
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 4.

by Jackie J
Catherine sobbing, a soaked towel around her head and still dressed in her maid’s regalia, was driven to the medical centre and rushed through to the emergency room.
Jackie whispering in the ear of Catherine that she would try and cover things up and to say nothing
Jackie did all the explaining, they were maids cleaning when the accident happened Cathy was new to the job and made a mistake. Jackie giving her Mistress's name to be Cathy Frobisher, which was of course accepted.
It was just after four when they left the centre Catherine’s face was reddened and puffy with her hair having been trimmed the best they could to remove the caustic damage.
It was a sombre evening Catherine had been told to use only basic cosmetics for six weeks and that her hair would need to grow out in her natural colour, definitely no peroxide.

Catherine was distraught being terminally vain how would she cope she couldn’t possibly leave the house looking like she did and what about her charity engagements and social calendar?
It was around seven and with Catherine still wearing her maids uniform The manipulative Jackie prepared a  light meal  and consoled her mistress telling her that it would be fine the doctor having told her that she had been lucky to escape with the little damage to her skin that she had, it could have been much worse.
Jackie in a Machiavellian way started to blame herself but Catherine would have none of it she was to blame she should have known the fan would blow back the powder. Catherine forced a smile looking at Jackie.
“Some maid I made Jackie ruined everything on my first day?”
“Look at me how can I possibly leave the house looking like this I have a whole series of charity engagements to attend and my social calendar and Michael what we he say when he returns, things are bad enough as they are? Ohhhh what am I going to do Jackie?”

