
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Story: Biometrics don't lie. Part 12.

by Melissa

Part 12. The kiss. 

As I trudged through the rust-coloured landscape of Mars, I couldn't help but marvel at the surreal beauty of the place. I was Melissa Jones, a proud astronaut of the first manned mission to the Red planet. The Martian sky was a deep, endless red, dotted with clouds that seemed to shift and dance like ethereal creatures. The ground beneath my space suit's boots was a patchwork quilt of red rock and dust, criss-crossed by the tracks left by my rover. It was eerily quiet, save for the occasional whir of the suit's life-support systems and the faint hiss of dust kicked up by her boots. 

But something was wrong. I felt very sore. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest. The first week of the mission had been filled with exhausting work, and I'd been on edge since the moment I'd landed on the Red planet. Now, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd pushed myself too hard. I'd been given strict orders not to overexert myself, but the allure of exploring this alien world was too great to resist. 

I gasped as I suddenly jolted awake, my heart racing and every muscle in my body protesting. It was then that I realized I was no longer wearing my spacesuit. I was Melissa Jones, but I wasn't an astronaut and this wasn't the vast expanse of Mars I'd been dreaming of for years. In fact, I was still clad in my scratchy maid's uniform from the day before. I was lying on a hard cot in a tiny room of the maid's quarter, the pale light of a single dim bulb casting eerie shadows across the cramped space. The air smelled stale and dusty, and my throat felt raw from the dryness. I sat up slowly, my head spinning, and rubbed at my eyes. This was just another day in the maid's quarters at Elmwood Academy. The same routine I'd been stuck in for a week now, forced to masquerade as a delinquent school maid at this prestigious boarding school where my life had been turned upside down by a cruel twist of fate, my identity stolen by my namesake, a girl from a disadvantaged background who had taken advantage of my misfortune to assume my rightful place. 

I groaned, rolling out of bed and onto the cold wooden floor of my tiny room. After having been punished the day before by having to move countless crates of wine, the pain in my back, shoulders, arms, legs, and even my neck was unbearable. I had never felt this sore in my life. As I sat up, my vision swam, and I had to clutch at my aching head. I couldn't possibly be as sore as I felt; it must be some sort of weird dream. I stood unsteadily, my legs wobbling, and made my way to the mirror. 

As I stared at my reflection, I couldn't help but wince at the sight. My normally well-groomed hair was in a dishevelled mess, sticking up every which way, and my usually immaculate maid's uniform was wrinkled and disarrayed. My face, pale from lack of sleep, was framed by dark circles that spoke volumes of the punishment I had endured the previous day. My muscles still ached from the unaccustomed labour of moving the heavy crates of wine from the cellar to the main stocking area. The physical exertion had been draining, but it had also served as a much-needed reminder of my own limitations and of the harsh realities of my current situation. 

My muscles ached, my back felt like it was on fire, and my entire body was exhausted. I sighed, running my fingers through my messed-up hair, and decided it was time to get ready for the day. "I'm just going to take it slow today," I muttered to myself. I knew that I couldn't risk further injury by trying to rush through my chores. With painful, slow steps, I made my way to the shower cubicle and got undressed, doing my best to spare my aching muscles. 

I placed my hand on the fingerprint scanner. The device beeped, and a message flashed on the screen: "Fingerprints recognized and identity as school maid Melissa Jones verified and authenticated. Access to the servant's shower cubicle granted." The door of the crampy cubicle swung open. I went inside, and took a shower. The warm water felt incredible against my sore muscles, but the effort of staying upright was exhausting. 

After washing up, I put on a clean maid's uniform and winced as I buttoned it. My movements were slow and deliberate, but I managed to get myself dressed without further incident. I made my way down the hall to the kitchen for breakfast, wincing with every step. The other maids were surprised to see me hobbling along so slowly and obviously in pain. They exchanged glances and whispered among themselves, their curiosity piqued. I ignored them, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. 

Breakfast was a blur of hurt and discomfort as I struggled to eat my porridge and toast without making my aches any worse. I tried to drink some orange juice, but it only made my stomach churn, and I had to run back to the bathroom, retching. When I finally managed to get back to the table, I saw Sabrina sitting across from me. She had previously mostly treated me with disdain and hostility, but, this time, she gave me a sympathetic smile and gently patted my hand. 

