
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 13.

by Jackie J
It was around eight in the evening behind the closed blinds of room 1260 of a lavish five star hotel in Singapore that a phone burst into life. A finely manicured hand reached over the bed and a sweet little thing giggled. Pulling back the sheets Yi Ying held up the phone above the gagged and blindfolded face of a struggling Michael Lucas.
Michael could not have picked a worst time to be indulging his fantasy. Bewigged, his face expertly made up ,dressed in expensive lingerie and a pretty pink dress and bound hand and foot, gagged and blindfolded he squirmed and moaned Yi Ying’s other hand caressing his sissy manhood through his silky panties.
Yi Ying giggled.
“O, phone call for you. Mister Michael, no answer now, too busy, you my girl, you busy girl.”
Yi Ying pressed the reject call button and tossed the phone across the room.

Michael was powerless to do anything but what Yi Ling would decide to do with him that was the agreement. Booked for all night dominatrix Yi Ling would not be denied her pleasure in tormenting the western sissy who had foolishly hired her.
Lifting Michaels blindfold Yi Ling smiled.
“O, pretty girl sad, she no answer phone, Yi Ling’s pretty girl no speak all tied up and gagged.”
“No worry Yi Ling make pretty girl happy she fuck pretty girl, fuck her hard make pretty girl scream.”
And she did, Michael was mercilessly abused reamed and whipped in equal measure and left trussed up in his female clothing for the hotel chambermaid’s to find him the following morning. Shamed and embarrassed, although the giggling maid’s had seen much worse, Michael generously tipped the helpful staff and tried to regain some dignity.
Finding his phone at the back of the room he looked at the missed call and listened to the message that had been left. It was from the senior director of Dawson and Laing.
“Michael its Stephen we need you back at the office immediately cancel your visits and get the first plane back I will explain when you get here, this is strictly confidential and serious so don’t dawdle, first plane OK.”
Michael confirmed the message with Stephen’s secretary and made plans to return.
Michael had been travelling the globe for over ten years, he had never been recalled, what could be so serious. Jacqueline had told him under no circumstances should he contact his wife or her and all and that everything would be sorted when he returned. His mind ran every scenario he could think of, from murder to the company being taken over.
Buckled into his seat Michal settled back and his silver bird was winging him home. A long flight and he would be back in the states around noon. Having racked his brain for reasons for his recall how could Michael have possibly known what would await him on his return to the offices of Dawson and Laing.
Landing and through immigration and customs the company’s chauffeur was waiting in arrivals. Into the back of the limo Michael lent forward.
“So Bill what’s happening, what’s the mood music? You always have your ear to the ground.”
Bill shifted into drive and they pulled away.
“Don’t really know a few meetings behind closed doors, Stephen was at the offices late last night with that Roberts guy from HR something’s going on but I don’t know what.”
Michael was going to ask more but the glass divide between the driver and passenger slowly closed when they hit the highway.
Seeing they were heading downtown to the offices Michael tapped on the glass.
“Bill I could do to swing by my home first to freshen up?”
Bill looked in his interior mirror.
“Sorry Michael Stephen insisted I bring you straight to the offices you are to meet with him in the boardroom.”
It was a nervous Michael that headed up to the twelfth floor and to the board room. Opening the door Stephen was sat in his usual position at the head of the table with his secretary, John Roberts, head of HR, was seated to his left.
Stephen stood with no big welcome even though Michael had sealed some very profitable deals on his trip.
“Take a seat Michael, sorry to drag you back but we have an issue.”
“Jacqueline Frobisher, head of our legal department?”
Michael kept a dead pan face at the mention of her name although most in the company suspected or knew Michael and Jacqueline’s relationship was more than work related.
Stephen continued.
“You hired her and sure she cleared some dead wood when she arrived but her performance of late, adequate at best. So how is it you agreed to her six month sabbatical Michael?”
Michael for all his faults was a good negotiator and gave nothing away remaining straight faced in his seat. He could never have dreamt what was coming next but surely Stephen would not have pulled him off his tour to discuss the validity and merit of an employee’s sabbatical? Michael knew that the trip to Peru was fictitious, a rouse, Jacqueline was planning something for his wife but if something had gone wrong he had to look after himself.
“Jacqueline, Jacqueline Frobisher, the secondment, sabbatical, we agreed it would be good publicity for the company, helping orphans in South America, Peru. Come on Stephen you cannot buy PR like that, you signed it off.”
“Anyway what’s all this about bringing me back I had meetings with Cho Wow lined up, a fantastic opportunity for us, cancelling, you know what they are like about saving face it will hard to get back there.”
Stephen looked at John from HR then back at Michael.
“Ok let’s cut the crap, inside these four walls we know you have been seeing Miss Frobisher I have turned a blind eye to that so let’s get that off the table. Now what if I told you she is not in Peru why wouldn’t you know that?”
Michael looked Stephen in the eye keeping composed.
“What is she back already did something go wrong, I have been away why would I know, how could I know?”
Stephen took Michael at his word.
“Back? Back, she never went Michael, John the file.”
John from HR spread a series of photographs out on the table. Jacqueline in her pretty French maid’s uniform serving a group of ladies. The next tranche of compromising pictures made even Michael wince his expression of surprise convincing and real.
“What the fuck, who took these what’s happened to her, where is this, she is not a lesbian, is she?”
Stephen was convinced Michael was no less surprised than himself.
“Michael there is more, John the statements.”
John read the account given to him by his wife supported by two ex employees, Michael knew Jacqueline had contrived to be a cuckoo in his nest but this, the detail of her moonlighting and the pictures, something had gone horribly wrong and although well disguised a cold shiver ran through him.
