
Monday, January 21, 2019

Story: A Simple Act of Delegation. Chapter 5.

by Jackie J
Stepping out of her apartment block in her long sweeping Cashmere coat Jane smiled and chuckled at Debbie sat at the wheel of Miss Jacksons car in the short fake fur jacket she insisted Debbie buy during their visit to Pollock’s. Perhaps Debbie assumed that Miss Simpson would jump in the front beside her but opening the rear door she slid into the back seats and opened her lap top without a word.
Whilst Debbie had been squirming and wallowing in her new wardrobe during what remained of the weekend Jane had been scanning the internet. Not for anything work related although in truth perhaps it was? Jane had been reading up on submissive behavior from the mild to the extreme learning how many a closet submissive languish within their own imaginations never to fulfill their true purpose in life to be willingly subjugated. How triggers, be they verbal, physical or situational can invoke such powerful emotions within them that they gradually surrender unknowingly to their inevitable and irrational demise. 
Jane had laughed out loud reading of grown men and women, chief executives, successful professionals visiting dominatrix to satisfy their cravings to be abused. Often sacrificing family, career and wealth to become subservient to Mistresses and Masters some of the pictures of mature men and women diapered sucking dummies in frills or bound and caned made Jane doubt their authenticity believing them salacious, but there were so many examples?  Her more serious reading involved professional psychotherapist studies detailing the path of a submissive to their eventual willing surrender to their deep-seated desires. How like a drug their cravings for more loss of control eventually reaches a tipping point from which there is no return.  A situation from which the greater their degradation and humiliation the more perverse pleasure they obtain until they become nothing more than slaves worshipping those who abuse them. In extreme cases constantly restrained often suited, masked and sexless.