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Sabrina said. "I shouldn't have suggested that punishment." 

My eyebrows shot up in surprise as I met her gaze. Her words hung in the air, a complete anomaly. Interactions with her were usually barbed and cold, so this unexpected kindness left me momentarily speechless. "You don't have to apologize," I finally muttered. "It's not your fault." 

Sabrina sighed. "Yes, it is. I should have known you couldn't handle that much weight, but I thought Mrs. Henderson would come back to help you. I should have spoken up, or given you a hand much earlier." She paused, then added, "But I must say, I'm impressed. You're tougher than you look. I've never seen anyone move so much wine so fast." 

I looked away, my cheeks flushing even deeper. I didn't want to admit that Sabrina was right, but I couldn't help feeling a little grateful for the apology. "It's okay," I mumbled. "I shouldn't have upset Agnès, the receptionist." 

We ate the rest of our breakfast in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. I knew I had to find a way to make it through the day, despite the pain. I couldn't afford to slack off, not if I wanted to avoid any more punishments. I forced myself to stand up, wincing as my aching muscles protested. 

"Are you sure you're okay to continue with your duties?" Sabrina asked, concern etched on her face. 

I nodded, forcing a smile. "I'll be fine," I said through gritted teeth. "I'll just take it slow today." I straightened my posture, trying to appear more confident than I felt. "Besides, I can't afford to slack off. Mrs Henderson is just waiting for an opportunity to punish me." 

Sabrina studied me for a moment before nodding. "All right then," she said, though she still looked concerned. "But it's Sunday and Mrs Henderson has her day off, so I'm the one in charge today. And I will decide what your duties are." 

I swallowed hard, fear welling up in her throat as I wondered what Sabrina would make me do. I had always been wary of Sabrina, her sharp tongue and domineering demeanour sending shivers down my spine. Her cutting words and take-charge attitude often made me flinch, yet there was an undeniable thrill that ran through me whenever she took control. It was as if her dominance ignited a spark within me, a confusing mix of apprehension and excitement that left me wanting to decipher the strange pull she had on me. But now one thing was certain, with Sabrina officially in charge for the day, I couldn't ignore the authority she held, knowing that a single complaint on her part would inevitably result in severe punishment. 

Sabrina gave me a long, assessing look. It was unclear whether she was simply taking stock of the situation or if there was something else on her mind. "You look so innocent," Sabrina noticed, "that it's easy to forget that you are a hardened criminal. And given the judge's ruling, it's clear you must have done something truly awful." 

"I... I... I am not a criminal," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Please don't say that." 

"Whatever you have done," Sabrina spoke, "the Court has rendered its verdict: you are legally a criminal." 

"I am not... It's not me," I insisted. "I am a student, not a criminal. The girl that was sentenced to community service is not me. And I have no idea what she has done to deserve such a ruling from the judge." 

Sabrina's face hardened as she looked at me. "Mrs Henderson warned me that you might claim something like that, like the little liar that you are. She also told me that she would punish you severely if that happened, by a long and hard spanking tomorrow morning in front of all the maids." 

Realising what I had just betrayed myself, I trembled with fear. "No please, Sabrina" I pleaded with desperation in my voice, "I am not a liar. I beg you, don't let that happen." 

"Mrs Henderson is adamant," Sabrina declared, "your lies can't stay unpunished. But I can punish you myself instead, even in private if you prefer." 

"Please Sabrina," I begged, "I don't want to be punished." 

"It's too late for that, girl," Sabrina snapped at me, "Now the only question is: Do you prefer being spanked by Mrs Henderson tomorrow morning, in public, or do you prefer being punished by me, in private?" 

I gazed at Sabrina, with a mixture of fear, anger, and resignation. I knew that her proposition was nothing more than a power play, a way for her to assert dominance over me. Yet, the thought of facing Mrs Henderson's wrath was daunting. I could already envision the consequences: a stern reprimand, extra chores, and a public spanking and shaming. But at the same time, I was afraid of what Sabrina might do to me. 

"I... I... I don't... If... If you want me to move the crates of wine again," I whispered, my voice barely audible, "I don't think I can do it again." 

