
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Story: The Job Interview. Part 6.

By Inanimate77

Despite being a bit out of sorts as Amy headed out of the house, she thankfully remembered to bring a small wheeled cart with her. Her first stop on the list was going to Whole Foods and without the cart, it would be nearly impossible to walk back with all of the groceries.

The residential streets were still quiet as she made her way down them. Amy was grateful that so few people were out and about. She felt very self conscious in her uniform. Although she had managed to convince her employer to leave the apron at home, Amy still wore the headpiece. The young maid had considered removing it, but had decided against it. A part of her was worried that Susan may check up on her in some way and find out. The risk of being discovered was not worth the reduced embarrassment from wearing it.

Despite the circumstances Amy found some pleasure from her morning walk.  The Summer sun began to peek through the trees lining the sidewalk, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the pavement.  Hints of scented flowers blooming throughout the neighborhoods mingled with the familiar aroma of freshly cut grass.  The more Amy immersed herself in the beauty of the day the less she seemed to think abou the discomfort of her uniform. 

Still she was well aware of her surroundings.  The young maid deftly maneuvered her wheeled cart around a corner, avoiding a group of chattering neighbors who were out for their morning stroll.  Amy felt a pang of embarrassment as she realized that they were eyeing her uniform curiously.  She quickened her pace, hoping to put some distance between herself and their prying eyes.

As Amy approached Whole Foods, the bustling energy of the market greeted her, pulling her out of her self-conscious thoughts.  The vibrant colors of fresh produce spilled out onto the sidewalk, tempting passersby with their bounty.  Amy's steps quickened with anticipation of the air conditioned store, grateful for the reprieve from the increasing warmth outside.

Before beginning her shopping, Amy carefully adjusted her dress and pantyhose. The warming air outside had caused things to stick a bit.  Amy tried her best to fix things while avoiding the unwanted attention of other shoppers in the market.  Thankfully at this time of morning there were not a lot of other shoppers.

Amy grabbed a basket and quickly started looking for things on the list. The produce section was fairly straightforward.  It was easy enough for Amy to plan things out and avoid other customers, patiently waiting until they moved on before approaching to get the items on her list.  Her confidence began to grow as she checked off one thing after another.

However, things suddenly became much more challenging.  Susan wanted a specific brand of organic, gluten-free bread that was located in the bakery aisle toward the back of the store.  As Amy headed in that direction, she couldn't help but notice the increasing number of customers milling about.  Her heart rate quickened as she felt their curious glances at her maid uniform.  This scrutiny further increased her nervousness leading Amy to tug at the uncomfortable headpiece, hoping to make it less noticeable.

Amy scanned the shelves, searching for the elusive bread that Susan had requested. Unfamiliar with the item, Amy was forced to meticulously examine each label to see if it matched the item on her list.  In her heightened state of arousal, Amy began noticing the soft murmur of hushed conversations happening around her.  It felt as though all eyes were watching the maid as she searched for the bread.  This was made worse when she heard a couple whispering behind her back.  When she turned to look in their direction, Amy saw their gaze lingering on her uniform.

The minute or so that it took to find the bread felt like an eternity.  When she finally placed it in her basket it was all Amy could do to find an aisle with no other customers so that she could catch her breath.  She tried convincing herself that all of this was in her head, but this did not do anything to calm her racing heart rate.  After a few minutes of steady breathing the maid realized that she just had to find the things on the list and get the heck out of the store.

Once she did have everything the checkout process actually ended up being a non issue. The woman who rang up her order appeared to be completely checked out by the monotony of her work. Amy realized that on most occasions she rarely noticed the cashier, but due to her heightened arousal, Amy took in everything.

The woman appeared to be in her 30s.  A few early signs of wrinkles were visible on her face that she had made no effort to cover with makeup.  Her eyes were glazed over in an almost trance like state as her arms robotically scanned each item from the maid’s basket. For a moment, Amy forgot about her own circumstances. She actually felt bad for the cashier. This probably wasn’t how she imagined her life ending up.

It wasn’t until she was back outside that reality set in.  While she managed to avoid any people while filling her cart, Amy came to an unsettling conclusion.  She was going to have to walk back to Susan’s house before she finished her full list of tasks.  Otherwise the groceries would be damaged by the rapidly warming summer day.  Cursing under her breath, she began walking back toward the house.

The sun was much more noticeable at this point in the morning.  Amy could feel sweat beginning to form on her forehead and trickling down her back.    Thankfully she reached Susan’s home before the heat became completely unbearable. 

After putting everything away, Amy stood in the kitchen, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by all the tasks still left on her list.  She just couldn’t bring herself to immediately head back outside needing a moment to collect her thoughts.

Feeling a bit shaky Amy went into the bathroom to splash a little water on her face. The sensation of the cool liquid helped calm her down. In between splashes, she took a few measured breaths.  The focused breathing had helped earlier in the day.  Hopefully it would continue to work now.

