
Friday, November 10, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 11.

by Jackie J
The unanswered ringing of Pauline’s bell to summon her maid brought a smirking Pauline into the kitchen. Jacqueline sat slumped on her stool, still staring at the crumpled piece of paper thrust into her hand by Camille. Cathy was busy at the sink and smiled at Pauline.
“Did your meal go well, Pauline? Did your guests like the food I prepared?”
Pauline smiled back at her neighbour Catherine Lucas, who, dressed in her frumpy maid’s uniform, was seeking recognition and praise for her efforts in the kitchen, and rested her hand on Jacqueline’s shoulder.
“The meal was delightful and served so well by your assistant, Jackie.”
Jacqueline turned and looked up at Pauline, her eyes without their usual sparkle. No words were necessary. Both knew the situation and Jacqueline had no option but to accept it.
Pauline took Jacqueline’s hand and raised her from the stool, turning to Cathy.

“Clear the table in the dining room, Cathy. My guests have retired to the lounge. Then finish cleaning up in here.”
Pauline smiled at Jacqueline.
“You, Jackie, will come with me”
Through the door, which closed behind them and stood in the hallway, Pauline pushed Jacqueline up against the wall, slid her hand under her layers of petticoats and hooked her fingers into her crotch, making Jacqueline squirm and sigh.
“So Jackie, you now know the money you embezzled from Catherine is gone and your scheme for Catherine Lucas is over. You could of course deny everything but the audit trail is there, monies being switched into your accounts and what you have done to poor Mrs Lucas. I am thinking five years, minimum?”
Pauline’s fingers continued to play and press with a wetness now growing to the tips.
“Now you are going to be a good girl for my guests and if you are really good, well I just know you are going to be really good.”
Jacqueline’s sorrowful eyes stared at the smiling face of Pauline feeling her fingers withdraw from beneath her skirts and aware of her own dampness.
“But you said you were happy for me to subjugate Cathy. I thought we had agreed, why are you doing this to me?”
Pauline leaned back and laughed.
“Because I can, girl. Because I can.”
“Now my guests are waiting for you. Don’t disappoint them.”
Pauline opened the door to the lounge. Smiling faces sat around the low-lit room greeted Pauline and the evening's “entertainment.”
Jackie adjusting her eyes in the subdued lighting could see Debbie and her girlfriend Jasmine sprawled on a sofa with lips engaged beckoning her towards them. Jacqueline felt the heavy hand of Pauline on her shoulders pushing her down onto her hands and knees then, to the stifled giggles of the other guests. Maid Jackie was made to crawl towards the spreading legs of Debbie Kingston, the girl she had fired, and what glistened expectedly between them.
Each who wished that evening took the pleasuring of Jackie’s delightful tongue. None left in any doubt, who commanded the now bedraggled Jackie Frobisher, her face smeared in the offerings of Pauline’s satisfied guests.
Pauline sat with Monica and chuckled looking at the back of Jacqueline’s bobbing head, her face pulled tight into the welcoming crotch of Silva.
“What an enthusiastic little slut maid Jackie is Monica, don’t you think?”
Monica smirked at the spectacle.
“Yes, I cannot wait to tell Christine what her boss is doing on her sabbatical, could be a promotion in this for her. Text me the pictures Camille is taking, won’t you Pauline?”
Pauline sat back and smiled sipping on her wine.
“But of course and you can ask Christine to send, no ask her to call here with Jacqueline Frobisher’s dismissal papers.”
Monica smiled.
“Yes, I am sure they will be with you quite soon when Christine tells Robert about this, he is head of HR at Dawson & Laing, I cannot see her being retained after learning about this, strange though why an apparently successful career women would want this for herself.”
Pauline chuckled.
“Yes, she came with her own cute outfit complete with locking heels, gave me the key and offered herself to me and Camille, I was shocked. I am not saying she begged for this but look at her between Silva’s thighs... Who knows what drives people to do what they do. But it is not our place to judge is it Monica? And don’t worry, Camille and I will look after her, continue to develop her skills."
Pauline and Monica giggled and sipped on their wine.
Cathy had everything spick and span in the kitchen with everything tided away and yawned leaning on the counter by the gleaming stove wondering why she had been left alone in the kitchen. Venturing out into the hallway she could hear that Pauline’s guests were still there and slinked back into the kitchen to pour herself some wine from the remnants of the earlier serving at table. One glass led to two then three and an exhausted Cathy eventually slumped over the counter falling asleep.
It was after twelve when the last of Pauline’s guests left leaving the sticky faced toy for the evening feeling dirty and used laid on the floor by the fireplace.
Camille, strapping a dong around her waist smiled down at the frilly wreck.
“Not finished with you yet, girl. Now on your feet.”
Showing reluctance through exhaustion to stand, a weary, bleary eyed, confused Jacqueline was dragged to her feet by her matted hair which now dangled skanky about her shoulders.
Camille, grabbing her arm, pulled a stumbling Jacqueline, who offered no resistance, towards the door turning to Pauline.
“I am taking this upstairs I will probably stay the night, join us when you are finished down here.”
