
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 22.

by Jackie J

Time passes as only time can, what went before consigned to history with only the present and the future of any relevance. Downton hall well managed by the dutiful housekeeper, Lucy Fairbright prospered. Cranwell manor, the domain of an increasingly confident and established Mistress Janet Summerville, well served by her now accomplished and totally subservient maid Cathy needed little improvement to the status quo. Still the venue of many ladies’ luncheons although the previous host now served such luncheons with a servility and humility befitting of the most well-trained maid servant that both surprised and amused many of the guests.

Three years had passed and it was if this situation had always existed. Sharista Matrina milked both estates of their wealth and grew richer and more powerful from her base at Stoneleigh, Lady Isabelle a mindless invalid locked away in the north tower of Stoneleigh being oblivious to the changes that had taken place, Stoneleigh having been transformed to become the destination of choice for those of a certain persuasion, many of who had previously visited the grubby suites of 27 Grafton Street.

Sharista’s client base had expanded considerably since moving her operation to Stoneleigh. Not everyone would be minded to indulge their fetish in the relative squalor of the city but within the luxurious setting of Stoneleigh manor well that was different. Protected by her influential client base things could not be better for Sharista Matrina. From her back-street brothel in the city she was truly a woman of substance enjoying the comforts of her country estate. Sharista never forgot the roots of her rise to riches and her stupefied pet remained her constant companion. No longer harnessed, there was no need now, Winifred deformed by the length of her confinement in the insidious harness could no longer stand even if she wished to and o the end of its leash the mute pet obediently crawled naked by Sharista’s side.  

Jessica remained a favourite of Sharista and whilst the once Lady Florence could have earned well on her back and with her talented tongue at Stoneleigh Sharista kept her little gem to herself and one or two selected guests. Visiting Stoneleigh was strictly by personal recommendation only, no one passed through the gates of Stoneleigh and the ridged security without having been vetted and sponsored by an existing client of some standing.

Sharista’s only outstanding concern was that of Lord Jonathan Cranwell. His mother now just a maid in the Manor of which she was once Mistress, this by her own choice of course some years previous now, was not a problem. The original documents she had signed had been ratified and legally sealed by the courts. This following a personal appearance of the once Lady Catherine before a judge giving a verbal admission to her wishes of atonement to live the life of a maid officially renouncing all deed and title. Miss Janet Summerville emboldened by the now permanence of the arrangement had taken great pleasure in making the perfect maid out of Lady Catherine. 

Jonathan and Cedric had taken the wretch they had discovered outside Madame Deville’s brothel back to Cedric’s plantation. It was Lady Mary Downton of that there could be no doubt but how did she end up in the Caribbean and in such a state? Bathed and nursed for over a month mad Mary remained just that making little sense with her chuckling mutterings. A doctor in attendance shook his head in resignation confirming that if this was Lady Downton little remained of her within the shell of the woman presented to him. There was nothing the doctor could do or recommend apart from a place in the sanatorium. With papers signed Jonathan reconciled that at least she would be off the streets and cared for watching the locked carriage leave the plantation to deliver its cargo to the sanctuary of the St Augustus Sanatorium. The nuns at the gateway of St Augustus especially the older ones licked their lips at the arrival of the now well dressed white women being delivered into their care and of course for their pleasure. A maid’s uniform already having been prepared for the new arrival.

The little sense that Jonathan had managed to glean from Mad Mary, Lady Downton, made no sense at all? The word Stoneleigh repeated over and over, a manor he knew of located some distance from Cranwell, find your love there? It was just nonsense? Jonathan with the help of Cedric confirmed that Lady Downton did arrive on one of the boats out of England, the Marabella, to be sold on by the crew but such was the state of her there were no takers and she had survived living rough plying her trade.
It was a number of months before Jonathan decided to go back to England with the mystery of Mary Downton unresolved. The bright white sails of Jonathan’s ship heading for the horizon were watched through the barred windows of the sanatorium by a sweeping maid left in the clutches and for the pleasure of the perverse nuns of the St Augustus’s.

On his arrival in England Jonathan tracked down the Marabella currently at port in Bristol, the captain, until paid handsomely, reluctant to discuss the trade in old worn out whores across the seas. Whilst unable to recall any individual described by Jonathan Black Cats brothel was mentioned as a source of stock. Finding 27 Grafton Street boarded up and closed down an adjacent inn gave Jonathan more information. Black cats Brothel was now a high-end establishment out in the countryside far from the city, some manor house or other. When Jonathan mentioned Stoneleigh the knowing nods he received where rewarded with drinks all round for the motley gaggle of patrons.

Jonathan could only put together the pieces of the jigsaw he had to hand. How and why Mary Downton had become a prostitute made no sense at all but if she did work for this Black cat and lost her mind that could have been the reason she was shipped out to the West Indies with the other washed up whores. Perhaps she had worked at Stoneleigh which would make some sense of this nonsense being not far from Downton hall? 