Sabrina looked at me and sighted. "I'm not a monster, Melissa, I can see you are still sore since yesterday and I won't give you heavy work today, even as a punishment. Besides, I don't know why you are so afraid of a spanking. Yesterday, in your place, I would have chosen the spanking thousand times over having to move the crates. Honestly, it doesn't hurt that much." 

Shocked by Sabrina's words, I remained silent at first, then, seeing that she was waiting for my reaction, I spoke up. "Even if it's true, I'm terrified of such a prospect, especially in public. I would die of humiliation." 

Sabrina gave me an amused look. "OK, I get it, girl. Now answer this question: Do you prefer being spanked by Mrs Henderson tomorrow, in front of all the maid staff or by me in private? I promise not to be too harsh. You might even like it."

 I looked at her in despair and clasped my hands together to implore: "No please, Sabrina, I beg you, I don't want to be punished. Please have mercy, I don't think I deserve a new punishment." 

Sabrina seemed touched by my plea. "It's true that apart from your lies, you've been obedient as a good girl since you started your community service. As I said, I'm not a monster. So this time, I will let you choose between being punished for lying or being rewarded for being a good girl. So what do you prefer: a spanking as punishment or a kiss as reward?" 

"What? But..." I exclaimed. 

Sabrina's gaze held me captive, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I'll make you a little deal, Melissa. You will kiss me properly, and I won't tell Mrs. Henderson that you pretended to be a student. Or, if a kiss is too much for you, I will give an over-the-knee spanking in private. Now choose. And if you refuse to choose, I will tell Mrs. Henderson about your lie and she will spank you tomorrow in front of all of us." 

"No please," I begged, "don't tell Mrs. Henderson." 

"So what do you choose my little criminal? A spanking or a kiss?" Sabrina bluntly asked. 

With a sigh of resignation, I made my choice. I had never been spanked and I was afraid of the pain, so I would allow Sabrina to kiss me instead, a sacrifice to keep at least part of my dignity. The thought of Sabrina's lips touching mine filled me with disgust, but I knew that it was the lesser of two evils. I would endure this indignity, just as I had endured countless others, in the hope of one day reclaiming my rightful place at Elmwood Academy. 

"I... I... really should let you denounce me to Mrs. Henderson," I stuttered, "but I am too afraid of what she would do to me. And I don't want to be spanked. But that kiss... Will it hurt?" 

"The kiss? Of course not," Sabrina explained. "It's supposed to be a reward for being a good girl, not a punishment." 

"Fine," I said reluctantly. "I'll do it." 

Sabrina smiled, a victorious glint in her eye. "Good choice," she said, standing up. "Come with me." She led me to the storage room, where rows of shelves were stacked high with dusty, forgotten dishes and silverware. I bit my lip, my heart racing. I hadn't expected Sabrina to be so forward, but I supposed I should have known better. I glanced around, hoping to see a way out of this situation, but the storage room was empty except for the two of us. With a sigh, I turned back to Sabrina. 

"All right," I muttered, my voice barely audible. "Let's make it quick." 

With a sigh of resignation, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Sabrina's. The kiss was brief and awkward, a fleeting moment of intimacy stolen amidst the sterile environment of the school. Sabrina pulled away, her eyes wide with surprise. A hint of satisfaction flickered across her face, but it was quickly replaced by a sly grin. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" she teased, her eyes twinkling. "But this doesn't count. It was not a real kiss." 

"But...", I stammered. 

Sabrina smiled, her eyes shining with mischief. "I want you to kiss me," she said, her voice husky. "Kiss me like you really mean it." She leaned in, our bodies pressed together, her hand moving to cup my cheek. I felt a thrill of anticipation race through me as I gazed into Sabrina's eyes. I hesitated for a moment, gathering my courage, before pressing my lips against hers. The kiss was hot and passionate, our tongues tangling as we explored each other's mouths. Sabrina moaned softly, her fingers threading through my hair, urging me on. As the kiss deepened, I felt a surge of desire coursing through her veins. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer, our bodies pressed tightly together. I could feel the heat emanating from Sabrina, could sense the wanton need that lurked beneath her cool, professional exterior. Sabrina's tongue danced with mine, teasing and taunting. Our lips moved in perfect synchrony, their breath mingling in a sensual symphony. Sabrina reached up, her fingers grazing over my cheek before cupping my jaw, holding me in place. Our kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more demanding. I could feel the heat emanating from Sabrina's body, the way her nipples hardened against my chest. To my great shame, I could also feel a strange sensation of growing arousal slowly building up inside me and a tingling sensation between my legs. 

