
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Story: A Simple Act of Delegation. Chapter 6.

by Jackie J
For the first fifteen minutes Mrs. Ross droned on covering the facts and figures of the Company’s performance with congratulations given to deserving individuals of all ranks within the business.
A brief pause whilst Mrs. Ross sipped on a glass of water her eyes piecing the crowd to focus on a trembling Debbie and she began.
“It would be remiss of me not to mention the sterling efforts during her time with Sapphire and Ross of one of our senior executives Miss Jackson. You will know Miss Jackson from the many times she stood on this very platform to eloquently delivery many a presentation to us all. During her time with the company she worked diligently to build our compliance department along with her team and in no small part her secretary Jane Simpson.”
Mrs. Ross then waxed lyrical for a further ten minutes recounting the milestones of Miss Jackson’s career over the years she had been at the company laying plaudits like confetti. 

If Debbie and indeed all the gathered employees had seen Miss Jackson placed on a pedestal all that had gone before was about to be washed away in the condescending words of Mrs. Ross.
“Many of you here I am sure would aspire to hold a position similar to that held by Miss Jackson but not so Miss Jackson. Miss Jackson has chosen to step down from her role as head of compliance, I will explain why later, and is to be replaced by her secretary Miss Simpson”
“Would you step up here please Miss Simpson?”
Jane brushed back her long blonde hair and joined Mrs. Ross on the platform. Debbie stared at the elegant poise of Miss Simpson confident and comfortable at the side of Mrs. Ross. She looked gorgeous in her tailored suit low heeled pumps and subtle make up diamond studs gleaming on her lobes.
Mrs. Ross continued.
“So why this reorganization you may ask? It seems that Miss Jackson has been suffering for some time with, let us be polite and say, the pressure of her position at Sapphire and Ross and the last project she was tasked with has unfortunately taken its toll. It came as a surprise to me that, over recent months, Miss Jackson’s work had been delegated to Miss Simpson. A simple act of delegation one may assume but not so?  Whilst Miss Simpson completed her delegated tasks for her manager, we had a budding secretary in our midst”
Mrs. Ross looked out into the room.
“Debbie come and join Miss Simpson and I on the platform, quickly now.”
It had arrived the moment Debbie had been dreading, or had she? Wasn’t this one of her strongest imaginings leaving her wet and writhing beneath her silk sheets before all this became her reality? To be paraded in front of the staff at Sapphire and Ross in her short skirt and tight jumper wobbling on heels cheap jewellery jangling and swathed in brash cosmetics? Of course it was. But these were not imagining this was real, very real. Her emotions at fever pitch, legs weak, her heels wiggled her to the platform and stood sheepishly at the side of Mrs. Ross looking down at the platform floor, her fingers fiddling at the hem of her short pleated skirt.
There were a few gasps in fact more than a few, those at the back of the room had seen and wondered; now all the staff could see. Miss Jackson the smart and sophisticated executive with an air of arrogance dressed to secretarial compliance stood weak and timid at the side of Mrs. Ross. There was much tittering amongst the gathered staff but no overt laughter.
Mrs. Ross gave Debbie a gentle poke, the coup de grace to Miss Jackson’s career and all she ever was about to be delivered in front of the staff who had respected her.
“Lift your head up girl let your colleagues take a good look at you”
Debbie raised her head forcing a weak smile her whole body tingling, her nerves jangling along with her earrings as she softly trembled in anticipation of her humiliation, a humiliation she had dreamed of, wished for and it was here. There were no consequences to her imaginings or unfulfilled desires but this was real and that was about to change. Miss Ross was going to have her pet and was about to ease Debbie onto a one way path to her total and utter subjugation.
A smiling Mrs. Ross looked out into the sea of questioning faces and Miss. Simpson smirked knowing the juvenile frilly panties she had Debbie wearing would be on clear view to those towards the front of the raised platform and the pointing and tittering confirmed it. Debbie aware of the stares shivered in hidden raptures at her public degradation.
Mrs. Ross continued.
“As you all know we are a caring company at Sapphire and Ross but when this matter came to light, finding one of my senior executives was not only delegating her work but serving as secretary to her own secretary and if that wasn’t enough, having her secretary dress her in a cute secretarial compliant outfit like she wears now, well being the owner of the company I was left with a dilemma?”