Jane chuckled and giggled scanning her screen all the way to the offices until they pulled into the parking lot and she closed her laptop. 
“Debbie when you bring me to the offices in future Debbie will park up at the main entrance for me to enter then Debbie can come down here to park. The same in the evenings when Debbie is taking me back to my apartment, bring Miss Jacksons car to the front of the building and wait for me, is that understood?”
Debbie was changing from her flats into heels and hesitated in her reply.
Jane raised her voice.
“Did you not hear me girl I said is that understood.”
The raising of her boss’s voice, calling her girl all had the desired effect on Debbie and she was quickly apologising for basically nothing but Miss Simpson had cleverly removed any discussion on how Miss Jackson’s car would be utilized for Miss Simpsons benefit.
“Sorry Miss Simpson yes I understand Sorry I was jus…”
Miss Simpson cut her progressing submissive short, a technique advised from her readings. Not allowing a submissive to apologise for misdemeanors, either contrived or actual will ensure the submissive retain the weakening guilt they feel. Also, nothing in its self but over time, with constant refusal to acknowledge the word “I”, inferring a state of self worth developed through life history and experience and having independent thought and value, will be eradicated from their vocabulary. The submissive morphing into their submissive persona will place all the guilt into their submissive persona not “I” which holds idea’s opinions and options in behavior enjoyed by their previous self “I” being replaced by their given title in this case Debbie. This flagged in the text, reviewed by Jane, to be a tipping point. 
The submissive will subconsciously begin to refer to themselves by their title distancing themselves from “I” until the “I” they were splits irrevocably from their adopted submissive personality. That small precursor “I” to speech will become revered by the submissive to one holding authority and power, authority power and control over them. To reinforce and encourage their path to their willing subjugation a transitioning submissive should never to be referred to as “You”, this word having the same connotation and potential connections to who they were like “I”, a submissive always addressed by their title. 
“Shut up Debbie I don’t want to hear your excuse’s when I speak Debbie listens and responds without hesitation does Debbie understand?”
Debbie shuffled from the car and stood contritely in front of Miss Simpson, this is what she wanted wasn’t it, Miss Simpson being dominant herself a mere girly secretary. Of course, it was and those weakening feelings so long repressed, those feelings generated not by imaginings but now by reality softened her voice when she spoke.
“Yes, Miss Simpson Debbie understands.” 
Jane’s lip curled in satisfaction.
“Good then Debbie will follow me to my offices, we will wait there until the Company briefing.”
Following a strutting Miss Simpson into the office’s reception area Debbie wobbled behind trying to keep up in her still unfamiliar heels gathering a few strange looks from entering employees. At the elevator both entered and Debbie was pleased no one was sharing the car with them. That was until a manicured hand held the closing door and in stepped Miss Ferguson the manager of accounts on the top floor.
Miss Ferguson smiled hiding her amusement. It was true what Mrs. Ross had told her over the weekend. 
Mrs. Ross had contacted all her senior managers with a concocted tale to inform them that Miss Jackson, head of compliance was being replaced by Miss Simpson. That Miss Jackson had been suffering for some time with the pressure of her position at Sapphire and Ross delegating most of her work and the last project had taken its toll. Miss Jackson had been an exemplary employee and after a series of meetings it was agreed that she could stay on at the company in a lesser role to regain her confidence, exactly the opposite of what Mrs. Ross had planned for poor Debbie, that Miss Jackson wished to fill a secretarial roll and had even written a letter to her secretary pleading the same. She told them that all would be announced at the company briefing but thought it best to let senior managers know before the announcement. Mrs. Ross adding the caveat that they should accept Miss Jackson’s decision and help her “settle in” like any new employee, helping her to build in her new subordinate role under the name of Debbie and treat her like any other of the staff from the secretarial pool.
“Miss Simpson and this must be Debbie our new secretary, how pretty you look dear, and you Miss Simpson I love that coat, Jaggers and Brown I presume?”
Miss Simpson smiled.
“Yes, that’s correct Miss Ferguson, Jaggers and Brown.”
Debbie just stood speechless and awkward looking down at the floor of the elevator nervously clutching her pink furry purse purchased to match the jacket she was wearing whilst Miss Simpson and Miss Ferguson exchanged pleasantries. Miss Ferguson, Sheila, last week Debbie was her equal now?
 Debbie took her seat in the outer office and Miss Simpson walked through to her own office. Debbie was full of nerves the role reversal was real thanks to the perceived kindness of Miss Ross. She was dressed not in borrowed clothing these were her own clothes to meet company dress code policy attire for subordinates, secretaries, pinching the hem of her skirt she squirmed in her chair.
Nerves were getting the better of Debbie and she needed to pee. Without thought she took her swipe card from her purse and stepping into the corridor Walked the short distance to her washroom. The card inserted the light remained red, again and again still no access. The denial of entry to the familiar facilities did nothing to relive her need and stooping made her way back into the outer office.
Stood stone faced to greet her Miss Simpson.
“So where did Debbie trot off too without asking her bosses permission and stand up straight girl what is wrong with you.”
Miss Simpson raised her voice making Debbie stand up straight.
This having the obvious consequences.
Jane sniggered watching beads of pee rolling down Debbie’s inner thigh Debbie blushing bright red.
“O dear that’s why Debbie was crouching Debbie needs a pee wee, what would Miss Jackson think of that, her secretary wetting herself and those cute new panties too!”
Jane’s words not chosen without care, the mention of Miss Jackson in the third person allowing Debbie to accept her humiliation. Miss Jackson would never wet her panties, would she? But Debbie, well Debbie is just a secretary not a senior manager.
Jane spotted the card to the executive washroom in Debbie’s hand.
“What is Debbie doing with that, Debbie doesn’t have access to MY facilities give that to me and go to the staff toilets on the third floor and be quick I have some spare panties for Debbie when Debbie gets back.”
Debbie turned on her heels and scuttled out of the office down the stairwell to the third floor and burst into the toilets squatted and sighed in relief. 
Jane had a pair of spare panties that she did not think she would have Debbie wearing so soon but this opportunity could not be missed. The cheap looking frill trimmed ruffled knickers would be on full view under her mini skirt when Debbie stood on the raised platform at the company briefing.
A sheepish Debbie returned and Miss Simpson was waiting the Knickers dangling in her fingers and smiled.
“Clean knickers for dirty Debbie, take those wet ones off and put these on.”
Debbie’s blush still fresh on her face meekly took the panties from her boss reminiscent of a child from her nanny. 
“Well Debbie, what is Debbie waiting for take those wet panties off and put those on.”
Miss Jackson would never shame herself like this, changing wet panties in front of a colleague but Debbie she was just a secretary and a good secretary does like she is told.
 The knickers were an intentional loose fit and the frilly panties showed under her tiny skirt with the merest of movement Debbie tugging at the hem of her pleated mini skirt for modesty.
Jane chuckled.
“Better than no Panties Debbie now follow me it is time for the company briefing.”
The presentation hall was full when Miss Simpson and her secretary arrived. Miss Simpson of course made her way through the parting throng to stand with the other senior managers gathered at the front of the large room by the raised platform on which Mrs. Ross stood preparing her notes. Debbie was left among the other staff that looked at her quizzically a chattering wave rippling across the room. Miss Jackson would be standing at the front of the room in her smart suit full of confidence ready to speak if called upon. Debbie however shrank away seeking anonymity within the gathered group alone, timid even shy with thoughts of her earlier embarrassing indiscretion in front of Miss Simpson fresh in her mind. If that situation was embarrassing and demeaning there was more to come much more for the new secretary at Sapphire and Ross. Mrs. Ross was going to make sure of that.
Mrs. Ross tapped the gathering to order on her plinth and began her presentation. 


  1. "...women diapared.." ?
    Become curious!
    Thanks Jackie

  2. Wonderful story!

    Thank you so much,Jackie.


  3. Can't wait until Debbie gets so used to wearing mini skirts and high heels that it becomes second nature to her. That she starts to enjoy wearing them, even when she's not working.

    1. I will second that. I want it so that she wears g-strings with the mini shirts and she feels like it is normal

  4. This is so excited looking forward to the next chapter can't wait to see Debbie fall deeper into her own trap

  5. The psychology of submissiveness and subservience were nicely incorporated within the chapter, allied with the wonderful word pictures you create, with regard to the power exchanged interactions between Miss Simpson and Debbie, make this a excellent read and causes the reader to feel the emotion of the scene.

    Many thanks for this well researched chapter.