This morning had been one hurdle after another, leaving Amy unsure of how she would make it through the rest of her duties without breaking down.  As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, Amy hardly recognized the young woman staring back at her. Her usually composed demeanor was replaced with one of exhaustion and frustration and no matter how hard she tried to rationalize her current situation, Amy could not accept the fact that everything she had worked for had led her to this moment - she was that young woman in the mirror.  Amy was a maid.

After a few more minutes of breathing, Amy finally pulled herself away from the mirror.   She shook her head one last time trying to dispel the negative thoughts swirling through her mind.  Now was not the time to focus on self-pity.  Amy still had work to do. Determined to get through it, the maid straightened her uniform, smoothed down her hair, and headed back out into the hot summer day.

Once outside, Amy paused to look at her list.  Next was a trip to the dry cleaners.  On the surface that didn’t sound too bad.  Sure there may be other customers waiting in line, but compared to a grocery store, it was a walk in the park.  Despite the discomfort of her uniform, Amy found a bit of pep in her step as she pulled the cart behind her along the mostly empty sidewalk.  Perhaps the worst was behind her.

For a while Amy felt relaxed once again taking in the beautiful summer day.  However, her path eventually led her back toward more crowded streets.  There simply was no way to fully escape notice from the public.  Thankfully the dry cleaner shop was near the edge of the business district allowing Amy an opening to simply slip in.

Inside she found two people ahead of her in line which still felt a bit cramped. Virtually all the space in the shop had been set aside for the actual cleaning and storage of the garments.  The counter facing customers was cluttered with papers barely leaving enough room to properly checkout.  The whole shop was a hoarder’s paradise scented with a mix of various cleaning products.

The two customers in front of Amy were both in a bit of a hurry and paid no attention to her as they got their items and quickly walked out of the store.  Indeed things appeared to be looking up.  Feeling a bit more confident, Amy handed her receipts to the older Asian woman working the register and waited for her to find the clothing. It was only after she returned with the items that things got weird.

“That will be $35.42.”

There was a pause as Amy reached into her pockets and found two twenty dollar bills. She could feel the woman staring at her.  This continued even after Amy handed her the money, finally prompting Amy to ask, “Is everything alright?”

Taken aback, the dry cleaning assistant hesitated before asking, “You go to costume party?”

“No.” Amy attempted to keep the conversation brief and professional.

“Oh,” she paused, unsure what to say. “You work as housemaid?”

“Yes, I do. I’m picking up my employer’s dry cleaning."

The dry cleaning assistant's eyes widened slightly, surprise flashing across her face. Amy felt her cheeks blush with embarrassment.  Struggling to maintain her composure, Amy simply nodded, silently urging the assistant to hurry up and complete the transaction.  But instead of letting it go, the assistant continued to stare at her with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the assistant cleared her throat and spoke softly, "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.  It's just... I've never seen someone like you doing this kind of work before."

Amy felt like she was going to be sick.  The woman in front of her stared at her with a look of pity.  It left her feeling disgusted with herself.  Amy may have hated this role but the last thing she wanted was for someone to look at her with pity.  She chose to be a maid.  It had not been forced upon her.

As the Asian woman handed her the change, it took all of Amy’s resolve to turn around and walk, not run outside.  Although once the door closed behind her, she nearly fell over from the intense feelings that bubbled up inside of her.

After battling the stares at the grocery story, Amy was certain that the dry cleaners would go smoothly.  Instead she had been forced to face reality.  Amy had chosen this path.  Sure her options were limited, but that did not change the fact that the Ivy League student was working as a housemaid.

This entire day had been a nightmare.  Between the heat and the humiliation, Amy felt exhausted.  Unfortunately she still had one more stop to make.  Susan needed her to pick up an order from a local boutique.  Once again, this seemed rather innocuous, but at this point Amy was bracing herself for the worst.  Pulling the cart along, she walked quickly to the shop eager to be done with her day and back in the relative sanctuary of Susan’s home.

The walk to the boutique took about ten minutes.  Despite what had been a trying day, Amy felt relatively calm during her journey.  She hardly noticed other bystanders along the way.  The young maid was simply determined to get through her list so that she could end her humiliation.

La Rose du Printemps sat at the end of the block.  It was a cute boutique with flower boxes sitting along its windows.  Amy realized that she had probably passed it dozens of times without notice.  A bell chimed as she entered.  There was soft music playing in the store and a hint of lavender in the air.  Inside the store Amy could see that single items were placed thoughtfully throughout the shop to mimic the appearance of high end luxury.

“Can I help you?”

Amy followed the sound of the voice until she was staring at a woman dressed in a flowing Summer dress.  Everything about her appearance suggested a certain grace and elegance.  Although she probably spent considerable time getting ready each day the woman carried herself in a way that made it come across as effortless.