Jackie put her arm around her Mistress.
“Don’t be silly Miss, what have you done before when you have been indisposed for charity and social events?
Catherine welcoming the comforting embrace of her maid thought for a moment.
“Well Pauline my neighbour would attend but she is away, Oh it just gets worse.”
Jackie had already scanned her Mistresses Diary and the timing of the “accident” was of course not accidental at all, there was a full program of events the following week.
Jackie, as if the idea had just popped into her head, gave her Mistress a gentle squeeze
“Wait, well I am not sure but, could I not attend? Deputise for you?”
Catherine turned to face Jackie.
“Ermm, well would you, do that for me, if you could Jackie I would be so grateful I would make it up to you, I really would, anything you just name it .”
Jackie smiled things were moving along fine.
“Well if you don’t intend leaving the house and promise not to have any more accidents you can cover my work here whilst I attend your functions.”
Catherine with a solution to her problem provided leaned against her maid.
“Oh thank you Jackie, of course I will do that it’s the least I can do for your help.”
Over the weekend Catherine briefed Jackie on the forthcoming events she would be attending, she would be Jacqueline Mayo, taking Catherine’s maiden name, to be a distant cousin.  Jackie purchased some basic cheap cosmetics for her Mistress and also re trimmed her hair, with still areas of green evident Catherine took little persuading to let Jackie apply a brown colouring to mask the damage to her now severe short style.
After dinner, on the Sunday evening, Catherine invited her maid to sit with her in the lounge to make final preparations for the week ahead. Catherine was feeling a little better the soreness had faded and the basic cosmetics, although cheap and chalky, did mask the redness in her cheeks but her confidence had certainly been shattered with her traumatic experience.
All matters covered Catherine sat back and chuckled.
Jackie having poured two glasses of wine sat by her Mistress's side and inquired what had amused her.
“Ohhh Jackie that bloody website you guided me to, I was just thinking, what’s happened this last week if I am not careful I will end up being my maid’s maid like you said to me the  other night when you........... oh  erm oh did you say that erm this wine is lovely.”  
Catherine sipped her wine then looked to the floor what had she said???
Jackie smiled and moved uncomfortably close to her mistress.
“What, I said you would be my maid when I did what Mistress?”
Catherine’s blush was hidden somewhat behind the caked on foundation but still obvious.
“Nothing it erm , it erm it was just Ohhh Jackie I had a stupid dream, silly, just a silly dream.”
Jackie placed her hand on her Mistresses thigh.
“A dream about me, I am indeed flattered, tell me what did I do in this dream of yours Mistress, what did I do to you, mmmmmmmm.”
Jackie’s fingers traced high on her Mistresses thigh her face moving close and Catherine began to tremble hutching back in the sofa.
“Oh Jackie please don’t, please tell me it was a dream please you mustn’t.”
Jackie’s soft sweet lips engaged with Catherine’s and her fingers probed and teased at the damp crotch of Catherine’s panties.
Catherine swooned back on the arm of the sofa her wine glass falling free from her hand feeling Jackie’s fingers crawling into her panties and then
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no, no, no, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
Jackie crushing her lips to Catherine’s and pressing her fingers deep into her sex drew down the zipper of Catherine’s dress, dragged it from her shoulders and suckled on her breasts.
Aggressively stripping a compliant Catherine Jackie’s lips were at her Mistresses neck her fingers working within her making her squirm and squeal.
“It was no dream girl, you loved it begged to be my maid my whore.”
“Beg again slut beg me to fuck you, tell me you will be my maid.”
Catherine was again out of control at the skilled touch of her maid her dignity and pride engulfed and destroyed by her wanton lust.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh, Ohh Oh yes Mmmmm ooohhh your maid your whore Ohhhhhhh Jackie Jackie Please Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
Jackie’s panties discarded she pulled her Mistress's face to her, tight between her thighs. Catherine’s senses filled with the pungent scent of her maid’s sex and anointed by the drippings of her honey pot munched enthusiastically.
“Oh you pretty little whore eat me “
Catherine wriggled and writhed tasting of her maid’s sweet nectar her tongue lashing furiously within her maids pink wet folds.
“That’s right lick and lap my Mistress you are mine now girl all mine.”
Catherine and Jackie’s soon naked bodies contorted and writhed as one Jackie working Catherine’s clit until she screamed her release and clung to Jackie like a limpet. Both panting heavily from their exertions Jackie pulled Catherine’s lips to her ridged nipple and had her suckle in the afterglow.
Her pussy still drenched Catherine squelched her lips away from Jackie’s nipple and looked up wistfully into her maids dominant eyes then laid her head on her breasts. She could not deny her feelings, so long without physical love she was happy to have been used, treated like a whore
Jackie gently stroked her fingers through Catherine’s short dark hair and smiled with satisfaction.
“So Cathy, you want to be my maid don’t you?”
Catherine squirmed against the warm soft flesh of her maid’s breasts and softly moaned.
“Come Cathy tell your mistress you want to be her maid.”
Catherine opened her legs for Jackie’s thigh to press between them at her pulsing pussy and rocked herself gently against it. Catherine was loved up and weakly offered her allegiance without thought of consequence and moaned at the stimulation of her sloppy sex.
“Yes Mistress Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
Jackie Smirked
“Good then let’s get you to your room shall we a busy week ahead of us”
Catherine naked and still in a daze took Jackie’s hand and was led up the stairs to the bedrooms.
Being taken past her bedroom down the hall Catherine hesitated.
Jackie turned.
“What? That’s not the maid’s room is it CATHY come this is your room.”
Catherine looked at Jackie questioningly when she opened the door to the maid’s room.
“But, but, but, what, what do you mean, no, no you can’t please, please don’t put me in here Jackie”
Jackie smirked then a stern look grew across her face.
“Jackie? Jackie? have we forgotten something, it is Miss to you from now on understand and you will stay in this room, this is your room now, the maids room, now get inside and into bed, I will take tea in the morning at seven.”
The door closed and Catherine surveyed her basic room, the maid’s room, her room.
Catherine flopped onto the bed what had she done? What had she agreed to?
The room was chilled and on the bed was a cotton nightdress, one of her maid’s righties’ which she worked herself into.
Her maid’s preset alarm burst into life at six thirty the following morning and awoke Catherine after a restless night.
The shower was functional and toiletries basic and when Catherine had dried herself on the rough towel and sat at the small vanity she burst into tears looking at her reflection. Without makeup  her cheeks were rosy red  and her skin mottled from the accident and with her short brown hair she looked plain and all of her years, if not a little older.
In the drawers and closet Catherine found all she would need. Nothing sensual about the maid’s uniform this time whilst she slowly dressed. Tying her apron she stepped into her shoes and made her way down to the kitchen to prepare the tea to be served to her maid, her Mistress.
It was a sullen Catherine that entered what was her bedroom Jackie sat up on the silk pillows awaiting the arrival of her beverage.
“You are late Cathy when I say seven I mean seven not ten after and you curtsy when you enter my presence, you are the maid here not the mistress?”
“And why so glum you agreed to this remember so take that look of your face.”
“Now put the tray down and come and sit on the bed.”
Catherine slouched her way like a petulant child to the nightstand and placed the tray before sitting on the edge of the bed.
Jacqueline smiled and stroked what remained of Cathy’s hair like one would a pet.
“There now let’s get things straight shall we.”
“It was you who wanted to play maid right, it was you who disfigured yourself, you who won’t leave the house, you who agreed that I should take your place and you mine right? And don’t tell me you don’t like what I did to you, you couldn’t get enough you loved it and if you want more, which I know you do, you had better shape up understand?”
“When I was your maid and you were my Mistress did you ever have to chastise me? Punish me? No of course not I was the perfect maid and you shall be to, you will be my perfect maid and follow my protocols just like I did yours.”
“Now Cathy tell your mistress what a perfect maid you are going to be for your Mistress.”
Catherine looked at her maid, wearing one of her own fine negligees, with a look of resignation; it was all true what her maid had said.
Catherine stood from the bed and curtsied.
“Yes Mistress I will be your perfect maid.”
Jacqueline picked up her teacup and smiled taking a sip.
“Mmmmmmmm perfect Cathy, just perfect.”
“Now run along you will need to keep the house pristine and I will get ready for the Glendale charity event, oh and I will need your purse with your cards and car keys of course, you won’t be needing those now will you.”
Cathy curtsied again and left to retrieve her purse from the dresser and handed it to her Mistress.
Jackie flipped open the purse, wallet with charge cards, cash, keys, membership cards, Catherine Lucas’s lifestyle all gathered up in her purse which she had obediently handed over to her maid, her Mistress.
Cathy stood looking forlornly at her maid and Jackie looked up from the contents of the purse.
“Thank you Cathy that will be all.”
“Yes Miss thank you Miss.”
“Shall I prepare breakfast?”
Jackie smirked.

