
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Story: Biometrics don't lie. Part 8.

by Melissa 

Part 8. Acknowledging the wrongs I've done to Maria and begging for her forgiveness. 

With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, I returned to the reception area on the next day hoping for some news from Maria, my family's former maid. The receptionist, her face etched with concern, greeted me with a sombre expression. "I have some news about your letter, Miss Jones" she began, her voice laced with sympathy. "Maria received it and called me shortly after." 

My heart pounded with anticipation as I listened to the receptionist's update. However, my hopes were quickly dashed as she relayed Maria's reaction. "Maria doesn't believe you," the receptionist explained, her voice filled with disappointment. "She refuses to believe your story about being mistaken for a delinquent school maid and thinks you're pulling a cruel prank on her, seeking to exploit her trust and loyalty." 

"But I explained everything in the letter," I protested, my voice laced with desperation. "I told her about the mix-up and how I'm forced to impersonate the delinquent school maid." 

"I know, Miss Jones," the receptionist sympathized, her eyes filled with compassion. "I even tried to explain the situation to her, but she is unfamiliar with me and didn't take my word for it." 

My stomach churned with disappointment. Maria's distrust was a bitter pill to swallow, especially considering the close bond we once shared. The idea that she could doubt my character was a harsh blow, a stinging reminder of the rift that had formed between us during the events that led to her dismissal by my parents. 

"Maria also said that you must have a sick sense of humour," the receptionist continued, her tone laced with frustration. "She's still angry with you for what happened to her when she lost her job, and she doesn't trust you." 

I felt a wave of helplessness wash over me. Maria's refusal to believe my story was a setback I hadn't anticipated. Without her support, it seemed even more unlikely that I could clear my name and escape my confinement as the school maid. The receptionist's sympathetic gaze only amplified my sense of isolation and helplessness. 

Desperate for a way to convince Maria of my predicament, I suggested a drastic measure. "Maria needs proof," I declared, my determination returning. "She needs to see me in my maid's uniform. Please, take some pictures of me and send them to her. That should convince her once and for all." 

The receptionist nodded in agreement. "That could work, Miss Jones," she said. "Let me take a few pictures of you, and I'll send them to her right away." 

With a glimmer of hope, I agreed, and the receptionist snapped five or six images of me posing in my maid's attire. I held my breath as she sent the pictures to Maria, praying that these visual images would shatter Maria's doubts and prove the authenticity of my plight. However, before the last picture was sent, Sabrina, one of the school maids, approached me with a stern and impatient expression. "Hurry up, girl," she barked, her voice laced with authority. "The head maid requires your presence in the laundry. Delays will not be tolerated." 

A wave of disappointment crashed into me as I realized that my hopes of waiting for Maria's reaction were dashed. I had to obey Sabrina's order, knowing that I couldn't afford to incur Mrs Henderson's wrath. Bowing my head in resignation, I turned and followed Sabrina out of the reception area, my heart heavy with disappointment. I left the hope of Maria's help behind, clinging to the belief that the photos would eventually convince her of my situation. 

As I entered the vast laundry room, the aroma of freshly washed linens filled my senses. The head maid, Mrs. Henderson, stood at the centre, her imposing figure casting a shadow over the room. Her sharp eyes fell upon me, and a hint of disapproval flickered across her stern face. "Well, girl," she began, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "you seem to be quite busy chatting with the receptionist. Hopefully you'll be able to detach yourself long enough to do your job. I trust you haven't forgotten your primary duties?" 

I stood silently, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew Mrs. Henderson was testing me, trying to gauge my willingness to comply with her authority. "Of course not, Ma'am," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I will do whatever task you set for me." 

Mrs. Henderson nodded curtly, her expression unreadable. "Good," she said. "Now, get to work. The laundry room is a mess, and I expect it to be spotless before lunch time." 

Resigned to my fate, I took a deep breath and had a look at the laundry room. The air was thick with the smell of detergent and damp towels, and the space was cluttered with overflowing baskets and dirty linen. I surveyed the daunting task ahead of me, feeling a surge of determination. I would not let Mrs. Henderson's harsh words or the drudgery of the work break my spirit. 

