
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Story: A Simple Act of Delegation. Chapter 3.

by Jackie J
Deborah unbuttoned her trench coat and hung it on the rack where Jane would normally place her coat in the outer office and having changed from her driving flats for the heels Jane had given her sat at her secretary’s desk.
When Jane arrived, Deborah stood and smiled her secretary looked so different dressed in her smart business suit and Deborah’s comments were genuine.
“Miss Simpson you look lovely this morning.”
Jane felt empowered in her outfit and smiled
“Why thank you Deborah and I have something for you.”
Jane giggled and stepped behind what was her desk to fix a pair of cheap dangly earrings to her secretary’s ears.
Deborah just stood weak-kneed whilst Jane removed Deborah’s diamond studs and secured the earrings in place.
Jane chuckled.

“Diamond studs indeed girl, there now that’s much better, isn’t it Deborah? Though I think today it will be Debbie.”
Deborah could hardly speak she had not been called Debbie since she was at boarding school by the girls who had her fetching and carrying for them and whispered her response touching the garish adornments.
“Yes Miss Simpson, thank you.”
Jane chuckled placing a Dictaphone tape she had prepared on the desk.
You are to type these two letters and post them, do you understand Debbie?
A simple nod, making the earrings swing, from her weak-kneed secretary 
“Yes Miss Simpson.”
Jane went into Miss Jackson’s office and continued with the project leaving Deborah catching her breath sat at her secretary’s desk. Deborah looked down at her exposed legs and tugged at the hem of her mini skirt aware of her breasts under the tight jumper she was wearing. Poor Deborah was in full submissive mode now and pressed the intercom.
“Would you like your coffee now Miss Simpson?”
Jane chuckled easing in her leather chair the unfamiliar softness of her designer underwear beneath her business suit enhancing the feeling of her superiority and pushed at the boundaries of their charade.
“Debbie, come in here at once.”
Deborah wiggled into what was her office on the high heels she had been given to wear and stood in front of her desk conscious of the shortness of her tiny skirt.
Jane looked up a serious expression on her face remembering how Miss Jackson in her educated accent had admonished her many times for disturbing her over the intercom.
“Debbie, when I want a coffee, I will tell you now get back to your desk and type those letters.”
Deborah couldn’t help herself this was all she imagined, Jane was being so good and without prompting perhaps that should have been a warning sign enough but it was missed.
“Yes Miss Simpson, sorry Miss Simpson.”
Back at her desk Deborah plugged in the earphones for the Dictaphone and after two lines typed of the first of the letters just sat and listened. Was this too much? No, it was perfect and Deborah squirmed in her seat listening to Jane’s dictation.
Two more runs of the tape and Deborah began to type.
My name is Deborah Jackson, now known as Debbie; I was the head of the compliance department at Sapphire and Ross until I delegated my responsibilities to my secretary Miss Simpson. Miss Simpson is much brighter than me and it is only right that she becomes my boss. I much prefer to wear the short skirts, tight jumpers and heels in line with company policy whist my boss wears elegant business suits. Whilst this was originally to be a temporary arrangement, I will plead with Miss Simpson to make this a permanent position for me. I want nothing more than to be her girl Friday.
Deborah her hand shaking a little read through the text taking the letter from the printer hesitating only momentarily Deborah signed the letter and put it into the addressed envelope. Miss Simpsons address!
Deborah then continued to type the second letter, this one addressed to herself.
Dear Miss Jackson,
I accept the opportunity to be your boss at Sapphire and Ross. You have delegated many tasks to me over the last twelve months and this last task you have delegated proves that you are totally incapable of running this department. You are demoted forthwith to level 3 Secretarial and you will dress accordingly reporting to me. The previous manager was weak weren’t you but that will change and you will follow my strict rules and discipline at all times.
Deborah pulled the letter from the printer her knees weak this was perfect and slowly wobbled into her office.
Jane looked up and smiled seeing a contrite looking Debbie carrying the second of the letters to be signed along with the two retained copies
“Well girl bring the letter to me, you understand that these letters are necessary to reinforce our reversal of roles don’t you girl?”
Deborah was wet and weak and with her head lowered spoke in a soft compliant voice.
“Yes Miss Simpson.”
Jane signed the letter, put it into the addressed envelope and smirked.
“Now you will take these letters to the post box across the square outside the offices and post them, and don’t wear that ridiculous coat go like you are.”
Debbie squirmed.
“Yes Miss Simpson.”
Was the walk out of the offices to the post box embarrassing and humiliating for Debbie? Yes, excruciatingly so, all of this and more and Debbie gasped her delight back in the elevator to her offices. The stares she had received strutting in her heels her short skirt hardly covering her dignity the cold air firming her nipples. It was all that she had imagined.
Debbie carried out some menial tasks for the rest of the morning whilst Miss Simpson concluded the input and transferring of the client’s files. Now if Debbie would have left it at that perhaps Mrs. Ross could have been more lenient with Miss Jackson but she didn’t she was so enthralled in her contrived persona. When Miss Simpson called her secretary into her office and pointed at the screen, which demanded the insertion of a pen drive and password, Debbie meekly handed over both the pen drive and password. Was she stupid? No, she was just so caught up in the moment she couldn’t help herself.
“It creates the double Mirror Miss Simpson reducing liability on the Tax submission whilst holding true data for the client.”
Miss Simpson looked questioningly at Debbie, this was fraud wasn’t it?
The Pen drive inserted and the password entered the figures rolled and configured it was done. Mrs. Ross’s highly confidential system was established.
