
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 3.

by Jackie J
Having left her Mistress with her evening beverage Jackie would ordinarily have made her way down the hallway to her room but decided to linger awhile with her ear to her Mistress's door anxious to know if the bait she had left would be taken.
Catherine moved the clothing onto her bed and sat at the vanity to remove her makeup before entering the shower. A short swill before Catherine removed her shower cap and dabbed herself dry staring at the regalia she had placed on the bed.
Catherine giggled and lowering the lights fondled the underwear and was soon dressed in the plain cotton knickers bra and underskirt. Sat on the bed she drew each of the high denier black hold up stockings over her feet and high onto her thighs. Her whole body was tingling when she stepped into the coarse woollen dress, pressed her arms down into the long tight lace cuffed sleeves and tugged the dress around her. She was shaking, her fingers fumbled with the buttons of the bodice, then the apron, her legs becoming weak drawing the tapes around her waist.  Dressed Catherine was aware of the distinct odour from the uniform not a perfume but a clean, plain, unfamiliar scent that served to excite her senses further. Her breath now shallow and her mind swimming Catherine placed each foot in turn into the heavy shoes then stood staring at her reflection in the mirror. Poor Catherine was in a state of distress when she fell back onto the bed her mind full of imaginings. The drawer of the nightstand pulled vigorously open Catherine’s hand clawed for one of her little friends and the buzzing of her toy soon filled the room.

In her mind she was being taken by her maid just like in the stories. Catherine writhed and squirmed on her bed the strange scent of the clothing reinforcing her perceived lowly station. Her knickers to her knees and her throbbing toy to her clit she squealed in pleasure.
Jackie having listened at the door for a while had left and prepared herself before returning and quietly opening the bedroom door. Stepping slowly and silently Jackie was soon unseen and unheard by the side of her Mistress's bed.  Jackie knew the frustrated Mrs Lucas, her Mistress, was ripe and ready. Reaching her hand slowly forward she gripped her Mistress's hand and pressed the dildo deep within her then smothered her lips to hers. Catherine’s orgasm was instantaneous bringing a squirt that showered both hands. Catherine aware wriggled and resisted but she was too far gone and the taste of Jackie’s lips to hers made her sigh. Jackie felt Catherine’s hand flop from her toy and she knew her Mistress was hers.
Catherine stared up at the smiling face of her maid now kneeling above her then groaned feeling foreign fingers within her sloppy slot.
“No, no, please no, no, it’s not right it’s ............................................
Catherine’s futile resistance faded with the cascade of butterfly kisses laid upon her neck and the tantalising teasing of her clit.
Months without sex with her husband, only her toys to provide the limited pleasures of her solitary sex, Catherine groaned and moaned and squealed in pleasure to the talented touch of her maid.
Catherine was pleasured into realms of unknown ecstasy, Jackie’s whispered words of her subjugation driving Catherine into raptures until taken to the point of collapse, eventually, exhausted, she fell into a lucid dream filled sleep.
Jackie, slithering free of her conquest, smirked at the dishevelled wreck of her Mistress laid comatose across the bed, her gnawed nipples, on reddened breasts hanging free from her gapping bodice, knickers at her ankles her skirts about her waist and draining dripping pussy exposed, what a mess.
Awakening slowly in the morning Catherine felt an unfamiliar soreness to her sex and breasts then sat up with a start her crumpled maid’s garb falling about her. The realization of what had happened, what she had done, had done to her making her feel queasy and unclean.
With little hesitation the clothing she had so sensuously dressed herself in was discarded in disgust and tossed to the floor before scurrying into the shower. Thirty minutes of dousing herself in perfumed oils under the steady flow cleaned away the night’s debauchery but her mind; her mind could not be cleared.  Catherine was filled with shame for her wanton lust; this had to stop before it got out of hand.
It was a somewhat sheepish Catherine that with makeup applied; hair blown and dressed descended the stairway. Jackie was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast and Catherine crept past to the dining room without a word.
Jackie appeared in the dining room carrying a tray all prim and proper and laid Catherine’s breakfast on the table, stood back and curtsied as she would do normally each day?
“Your Breakfast Miss, is everything alright Miss?”
Catherine was confused her maid had sex with her the previous night, played her like a fiddle, used her like a whore, had her screaming in untold pleasures had her confess to her desires to be her maid’s maid?  It was as if nothing had happened?
Jackie hid her deceit well
“Are you sure you are alright Miss did you not sleep well? I did her some noise during the night were you ill Miss?”
“Look if it’s the maid’s thing, helping me around the house wearing one of my uniforms the ten hours of service, look forget it if you are not comfortable it was just going to be a bit of fun anyway.”
“You eat your breakfast Miss and I will get your tennis things ready for your lesson.”
Catherine watched her maid leave the room in a state of disbelief that nothing had been mentioned then considered that her maid had not fucked her stupid at all that ????? I must have dreamt it, imagined it? The colour drained from Catherine’s face and she felt faint, there was a sense of relief but also concern. It had been so real, what would Jackie think if she knew her true thoughts? That uniform, that bloody web site. Catherine then smiled to herself and started on her breakfast believing it must have all been in her head.   
When Jackie returned to collect the plates the change in persona of her Mistress was evident.
“Looking a little better now, Miss. The breakfast obviously helped.”
Catherine smiled
“Yes, Jackie thank you, and the maid thing it’s fine, are we still on for a few hours this afternoon?”
Jackie hid her enthusiasm well for getting her Mistress back into her maid’s attire.
“Well yes if you are sure I have the ovens to clean you can help me with that.”
Catherine set off for her Tennis lesson with a spring in her step so she had a lucid dream about her maid fucking her but it didn’t really happen did it so no problem?
During her lesson, when she stretched for the ball, Catherine wondered why her nipples felt so sore and having used her toys many times on herself why her clitoris also had an unusual tenderness. She put it down to her over enthusiastic self abuse during the previous night.
Taking lunch with her friends Catherine could not help thinking what they would say if they knew she was going to play maid that afternoon or if she told them about her erotic experience, her dream. Of course Catherine said nothing and on her drive home could not get what she now believed to be her imaginings, of her tryst with her maid, out of her head.
Arriving home Catherine went to the kitchen and poured herself a juice then headed to the study. To her surprise she found Jackie was sat at Catherine’s desk looking at her laptop.
Jackie turned and smiled,
“Just catching up on what you have been reading Miss  I thought I would try and make it real for you this afternoon, with you having spent time looking at this website.”
Catherine giggled and made a joke.
“Not to real I hope Jackie or should I call you Miss now?”
Jackie stood from the desk looking deep in thought.
“Mmmmmmm, well I thought this afternoon we could be maid’s together show you what to do where things are kept but yes, sure we can do that perhaps tomorrow, I will be the Mistress for you if that’s what you want?
“So off you go and get changed Miss, Oops!! Miss? I cannot call you that now can I? What shall I call you Catherine, Cathy, If you are comfortable with Cathy Miss, Just for our couple of hours?
Catherine was reluctant but Jackie was right she could not call her Miss could she if they would be working together?
“Yes that’s fine Jackie you can call me Cathy, but just for this afternoon mind you.”
When Catherine entered her bedroom she found a pristine uniform not the crumpled clothing she had discarded that morning.
Her dressing was no less sensuous than the previous evening and the clean, plain odour infused in the garments brought recollections of her actual, but now in her mind perceived, erotic experience at the hands of her maid.
Returning to the kitchen Catherine found Jackie was already preparing to clean the main oven
Jackie, wearing a pair of glasses, knelt in front of the larger of the two ovens with a piece of large card held in her hands which was covered in a fine powder. Working the door open Jackie blew and wafted the powder into the hot oven and closed the door.
Catherine was intrigued.
“What are you doing there, Jackie?”
Jackie turned to look at her Mistress dressed in her maid’s uniform and smiled, still the designer maid but not for long.
“Cleaning the oven Miss, caustamonia blow it into a hot oven and it de scales the fats from the oven walls and prevents flavours from previous roasts contaminating new dishes. Terrible stuff but if you take care it’s fine. It was an old fashioned cleaning material a mixture of caustic soda and ammonia an aggressive mix actually banned in commercial kitchens. Shouldn’t really be using it, I think you can be heavily fined but it is so effective.
Catherine keen to contribute pointed to the smaller oven.
“Should I do this one then, Jackie?”
Jackie was already sprinkling the noxious mix onto the piece of card.
“Sure turn on the oven, it will take a few minutes to heat up.”
Catherine turned on the oven and it quickly heated up, of course it did the smaller oven was fan assisted!
Handing Catherine the glasses to protect her eyes Jackie went over the procedure a couple of times stressing that Catherine must take care. Open the door then quickly blow and waft the powder into the oven and close the door.
Jackie stood back and Catherine knelt in front of the oven, powder filled card in hand and opened the door then “ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Catherine fell back on the kitchen floor holding her head screaming. The fan assisted oven had blown back the aggressive powder all over Catherine’s face and beautiful hair.
Jackie waited few seconds for the powder to act then poured a bowl of water over Catherine’s head and started rubbing at Catherine’s face not to cleanse away the corrosive substance but to make sure the chemicals became ingrained into her cheeks below the epidermis and leaving the caustic mush to degrade her hair.  Catherine wailed her arms flapping whilst Jackie feigned concern until sure the insidious mix had taken its toll.
Dousing Catherine with copious amounts of water eventually the remnants of the mix were swilled from a distraught, sobbing Catherine.
Jackie was quick to attribute blame for the “accident”
“Oh, Miss, what did you do? You left the fan running on the oven.”
Taken through to the lounge Jackie laid Catherine onto a sofa and smeared salve over her face Catherine’s golden locks frizzed and in most part having turned green and brittle. Not a natural blonde, when wet, the powder had reacted with the treatments already in her hair.