Later, after finishing my work in the laundry and as I was diligently emptying trash cans in the bustling hallways of Elmwood Academy, my attention was drawn to the flickering image on a large TV screen. The student-run internal channel was broadcasting an interview with the dean, Mrs. Cavendish, i.e. the very same person who, according to the receptionist, was supposed to be the only person able to update my registration in the biometrics system. Mrs. Cavendish was still out of the country, attending an international conference focused on biometrics technology innovation. Clad in an impeccably tailored black skirt suit, she radiated an aura of confidence and authority. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, conveying a sense of sternness that was only amplified by her crisp white blouse and neatly knotted silk scarf. As she answered questions about the school's stringent security measures, she specifically emphasized the infallibility of the biometrics system. Her words were clipped and precise, leaving no room for interpretation or deviation from her expectations. 

My interest piqued, I paused my work, glanced up at the screen mounted on the wall and listened intently as the dean extolled the virtues of Elmwood Academy's biometrics system, claiming it to be an impenetrable fortress against unauthorized access. Her words were laced with confidence and expertise as she proudly proclaimed that the sophisticated fingerprint technology employed by the system had never once failed to identify an authorized individual or detect an unauthorized intruder. 

"Our school's security system is one of the most advanced in the country," Mrs. Cavendish declared, her tone confident and authoritative. "Our biometrics system uses state-of-the-art technology based on multiple safeguards and redundancies to identify individuals with unwavering accuracy and ensure that only authorized individuals can gain access to our buildings and facilities." Her words echoed the official stance of the school administration, emphasizing the impenetrable nature of their security measures. "Our biometrics system," she claimed, "is a foolproof safeguard against unauthorized entry, a testament to the school's commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the students." 

With a tone of unwavering confidence, the dean explained the intricate details of the fingerprint technology employed by the biometrics system. She highlighted the advanced algorithms and sophisticated scanning mechanisms which, she said, made it completely impossible for unauthorized individuals to gain access to the school's premises. Her words resonated with an air of certainty, leaving no room for doubt about the system's infallibility. The precision of the fingerprints, she asserted, was unparalleled, making it impossible to replicate or forge. Her words painted a picture of an impenetrable fortress, a school protected by cutting-edge security measures. 

As I listened to the dean's confident assertions, a surge of irony welled within me. The very system she was praising was the one that had trapped me in my current predicament. My fingerprints, wrongly linked to the record of a delinquent girl, had become the shackles that bound me to the persona of a lowly school maid. The words of Mrs. Cavendish rang in my ears, a stark reminder of the system's perceived infallibility. Yet, here I was, a student wrongly identified as a maid, a living contradiction to her claims of absolute security. I felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. How could such a sophisticated system be so flawed? How could it allow for such a catastrophic error? I couldn't help but feel deceived by the dean's unwavering confidence in the system's effectiveness. The realization that my situation was a result of this very system's supposed infallibility was a bitter pill to swallow. I was a prisoner of a technological error, trapped in a role I didn't belong in, all because of a system that supposedly guaranteed security and prevented such mishaps. 

However, my brief respite from my chores was abruptly cut short by an angry voice. "Girl," the head maid, Mrs. Henderson, exclaimed, her voice laced with disapproval, "what on earth are you doing standing there listening to that rubbish? Get immediately back to work!" 

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I turned to face her. Mrs. Henderson's expression was stern, her eyes narrowing as she observed my idleness. Without a word, she raised her hand and delivered a stinging slap across my face. 

"You're supposed to be cleaning, not daydreaming," she scolded, her tone laced with exasperation. "Your laziness is unacceptable." 

My cheeks stung from the slap, and my mind struggled to comprehend her sudden outburst. I had been caught red-handed in a moment of idleness, listening to the dean's interview, captivated by her words and the promise of infallibility. 

"I-I was just listening to the dean's interview," I stammered, my voice barely audible. 

The head maid scoffed, her eyes narrowing. "Listening to an interview? While your work is left undone?" she scoffed. "You're a disgrace to the staff of this academy, and your laziness is an insult to the school's reputation for excellence." 

I lowered my head, feeling ashamed and defeated. Her words echoed through my mind, reinforcing my sense of inadequacy. I felt a surge of anger and frustration, but I dared not retort. 

