
Sunday, November 12, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 12.

by Jackie J
Following the evening’s events it was a tired Cathy that was shown to a small guest room at the back of Pauline’s house.
“There we are, Cathy. Not very salubrious but for a maid more than adequate, I think. Now get some sleep and we can discuss your duties in the morning.”
Pauline wiped some dust from the door panel.
“Perhaps we can start here? Good night.”
Pauline having closed the door to Cathy’s room wandered the short distance down the landing to the sound proofed play room and entered.

Jacqueline was naked strapped face down on the rubber sheeted bed by her wrists and ankles her pussy streaming from its obvious plunder and fresh stripe marks across her buttocks. Pauline smiled at Camille who dropped her cane and embraced Pauline both staring at a distressed Jacqueline. Lips briefly engaged then Pauline knelt by the bed and Camille retrieved her cane giving it a swish.
Turning the tearful face of Jacqueline to her Pauline chuckled looking into her sunken red eyes.
“O dear Jacqueline Frobisher what a mess you are in you silly girl so close to having everything you wanted and now? Well it seems your dreams have turned into a nightmare haven’t they? What a naughty girl you have been and all naughty girls must be punished especially girls like you.”
“Pretending to be a maid, looking to subjugate the wife of your sissy lover, disfiguring her, embezzling all that money, like I said earlier this evening if I turn you in, even if the courts are lenient, a minimum of five years for sure.”
Pauline wiped some drool from the side of Jacqueline’s gagged mouth and smiled.
“Perhaps we should use some of that powder on you like you did to poor Catherine Lucas?”
Jacqueline grunted her eyes going wide in fear shaking her head.
Pauline chuckled.
“Don’t worry we don’t want to spoil that pretty face and I don’t think we need to get the police involved do we? No Miss Frobisher we have other plans for you, there will be no more need for pretending Jackie.
Pauline stood and walked over to the closet at the far end of the room and removed a transformer and sets of wires and pads that Camille helped Pauline attach to Jacqueline’s most sensitive areas nipples, clitoris, with pads to select erogenous zones. Jacqueline squirmed and tugged on her bindings but was unable to prevent their attachment. With Jacqueline wired Pauline returned to kneel by the bed and smiled into the panicked eyes of Jacqueline before nodding to Camille to throw the switch.
Jacqueline’s body immediately began to spasm and tremble Pauline stood  back and chuckled watching Jacqueline moan into her gag and her eyes roll. Camille sliding her arms around Pauline’s waist whispered into her ear.
“Come dear time for bed, leave Miss Frobisher until the morning.”
Camille handed Pauline an already opened envelope and smiled.
“I found this in the safe next door an interesting read.”
Pauline pulled the letter out the envelope and smiled scanning the text
“Oh dear, poor Catherine well, well, Jacqueline certainly tried to do a number on her. I will keep this until the time is right.”
The rooms along the upstairs landing of Pauline Crabtree’s home could not have contrasted more with what laid within.
Pauline and Camille making sweet passionate love cocooned within silky sheets.
Cathy, her mind reconciling why Jackie had suddenly decided to quit being her mistress and return to being a maid, but  pleased and somewhat thankful that her neighbour had stepped in to help her maintain her subterfuge of being a maid, allowing her to hide from public gaze. Her room cramped the bed small and hard but no different to what she had been used to, having been willingly consigned to the maid’s quarters within her own home these last weeks.
And what of Miss Jacqueline Frobisher, the duplicitous executive who’s scheme, to disenfranchise her lover's spouse, by pretending to be her maid, subjugating her and stripping her of her wealth that had so rapidly unravelled, lay helpless and strapped securely onto a rubber covered bed. Her naked body squirming and wriggling gasping and panting to the insidious unrelenting and torturous sexual stimulation prepared for her by Pauline and Camille. After an hour, any resistance that remained to the incessant invigoration of her sex ceased and she succumbed to the web of wires about her. With her body numbed and limp, Jacqueline laid twitching, softly moaning, her eyes open wide, blank and staring into emptiness. Physically drained and continually teased it was now her mind that silently screamed for refuge and respite but, there would be no sanctuary to be found for her body and there could only be one shelter for her mind during her long night.  
Morning eventually dawned Pauline and Camille giggling, Cathy yawning and Jacqueline oblivious.
Pauline in her nightdress and matching peignoir Camille in her striped PJ’s that Pauline always had ready for her, should she be able to stay, although there was no reason to identify who wore the trousers in the relationship, left their bedroom and walked the short distance to the playroom.
Inside the playroom Camille disconnected the power supply to the transformer and Pauline approached the quivering wired body on the bed.
Pauline lifted Jacqueline’s head by her hair from the rubber mattress separating her cheek from the sticky drool that she had been laid in.
Pauline laughed.