“But of course Cathy why wouldn’t you?”


  1. This story, as well as many others on this blog, is well written and pleasant to read in its style (although the link and the purpose between sex and the maid topic is odd). Nevertheless, there's always this feeling that the scenario is almost always pretty the same: a (submissive) rich lady in her mansion dreams secretly to play the role of her maid. If, on one hand, the theme of this blog is indeed the lady to maid transition, and this scenario is therefore "justified", it would be nice on the other hand to have other scenarios e.g. where the lady (or woman) who will be maid is not submissive and has nothing to do at all with the maid role/universe at the beginning. Just take any woman: a colleague at work; this woman sitting in the bus; the one you see in the street; etc. To see for instance how she can be accustomed to be turn into that role from zero (no relation with her and she is absolutely not inclined to do something in that direction. She will resist because of her education and social culture. And it is certainly not won to turn any such normal woman, for whom the maid topic if completely foreign, into a servicing maid. Here shall no violence, no blackmail or so be involved. That would be a greater challenge to transform such person - if not an impossible mission, with the risk that the attempter will be ridiculous with his/her idea - rather than a submissive and bored rich lady who is somehow already converted. That would be interesting to explore such relation/challenge from a literature point of view.

    There are indeed a couple of such (always very good) stories but they are unfortunately too few. So: any attempt to write (another) such story outside the scope of the bored and submissive lady? Regardless of the fact that you are a man or a woman, say you choose e.g. the twentieth (unknown) woman you see in the morning after waking up, wherever and whoever she is. Transform her into a maid who will serve and play her role with inner conviction in a credible manner. Take the bet?

    (Looking forward to enjoy the current story of Cathy – will she fight a restore the situation in her favor?)

    1. Thank you for your input. This is quite interesting. Agree on the inherent predictability of most lady-to-maid stories. I like your challenge though. Perhaps I can hold a contest among writers here to write such a story? Might be quite interesting!

  2. Just as ladies-to-maid stories are largely inverted rags-to-riches stories, the story you are proposing seems to be an inverted variant of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" (aka "My Fair Lady"): Instead of upgrading a flower girl to a more exalted station in life, someone in a more exalted station of life is downgraded to a maid. What makes the similarities even more striking is that fact that you propose a bet, just as happens in "Pygmalion".

    It's certainly an interesting idea for a story, but it's not very obvious to me how to pull it off (at least at this time). It might work best if the lady's situation were that of "genteel poverty."

    T. H. Enerdly

    1. Well, not to be immodest or anything, but Her Most Remarkable Performance is, in many ways, an inverted Pygmalion, with almost direct references to it.

  3. This story was different than most with the addition of the disfiguring episode. Overall, thoroughly enjoyed reading. Prefer more detail when describing the physical appearance of both the maid and mistress. If I wrote the story, I would start with the maid ugly and the mistress beautiful (and later downgraded) , or have both beautiful (with the maid more beautiful) and the mistress seduced by the maid (and later tricked into ugliness and roles switched). Am writing a story on The Changing Mirror entitled "Body Shaming" which incorporates some of my ideas. It doesn't read like a romance novel, however.

  4. I feel like it was a little quick for Jackie to "take over" wish Cathy put up more of a fight. Looking forward to the next part.

  5. Story is coming nicely. I do prefer more drawn out detail. But overall very good thus far

  6. I love it. It's amazing. I even like the pace of the changeover. I know some people seem to think it's happening too quickly but I honestly feel like it's a great change of pace to see it really get out of hand quickly. Keep up the great work. I think it's going to be an amazing finish. I just hate having to wait for each installment. I am a binger lol.