“Ah yes. I’m picking up an order.”

With a slight tilt of her head, the elegant woman observed Amy from head to toe, taking in every detail of her appearance.  The silence between them lingered, heavy with unspoken judgment.  Amy shifted uncomfortably under the woman's scrutiny, feeling exposed and out of place in the luxurious boutique.

Finally, the woman spoke in a voice as smooth as silk, "Do you have a receipt?"

“Yes.” Amy reached into the pocket of her uniform and handed it to her.

The boutique owner looked at it for a moment before replying, “Oh, Susan’s order.” There was a moment of recognition in her eyes. “My dear girl. I apologize if I came across a bit standoffish.  I didn’t realize that Susan had hired help.”

For a moment, the silence in the shop seemed to stretch on indefinitely, the soft hum of the music filling the space between them.  Amy wished fervently for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, to escape this moment of humiliation that seemed to define her very existence.

Attempting to mask her discomfort with a forced smile, Amy replied, "It's quite alright. I'm just here to pick up the order for Ms. Alton."

"Of course, dear.  Let me retrieve the package for you."

However, right as the shopkeeper turned to retrieve the package there was another chime from the bell.  The woman immediately turned to warmly greet the new customer.  Amy watched as they quickly struck up a conversation.  From what Amy could gather, the customer was looking for an outfit for an engagement party.

“Meredith, I have the perfect items for you.  I think you are going to love some of the new designs that just came in.  Please take a seat and I will bring a few things over.”

Amy continued to watch as the boutique owner walked around the store fetching various items to show the seated customer.  It was a bit annoying to have to wait, but at some level she understood.  There was only one person in the store. Once the things were brought over, Amy assumed that her simple request would be completed.

However, that was not the case. As soon as things were brought over the two women began looking at the items and discussing them.  Amy finally realized that she had been forgotten.

Susan’s maid shifted uncomfortably, feeling like an invisible presence in the elegant boutique.  The shopkeeper and the customer were engrossed in selecting outfits and discussing fashion, completely neglecting Amy and her simple task of picking up her employer’s order.  She cleared her throat softly, hoping to catch their attention, but they remained absorbed in their conversation.

As minutes ticked by, Amy's patience wore thin.  She couldn't help feeling like she was being dismissed, like her time was not as valuable as those around her.  The longer she stood there, the more self-conscious she became of her appearance in her maid uniform amidst the refined atmosphere of La Rose du Printemps.

Finally, unable to bear the awkwardness any longer, Amy mustered up the courage to speak up. "Excuse me, ma'am. I don't mean to interrupt, but I really need to get Ms. Alton’s order and head back."

The saleswoman immediately responded with an icy glare that caused Amy to immediately look down at her feet.  She apologized to her customer and walked over to the standing maid.  In a low yet venomous voice she addressed Amy, “You need to wait your turn.  Meredith is one of my best customers.”

Amy attempted to hold her ground.  She was not going to sit and wait when she had gotten here first. “Well I assume Ms. Alton is also an important customer, Ma’am.”

If looks could kill, Amy was certain at that instance that she would be dead.  For a moment she felt relief sensing that she had won, but the boutique owner had other thoughts in mind. “Susan is my customer, not you.  I am certain she would have no issue with me making her maid wait a few minutes while I helped out someone whose time actually mattered.  If you’re in such a hurry, why not make yourself useful and help me with this customer.  Those designed heels are not easy to try on.  You could help her to speed things up.”

The shopkeeper’s condescending tone caused a surge of anger to well up inside of Amy.  Throughout the day she had experienced one humiliation after another until the weight of it left her crushed.  Amy felt exhausted.  Despite all this, she knew that her only option was to swallow her pride and accept further indignity at the hand of the shopkeeper.

Finally she replied through gritted teeth, "Of course, ma'am."  Amy stepped forward to assist the customer who seemed completely oblivious to the tension between the maid and the saleswoman as she happily chatted away about her upcoming event.

As Amy knelt down in front of her, she noticed a floor mirror along the wall. The young maid hardly recognized herself in the reflection. A few months ago she was finishing out her semester at one of the best universities in the world, but now she found herself kneeling before a rich socialite wearing a simple maid uniform.  How could she have fallen so far so fast?

Amy hesitated for a moment, feeling completely inadequate as she gazed at the woman's perfectly pedicured feet adorned with a gold anklet that twinkled with real diamonds.  She couldn't help but compare them to her own calloused hands and worn-out shoes.  The stark contrast between their worlds was painfully evident in that moment.

As the rich woman extended her foot for Amy to assist her, the maid tried her best to put on a professional facade, masking the turmoil churning inside her.  She delicately slipped off the woman's designer shoe and gently slid on a new one, careful not to brush against the soft skin that seemed like porcelain compared to her own rough fingertips.

