
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 2.

by Jackie J
Jackie, delivering her Mistresses night time beverage, entered her Mistress's bedroom to see her Mistress wearing the soiled maid’s uniform that she had given her earlier.
“Oh my goodness, Miss!”
The two women stared at each other for what seemed an age before Catherine, her face blushed spoke.
“Oh dear, what must you think, Jackie, just having some fun, unlikely I will be wearing it again.”
Jackie smiled laying the tray on the nightstand and moved slowly towards her obviously uncomfortable Mistress, a mischievous grin building across her face.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Miss. I was coming to collect the laundry but perhaps I should leave the uniform with you?”
Catherine was already fumbling to remove the apron.

“No, no please take it I will have it off in a second.”
Jackie’s hand firmly grasped the fumbling fingers of her Mistress and smiled removing them from the apron tapes then retied the apron pulling the tapes tight into a bow.
“Nonsense, Miss. I should not have disturbed you I will collect the laundry in the morning”
Jackie curtsied and walked to the door before turning with a smile.
“Good night, Miss.”
Catherine stood quivering staring at the closed door she was panting and clammy and caught her reflection in the mirror. After getting over the shock of the experience of her maid Jackie seeing her playing dress up in one of her uniforms she quickly stripped, tossed the uniform back into the laundry hamper and was soon in her nightdress sipping on her cocoa.
Catherine giggled to herself recounting the feel of Jackie’s firm grip how she had stood motionless whilst her maid retied the apron tapes around her, the feelings she had felt and the look on Jackie’s face whilst she secured the apron with a decorative bow.  
The following morning nothing was said and after breakfast upon returning to her room to dress Catherine noticed that the laundry hamper was empty.
Later that morning with Catherine sat in the conservatory reading a magazine Jackie brought her mistress a coffee.
Placing the tray on the table Jackie stood back and curtsied.
“Your coffee, Miss.”
Catherine put down her magazine.
“Jackie, about yesterday. I didn’t mind cleaning the floor for you, in fact, and I know you will find this hard to believe but strangely enough I found it quite absorbing, cleared my mind. In fact it was Pauline from next door who said I should do something completely different seems she was right.”
Jackie looked down on her mistress and smiled.
“Indeed, Miss, well I suggest you take a good long look at the Ladies 2 Maids web site before you consider any further domestic activity.”
With her seed sown and changing the subject Jackie pointed to the sports bag by the door.
“I have packed your things for your tennis lesson, Miss. I take it you will be lunching at the club later?”
Catherine looked up at her maid.
“Yes, I will be taking lunch at the club, Jackie. Thank you. That will be all.”
Driving the short distance to the tennis club and during her tennis lesson Catherine was obviously distracted by the comments of her maid, Ladies to Maid’s what did she mean? Netting her serves mistiming her volleys unconcerned that passing shots ricocheted into the back netting with unfamiliar regularity her lesson was a disaster
Catherine’s coach called a halt seeing the disinterest from his pupil.
“Everything alright Catherine, a penny for your thoughts?”
Catherine forced a smile
“Oh I am fine, just can’t seem to get going today.”
Showered and changed Catherine took lunch in the clubhouse with her friends Margaret and Elizabeth both of them noticing that Catherine was not her normal chatty self.
Catherine assured them that she was fine telling them that Michael was away again and left after lunch not staying for the usual afternoon drinks.
Back home she dropped her bag and headed straight for the study. What did her maid Jackie mean about this website? Catherine was soon typing the website address that her maid had mentioned, into the keyboard.
It was just after six when a knock on the study door drew Catherine from a quickly blanked computer screen. Jackie entered, curtsied and smiled.
“Dinner is ready, Miss. Is everything alright you have been in here quite a while Miss.”
Catherine closed her laptop and swivelled in her chair looking a little flushed.
“Erm..erm yes, yes of course everything is fine I will be through to the dining room shortly.”