Sabrina broke the kiss, gasping for air. Her eyes were dark with desire as she looked down at me. "That was...incredible," she whispered, her voice shaking. 

I nodded silently, my heart pounding in my chest. I had just traded a kiss for a temporary reprieve, but I knew that Sabrina would not forget my compliance. I was afraid that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life, a chapter filled with uncertainty and potential danger. 

"Don't lie," Sabrina said, looking me in the eye, "don't pretend that it was so bad." 

My mind was still racing after that kiss. A thousand thoughts buzzed like trapped bees: surprise, exhilaration, a flicker of nervous doubt. The taste of Sabrina lingered on my lips, a sweet counterpoint to the frantic questions drumming in my head. What did that mean? How could this turn me on? 

"I... Maybe, it wasn't so bad," I finally said, blushing with embarrassment, "but you did take advantage of me." 

Sabrina smiled sweetly, stepping closer to me. "Of course I did, but you loved it nonetheless, my little criminal." 

"I... I... I am not a criminal", I say with tears starting to flow in my eyes. "I admit the kiss wasn't disgusting as I thought it would be, but I didn't like it." 

"Really? Then let's check if you are telling the truth. It's time for your underwear check." 

"No please. I wear the prescribed underwear, I promise." 

"Sorry girl," Sabrina said, her voice firm but not unkind, "but underwear checks are mandatory every day. Court's order, can't do anything about it. Now lift that dress and give me a good look at your panties. I won't force you, but if you don't do it, I'll tell Mrs. Henderson and you'll be in for a world of trouble." 

I wanted to refuse, especially as I was afraid of Sabrina discovering the shameful wetness I was starting to feel between my legs. But I had already gone so long to avoid being punished by Mrs. Henderson that I couldn't bring myself to resist. Hating myself for my weakness, I reluctantly complied with Sabrina's order. Feeling dirty and degraded, I lifted my dress, exposing my panties to her careful gaze. 

"Just what I thought," Sabrina scoffed at me, "your panties are soaking wet. So you didn't like that kiss, hey? It seems someone here is a naughty little liar." 

Blushing furiously, I desperately tried to deny the obvious. "No it's not me, Sabrina. It's... It's... It's just my body. I am not... I am not that kind of girl." 

"Stop lying to yourself," said Sabrina to me abruptly. "You did love that kiss, and that's perfectly fine. There is nothing to be ashamed of." 

"But you forced me," I whispered, in a feeble attempt to convince myself of my innocence. 

"You do everything you are told," Sabrina asserted, "not because you are forced, but because you like to obey. You are fundamentally a good girl who takes satisfaction in following instructions and completing tasks thoroughly. Your eagerness to please and your inherent respect for authority figures make you a natural submissive." 

"That's not me," I tried to explain, "it's the uniform. It makes me feel meek and subservient. I am not like that normally." 

Sabrina looked at me with amusement. "Do you even listen to yourself, girl? It's not you, it's your body. It's not you, it's your uniform. I've rarely heard such weak excuses. You don't want to admit it, but what you really need in your life, what you crave, is a stern authoritative figure to keep you in line, someone who will be very strict with you and make sure you don't misbehave." 

"No, please...", I tried to push back. "I'm not really that pushover you see in me. I don't want to be dominated. I want to be a strong independent woman. I want to become a leader." 

"A leader, you?" Sabrina laughed at me. "Now you are lying to yourself again. You are so submissive that you positively ooze submission. You were obviously born to be a follower, not a leader." 

The dam suddenly broke. What had been a simmering well of emotion inside me overflowed, and I started to cry uncontrollably. Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision, each sob a ragged gasp for air. In that moment, I felt utterly exposed, raw, and powerless to stop the wave of grief, frustration, or whatever it was that washed over me. 

"So, so... don't cry," Sabrina tried to comfort me, patting me gently on the head. "There is nothing wrong with being a submissive and nothing to be ashamed of." 

"No, that's not me," I pleaded, still sobbing. "My dream has always be to be a strong independent woman and to become a leader." 

