
Friday, October 6, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 1.

by Jackie J
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Catherine’s husband had left for an extended business trip. A two month visit to Asia this time and Catherine flopped down on the sofa with a glass of wine. She was bored and frustrated she had not had sex with Michael for months and was wondering what had gone wrong. Jackie, the house maid appeared in the doorway to announce that Pauline from next door was on her way over and asked if her Mistress required anything.
“Ok, Jackie, show her through when she arrives, I don’t need anything but you can change the bed linen I don’t like the scent of Michael on the sheets when he is away.”
Jackie bobbed a curtsy and left her morose Mistress to her thoughts.
Pauline arrived full of smiles and having poured a wine sat on the sofa with Catherine.
“What’s wrong, Catherine? You look down in the dumps?
Catherine looked at her friend and neighbour wistfully
“Oh, Pauline, I don’t know, I seem to have everything and yet so little. This lovely mansion, expensive car, designer clothes, jewellery, holidays whenever I wish, I want for nothing but its Michael he seems so distant we haven’t you know, done it for months.”
Pauline gulped on her wine she had thought for some time things had not been right between her neighbours and suspected the arrival of the new maid Jackie could have a lot to do with that.
Pauline made light of it and giggled
“Don’t be so silly, Catherine. All couples go through periods like this don’t worry yourself, you have your little friend, don’t you? Buzz Buzz?”
The reference to Catherine’s toys made her smile and both women giggled draining their glasses.
An hour or two of small talk and more wine before Pauline was ready to leave. Pauline would be away for two weeks herself and Catherine gave her a long hug before she left knowing she would miss her.