Jonathan ordered another tankard of grog and sat at a table by the window of the Inn and sighed forlornly a smile of sympathy growing on his face. That poor woman, how did she end up like that?  So that is what she meant, “find your love there.” It is a bloody Brothel?  Jonathan had been hardened by battle, travel and drink but found the self ruination of Lady Downton hard to take, what could have possessed her to take up the profession of the night, was he himself in some way to blame having taken the hand of another in her place? His thoughts were soon brought around to Florence and many drinks later was being helped onto a bench at the back of the inn to sleep off his stupor.
Woken with a damp flannel across his face and bright sunlight in his eyes Jonathan made a grasp for his purse now swinging in the hand of a burly bearded fellow, the landlord of the Inn.

“Don’t worry, I kept it safe it is a privilege to have you in the three feathers Sir, Lord Cranwell isn’t it I served in the Crimea when you made your charge helped you down from your mount so I did. We all have our demon’s, I sure have enough of my own after that blood bath so don’t worry about the drink Sir. Ham and eggs are on the stove and I will get Marcus to give you a shave before you are on your way, a privilege so it is Sir.”

Jonathan shook himself and stared at the chap.

“Your name, your name my good man?”

A smile on the Landlords face he stood tall and stamped his feet to attention with a crisp salute.

“Ridings Sir, Sergeant Ridings.”

Jonathan rose to his feet and laughed embracing his host.

“My God man of course you are, left hand Billy Ridings, so you made it through as well, good on you fellow, good on you.”

Jonathan stood back then leaned forwards pressing at Billy’s corpulent girth.

“No wonder I did not recognise you a few pounds in there since we met last.”

Both laughed and Billy rummaged under the bar top to retrieve a dusty bottle of port and set up two glasses.

Ham and eggs washed down with the fine port and tales of daring do Jonathan took the shave and bid Sergeant Ridings farewell.

 Jonathan arrived at Cranwell unannounced and tired from the journey pushed past the curtsying flop capped maid by the doorway without a glance bidding her inform his Mother he was home. Cathy froze in her stooped curtsy this was the moment she had dreaded since signing herself into service within her own manor, it had arrived. How could she possibly explain?

Cathy was soon on her knees in the parlour clutching at her Mistresses skirts begging her smirking Mistress not to expose her to her son. Allow her to hide in the scullery, for Miss Janet to explain that Jonathans mother was away travelling. Janet reluctantly agreed she too was in no hurry to explain the demise of his mother to Lord Cranwell. With maid Cathy secreted away in the lower kitchens, Janet quickly penned a letter that she had promised to send to Sharista should Lord Cranwell return. With the missive safely on its way to Stoneleigh, in the grip of a stable groom on a fast horse, Janet called up to Lord Cranwell’s apartments left untouched apart from being cleaned since his last stay some years ago.

“Lord Cranwell, it’s Janet, my maid informed me of your arrival?”

Lord Cranwell heard the familiar voice and turned curious at her words and shrugged his shoulders? My maid? I thought Janet was the maid? Making his way down the stairway Janet stood at the foot of the stairs without a curtsy and smiled.

“How good to see you back at Cranwell your Lordship, a pity you arrive unannounced Lady Catherine is away from Cranwell, I have been left in charge of affairs until her return.”

Jonathan smiled looking the well-dressed Janet up and down he would not recognise the fabric or style to be that once worn by his mother, nor the earrings and necklace.

Jonathan half chuckled not for one second realising the truth in his words.

“So, you are the Mistress of Cranwell with Lady Catherine not being here Janet?”

Janet smiled and waved a way to the parlour, on entering Janet almost pulled the bell for her maid to serve but resisted and casually accepted her given status.

“That’s right, will you be staying long I am sure your mother will be so pleased to see you, although I am unsure when Lady Catherine will return.”

Jonathan wanted nothing from Cranwell a place that for him was filled with ghosts of the past, especially his love Florence, he would only be staying at Cranwell and indeed in England until he had solved the mystery of Lady Downton then he would be continuing his travels and made that clear to Janet.

“Yes, I feel you flatter my mother Janet I doubt she would care little that our paths did not cross. What happened with Florence, she should have said something, done something, the more I think about it, sad I know, but the more I blame my mother for the whole bad business. She never truly endorsed our marriage and she probably actively encouraged Florence to leave, well never tried to make her stay. Anyway, if she was responsible in any way I could never forgive her she would have to pay in some way for it so perhaps it is best that she is not here.”

Janet offered Jonathan a glass of wine and having listened to his thoughts about his mother wanted to tell him of his mother’s apparent contrition in the matter. However, she had a good life now at Cranwell and if Jonathan was soon to leave to continue his travels why should she risk a return to being a maid herself?  Her thoughts conflicted and Janet watched Jonathan sip on his wine.

“You look so different dressed like you are Janet being the Mistress of Cranwell suits you well.”
Janet eased herself for comfort in her chair unable to hide her blushes.

“Thank you it was at your Mothers insistence that I should look my best in her absence.”