“The lights are on Camille but I don’t think there is anyone home.”
Jacqueline’s eyes rolled when her head was dropped back into the sticky mess.
Camille joined Pauline by the bed and both stared down at the limp quivering Jacqueline
“Wow Pauline you remember when I tried this shit out on me before? After ten minutes I was wriggling like a snake and flowing like a river, all night the bitch must be really fucked up.”
Pauline unbuckled Jacqueline’s gag and having released the strapping to her wrists and ankles and removed the wiring and pads rolled Jacqueline’s floppy body onto its back.
Jacqueline’s eyes were open but stared aimlessly into the middle distance. Pauline and Camille took a side each and supporting a wobbly legged Jacqueline sat her in the shower at the back of the room and left the head flowing whilst both set about cleaning off the bed.
Jacqueline just sat and stared motionless under the steady stream from the shower. Camille having wiped away the last of nights fluids turned and pointed to Jacqueline.
“You don’t think we have gone too far with that do you Pauline she is like a bloody Zombie”
Pauline chuckled
“A zombie, I like that Camille, back from the dead, a rebirth how apt let’s get it back on here.”
A pillow under her head for support Jacqueline was soon back shackled by her ankles and wrists to the cleaned rubber bed staring up at the ceiling.
Pauline leaned over Jacqueline and smiled.
“Jackie, Jackie”
There was no response everything that Jacqueline, Jackie had been or was having retreated deep into her subconscious a protection to the sexual onslaught she had suffered. It would be some time if ever that the conscious mind of Miss Jacqueline Frobisher would emerge again from its self imposed exile.  
“Come Camille let’s put this stuff away and leave her for now she is going nowhere that’s for sure.”
Back outside on the landing Camille headed to bedroom to shower and dress whilst Pauline walked to the guest room to rouse Cathy.
Pauline found Cathy still asleep and smiled.
Cathy, come on time to get up it is almost six thirty much to do.
A bleary eyed Cathy yawned and stretched tugging back the covers.
“Sorry, yes Miss I will be down directly.”
Pauline made her way to the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar and chuckled looking around the kitchen. There was not a thing out of place all the surfaces gleaming Cathy was going to be good maid , a very good maid. Camille was the first to join Pauline her expensive outfit from the previous night's gathering looking a little out of place in the cold light of morning.
“Will you be OK Pauline I have to go Simon will be wondering you know what he is like.”
Pauline took advantage of one last embrace and a lingering kiss.
“Sure off you go hon, ring me this afternoon when the transfers are done. Once I bed Cathy into her role we can work on your maid. I expect a call from Monica’s daughter at some point today or tomorrow, by this time next week all should be settled.”
Pauline stood at the doorway and watched Camille’s Lincoln glide from the drive then closed the door and turned into the hallway and returned to her bedroom to shower and dress.
Cathy was keen to please and having prepared and served breakfast to her new mistress inquired what tasks she should attend to around the house.
Pauline spoke seriously.
“First Cathy we must go to my neighbour’s house next door to collect your belongings, your uniforms and the like.”
Cathy mistakenly felt comfortable with her neighbour Pauline and could not help but comment.
“You mean my house Miss?”
Pauline frowned.
“Your house? Don’t be silly Cathy, are you forgetting who you are what we have agreed? My neighbour is Mrs Lucas you are Cathy my housemaid, I understood we were to forget Catherine Lucas or am I missing something?”
Cathy looked at Pauline quizzically but Pauline was right she had said that and confirmed it the document she had signed. Forget Catherine Lucas. I am Cathy, maid to Miss Crabtree, a common maid.
Cathy felt stupid, awkward and looked to the floor embarrassed by her assertion that Catherine Lucas and Cathy the maid remained one and the same having insisted previously they were to be distinct individuals, total separation.
“Sorry Miss forgive me I of course mean Mrs Lucas’s house”  
Pauline smirked
“That’s better Cathy like I said last night that this is going to be very difficult for me especially if you, you who asked for this situation, cannot fully accept who you are. If this is going to work I can see that I am going to have to constantly remind you of your status, I can’t have either of us confused by half measures and I think it is time for your first reminder.”
“Bend over the stool girl and raise your skirts.”
Catherine knew what was coming she had been spanked previously by Jacqueline, something not unknown to Pauline, but that was in the privacy of her own home, this humiliation was to be in her neighbours kitchen, her Mistresses kitchen.
Catherine edged to the stool, which Pauline pushed into the centre of the kitchen from the breakfast bar, raised her skirts and leaned forward her tummy trembled in anticipation feeling her knickers drawn down to hang at her knees.
Pauline stood behind the rosy buttocks of her neighbour Catherine Lucas the rich socialite who had been tricked onto a path of her subjugation, a path which Pauline intended to lead her along to it’s final destination.