As I quickly resumed my duties, the dean's words seemed hollow and meaningless. The infallible system, so confidently touted by Mrs. Cavendish and supposedly a symbol of security and safety, now stood as a testament to my own vulnerability and the fragility of even the most advanced technology. A sense of defiance ignited within me. I would not allow the biometrics system to define my identity or determine my fate. I would find a way to prove my true identity and reclaim my rightful place as a student at Elmwood Academy. 

With renewed determination, I continued my duties, emptying trash cans and sweeping floors, my mind racing with thoughts of escape and liberation. The dean's words had served as a catalyst, fuelling my resolve to break free from the constraints of my false identity and reclaim my true self. I envisioned myself confronting Mrs. Cavendish, presenting her with irrefutable evidence that I was not the delinquent school maid but a student who had been wrongly placed in this predicament. I imagined her shock and disbelief as she realized her error, her confidence in the biometrics system shattered. But to achieve this, I would first need to secure Maria's help. 

So, after finishing my current tasks and while the other maids were taking a short break, I found myself drawn back to the reception area, my heart pounding with a blend of excitement and trepidation. Had Maria finally seen the truth in my pleas? The receptionist, her eyes filled with sympathy, confirmed my hopes. Maria had called back, and while she still harboured doubts about my story, the pictures of me in the maid's uniform had shaken her scepticism. "Maria says you look exhausted and overworked on the pictures," the receptionist explained, her voice filled with compassion. "She might be willing to believe you, but only if you meet two conditions." 

My heart sank slightly. While Maria's willingness to consider my plea was a glimmer of hope, her conditions seemed daunting. "First," the receptionist continued, "Maria wants you to write her a detailed and heartfelt apology for your behaviour when she lost her job. She still feels hurt and betrayed by what happened, and she wants to hear your sincere regret." A wave of guilt washed over me. I remembered the incident all too well. My silence had cost Maria her job, and I hadn't had the chance to ask for her forgiveness. "Second," the receptionist added, "Maria wants you to send her at least an hour of video footage of you doing maid's work. She wants to see the evidence of your circumstances with her own eyes." 

I nodded in understanding, knowing that Maria's conditions were not entirely unreasonable. She was understandably sceptical, given our past history and the apparent absurdity of my predicament. The apology would serve as a gesture of remorse and reconciliation, while the video footage would provide irrefutable evidence of my circumstances. To be honest, the idea of documenting my chores filled me with dread. I knew it would be a humiliating experience, but I also understood Maria's need for proof. "I understand," I replied, my voice firm with determination. "I will do whatever it takes. I'll write the apology and I'll send her video footage. I just need her to believe me." 

The receptionist smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting her admiration for my resolve. "I'm sure she will, Miss Jones," she assured me. 

"But first, I need to secure an hour-long video recording of myself performing maid's work," I said. "Unfortunately, without access to my phone, I don't know how to do it." 

"I know just the thing," the receptionist declared, her eyes twinkling with determination. "It has rained heavily earlier today, and the reception area's floor is covered in mud from the students who had come and gone. So I will request a thorough scrubbing. I am pretty certain that you will be the one tasked with this unpleasant chore, and I will use my phone to discreetly record your diligent efforts as you kneel on the floor, meticulously scrubbing the floor with a wet sponge and removing the accumulated dirt and grime. It'll be perfect footage to show to Maria." 

This plan seemed like a stroke of genius, offering an opportunity to capture the evidence Maria required without raising suspicion. With a renewed sense of determination, I thanked the receptionist for her ingenuity and prepared to endure the inevitable humiliation of being filmed doing such a menial task. I didn't like it, but the prospect of finally gaining Maria's trust and potentially resolving my predicament outweighed my personal discomfort. 

With renewed hope, I returned to the staff room to await further instructions from the head maid, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to provide Maria with the evidence she needed to believe me. When Mrs. Henderson came back from her break, she was on the phone, talking to the receptionist. She quickly hung up her phone and immediately ordered me to return to the reception area, as planned, to give the floor a thorough scrubbing. I knew that the task would be arduous and time-consuming, but I was determined to complete it to the best of my ability, so that Maria would understand my situation. 