“Following a series of meetings and much deliberation, given Miss Jackson’s previous exemplary record, it was agreed that she should stay on at Sapphire and Ross but not to be afforded the respect and privilege she had previously enjoyed but to be demoted to the much lesser role that she was obviously more adequate to perform.” 
“This that stands before you now, Debbie, is the result and pretty she looks doesn’t she all dressed and ready to begin her new life at Sapphire and Ross within the secretarial pool.”
“Hard I know but we must close the book on Miss Jackson’s career at Sapphire and Ross and all accept Debbie for what she now is, what she wishes to be, a secretary and nothing more. A new beginning for Debbie and she is to be welcomed and treated the same as any other of our fine secretarial colleagues at Sapphire and Ross, thank you for your time now back to work all of you.” 
The employees slowly trooped from the large meeting room muttering Debbie left quaking on the platform it was done. Mrs. Ross ignoring Debbie stepped from the platform to join her senior executives. Miss Simpson strode to stand in front of Debbie and smiled stroking her secretaries blushed warm cheek.
“Well that’s over Debbie now everyone in the company knows Debbie for what Debbie is, my secretary, Miss Simpson’s secretary and Debbie is going to be a very good secretary. Debbie stood looking into the grinning eyes of Miss Simpson still emotionally weak from her introduction to the other members of staff and never flinched feeling gentle fingers lift the hem of her skirt and softly tug on her ruffled panties. Still dry I see ,I think I will keep Debbie wearing these types of knickers so pretty, would Debbie like that, would she like to let everyone see her frilly panties beneath her skirts?
Debbie was overcome by yet more humiliation and softly and submissively sighed
“Oh yes Miss Simpson Debbie would like that.”
Miss Simpson pulled away and chuckled could this really be the women she had worked for, taken orders from, been admonished by, the confident somewhat arrogant senior manager with her refined accent clear and crisp dictating her orders about the office. No, that train left the moment this pretty thing was placed in her secretary’s skirts and heels it was not her, she was Debbie and Debbie was hers now, or was she?
“Come along back to my offices, Debbie as work to do.”
The rest of the day passed like being in a dream for Debbie but it was no dream. Typing, filing, making coffee, trips to the communal loo, bringing Miss Simpsons lunch from the sandwich bar two streets away Debbie was kept busy. James visited the offices and smirked when Debbie announced his arrival over the intercom from her secretary’s desk.
“Mr. Evans to see you Miss Simpson.”
James entered Miss Simpsons office and Deborah could hear their laughter which stopped abruptly when Mrs. Ross brushed past Debbie’s desk and out scuttled James red faced and without a word.
Sometime later Mrs. Ross accompanied by Miss Simpson left the inner office and stood smiling down at Debbie.
Mrs. Ross straightened a pen on Debbie’s desk.
“You look very much at home there Debbie dear your rightful place I think, love the makeup by the way. I have come to take you down to Human Resources Miss Phillips is waiting for you.”
Debbie’s slight hesitation made Mrs. Ross frown.
“Come on girl I don’t have all day.”
Debbie started to apologise.
“Sorry Mrs…”
Mrs. Ross cut her short her voice raised.
“Shut up you silly girl and get that wiggly ass through that door.”
Debbie was up on her feet quickly clip clopping her heels down the corridor to the elevator.
Debbie was about to stride into the HR office of Jenny, Miss Philips, when Mrs. Ross glared at her.
“Knock girl you don’t just stride into someone office’s who do you think you are, wait here.”
Mrs. Ross entered Miss Philips office leaving Debbie stood in the corridor, two juniors wiggled passed and chuckled seeing Debbie stood there.
“Someone already in trouble on their first day?”
Debbie smiled genuinely for the first time that day, those girls would not have not dared to say anything before, before? Debbie squirmed feeling the rub of her frilled panties, before, she must forget before, she was Debbie now.
The office door opened and Mrs. Ross stood on the threshold.
“In you go girl Miss Phillips will see you now.”
Miss Philips had been well briefed by Mrs. Ross and sat behind her desk spread open two files whilst Debbie took her seat nervously pulling down the hem of her skirt, a habit she will soon forget.
Miss Philips smiled across her desk.