Sabrina looked at me with intensity. "Maybe that's your parents' dream, my little liar. But what is really your dream? Tell me, be truthful." 

"But I really want to become a leader," I stuttered, my eyes still filled with tears. 

"Enough of that," Sabrina snapped at me severely. "Tell me the truth about your dream or I will let Mrs. Henderson know that you have been lying to me." 

"Why do you threaten me again?" I said and cried even harder. "Do you fancy seeing me humiliated by Mrs. Henderson?" 

"I confess it could be fun to watch," Sabrina conceded. "But even if you don't want to admit it, your body language is clear: you crave humiliation, my little liar." 

"No, please, Sabrina," I murmured as I continued to sob, "that's not the real me." 

Sabrina looked at me with an amused smile. "Then let's make a deal, my little liar. You tell me what your true dream is about and I won't complain to Mrs. Henderson about your lies." 

I hesitated to answer, but decided to tell her what I believed to be the truth. "Ever since I can remember, I've dreamt of attending Elmwood Academy as a student. The school's motto, 'where girls become leaders', resonated deeply with me. I yearned to be in an environment that fosters ambition and empowers young women like me. Elmwood Academy seemed like the perfect place to cultivate my potential and develop the skills I need to make a positive impact on the world." 

Sabrina seemed shocked by my answer and thought for a moment before replying. "What you call a dream would be a nightmare. You don't seem to realise what Elmwood Academy is all about. Students here are taught cruelty and ruthless ambition. Some of them may not be too bad when they arrive, although most are already cold, arrogant and entitled, but by the time they graduate they've all become rotten, heartless bitches. Despite your own criminal past, you're obviously a good girl and a much better person than they'll ever be." 

I was stunned to hear these words, my mind struggling to grasp their meaning. They were a complete bombshell, shattering everything I thought I knew and leaving me speechless, adrift in a sea of uncertainty. 

"Truly," Sabrina insisted, "you are lucky to be here as a school maid and not as a student, because if you were a student you would quickly become corrupted and despicable. Like most of the girls who graduate from this school, you would lose your soul and become a criminal worse than you can imagine. One day, there will be a revolution in this country, and the graduates of Elmwood Academy will have to pay for their numerous crimes." 

"Their crimes?", I stammered, "but Elmwood alumni make the World a better place." 

"That's what they want people to believe," Sabrina explained. "Students here learn techniques for crafting narratives, influencing media, and shaping public opinion to maintain a public image of benevolence while wielding ruthless power and practising social cruelty behind the scenes." 

I gave her a surprised stare. "I can't believe it." 

"Well, you should," Sabrina insisted, "especially as you're already experiencing this social cruelty. Don't you wonder why you are treated so harshly and forced to abide to such humiliating rules, including the daily underwear inspection?" 

"That's because Mrs. Henderson is a sadist," I answered. 

Sabrina vehemently denied any malicious intent on the head maid's part. "Absolutely not," she insisted. "She's simply complying with the court's explicit instructions. They laid everything out for her, and she's just following the rules. And those instructions were specifically designed by the judge who sentenced you to community service, an Elmwood alumnus who insists on humiliating you for no reason other than her hatred of lower-class girls like you and me. Your current ordeal is nothing more than Elmwood-style social cruelty against the poor. 

I felt completely confused, my thoughts a tangled mess.

 "Now, close your eyes and dig deep," Sabrina told me. "What's the burning ambition, the constant murmur in the back of your mind? What is it that makes your heart beat a little faster with excitement, even if it feels impossible? That, Melissa, is your true dream. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Tell me what it is." 

Sabrina's request hung heavy in the air. I knew the answer of course, but I hesitated to answer. "You will just make fun of me," I said. 

"No, I won't," Sabrina promised. 

Something in the way she said that snagged my attention. It wasn't just the meaning, but the quiet tremor in her voice, the way her eyes held mine with a vulnerability I hadn't seen before. A flicker of hope ignited within me, a hesitant belief that maybe, just maybe, she meant it and wasn't playing games this time. So, taking a deep breath, I silenced the doubts swirling in my head and finally blurted out my deepest aspiration to Sabrina. 

"Setting foot on Mars," I told her, "has been a burning dream of mine since childhood. The vast, red expanse holds endless possibilities for scientific discovery, and I yearn to be part of the pioneering crew that will one day call it home. Becoming an astronaut would be a chance to push the boundaries of human exploration and leave my mark on history." 