Catherine smiled at the door.
“Thanks Pauline for cheering me up I needed that, hurry back from your vacation I will miss you.”
Pauline could not have known how prophetic and far reaching her mischievous parting words would be.
“Catherine, look, Michael is going to be away for some time and I won’t be around for a couple of weeks so do something different, completely different. Your maid Jackie seems pretty grounded. Have a chat with her, see what she thinks?”
Pauline chuckled all the way back to her own door. “Pretty grounded” my backside, just wait until Catherine finds out about her husband and that minx of a maid of hers. If she thinks she has problems now?
Catherine, although terminally vain, was not a snob it was just that she had everything and anything she wanted and Pauline could not help being envious of her lifestyle. Pauline always thought having a maid was quite pretentious and if this Jackie was at it with her husband it would serve her right.
The first uneventful days passed with Catherine treating herself to some retail therapy along with a day at the Spa, hair and nails, the highlights in her long blonde hair alone costing more than a month’s salary for her maid Jackie. Not that Catherine made this comparison but Jackie certainly did.
Catherine’s husband Michael and Miss Jacqueline Frobisher had been lovers on and off for years but Michael had refused to countenance a separation and certainly not a divorce. Whilst he earned a good salary, it was nothing compared to Catherine’s inheritance, which kept them in the lifestyle that he had become accustomed to.  When Jacqueline told Michael of her plan to become the maid in his household, under the pretext of being together more, he dismissed the idea out of hand. Jacqueline however was adamant and under the threat of telling Catherine everything Jacqueline got her way and Jackie was employed at the insistence of Michael and the reluctant acceptance of Catherine.
Jackie proved to be the perfect maid in the Lucas household purposely choosing to wear a plain and somewhat dowdy traditional conservative maid’s uniform. Jackie quickly endeared herself to her rival Catherine and when the opportunity presented itself, whilst Catherine was away, the pretty maid and Michael were at it like rabbits. Michael suspected something was a foot but Jackie the maid was discrete and he had the perfect arrangement, a rich wife and a live in lover and so it continued.
Three months employed in the role of housemaid and Jackie had learned a lot about the vivacious Mrs Lucas. Days at the country club, tennis, the Spa, beauty parlour, wining and dining, shopping, lunching with the girls a life of luxury that she herself was anxious to enjoy. With Michael now away for an extended period Jackie was ready to put her long held scheme into practice.
Wednesday afternoon and Catherine was wandering around the house, has she often did, her head buried in a magazine scanning the latest fashions, Suddenly, there was a clatter of a strategically placed bucket and the sloshing of dirty water all over the hallway floor, a floor that had been cleaned and polished earlier. Catherine had inadvertently stumbled over her maids mop and bucket in the hallway. In her Eagerness to pick up the bucket Catherine slipped and ungracefully landed on her backside. Sat legs apart her ripped soaked skirt high on her hips, a broken heel on her shoe she looked quite a sight when Jackie appeared around the corner.
“Oh Fuck what have you done you silly cow......... Oh sorry Miss, sorry I didn’t mean that.”
The manipulative Jackie quickly halted her tirade and apologised.
“Sorry Miss it’s just I have spent hours on this floor and now look at it I will have to do it all over again.”
Helping her Mistress to her feet Crocodile tears soon flowed down Jackie’s cheeks and between sobs blubbered out her fictitious tale.
“I told my Aunt I would take her to the hospital today but now I will have to stay here to do this floor all over again?”
If Catherine had anything planned for that afternoon, but of course Jackie knew she hadn’t, the commencement of Jackie’s scheme would have come to nought. With Catherine surveying the mess, that she after all had made and seeing her apparently distraught maid, what else could she do?
“Look calm down Jackie, just calm down of course you can take your aunt to the hospital. I have nothing planned for the rest of the day I can tidy this up and do the floor again. It was my fault I should have been looking where I was going.”
The mop and bucket had been placed out of sight at the corner of the door no way could Catherine have avoided tripping over it.
Jackie stifled her sobs curtsied and thanked her Mistress.
“Oh Miss thank you , thank you but look at your skirt the zip is busted and ripped I will repair that when I get back, if you are going to do the floor I will get you one of my dresses you don’t want to ruin anything else.”
Catherine smiled.
“That won’t be necessary Jackie I have some jeans and a T shirt I can wear.”
Jackie was not forceful but persuasive enough and with her Mistresses ripped skirt, stained blouse and broken shoes in hand smiled at her Mistress wearing one of her maid’s dresses and a pair of her shoes.
“Not very flattering I know Miss but comfortable for maids work, I tie an apron to give the dresses some definition should I get one for you?”
Catherine felt awkward in the plain garb of her maid but giggled when Jackie tied an apron around her waist which did in fact do something to define her womanly curves.
“I am not sure all this is necessary Jackie but you are right the apron does make the dress more wearable. Now why don’t you get changed and off to see your aunt and leave me to clean up this mess?”
The floor tiles had not been cleaned before the spillage at all, in fact Jackie had made sure the floor was especially dirty and this, coupled with the filthy water Jackie had put in the bucket, would make the task of bringing the tiles to their usual sheen extremely difficult.
Catherine did her best but was soon regretting agreeing to take her maids place in cleaning the floor. She was however thankful for the use of her maid’s outfit which was soon wet and heavily stained.
Working her way along the hallway scrubbing, rubbing and mopping she became lost in the task and having finished the job by polishing the tiles stood back and admired her work wiping some grime from her cheeks.
When Jackie returned she found her Mistress in the lounge asleep in a chair, a half drained glass of wine by her side and still wearing the maid’s dress that she had manipulated her into. Jackie smirked at the slumbering designer maid. With her flowing golden locks and perfect makeup even wearing the dowdy maid’s uniform she still looked perfect.
Jackie roused her Mistress.
“I am back Miss, I have looked at the hallway you have done a wonderful job thank you, I told my aunt how kind you had been and she thanks you too. All went well at the hospital thanks to you Miss.”
Of course there was no sick aunt Jackie had spent the afternoon at her friend’s house.
“I see you are still wearing my uniform Miss did you find it comfortable for doing maids work?”
Catherine a little bleary eyed smiled accepting Jackie’s false praise to be genuine.
“It wasn’t easy Jackie but yes I must admit you were right to have me wear it as you can see its quite messy look at the apron its filthy.”
Catherine raised herself from the chair.
“Anyway that’s done and I am glad your aunt is fine, I will go to shower and change.”
Stripped of the maids garb Catherine lingered in the shower and chuckled at what she had done, cleaning the floors in a maids uniform. She had found the task arduous but somehow strangely therapeutic.  Catherine reminded herself of what her neighbour Pauline had said to her before she left.  “Do something different, completely different. Yur new maid Jackie seems pretty grounde. Have a chat with her, see what she thinks?”
Sat by her vanity in fresh lingerie, her makeup done, blowing her hair, Catherine stared at her reflection. In her mid forties she could easily pass for a woman in her early thirties a toned body from the gym and spa and her pampered complexion from expensive treatments at the beauty salon all crowned by her luscious golden locks that cascaded over her shoulders.
Slipping into a delicate designer dress and heels Catherine made her way down to the lounge leaving a breeze of expensive perfume in her wake. Jackie was just finishing with the vacuum cleaner and curtsied when her Mistress entered.
“Just finished in here, Miss. I will be in the kitchen if you need me.”
Jackie hid her envious eyes seeing the transformation of her mistress back to her elegant graceful self admiring how the beautiful dress flattered her perfect figure.
That evening when Catherine retired to her bedroom the soiled maid’s dress was still draped over the laundry hamper and she smiled. Stripped and about to put on her nightdress she stared again at the maid’s uniform and giggled. She could not resist and with the hem of the long black dress dancing on her calves was soon tying the soiled apron around her waist and stepping into the heavy but comfortable shoes. In front of her vanity she twirled and mocked a curtsy.