Pauline smiled.
“Sure, use the playroom, strap it down.”
Camille gave an encouraging slap across Jacqueline’s bottom and laughed.
“Come on girl up those stairs let’s get those knickers off they are soaked.”
With Jacqueline being drawn up stairs by Camille to the consummation of what will be her eventual enslavement Pauline opened the kitchen door and smiled seeing Catherine asleep draped over the counter.
Pauline’s neighbour, who, only a few weeks ago had everything, now, in truth, destitute, her bank accounts having been pillaged by Jacqueline, and the considerable sums soon to be transferred into Camille’s and Pauline’s accounts. A shadow of who she was disfigured, her scalp roasted, dressed in her own maid’s garb, and already subjugated by her maid, Pauline had a hint of sympathy for Catherine Lucas, but only a hint.
Pauline laughed and nudged away the stool sending poor Cathy sprawling across the kitchen floor.
“Sleeping, sleeping? A good maid does not sleep when she is on duty! How dare you, girl?”
Catherine had been dreaming of better times but laid across the tiled floor staring up at a stern faced Pauline, the stark reality of her situation returned to her conscious mind.
Struggling to her feet Cathy dusted off her apron and curtsied.
“Sorry, Miss Crabtree.”
Pauline chuckled at her barely recognisable rich neighbour curtsying before her.
“Your maid, Jackie, the one who had you behave like this, had you dressing in her uniform and having you agree to be her maid, servicing her needs in the bedroom. Oh, yes, Cathy, I know all about your nocturnal activities. Well, Jackie no longer wants to be your Mistress. She confessed it to me the other day that she is finding it difficult and awkward. Jackie returned to her role of maid this evening and being much happier decided she had enough of being your Mistress and left with the other guests.
Now that leaves us with a problem doesn’t it? What to do with you, a maid with no mistress? You told me the other evening, in no uncertain terms mind you, that you wish to remain and be treated like a common maid until your face and scalp are healed. That is right, isn’t it, Cathy?
Cathy nodded.
“Yes, Miss.”
Pauline smirked at Catherine’s instinctive reply.
“And that is still the case, is it Cathy?”
Cathy nodded again.
“Yes, Miss”
“Well, thank you for confirming that, Cathy, because with you now being without a mistress I am reluctantly willing to let you continue in the role of maid with me being your mistress. That is until your face and hair return to normal like you wish, would you like to be my maid, Cathy?”
Catherine looked at Pauline.
Pauline’s explanation regarding the disappearance of Jackie was plausible, but her neighbour obviously knew about what she had done in the bedroom with Jacqueline. Would Pauline expect the same of her? Surely not!
Cathy ran her fingers over her mottled cheeks, her face was no better and her hair was showing a reluctance to regrow, it could still be some weeks before the healing would be complete, she was still in the same position and Pauline had covered for her before, when she was indisposed. It seemed a perfect fit: Catherine could continue in her anonymity of a maid and Pauline would do what Jackie had being doing for her.
Cathy’s fingers toyed in her apron shuffling her feet she felt a little awkward but Pauline’s offer sounded genuine, Pauline was helping her wasn’t she? Nothing would change really would it?
Cathy looked up into the smiling eyes of Pauline and curtsied.
“Yes, Miss Crabtree, thank you, Miss, for doing this for me. I will be your maid.”  
“Good, however, to protect us both, I have drawn up a document which basically states what you told me the other evening after the meal. Just a simple few lines, I have changed your mistress's name of course. Should I read it, no, you read it and then sign at the bottom if you agree; you will see I have already signed my name at the bottom of the page.
I, Catherine Lucas, am happy to serve my Mistress. I am the maid and I must behave accordingly. I must also dress to display my status, that of a common housemaid. I ask that you accept and treat me for what I am, a Mistress's maid until the situation returns to normal when my face scars are healed and I have my own hair again. Until such time please forget Catherine Lucas. I am Cathy, maid to Miss Crabtree, a common maid.  
Catherine looked at the letter prepared by Pauline. It was only what she had said following the dinner, what she had agreed to do, what she wanted to do. Cathy scribbled her signature next to that of her mistress, Miss Crabtree and handed the paper to her mistress.
Pauline chuckled taking the paper from her maid.
“Good thank you for that, Cathy, just in case anyone should ask why you have found yourself in this situation we can just show them this declaration of your wishes, can’t we? Now, having been neighbours for so long and you having been much wealthier than myself, I am sure this will be difficult for us both to start with but be assured I will do my utmost to treat you like the common maid you are asking to be Cathy. I am sure that you will reciprocate by forgetting you were my rich neighbour and are now just my maid.”
Cathy curtsied.
“Yes, Miss”
Pauline opened the kitchen door and pointed to the stairway

“So, Cathy, let me find you somewhere to sleep tonight. We can organise something more permanent for you tomorrow.”


  1. This is great!!! Can't wait till the next chapter comes out. Love how Cathy and Jackie keep falling deep and deeper into Pauline's hands