“This is, is? She must have had a breakdown or something, John your wife says it was all done willingly she wanted to do it, that can’t be right, can it?”
Stephen tapped the table
“Look Jacqueline did not go to Peru three months ago she stayed here in the US right in this city doing fuck knows what and if this gets out, what she is doing, well I don’t need to tell you do I.”
“You are her boss Michael you should have know I am surprised you didn’t. We have obviously tried to contact Miss Frobisher but a new tenant is in her apartment, she left months ago she seems to have just disappeared, off the radar completely. The women who sent us the information, ex employees, would not give us the address of this debauchery and no surprise there.
“John has drawn up dismissal papers, termination of employment for gross misconduct they are being sent out today, I want this matter closed. Michael we value you at Dawson and Laing but whatever you had going with Jacqueline it’s a closed book, I want your word on that.”
Michael was uncomfortable and distressed at what had happened to his Jacqueline and the veiled threat from Stephen about his own future, but self preservation is a strong motivator.
“Look so I saw her a few times Stephen but this is serious it’s a closed book, she has let the firm and me down badly no way will I be seeing Jacqueline Frobisher again, no sir.”
Michael at the time could not have known how true that statement was.
Stephen closed the meeting
“Not a word of this leaves this room understood.”
All around the table nodded their compliance.
Michael headed to his office shut the door and drew the blinds.
What the fuck???
Michael opened his bottom drawer removed a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a large one.
He picked the phone from the receiver to telephone home then slammed it down without making the call.
Shit it’s all gone pear shaped what’s happened, Jacqueline said it was all under control, that things were being sorted for when I got back? If Jacqueline is doing that what about Catherine what’s happened to her, had Catherine found out turned the tables on Jacqueline. No it can’t be the last message from Jacqueline was clear Catherine had replaced her, she had Catherine in her uniform being her maid like she had planned?
Michael swigged down his whiskey he had to go home find out what was going on. Michael gazed at the photograph he had surreptitiously retained finding himself going hard. Jacqueline in her sexy uniform, her face lodged between the thighs of a large woman, other women looking on.  
Aroused and stressed Michael knew only one way to slake his emotions when put under pressure and stressed. Gathering his cases from the reception he made his way down to the company garage and quickly out onto the highway he was soon pulling onto his driveway. Catherine’s car was parked and inside he called for her she was out. Next he called for Jacqueline searching through the downstairs rooms, no sign of either of them?  There was no one in the house, he was alone and his breathing was already heavy.
Quickly upstairs, curtains drawn he was in the shower, dried he sprung open his case removed the top deck and stared at the lingerie, his lingerie. Excitedly fumbling with clasps he sat at Catherine’s vanity the comforting feel of his stockings and silky underwear having him hard. Not too much makeup he was too excited and with his wig in place he lifted the same pink dress he had worn for Yi Ying.
Stepping into the sheer fabric he drew up the zipper and smoothed down the skirts tossing back his hair looking at his reflection in the mirror. His underskirt visible beneath his dress sent an erotic shivering tremble of anticipation through him. Rubbing himself he squirmed and gasped clawing for the vibrator he had dumped on the bed. With eyes closed he worked the buzzing toy towards his rectum. His silky panties eased away he moaned on its insertion. Some turn to drink, some run hard into the night in times of stress Michael lost himself in his feminised fantasy.
Wallowing in his feminine frills, in that moment, the dread he had felt when confronted by the revelations about Jacqueline Frobisher faded. Pleasuring himself into delirium he was back under the control of Yi Ying, her girl, her busy girl. Michael’s excitement peaked all too soon, sluicing into his panties.
Laid toying with his garter straps in the afterglow of his excursions Michael's thoughts returned to Jacqueline, where was she, what had happened, the pictures, the testaments from those women?
The last message from Jacqueline had been clear, not to worry all was going to plan she had Catherine under her control, Catherine was the maid not Jacqueline and she was confident of completely subjugating her before his return. But this, debasing herself, some lesbian orgy, Being photographed and with ex employees of the company it didn’t make sense and where the fuck was she?  
Michael remaining dressed en femme slipped on his heels and wandered down the stairs and into the lounge. It was noticeable how clean and tidy the whole place was.  If Catherine was at one of her charity events, it could be the only explanation where she was couldn’t it, she would not be back until late and he continued to indulge his fetish pouring himself a glass of wine.
Sat mulling over what could have happened to Jacqueline the doorbell rang and the sound of the chimes hit him like a lightning bolt and panic gripped him he could not be seen dressed like this? To leave the lounge he would have to enter the hallway in full view of the glass panel in the front door?
What could he do? Ignore the chimes, sit tight it would be fine. The doorbell rang a few more times and then silence he was ok, wasn’t he?
Michael’s breathing settled and, through the lounge window, unseen smiling eyes watched the quite convincing feminine figure place a wine glass delicately down on the table and strut out from the lounge, the hem of Michael’s pretty dress swishing just below the knee.


  1. This story seems to be going in several directions at the same time which makes it all the more interesting. The question remains as to exactly will win out in the end (Pauline, Camille, or even Cathy) and who will lose (Michael for sure, Jaqueline also for sure and perhaps Cathy or even Pauline herself).

    With uncertainty come pleasure for the reader. Thanks


  2. Pretty interesting having another perspective. This story seems like it's gonna be a long one

  3. Michael’s enjoys dressing up, I think maybe a black dress and apron are in his future.. but what about our sweet little Cathy what’s going to become of her?