The customer smiled as she stopped speaking for a moment to admire the heel. Amy noticed how gracefully it accentuated her slender ankle.  Like the glass slipper from Cinderella it appeared to be tailor made for this modern day princess.

“Meredith, those shoes look simply divine on your feet.”

“I just knew you would have exactly what I needed.” The two women continued to rave about the designer heels while Amy remained on the floor tuning out most of their conversation.  There was no need for her to say or do anything.  In that moment she was no different than any other object in the store.  She existed simply to serve her betters.

The rest of her time in the shop was a bit of a blur.  Amy’s mind checked out even as her body went through the motions of helping serve the woman until she found the perfect outfit.  It wasn’t until she was almost back to Susan’s home that all of the feelings from the day once again bubbled up.  Summoning what little will power remained, Amy staggered into the sanctuary of Susan’s house collapsing in a wooden kitchen chair.  Unable to move, the young maid stared into space.

Susan's voice echoed through the kitchen, "Girl, is that you? You're back early. Did you finish all the errands?"

Amy felt oddly comforted by her employer’s voice. Pushing herself up from the chair, she managed a smile as Susan entered the room. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Excellent. You’re proving to be a fast learner.  It's nice to know I can give you a task and not need to check up on you.”

Susan’s compliment elicited a wince from the maid. At least Amy was putting her education to good use.

Her employer continued.  “So I have some good news to share with you as well.  I received a call today inquiring about your services.  It seems you made quite an impression the other day.”

Amy’s mind began to race. What was Susan talking about?

“The woman I spoke to wanted to hire you for her daughter’s wedding.  Normally I would never permit this but seeing as you have gotten things in order around here, I was happy to approve.  I think I can part with your services for one weekend.”

“Ma’am that really isn’t necessary.  I don’t want to leave you without help.”

“Nonsense, Girl. You’ve earned it.  It will be a great way for you to make a little more money.  You can just work extra during the week to make sure everything gets done. Now since you did such a great job today, why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off.  You’ve earned it.”

“Thank you Ma’am.” Amy managed a weak smile as she trudged down to her basement apartment.

Susan watched her go savoring every second.



  1. It was a pleasure to read. It was also nice to revive the wedding story from previous parts

  2. Loved the bit about Amy getting roped in to help with the ladies shoes, maybe the boutique owner will contact Amy's mistress with regards to Amy helping out with other ladies shoes, perhaps even a new shoe service putting Amy to work cleaning customers shoes, there was also a rumour that one of the ladies brought in a pair of her daughters discarded plimsolls for Amy to wear.

  3. Thank you for your wonderful update. Very much enjoyed Amy's public exposure dressed in her uniform, complete with cap and apron - yet another step in her self-acceptance to her new role in life as a lowly lady's maid.

  4. A very nice chapter. Amy's handling of the footwear of her betters once again proves she is a natural servant - she just needs more work and conditioning. Maybe it is time she learned how to polish her betters and her own shoes so that they always have a mirror shine? I am looking forward to the wedding. Perhaps Amy's new employer will make significant changes to her appearance, dress, deportment, manners, attitude, etc. A daughter's wedding requires perfection from all servants and Amy needs a lot of work.

  5. Thank you for the chapter. The series is a pleasure to read. It is so good to see that Amy now addresses her betters as "Ma'am" instinctively and acts accordingly. The changes that are occurring with her are progressing well. Perhaps the wedding is being held at the family's estate with their full staff of servants and Amy is about to begin her formal servant apprenticeship under the stern tutelage of the butler and housekeeper?

  6. Next episode, please. Loving the story.

  7. Great chapter! I get the feeling Ms. Alton has more planned for Amy when she is hired-out than Amy can imagine.

  8. Still no mention of Amy Curtseying to her superiors.

    1. I second the motion! Please have Amy trained to curtsey to her betters soon. Could bell training be part of the curtsey training? An appointment in every room in a proper household is a servant bell. When her betters require her presence they ring the servant bell. Upon being in their presence she comes to attention, curtseys, and dutifully awaits instruction.

  9. Any possible update on the Leah and Charlotte story?

    1. I'm another fan of the Leah and Charlotte story.

  10. A bit of weight gain will help Amy understand her decline in status, no posh gyms and nutritious foods for her.

    1. That's definitly one of my favorite directions. That and some sort of slow psychological decline...The latter is while I came to love the rehabilitation of caroline Drake story so much

  11. Please update 🙏

  12. Has this story stalled, sadly it seems so just like so many promising others.

  13. A pity this story died, there´s a powerful anticipation built up that insists on coming to expression, not the least an upcoming wedding....

  14. I just SO wish there was more to this. I was so looking forward to reading about the psychological effects of all this on the girl...It certainly seemed to me as if her employer has certain plans in that direction

  15. Any chance of further updates??

  16. I'd love for this to continue