“Miss, we will have to get you to the medical centre, come I will drive.”


  1. wooooow... the story now is intriguing... please post fast the next chapters :-)

  2. Let us anticipate a possible progression for the next chapter. Jackie, to be in character as the putative mistress for this trip to the hospital must also dress the part, and is able to persuade her mistress to play along as the clumsy maid who messed up a cleaning routine, and paid the consequences.

    Don't we just love these "exposure" opportunities of the real mistress being cast as a "mere maid" in a public setting, and with the real maid comporting herself as the acting maid's mistress? Of course, repeat public performances of this role-play segue into the general public's perception that the ostensible mistress and her maid are the authentic figures (why wouldn't they be, in public?), and the point of critical mass to this identity theft (with no turning back) is just around the corner.

    Thank you, Jackie J, for this episode -- and for this wonderful genre of intrigue, with its sexual overtones galore. [Of course, you no doubt love playing the conniving maid, given the not so surprising name identity of the maid for this story, lol]. ;)

  3. Great story so far. I'm enjoying it very much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. love how you how you used darker themes in this one. Having the maid plan to use chemicals to burning her in morbid but really makes the story that much more interesting.Love how this is really different from other stories.

  6. Wonder if Cathy's complexion will darken as well as roughen?

  7. An Appreciative ReaderOctober 12, 2017 at 7:56 AM

    Wow was my first word too - I didn't expect that descent into darkness. Poor Catherine - sorry, should start using Cathy now I guess - really is up against it. Really good writing, thank you!

  8. Damn didnt think the transformation would happen so soon. Wish there was a slower gradual descent but still this story is very interesting.
