the-top and unrealistic (that is actually part of the appeal as they are meant to enforce stereotypes). It could be my superficial knowledge of the traditional negro dialects of the period (largely limited to Uncle Tom's Cabin, Mark Twain and a few Civil war classic movies), but nothing really struck me as too bad here. Then again, there is a long and glorious history of fake Southern accents in movies so I can be quite forgiving.

    2. Used skillfully, regional or ethnic dialect can add flavor and realism to a story. But using dialect is always tricky. It risks making the character sound like a stereotype. What that other Anonymous called "darkey-speak" is really, really tricky. It's been used for humorous effect for so long, it's pretty hard not to take it humorously. And for a lot of people, Stepin Fetchit type language comes with tons of racist baggage attached. I'm not saying a writer can't use black dialect effectively in a story. But using it is like using a flamethrower to cook a grilled cheese sandwich. It can be done, but the line between success and disaster is extremely narrow. Is it really worth it? Maybe there are other ways to get there.

    3. Hi, author of the story here. Points taken and I'll hold my hands up, I am not from the USA. However, I have read literature from that period from the USA (and including the South). I certainly don't mean to cause any offence and as the story proceeds, I hope readers will see that many of my slave characters are portrayed sensitively. However, from what I have read, from that period, there is nothing in the dialogue, thus far, that could be seen as an particularly unusual portrayal. Martha has the 'thickest' black voice in the story and it would seem from my readings, the language used not atypical. I'm happy to be proven wrong - live and learn etc. As I said, I don't wish to offend any reader but the subject matter is going to show many representations of racism: a culture borne out of extreme racism, the story could hardly show anything else. That, I don't hope, or believe, means that it would be necessarily racist in itself to enjoy the story for its eroticism and setting or the portrayal of the characters - racism is inherent to the time/place of this story, and indeed, the plot - it depends on it, else it couldn't be about a white woman becoming a slave in the antebellum south. SW

    4. Thanks. This is a great story and topic. Looking for the next chapter. Can you say when van we read it?

  7. Thank you for this wonderful story. Look forward to read more shortly xo.

  8. An Appreciative ReaderNovember 19, 2017 at 10:33 PM

    Good start, curious where this will go, nice twist on the initial set up :)

  9. Great story. Thus far it’s been very magnetic. I can’t deny that I’m anxiously awaiting the next installment. Please don’t keep us waiting long as this is shaping up to be an amazing story.

  10. Thanks for the story. Look forward to the next chapter in this.