“So what is your name girl?”
Cathy braced herself against the stool
“Cathy Miss”
The word had hardly left her lips when the first spank slapped hard against Catherine’s wobbly flesh not a hand but a strap, a stinging leather strap bringing a yelp of realisation of the cruel tool that had been viscously laid upon her tender ass  .
“Again girl”
“Cathy Miss.”
Whack! Whack! Whack!
Catherine in tears turned and begged.
“Please Miss I am Cathy your maid Cathy please no more please, please stop.”
Pauline tossed the strap onto the counter.
“That’s right so get any thoughts of being anything other than my maid out of that head of yours understand? Now on your feet and pull your knickers up”
“Yes Miss sorry Miss.”
Cathy drew up her knickers and lowered her skirts then wiped her eyes with her apron.
Pauline stood by the counter and glared at her maid.
“So Cathy where are we going?”
Cathy sniffled
“To your neighbours, Mrs Lucas’s house to collect my uniforms Miss.”
Pauline smirked
“That’s right Cathy and I do know that Mrs Lucas will not be at home today or indeed for quite some time. Come we will go the back way through the gardens.”
Cathy curtsied.
“Yes Miss”
Following a short walk through the adjoining gardens Pauline unlocked the back door of Catherine Lucas’s palatial home with the keys taken from Jacqueline and entered.
Pack all your things and bring them back here into the conservatory Cathy and be quick about it.
Cathy curtsied and headed up to the maid’s room her bottom still stinging. Packing her uniforms underwear and shoes into two large cases she considered if she had done the right thing agreeing to be the maid of her neighbour. Those thoughts quickly dissipated glancing into the mirror at her reflection. Her face was a mess and touching her cheek the fragile skin cracked and began to weep, would her face ever heal, would her looks ever return? She had to do this she had to.
Lowering the lids and closing the clasps on the cases Cathy struggled dragging each one down the stairs and into the conservatory. Pauline, Miss Crabtree, was looking at a portrait hung on the wall then turned to Cathy and pointed at the picture. A smiling Catherine Lucas, pretty, her makeup perfect, long blonde hair flowing over her shoulders wearing a beautiful designer dress, a striking necklace that matched her glistening earrings completing the elegant pose.
“Now Cathy so we get this straight that is Mrs Catherine Lucas”
Pauline grabbed Cathy’s arm and pulled her to the mirror by the door.
“And that is you Cathy, my maid and, like you have demanded and I have reluctantly agreed to, until you look like that picture again you are to remain my maid is that understood?”
Cathy looked at her reflection then up at the portrait and her shoulders sagged she knew she was disfigured but there was something else, something in the smiling eyes, the portrait oozed confidence, self assurance. Looking back at her own reflection seeing a shrew of a women her shoulders hunched looking much older than the beautiful lady in the portrait. Her clothing plain, bereft of cosmetics, her eyes still reddened from her tears, her short mousy wig perched below her lace cap. She bore little resemblance to the refined lady smiling out from the portrait. The reflection in the mirror was Cathy, Miss Crabtree’s maid the lady on the wall was Miss Crabtree’s neighbour Mrs Catherine Lucas. How could they ever be one and the same?   
Pauline smiled seeing Cathy’s epiphany unfolding before her.
“Well Cathy is that understood?”
Cathy looked forlornly at Pauline, Miss Crabtree, her Mistress lifting the handles of the two heavy cases.
“Yes Miss, Mrs Lucas is very pretty isn’t she Miss.”
Pauline saw no problem in patronising Cathy.
“Yes indeed my neighbour Mrs Lucas is very pretty Cathy. Now let’s get your things back to your room”
Making their way down the path between manicured lawns Cathy paused at the gate joining the two gardens and glanced back wistfully at the imposing residence of Mrs Catherine Lucas and wondered when, and indeed if, she would return.
The gate closed and Cathy trooped behind her Mistress dragging her cases along the gravel path between the high hedges and into the kitchen.
Pauline smiled seeing the change in demeanour of Cathy which was clearly manifest; it would take some time for the horror of her realization to subside. The realization that until her looks and hair were restored she truly was no longer Catherine Lucas the vivacious socialite; just like she had wanted, what she asked for, she was to be Cathy, the dowdy housemaid of her neighbour Miss Pauline Crabtree, and who seeing her could consider her to be anything else?
“Cathy your things, take them to your room and put everything away in your closet and drawers then you can prepare lunch.”
A woeful Cathy curtsied without looking up from the floor.
“Yes, Miss.”

1 comment:

  1. Evidently, Pauline will allow Cathy's face to heal, and not burn it with Jacqueline's powder, and thus one day Mrs. Catherine Lucas will return. But perhaps the resurrected Mrs. Lucas will be a somewhat different person from the one who has gone on sabbatical...?