As I scrubbed the muddy floor on my hands and knees, the receptionist recorded my efforts on her phone. The camera lens captured the grime and sweat on my face, the strain in my muscles, and my look of exhaustion. I knew that this video would be my chance to convince Maria, to show her the truth of my predicament. With every stroke of the mop, I scrubbed away not just the dirt and grime from the floor but also the layers of doubt and disbelief that had clouded Maria's perception. I was determined to clear my name, to restore my identity, and to reclaim my life from the clutches of mistaken identity. 

When the hour-long recording was complete, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had not only fulfilled Maria's second condition but also proven to myself that I possessed the resilience and strength to overcome any challenge. With a heart full of gratitude for the receptionist's unwavering support, I entrusted her with the task of sending the video footage to Maria, praying that it would finally convince my family's former maid of the extraordinary circumstances that had led me to my current plight. 

Later, after a modest dinner provided by the head maid, I was finally allowed to retire to my cramped quarters in the maids' wing. As the lights dimmed and the sounds of the school faded away, I sat at on my narrow bed, a notebook open before me. I began to pour my heart out onto the page, crafting an apology that was both heartfelt and sincere. I acknowledged my past mistakes, taking responsibility for the pain and hardship I had caused Maria. I expressed my deep regret for my actions and my sincere desire to make amends. As I wrote, I felt a weight lifting from my shoulders. The act of expressing my remorse and taking accountability for my past brought a sense of closure and peace. I knew that the path to reconciliation with Maria would be long and winding, but I was determined to walk it with honesty and humility. 

Upon re-examining my letter, I initially believed I had effectively conveyed my heartfelt remorse. However, a deeper reflection exposed the shortcomings of my past interactions with Maria. My behaviour towards her, even prior to the incident that resulted in the loss of her job, was far from compassionate or considerate. For years, I had taken advantage of her unwavering kindness and loyalty, treating her with a level of disrespect and disregard that I deeply regret. In light of these realizations, I penned a postscript to my letter, offering a humble apology for my past mistreatment. 

I had tears in my eyes when I finished my letter. It was the most sincere and the most heartfelt apology I had ever written. I understood that Maria could, if she wanted, use my letter and the video footage recorded earlier to do irreparable damage to my reputation, but, remembering her past kindness to me, I decided to have faith in her benevolence. 

"My Dearest Maria, 

As I write this letter, my heart pounds with a mixture of shame and remorse, for I must confess to a grave sin that has weighed heavily upon my soul for far too long. I write to you now, not to excuse my actions, but to offer a heartfelt apology for my cowardice and the terrible injustice I inflicted upon you by staying silent during the incident that led to your wrongful termination from our family's employ. I know that words alone cannot undo the pain and injustice you suffered, but I implore you to hear my confession and allow me to express the depth of my sorrow. 

The day my mother's jewellery was stolen, I was aware that you were in the park and not at home. So when my mother discovered that the jewellery was missing, I knew you couldn't be the culprit. But instead of speaking up and defending you, I remained silent, allowing you to bear the brunt of suspicion and accusations. My cowardice was born out of fear and a misguided desire to protect myself from the consequences of my own disobedience. You see, I was supposed to be at school, but instead, I crossed the park and saw you there. To make matters worse, I am ashamed to admit that I was the one who enabled the real thief to enter our home. Before seeing you in the park, I had secretly returned home to fetch something I had forgotten, and in my haste to leave, I neglected to lock the door. This negligence, Maria, created the opportunity for the thief to come inside and steal the jewellery. 

After the theft, I panicked, fearing the repercussions of my disobedience. I knew that if my parents discovered that I had been playing truant from school, I would face their anger and disappointment, and I also didn't want to take responsibility for leaving the door unlocked. So, I watched in silence as you were accused, humiliated, and eventually fired from your job. I didn't stand up for you, and I didn't even try to explain what really happened. I was a selfish coward, and my lack of integrity had a devastating impact on your life. 

Until recently, I was oblivious to the depth of my wrongdoing. I had never experienced the injustice you endured, the humiliation of being falsely accused, and the devastation of losing your job. But now I find myself in a similar predicament, mistaken for a delinquent girl accused of stealing, and I am forced to work as a maid under strict supervision at Elmwood Academy. I experience first-hand the humiliation and indignity that you had faced. I realize that I have acted with cowardice, selfishness and indifference, and that my actions has caused you immense pain and suffering. I am so ashamed of myself, and I yearn for redemption, for a chance to make amends and restore the trust I have shattered. 