Whilst her maid served her evening meal Catherine had to stop herself from staring at Jackie. What she had seen and read on the Ladies to maid’s website had left her sticky wet and her mind full of lucid imaginings. Over the next two days Catherine visited the website on numerous occasions each story depicting various scenarios of wealthy ladies submitting to their maids. Jackie of course was keeping a track of her Mistresses internet search history each evening when Catherine had retired to her bed. Jackie chuckled to herself noting the stories that her Mistress had read through multiple times.
Catherine tried to keep herself busy with her social life but was constantly distracted and drawn back to the website. The batteries for her buzzing toys were replaced for a second time, something that did not go unnoticed by her maid Jackie. Catherine’s imaginings were becoming an obsession.
Dare she do it again, she had to do it again, wear one of Jackie’s uniforms, carry out some mundane domestic task, let Jackie watch her at work, direct her in her tasks, let Jackie her maid be her Mistress, perhaps touch her like in the stories . With these thoughts in her head her palms were becoming clammy, her sex moist, breathing heavy. OMG no! What if, what if it got out of hand? No she wouldn’t let it, she would be in control, she wouldn’t lose control like the ladies in the stories, no, she was smarter than that wasn’t she? It would just be for fun nothing serious!
Catherine stood from her desk and walked on wobbly legs to the counter and poured herself a glass of wine.
As if by chance, but obviously not, unannounced, Jackie entered the study and smiled seeing the laptop open and the distinctive home page of the Ladies to maid’s site displayed.
“So you decided to take a look at the website, did you, Miss?”
Catherine could not deny anything the webpage was open and Jackie was already walking towards the desk. Jackie glanced at the screen then turned to face her Mistress.
“I am guessing that reading what can happen to a curious lady will have put you off doing any further domestic tasks, Miss?”
Jackie chuckled.
“Or did it?”
“Having seen you play dress up in one of my uniforms, after scrubbing the hallway floor for me, perhaps the stories have excited you?”
Catherine gulped her mouth becoming stubborn to speech filled with an unfamiliar dryness which caused hesitation in her response.
Jackie smiled.
“Don’t worry Miss it is just a bit of harmless titillation I have read most of the stories myself.”
Jackie knew exactly which of the stories that her Mistress had been drawn back to several times and continued.
“You may have read it, I don’t know, but the story of Madame Nguyen is quite intriguing.”
Just the mention of the story by her maid had Catherine’s eyes bright her mind racing and she took a large sip of her wine watching Jackie turn back to the lap top and tap some keys to reveal the search history.
“Let’s see, Miss”
“Ohhhh Mmmmmmmm well, well you have been busy Miss?”
Jackie turned away from the laptop and smiled at her Mistress.
Catherine was flushed and struggled for words.
“Like, like, like, you said Jackie, just a bit of harmless titillation, just stories.”
Jackie walked slowly towards her Mistress.
Jackie paused and smiled seeing the gentle trembling of her Mistress.
“Someone wants to play don’t they? You want to be my maid don’t you?”
Jackie held her skirts and flapped the material.
“You want to wear one of these again don’t you?”
Catherine shook her head and put down her glass
“No, No, No, I don’t that is just nonsense, I helped you that once and yes I did put your uniform back on that evening and I have looked at the website that you suggested but, but, but.......”
Jackie moved close very close halting Catherine’s denial.
“Look I don’t mind if you want to play maid you told me Pauline from next door suggested doing something different, something completely different. Well being your maid’s maid sounds completely different to me, MISS? And who is to know?
“You have read the Madame Nguyen story, several times I see, her servants came and went carrying on with their lives as normal, they just gave her a few hours of service as and when.”
Jackie smirked then laughed
“You could be number forty, would you like that, MISS? You could start with twenty hours”
Catherine moved from between the counter and Jackie and opened the door to the study.
“Jackie enough of this nonsense I will not be your maid, I will not be number forty and twenty hours is far too many anyway, now please leave, I will hear no more of this.”
Jackie shrugged her shoulders and turned at the door before leaving.
“You are right Miss twenty hours is excessive perhaps start you with ten.”
Before Catherine could speak Jackie was gone the door closed briskly behind her.