Sabrina looked at me in amazement but, in her defence, I have to admit that she didn't burst out laughing like the classmates from my previous school. "Wow," she said, "I didn't expect this, but I am impressed. You no longer look like a servant when you speak about that dream of yours. It's like a glow emanating from you. Your dream may not be the easiest for a maid to achieve, but it truly deserves respect. I understand better why you would have wanted to be a student. You are yearning for the education that might unlock the key to your dream. But trust me, Elmwood Academy is not the right path for the education of a good girl like you." 

The words hung heavy in the air, their meaning sharp and unexpected. My mind raced, searching for a response, a witty remark, anything to break the sudden tension. But nothing came and I was left speechless. 

"But that will be a topic for another time and place," Sabrina added. "As a reward for your honesty, I have decided that your duties are to head back to your room and unwind for the rest of the day. Once you're feeling refreshed, I also have a suggestion. There's a hidden garden here at Elmwood Academy, and it's absolutely breathtaking this time of year. You won't regret taking a peek this afternoon. Now off you go and we'll see each other tomorrow morning for work." 

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I am confused, Sabrina, and I don't know what to say. But thank you for your kindness." 

"You are welcome, Melissa," Sabrina told me, "but don't expect me to stay this lenient with you in the future. Tomorrow, I'll be back to being much stricter again."


  1. I've been waiting for this kiss for a long time. I hope for a continuation)

  2. Dear Readers,

    Get ready, because the wait is over! I'm thrilled to share a brand new chapter in Melissa's story, taking us back to where it all began – her adventures as a school maid. Dive into this fresh piece and experience Melissa's world anew. But the fun doesn't stop there! After you've devoured it, I'm eager to hear your thoughts. Don't be shy – your feedback is the fuel that keeps the fire burning, so jump in the comments and share your honest opinions!

    your humble maid Melissa

  3. Great chapter. Enjoyed how Sabrina has taken further control over Melissa by getting her to confide her dream. Perhaps Sabrina will now report to Mrs. Henderson that she believes Melissa requires the severest most strict discipline, maximum supervision, and volunteers to execute on the regime. Is Sabrina's statement "... what you crave, is a stern authoritative figure to keep you in line, someone who will be very strict with you and make sure you don't misbehave." Melissa's future?

  4. I can see Melissa learning to slowly accept her new position in life. Perhaps at some point she will be given the opportunity to choose whether she wants to be reinstated as a student, but chooses to stay on as a maid.

  5. Another great chapter! Thank you. I hope this story never ends. A very rich chapter with much development that required more than one reading. Now that Sabrina has irrefutable proof Melissa is a sub I am looking forward to the changes Sabrina will make going forward. Perhaps it is time for Melissa to curtsey every time she enters and exits in the presence of her betters, to always address her betters as "Ma'am," to never speak unless spoken to, to always keep her eyes lowered when in the presence of her betters, etc.

  6. Curtsies please from Maid Melissa, a maid should know her place and show deference to her betters at all times perhaps she will even have to Curtsey to Sabrina from now on when they are together.

  7. I suggest that Sabrina immediately report to Mrs. Henderson that Melissa has once again spoken about being something she is not and once and for all she needs to be rid of such ideas. Perhaps she needs to reappear before the judge and a new, longer, and severe sentence be imposed.

  8. Another interesting chapter! Thank you, Melissa!

    So it seems Elmwood is a darker institution than what we believed and even saw from the last chapter. That pretty much confirms it's not a good fit for Melissa as is. I'm wondering where else she intends to go in order to achieve her real dream of becoming an astronaut then. And whether Sabrina will remain part of her life while doing so.

    As for the other Melissa, I'm still kinda iffy on her fate here. Even if she remains an Elmwood student for the next few months, what then? She's not actually wealthy although she will end up with some connections to higher places. But will that really be enough to carry her through? And she doesn't seem like she agrees with the school's ideology as is. The Judge does have it out for her, and I wonder what will happen once the mix-up is exposed.

    I guess that depends on how Elmwood feels about a commoner joining their ranks. They might consider her an exception the rule, or decide to stamp her out for destroying their worldview about only the elite being capable.