When I offered to compensate you generously in my previous letter, it was not an attempt to buy my way out of guilt. It was a genuine expression of my desire to make amends, to alleviate the financial burden that my actions had placed upon you. I know that no amount of money can compensate for the pain and loss you experienced. But I hope that my remorse and commitment to change will serve as a testament to my genuine desire to make amends. 

You know I have a knack for expressing myself, but today, my words are different. They're not just words; they're a reflection of my genuine heart. In my current predicament, I am forced to perform menial tasks, stripped of my privileged status, and subjected to the strict authority of others. It is a truly humbling experience, one that has opened my eyes to the struggles of those I once looked down upon. Most importantly, it has allowed me to grasp the gravity of my actions towards you. I was not just a bystander in your injustice. I was an accomplice, a selfish coward who let you take the fall for my mistake. 

I am truly sorry for the way I treated you, Maria. I was a spoiled, self-absorbed girl, oblivious to the impact of my actions on others. I failed to recognize your worth, to appreciate the sacrifices you made for our family. I know that my apology may not seem like enough to mend the hurt I've caused, but please, Maria, I humbly beg for your forgiveness. I realize that I have a lot to learn about courage, compassion, and empathy. But I am committed to becoming a better person, and I hope that you will find in your heart to give me a chance to prove it, to show you that I am not the person I once was. I am a changed girl, humbled by my current predicament. I am willing to do whatever it takes to atone for my past mistakes, and I intend to work tirelessly to earn back your trust and respect. 

With profound remorse and a heart full of regret, 


Postscript. My precious Maria, I must also confess that my silence and inaction surrounding the theft of my mother's jewellery are not the only instances where I have acted selfishly. In truth, my past is littered with examples of my self-centredness, my disregard for the feelings and well-being of others. I was often inconsiderate and dismissive of your kindness, taking your support for granted. I failed to appreciate your sacrifices and the genuine affection you showed me. I was a self-absorbed and ungrateful girl, and for that, I am truly sorry. My actions were driven by a sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy. I believed that I was above reproach, that the rules and expectations didn't apply to me. I was blind to the consequences of my actions and the pain I caused others. I know that my past cannot be erased, but I hope that you will believe me when I say that I am truly remorseful for my selfish behaviour. I want to regain your friendship and respect, and I am determined to prove that I am worthy of your trust."


  1. Dear Readers,

    Buckle up, everyone! I'm bursting with excitement to unveil this new part of my story. So dive in, enjoy the twists and turns, and don't be shy – I value your thoughts and feedback immensely!

    your humble maid, Melissa

  2. The last two parts seem like a prelude to something more.

  3. I get the feeling the receptionist is Maria, and that she's maybe changed her appearance after being fired. She might be doing this to teach Melissa a lesson, and it would explain why she's able to get in contact with 'Maria' so easily.

    It would be even crazier if this was a setup by Melissa's parents, to teach their daughter a lesson about taking responsibility and telling the truth after they found out the truth about the jewelry theft.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how this ends!

  4. I initially thought Maria would publish the video on the internet/social media, leading to everyone knowing Melissa's predicament, causing great shame and humiliation for her as revenge.

    But that's one heartfelt apology. Seems truly genuine. Idk how anyone could go on to publish the video after reading that. Maria needs to be one heartless evil bitch to do so

  5. Will Maria be able to see past Melissa's betrayal and forgive her? Maybe, but unconditional forgiveness might be a bridge too far. Perhaps, Maria will offer a path forward, one paved with conditions that ensure Melissa really understands the gravity of her past behaviour.

  6. Very much enjoyed the continuation of this delightful story. As for Melissa's apology, it seems heartfelt - and yet part of me hopes that it falls on Maria's deaf (and perhaps vengeful) ears - and serves as a further impetus to assure Melissa's physical and emotional decline into a life befitting a a proper maid.

  7. What if Maria is the one who stole her ID? ;) huhuhuhu

  8. Why did Maria ask for a video of Melissa working in a maid's uniform? Was it simply to check whether Melissa was telling the truth, or was there a more devious motive? One wonders what might become of this video.

  9. Excellent. Keep on the good work. By the way, check on Amazon Maid The Tale of a Cancelled Trophy Wife, Oona Callista