Mrs. Ross had been following the progress on her lap top and not wishing to disturb the work had waited until the double mirror program was activated before visiting the offices to confront Miss Jackson over the anomaly’s she had found the previous day. Even if Miss Jackson had allowed her secretary to access the program to feed in data no way would she have allowed her secretary to see the double mirror program and with this in mind knew that she would find Miss Jackson tabbing out the sub totals which would take the rest of the day.
Of course, it was Miss Simpson who completed the project her secretary Debbie not unhappily confined to the outer office relabeling files.
Debbie had her back to the door preparing a coffee for her boss when the outer office door swung open and she froze facing the wall.
Mrs. Ross seeing the mini skirted girl preparing coffee looked no further striding to the inner office door and was soon within Miss Jackson’s office leaving a throw away comment.
“Like the hair Jane looks expensive.”
Debbie cowered back to her secretary’s chair and put her head in her hands hearing Mrs. Ross’s screeching voice bellowing at Jane.  The shouting stopped and Debbie sat nervously for at least half an hour, it could have been longer, contemplating her fate. What were they talking about what was Jane saying?
Jane appeared through the door a smile but more of a smirk on her face.
“Mrs. Ross will see you now Debbie.”
Debbie was onto her heels
“What did she say Jane you were in there some time?”
Jane never let her smirk leave her face.
“Jane? Jane? Miss Simpson, I think Debbie now in you go girl Mrs. Ross is waiting for you.”
Debbie feared the worst following Jane’s comments and took a deep breath entering her office closing the door behind her.
Mrs. Ross beckoned Debbie forward towards her desk.
Stand there let me look at you, turn, right around now face me.”
Mrs. Ross smiled,
Mmm perfect, Miss Simpson has made a good job of dressing you, totally in line with my company’s dress code for subordinates and Miss Jackson likewise in preparing Miss Simpson, very elegant.
Mrs. Ross Pointed to the chair in front of her desk.
“Sit Debbie.”
Mrs. Ross had placated Jane to keep the company secrets safe but what to do with Miss Jackson. Deborah could not be allowed to leave the company with what she knew about the Tax protocols especially having installed the software? If Miss Deborah Jackson was truly a submissive, like Mrs. Ross now suspected and what Jane had confirmed then she knew exactly what to do with her to keep the companies secrets safe.
“Well, well, well Debbie your boss Miss Simpson explained everything to me and we need to find a way, forward don’t we?”
“Miss Jackson put the company at risk with her little games but I have reached an accord with Miss Simpson so no damage there but that accord came at a price of course. So, what to do? I could of course dismiss Miss Jackson on the spot for gross misconduct and she would find it hard to find work anywhere after her escapade. However, Miss Jackson has been a very good employee at Sapphire and Ross, why she was being considered for a partnership. The last thing we want is for Miss Jacksons’ good name and the reputation of the company to be sullied, isn’t that right Debbie?
Debbie didn’t look up and whispered her response.
“Yes Mrs. Ross”
Mrs. Ross leaned forward looking over her glasses.
“Well you have been a revelation to me with your submissive behavior Debbie so in the short term I have agreed for Miss Simpson to keep you for her secretary; you will like that won’t you Debbie?”
Debbie wriggled uncomfortably in her chair and said nothing looking down over her exposed thighs to her heels.   
Mrs. Ross’s voice raised an octave and held up the copies of the two letters she had typed.
“I said you will like that won’t you Debbie, being a secretary to Miss Simpson it is what this is all about isn’t it? Speak up girl tell me it is what you want.”
Debbie looked up meekly. It was what she had imagined what she had desired but now it was not her choice she was being demoted she had no say in the matter and her voice trembled when she spoke
“Yes Mrs. Ross it is what I want.”
Mrs. Ross smiled.
“Good then it is agreed Debbie, you will be Miss Simpsons secretary for a month for the time being retaining all Miss Jacksons privilege’s I am sure she would want that for you all except one that is, Miss Jackson’s clothing allowance is now Miss Simpsons and like all good secretaries, from your own pocket, will obtain work wear suitable for your rank here at Sapphire and Ross is that understood Debbie?”
Debbie felt like she was in a dream or was it a nightmare and submissively could not help but continue to accept the fate being laid out before her.
“Yes Mrs. Ross, thank you Mrs. Ross.”
Mrs. Ross sat back her suspicions had been well founded and continued already having in mind the eventual fate of Miss Deborah Jackson that would see the companies secrets securely hidden away within what will become of Debbie.
“Now don’t be upset dear, you have obviously suppressed these desires for a long time and now with my help we can release these demons once and for all. Miss Jackson’s reputation is safe and I am sure Debbie is going to be a good employee just like she was. “
“I am sure you will soon prove yourself to be a good girl Friday for Miss Simpson, like you wish to be, like Miss Jackson wrote in her letter to Miss Simpson that I was shown and when you do, I have something in mind for you that will suit you perfectly, a transfer of sorts a new start. “
“Now get your coat and I will drive you into town so you can get on with your shopping, you have much to buy don’t you dear? I will make the necessary announcements at the company briefing on Monday morning, so be good and early and then you can meet with Mrs. Wilson in human resources to complete all the details.”
Debbie tried to compose herself, what was happening?
“Mrs. Ross I am so sorry I…………...”
Mrs. Ross stood from behind the desk preparing to leave and stopped Debbie short.
“Sorry Debbie? I think we are well passed that and like I said that was Miss Jackson’s problem, we must put that behind us and we are going to resolve that together aren’t we Debbie?”
Debbie rocked a little nervously on her heels making Mrs. Ross smirk.
“Yes, thank you Mrs. Ross.”
Mrs. Ross guided a still trembling Debbie from what was her own office and helped her on with her coat.
“That’s right Debbie, now come I will take you to the shops.”


