
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Story: A Simple Act of Delegation. Chapter 2.

by Jackie J

The two young women left the office block, Deborah a short time after Jane. One glided her company auto from the garage below the offices, the other sat cramped on the metro. Both called to collect ingredients for their dinner and stepped into their apartments, one company-owned and spacious without being ostentatious the other adequate. Both showered, changed and ate the meal they had prepared for themselves.  Whilst there were many similarities there were also many differences especially in lifestyles. But when both retired for the evening, they both shared the same thoughts albeit from different perspectives.

Sat back on her pillows Jane giggled thumbing through a magazine reflecting on the strange day past. Miss Jackson calling her Miss Simpson? Not challenging her for using her first name Deborah? Then her boss preparing and bringing her coffee, doing her own typing and some filing, being allowed to sit in her boss’s chair at her desk to complete an important project? Flicking out the night light and snuggling down under the duvet Jane chuckled imagining her boss wearing a mini and heels to fulfill her secretarial duties and herself sat in a smart business suit and, as sleep overtook her, wondered what tomorrow would bring?

Sat back on her pillows Deborah giggled turning the corner of the last page of the chapter to mark her progress of the latest novel she was reading reflecting on the strange day past. She was becoming gently aroused just thinking about it. Letting Jane sit at her desk was not optional; her own PC had to be used. However, doing her own typing, then not only addressing Jane by her surname, Miss Simpson, but allowing Jane to address her by her own first name, that was optional and it was contrived. 
Deborah squirmed reliving the feelings she had felt, serving coffee to her secretary, sitting in the outer office typing and filing, she had felt pleasurably weak like in her previous imagining’s but yet still dressed in her smart business suit? If only? Flicking out the night light Deborah chuckled snuggling down beneath her silk sheets imagining Miss Simpson wearing a smart business suit and herself at her command wearing a mini skirt, heels and jumper and, when sleep overtook her wondered what tomorrow would bring?
Another day and when Deborah entered the outer office Jane’s seat was empty? Entering her own office, sitting at her desk, a busy Jane was tapping away at the keyboard of Deborah’s PC. Jane looked up at her boss unsure how the day would start, would it begin like the previous day ended? 
Jane stood from her boss’s soft leather chair.
“Shall I make your coffee Miss Jackson?”
Deborah stared at her secretary she didn’t need to continue the formative role play started the previous day but her mind still awash from her nights lucid dreams could not help herself, her latent submissive tendencies increasing their control and signaled a continuance of their reversal of roles for another day.
Deborah giggled.
“No Miss Simpson I will make your coffee and then carry on with my duties.”
Jane did not need any encouragement to continue the charade, she too having delved into the possibilities within her reflections of the previous day during her night time imaginings. Jane smiled at her boss dressed in her smart suit and blouse and the words just flowed.
“Yes of course Deborah what was I thinking of course you will make my coffee. It was just the way you are dressed, and look at me. “
Jane paused and looked into Deborah’s eyes.
“Perhaps that’s something we should address Deborah?”
Jane giggled but Deborah held a serious expression, of course Deborah could not fulfill her fantasy, could she? But Jane had hinted at it? A soft weakening feeling grew through her and she could not help herself.
“Yes, Miss Simpson we must.”
Jane chuckled.
“I am beginning to think you would like that wouldn’t you Deborah? Seeing your boss dressed appropriately and of course….
Jane flicked the hem of her short skirt, the badge of her rank and giggled.
….. you wearing one of these dressed like this?”
There was a brief silence but both knew Jane’s words had struck a chord.
Both giggled and Deborah replied.
“Perhaps, I will go and make your coffee Miss Simpson.”
Nothing further was said about the dress code that day or the next although Deborah continued in her subordinate role to her secretary whilst Jane made steady progress updating the files, both enjoying the temporary contrived reversal of roles by Miss Jackson. 
Sat at her secretary’s desk, the days correspondence completed and the last of the month end reports filed away, Deborah of all things took time to file a couple of chips from her nails. 
The outer office door opened unexpectedly and stood grinning in the doorway was James.
“Miss Jackson?”
Deborah quickly dropped the nail file and turned to face James.
“Yes, what is it, what do you want?”
James smiled.
“Where is Jane? What are you doing sat at her desk?”
Deborah of course could not say?
“James never you mind that, what do you want?”
The timing could not have been worse when the intercom speaker flashed and Jane’s voice chirped out.
“Coffee when you are ready Deborah.”
James hid his amusement at hearing the strange instruction.
“Mrs. Ross wants to see you in her office right away.”
Deborah stood eager to leave the office before another teasing message was broadcast from the speaker on her desk.
“Ok James come on let’s go.”
Mrs. Ross smiled when Deborah and James entered.
“That will be all James you may leave us, take a seat Miss Jackson.”
Mrs. Ross sensed anxiousness in Deborah.
“Are you alright Deborah you seem a little on edge dear?”
Deborah aware she had left her secretary unattended at her PC was nervous someone would enter her offices especially that bloody James but there was nothing she could do.
Deborah forced a smile.
“It’s just the Tax project Mrs. Ross it needs to be completed today, well to be ready by Monday.”
Mrs. Ross glided her fingers to her keyboard, a couple of clicks and she smiled.
“Yes, Deborah that’s what I wanted to discuss with you, I noted from the updates you had changed your password for the project, very commendable and that accounts from T onwards are yet to be filed. You know how important and confidential this is and we want to go live on Monday.“
 Mrs. Ross leaned forward looking over her glasses, 
“It is Friday today Deborah, so I take it you will be working over this weekend, won’t you?”
Deborah looked up with a timid expression that Mrs. Ross took pleasure invoking in her staff.
“Yes Mrs. Ross, of course the project will be finished for going live on Monday as planned.”
Mrs. Ross smiled.
“Good well you will need the password to open the double mirror file won’t you. Here, take this pen drive you know what to do when all the files are in place.”
Deborah took the pen drive and details of the password her hand slightly trembling.
“Thank you, Mrs. Ross.”
  Deborah left and staring at her computer screen Mrs. Ross looked questioningly seeing another batch of files updated and authorised? Strange she thought, there was not normally a delay in receiving her feed from the main server and Deborah had only just left her office?
Back at her own offices Deborah fixed a coffee and took it through to Jane and placed it on the desk before taking the seat that her secretary would normally occupy.
Deborah cleared her throat before speaking.
“I have just been with Mrs. Ross and she told me that we will have to work over the weekend to make sure the Tax project is finished and checked ready to go live on Monday. You don’t have anything planned, do you?”
Jane looked up mischievously.
“So, the offices will be empty just the two of us here working, a boss and her secretary?” 
Jane giggled.
“You know what I am going to suggest, don’t you?”
Deborah blushed of course she knew, her body tingling at the prospect. Deborah could stop this nonsense now, what they had done so far was risky enough especially when James caught her unawares but invoking Mrs. Ross’s dress code to truly reflect the reversal of their roles? They couldn’t they shouldn’t but would she ever have another opportunity to exercise this submissive demon that haunted her? Deborah lowered her gaze and her words confirmed her tacit agreement.
“I think so, Miss Simpson.”
Jane giggled.
“Then I certainly have nothing planned for the weekend, well we do now don’t we, Deborah?” Deborah looked up and giggled.
“Yes Miss Simpson.”
Summoned to Mrs. Ross’s office James sat nervously waiting to be rebuked for some misdemeanor or other.
Mrs. Ross sat forward in her chair.
“James have you noticed anything strange about Miss Jackson this week she seemed very much on edge when she came to see me earlier?”
James relieved he had not been called into Mrs. Ross’s office for a dressing down sat a little bit more comfortably.
“No not really, well there was one thing this afternoon Miss Jackson was filing her nails sat at her secretary’s desk and …”
James chuckled.
Jane called her Deborah and asked for a coffee over the internal intercom?”
Mrs. Ross looked questioningly at James.
“What? Miss Jackson’s secretary was in Miss Jackson’s office?”
James shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess if she was on the other end of the speaker, at her desk I suppose?
Mrs. Ross sat back on her chair.
“Nothing else James just that this afternoon?”
“Yes Mrs. Ross, that’s all.”
“Mmm, interesting. That will be all James, thank you for that.”
A meeting with the IT manager later in the day confirmed there whs no upload delay issues with the main server and Mrs. Ross became increasingly concerned about the confidentiality of the Tax program and its contents. Looking at the clock on the wall it was too late to do anything now Miss Jackson will have left for the day she would monitor progress with the project remotely and when it was fully installed confront Miss Jackson over the weekend.
Oblivious to Mrs. Ross’s suspicions regarding the project Deborah, having called at her apartment to collect “some things” chuckled putting the suit carrier on the back seat of her car and headed out of the city to where Jane lived.
When Deborah left Jane’s apartment with the bag she was given and the protocol agreed for the weekend working she giggled. All had been agreed Miss Simpson would not only be dressed for her role she would, at Jane’s insistence, have full control and Deborah would do what any good secretary would do and follow her boss’s instructions without question.
“See you in the morning Miss Simpson.”
Jane laughed.
“Yes, Deborah and don’t be late.”
Did Deborah try on the clothing she had been given when she got back to her apartment? Of course she did. Jane opened up the suit carrier and chuckled placing the designer suit in her closet and fondled the expensive underwear. Jane giggled to herself thinking of the contrast to the plain panties and bra she had given her boss to wear.
Deborah was in raptures when she dressed that evening and posed in front of her mirrors. The cheap cotton panties festooned in small hearts visible when she bent forwards in her tiny plaid mini skirt, the under wired bra under her tight jumper making her breasts quite pronounced. Stepping into the cheap heels Deborah panted for breath it was too much. Could she really wear this outfit? Could she really?