“Jonathan what you just said about your mother look I may as well tell you, you will find out eventually anyway.”

Jonathan’s eyes followed Janet who stood and walked to where he knew the safe was located behind the large painting of his father.

Opening up the safe and withdrawing a number of documents tied with a broad crimson ribbon she blew off the light covering of dust and handed them to Jonathan.

“Before you read these know that I have only followed your mother’s wishes, you may need another glass of wine?”

Jonathan scanned the documents then read each on intently periodically looking up at Janet who sat nervously back in her chair.

Jonathan shook his head in disbelieve at what his mother had signed herself up to accept but the documents where authentic signed and sealed. Holding his glass to be refilled he gulped down the wine in one swallow.

“Janet, I can hardly believe this is true, so where is she now you said Lady Catherine was not here.”
Janet just happy that Jonathan did not have her by the throat threatening blue murder took a good swill of wine herself.

“I did not lie to you; Lady Catherine is not here just the maid you have read about maid Cathy, my maid.”

Janet pulled on the bell cord to summon her maid and all eyes stared at the doorway to the Parlour.
Cathy entered her eyes lowered and curtsied to her Mistress, whilst the last thing she wanted was her son to see her like she was the fear of her Mistresses retribution for not coming to her service at the sound of the maid’s call bell was worse.

Jonathan had mixed emotions, anger at seeing his mother having reduced herself to the rank of a house maid, being the maid of her maid but also a strange satisfaction that she was in truth paying for whatever her involvement was in the breakup of his marriage. Lady Catherine had been in service to her maid for quite some time as the documents attested and it showed, her demeanour that of accepted servitude. Whilst Janet had grown in stature his Mother had shrunk into what she had wanted from her atonement or what Sharista had demanded. Humbled and filled with genuine humility with no living thought only to serve, subjugated, servile and truly submissive to her Mistresses needs. She was a maid and nothing more.

Jonathan walked to her and lifted her chin.

“Well CATHY, I have read the documents and respect your wishes and it would seem your humble existence of being a maid suite’s both you and your Mistress, now I will hear it from your own lips that this is your true wish and I will say no more of the matter.”

“So, tell me your name.”

A meek curtsy and a response in a voice stripped of its confidence and authority that it once held.

“My name is Cathy Sir, maid to Mistress Janet Summerville of Cranwell.”

Jonathan stood back a little letting his mothers chin slide from his hand and her gaze lowered. He was somewhat surprised his mother addressed him Sir but the maid of Cranwell addressed all males to be Sir and all females to be Miss a convention her conditioned mind could not break not even for her son.

“And is it your true wish to remain the maid of your former maid?”

Again, speaking in a low servile tone his mother replied.

“Yes Sir, Mistress Matrina is guiding me to my redemption, I remain the maid of my maid until such time it pleases her otherwise. Jonathan had noted the name of the religious sister who had taken his mother down this path within the documents and shook his head and looked at his mother’s Mistress who shrugged her shoulders.

Janet could see that Lord Cranwell was accepting of his mother’s fate that it was her own wishes that were being fulfilled and breathed a little easier.

Janet dismissed her maid and along with Jonathan took another healthy glass of wine.

Janet seated opposite Jonathan felt confident enough to comment, so his mother was the maid of her former maid in her own home so what, he did not seem overly concerned and legally bound what in truth could he do?

“If it is any conciliation Jonathan your Mother makes an excellent maid as you can see, not at first I grant you she struggled but now after some two years in service she is indispensable around the manor the perfect house maid.”

Jonathan sighed in resignation at his mother’s choice to become the house maid at Cranwell. Already over two years in service it must truly be her desire and if she was happy in her role why should he interfere. He reconciled to speak with the religious sister this Sharista Matrina little knowing that Black cat was already aware of his arrival at Cranwell Manor and was already making her way to meet him.


  1. It's a pity that there is almost nothing on Jess anymore even though the story is about her. She needs to become like mary

    1. I understand Anonymous how you feel,

      Jess is fine and she will emerge but not just yet OK?
      the poor girl, what she has been through?

      Hugs and Kisses
      Jackie J

  2. What a story, I can't wait for the next episode!

  3. An Appreciative ReaderMay 4, 2018 at 8:32 AM

    I've enjoyed this one too, I feared at one point it was spiralling out of control with the addition of so many characters, yet expertly you have brought these orbits back into alignment, sealing certain fates where the dastardly have paid for their crimes as it were... Looking forward to how you conclude this one, I have certain thoughts over what will happen, as I put for a previous chapter I won't share what I think, I don't want to direct your writing (if you'll forgive the conceit) or potentially spoil if we have the same ideas - some of my predictions have been wrong, some are still in the air, look forward to what you have waiting for us!

  4. Any Lady-to-Maid story requires a substantial dose of suspension of disbelief. This is a hallmark of the genre and every reader understands that. This story asks for suspension of disbelief squared. However, I've been enjoying each and every chapter and I'm eagerly awaiting the next one. Thank you!