  1. Yay I was so hoping to see her as a secretary. And I can't wait to see how she feels when she gets home and is by herself.

  2. Great story!


  3. Great, but It's too short!

  4. Excellent, it gets better with every episode.

  5. I cant wait for part 4!!

  6. The attention to subtle detail and the way you set the scene of the the power exchange, honestly creates strong emotion in me, enabling the reader to feel like they are in Debbies shoes one could say.

    I found the introduction into the story, of the two letters Debbie typed at instruction of Miss Simpson to be a excellent idea, as it clarified and set out the 'dynamics'.

    Thank you Jackie for this chapter, truly special.

    Whilst deserved praise and gratitude is being given, i want to say i concur with Jackies statement in the comments section of chapter two of this story, "None of this would be possible of course without sweet Camille", thank you Camille for all your efforts.

  7. Loved this chapter! Thank you Jackie!

  8. this is great. i love how well you communicate debbie's feelings.

  9. This is probably my favourite story on this site. I can't wait until the next chapter.

  10. Interesting storyline. Cannot wait to see where it leads. But Miss Jackie. What about the story back in November? Invite from a Neighbour. You going to finish it?

    1. Hi Lukas,
      Yes but I set of in a few different directions with this one and still not so where to take it. Hopefully I fill get some inspiration and move on. It often happens a meeting seeing a situation doing something myself giggles???

      Anyways thanks for prompting me

      Jackie J

  11. Can't wait to see what Mrs Ross has in mind for her: '... a transfer of sorts a new start.'
    Great story telling as always.