Catherine clasped her glass, drained it and then swiftly poured a refill before sitting on the sofa.
Staring across at the laptop Catherine was thankful she had resisted the temptation laid before her by her maid but the wetness in her panties displayed her true desires what was she going to do?
Back at the lap top and engrossed in yet another story Catherine did not hear the study door silently open and shivered feeling a gentle warm hand on her shoulder. Catherine dare not turn she just sat staring at the screen.
Jackie’s softly spoken words falling like a hypnotic cloud made her squirm her moistness quickly turning to a pleasant wetness.
“Ten hours Miss, I have left something for you in your bedroom for .”
“And Dinner is ready to be served Miss”
Catherine turned slowly in her seat to respond and looked up at her maid Jackie stood behind her. Before she could speak Jackie put her finger to her Mistress's lips.
“It’s fine I have looked in the diary, you have time tomorrow afternoon after your tennis lesson, say two hours, on Thursday you are free in the morning before bridge, Friday you are at the Davies’s fundraiser all day, so you can finish of your hours at the weekend.”
Catherine had denied her desires once and ten hours, that’s not much, it could be fun, it would be fun wouldn’t it? Perhaps in her excitement to enact a Ladies to maid’s scenario she forgot or chose to ignore the dire consequences of entering into such an alliance with her maid?
Jackie smiled watching her Mistresses thoughts coalesce.
“Good then we have an accord; Dinner awaits you in the dining room, Miss.”
Nothing was spoken of the afternoon’s discussions and agreement over dinner, Jackie serving in her normal courteous manner. Catherine did not want to appear over anxious to discover what her maid had prepared for her in her bedroom and lingered over her coffee after dinner.
The eventual forced yawn and confirmation by her Mistress of taking an early night made Jackie smile. She knew exactly why she would be keen to visit her bedroom so early on this particular evening.
When Catherine entered her bedroom her eyes were drawn to what was laid out over the chair by the vanity and walked slowly over to it. Her fingers caressed the coarse black fabric of the dress and stroked the white lace collar. She was all of a shiver seeing the underwear and hosiery that lay beneath the dress and neatly folded on the vanity, an apron, her apron.
Oh fuck what have I done I can’t, I just can’t.
Catherine paced her bedroom back and forth cursing under her breath, stopping periodically and staring at uniform prepared for her by her maid.
A knock on the door made her judder to a halt and turn to see her smiling maid entering with her night time beverage of cocoa.
Laying the tray on the nightstand Jackie turned to her Mistress.
“Lingerie is not best suited to maid’s work, Miss. You will find the cotton underwear much more comfortable. “
Catherine should have told her maid there and then that the whole thing was off, to take the clothing away with her, that there would be no ten hours of service. But she didn’t how could she? She couldn’t wait to adorn herself in the plain garb, to curtsy to her maid like in the stories that had been filling her mind the last few days. No Catherine just smiled and responded.
“Thank you Jackie.”
Jackie curtsied.
“My pleasure, Miss.”
Turning Jackie smirked her way to the door her scheme was progressing well.
“Good night, Miss.”


  1. 'Nice progression of story, Jackie J ~

    Jackie, the maid, would be astute in not causing any stress to her mistress while she is "in training" (and in non-disclosed "probation" for the job, lol), as she fulfills her ten hours of agreed-to servitude as the maid.

    Of course, how could we not have a repeat performance? After all, why quit the momentum when chores of a supervised maid never end? And certainly when performed by the ditzy-acting mistress, let's max-out this golden opportunity to end Jackie the maid's drudgery, and elevate her societal standing. It's what the "mistress" wanted, wasn't it? ;)

    The number hours of maid service "required" (by the "in for a pound" mistress) after the first ten were performed, will be due for escalation. When that time comes, how about 20 hours more, offered as as a trial balloon by scheming Maid Jackie?

    Also, adopting a logo of a fishing pole (and to have that logo indelicately displayed in Maid Jackie's room), would subtly convey her covert agenda for reeling-in her victim, don't you think? :D

    1. Especially if the fishing pole were made of rattan.

  2. Can't wait for the next part this is so exiting