“So, Debbie I was at the company briefing and I am not going to judge, I am sure you will be happy in your role here at Sapphire and Finch. Now Mrs. Ross just had a word with me and suggested we start with a clean slate, like you have just started here at the company, I hope you are comfortable with that?  So I am Miss Phillips and I am the HR manager at Sapphire and Ross.”
Debbie stared across the desk, this was Jenny, she had sat with Jenny Phillips and interviewed many candidates for the compliance team yet what she was saying was right, that was then this was now and Mrs. Ross was keeping her promise to make it real for her , helping her wasn’t she?
“Yes, Miss Phillips that is fine, a clean slate like Mrs. Ross said.”
Miss Phillips picked up her pen, glanced at Miss Jacksons file a smiling photograph, subtle make up, wearing a dark tailored suit and silk blouse an obvious professional career woman, then looked over the desk at Debbie with a soft sigh. Pert breasts within her tight sweater, micro skirt, a healthy coat of crimson lipstick, obvious eye shadow something quite different.
Miss Phillips cleared her throat before speaking she had her instructions from Mrs. Ross and proceeded to process the new secretary.
“Now, your full name please?”
Debbie smiled this was surreal.
“Miss, Deborah Jackson”
Miss Philips looked over her Glasses.
“No, Jackson is only a professional name like Miss Ross allows for executives but you were married were you not, I have that here in the other file.
Deborah frowned of course that bloody Simon, Deborah Langtry was divorced three years ago and Mrs. Ross had let Deborah keep her maiden name.
“Oh sorry, yes you want my married name Langtry but I never use that.”
Miss Philips added the name Debbie Langtry to the file.
Miss Philips then wrote in the qualifications for Debbie Langtry. Word, excel, computer literate, school exams but left off Deborah’s university degree, MBA and her other professional qualifications.
Some more cross referencing from Deborah Jacksons file into the file of Debbie Langtry concerning basic details and health matters and the file of the new starter was complete. Miss Philips surveyed her work and smiled Mrs. Ross will pleased. Miss Phillips then passed the file header for Debbie to sign agreeing the details which were hidden behind the header.
A stroke of a pen laying a signature to a document could never have been more significant?
Miss Philips took a camera from her drawer.
“I need to take a photograph for the file and your company swipe card. You will need the card to enter the offices and make your way through the building you also get a staff discount in the works canteen and the local Costa coffee.”
Miss Philips stood and held out her hand.
“Well that seems to be all, welcome to Sapphire and Ross.”
Debbie stood and shook Miss Philips hand.
“What about my address and driving license details do you not need those Jen… sorry Miss Philips?”
Miss Phillips smiled already, on the instruction of Mrs. Ross, having looked into the lease on the company apartment and details of the company car.
“Don’t worry about that Debbie I have all the details here, now you trot along back to your manager Miss Simpson and be a good girl.”
Mrs. Ross returned to the HR office and Miss Philips passed her the file for Debbie Langtry. Having scanned the details Mrs. Ross’s eyes smiled at the photograph pinned inside.
“Perfect a typically qualified secretary and the Jackson file?”
“Miss Phillips chuckled.
“I thought you would like it quite slutty isn’t she this Debbie girl? I have already shredded the Jackson file like you said.”
Mrs. Ross handed back the Debbie Langtry file to Miss Phillips and smirked.
“Well Goodbye Miss Jackson and a big hello to Debbie Langtry,
Both laughed
Miss Phillips placed Debbie Langtry’s file in the cabinet along with the other secretaries then gave the shredder an extra buzz.
“I never really took to that Jackson girl with her posh accent full of airs and graces, seems the Debbie girl has the same surly accent.”
Mrs. Ross chuckled.
“I wouldn’t worry about that I have big plans for sweet Debbie Langtry, big plans.”


  1. Wonderfull I like, the way the story take

  2. I love the story so far. I really like the way Debbie is being trapped.

  3. I'm so curious about those plans now!
    Thank you Jackie!

  4. The former Miss Jackson is being dissected layer by layer, the shredder removing the final paper trail and Debbie Langtry is now here.

    The regular emphasising and reinforcing to Debbie of her status and position within the company is excellently done.

    Thank you from one happy reader


  5. I think the story is really cool
    i have too ask about the theme of role swap i have read ale the story on this site with this theme can someone recommend a other page or story with this theme
    sry for my bad english writing skill