Forgetting that Jackie would be bringing up her nightly cocoa she turned in horror when a knock on the door was followed by the door handle depressing and in strode Jackie with tray in hand.


  1. Fantastic start... I hope in a fantastic story

  2. Very interesting premise and as usual, beautifully written.
    Welcome back Jackie.

  3. 'Really tantalizing beginning, Jackie J ~

    Since you may have already penned the second chapter to this story, could it be imagined that your namesake (lol) will suggest to her mistress that instead of wearing the soiled maid's uniform, she would be welcome to wear a clean uniform, courtesy of course as supplied by Jackie. And on the condition that this little "secret" of her mistress' role-playing would be safe from disclosure to Michael, with Jackie.

    And then Jackie may suggest, "Well, mistress, in for a penny; in for a pound. If you'd like to attend to a task that I was next prepared to perform, perhaps you'd derive a sense of satisfaction... And if you also like ['such a pretentious maid], I could assume I'm your temporary mistress, and make sure the task you'll perform is up to the standards of this household. And for effect, could you offer me an outfit to wear while you wear my maid's uniform, for this role-play occasion? What do you say?" ;)

  4. Robyna my friend.
    Yes I have written the next four chapters and working on the rest Giggles.
    Please be paitent.

    Charles thank you.

    Maria, I hope you will not be disappointed

  5. Great story - looking forward to the next chapter. Off topic: will there be any more installments of 'Lady Penrose'? I can imagine one or two concluding chapters to that excellent story.

  6. Lady penrose
    Yes it is unfinished still working on that

    Jackie J

  7. A good chapter, but I feel a but rushed. I think perhaps after having become accustomed to this genre that you are leaving out many details that you would have once relished in relaying. For the instance, the nature of the uniform is given little time, as are the appearances of the main characters. Maybe after traveling this familiar path some number of times before you assume the readers already know all these details, and suppose there is no reason to continue to include them in your stories. Take your time, give each story the time and attention it deserves, they should each stand on there own, there is no hurry.

    1. I tend to forget what a character is supposed to look like, so I don't mind if descriptions are kept to a minimum.

    2. A fair point but chapter one so lets see how things develop
      Jackie J

  8. An Appreciative ReaderOctober 8, 2017 at 1:16 AM

    Your stories are always worth reading, a nice set up, look forward to seeing hoe she is sucked further in...

  9. I love your story! Please continue it.