  1. I sense trouble! :D
    Fantastic chapter as always Jackie :)

  2. I cant wait for part 3! Please hurry with part 3!!

  3. The tension is growing, simmering away at an increasing pace.

    Jackies fine words creating a exciting scene indeed.

    Thank you for this wonderful chapter.


  4. I can't wait for the weekend to see Mrs Ross coming in to find Deborah dressed as a sec and Miss Simpson as an exec

  5. I think that Deb and Miss Simpson need a bit more time to settle into their positions. Besides that I'm sure that Deb would love to have a momento of the occasion, like a new security badge with a picture of Deb in all her secretarial glory (and an altered HR file that it connects to?).

  6. How long before Deborah becomes Debbie or (worse?) Debs?


  7. Many people seem to be waiting to see Jane as a boss and Deborah as a secretary. I hope that Deborah's descent will continue and become the office's cleaner and the housemaid in Jane's (or Mrs Ross) house.

    1. We always get that story though, they always end up becoming a maid (I get that's the name of the site). Wouldn't it be nice for once to explore her downgrade into a secretary and the changes that lifestyle brings. This would be the story to do it.

  8. Thank you for all your kind and encouraging comments I do enjoy writing the stories of course and often live within the characters which is most enjoyable trying to experience their emotions and feelings but it is so nice when others share that enjoyment.
    Thank you all again for reading and your comments.
    None of this would be possible of course without sweet Camille.
    Big Hug for you
    Hugs and Kisses
    Jackie J

  9. Very interesting Story. Hope there will be more soon.

