
Monday, April 30, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 21.

by Jackie J

Lady Catherine was in a state of confused shock sat at her vanity staring at her reflection. News she had received from one of her luncheon friends that afternoon had almost made her faint. A random collection of hay by one of the guest’s tenant farmers from Downton hall brought news that Lady Dowton had met up with Lady Florence and was now travelling with her and that Lady Downton had been away for a number of weeks already.

Florence had been publically disowned for deserting her husband Lord Cranwell and the conversations around the luncheon table following this disclosure were very awkward for Lady Catherine. Lady Catherine knew exactly where Florence was and the fate she had suffered at Stoneleigh. But Mary joining her, she had to investigate there must be some confusion especially with the news coming from a mere farmer, someone had their wires crossed? Miss Hutchings had intended the news to seep out from Downton hall with the message she had sent to Lucy Fairbright, head maid and house keeper at Downton hall, and now it had and reached its intended target.

Lady Catherine brushed her hair deep in thought Mary Downton was her choice of bride for her son a son who she had heard little from since he resigned his commission and headed out to India, her many letters going unanswered. She had to go to Downton hall and find out how these rumours started, there was no way could Mary Downton be travelling with Florence because Florence was a captive maid at Stoneleigh. But first she would write to Lady Isabelle who would hopefully dispel this nonsense.

The reply she received two days later dispelled her fears and made plans to visit Downton hall. Sharista knew everything about Lady Catherine’s duplicity all had been divulged by a whimpering Winifred in the dark recesses of the cellars at 27 Grafton Street. She read the letter to Lady Isabelle with much amusement and it was time for Lady Catherine to reap her reward for her treacherous behaviour. Written in Lady Isabelle’s hand, Lady Catherine had no need to be made aware that Lady Isabelle had been left a gibbering wreck and being hooked on Laudanum, Sharista replied.  The letter confirmed that Mary Downton had indeed been away travelling but definitely not with Florence who they both knew was now an accomplished maid at Stoneleigh. She understood Mary was now back at Downton Hall and that she should arrange to visit.

Lucy Fairbright was one very happy housekeeper. Sharista had convincingly explained that she managed Lady Downton’s overseas affairs, where Lady Downton had now taken up residence and was unlikely to return given she had met someone and intended to marry. Lady Downton had sent her to confirm that having great trust in Lucy she was to take full and overall control of the hall and estates. She was to prepare accounts and report through Miss Marbella, an alias that Sharista thought fitting. Why would Lucy Fairbright question this, it was plausible, she had been told that Lady Downton was travelling with Lady Florence and the promotion brought a significant increase in her wages and social standing.

Lucy had been told that Lady Catherine would be visiting to see Lady Downton and that she should show her into the parlour where she would explain the situation to her. Prior to Lady Catherine’s arrival all the staff of Downton Hall were gathered to be told the news, most if not all happy that the draconian regime of Lady Downton was at an end.

Sharista dressed immaculate in a flowing gown looking all the world a Lady of substance, which of course she now was, watched the carriage carrying Lady Catherine enter the grounds through the main gateway and trot its way up the drive to the hall entrance. Sitting back in one of a comfortable red leather arm chairs Sharista awaited the entrance of Lady Catherine.

Lady Catherine all of a fuss was shown into the parlour by Lucy who left discretely closing the door behind her, she had been told that Miss Marbella did not wish to be disturbed whilst she spoke with Lady Catherine.

Lady Catherine looked questioningly at the impressive lady sat where she had expected to see Mary.

“Oh, and who are you?”

Shirista stood slowly holding her gaze with her visitor.

“I am your worst nightmare and if you wish to leave here with any dignity at all I suggest you take a seat.”

Lady Catherine oblivious to the knowledge that this tall handsome woman held recoiled.

“What, what, who are you to talk to me like that and where is Lady Downton?"

The cat-like movement of Sharista, covering the few yards between them, gave Lady Catherine little opportunity to retreat and the slap across her face sent her reeling backwards and into the embrace of an armchair.

“Shut the fuck up and listen you, evil cow.”

A stunned Lady Catherine rubbed her throbbing check and listened in silence whilst Sharista made it obvious she knew everything about her scheme with her son’s wife Lady Florence. Sharista making it clear that the authorities would take great pleasure in ruining her and the family name, prison would surely follow, let alone what her son, Lord Cranwell would say for casting his true love into a life of servitude to become nothing more than a common house a maid. Sharista painting a vivid picture with her words of a court packed with dignitaries laughing watching her sent down to serve a long sentence in the squally of prison.

But of course there was an alternative, an alternative Lady Catherine now eager to hear and, of course, tearfully agree to as she had no choice.

Prepared Documents signed and copies in her trembling hands Lady Cranwell stumbled back into her carriage which made its way back to Cranwell, the threats of exposure should she not follow the instructions she had been given bringing her to tears. Whilst demeaning the alternative so graphically described by this mysterious woman would be far worse, she knew what she had to do.

On her return to Cranwell Lady Catherine was sullen and Janet her housemaid inquired if she was alright. Catherine just looked forlornly at her maid and without a word made her way to her quarters.
Called into the main parlour that evening and handed a number of documents Janet sat in disbelieve whilst she listened to Lady Cranwell and scanned the signed and sealed official parchments.

Lady Catherine felt responsible for the disappearance of Lady Florence, never saying that she actually was responsible, and that she had sort guidance for atonement for this and her many other sins from the Mother superior at the convent. Because of her wretched life, exposed by her confessions, she could not join the sisters of the cross in the seclusion of the convent and must serve her penance within the confines of Cranwell manor. The documents handed to Janet, who Lady Catherine now addressed has Miss Janet were clear. 

Their roles were to be reversed in entirety, the signed documents attesting to her wishes giving power of attorney to Miss Janet, income from the estates beyond that required for the upkeep of the manor to be donated to the Stoneleigh trust care of Sharista Matrina. She would take and be known only by the name Cathy to be the housemaid of Cranwell manor under the strictest of supervision of her Mistress Miss Janet. Visitors to the Manor would be told of Lady Catherine’s wishes which were never to be questioned and from this day forward she would be know by this name and renounce all past privileges receiving only those privileges that would be reasonably granted to a common house maid. She would wear the livery of a Cranwell Manor maid and all other belongs and possessions to be given up to the Mistress of the Manor Miss Janet.

Janet stared at the testament at the bottom of the main document.

The arrangements detailed in this and accompanying documents to remain in perpetuity, maid Cathy only to be released from her obligations with the blessings of Miss Sharista Matrina. These are my wishes and the final statement of the woman previously known to be Lady Catherine of Cranwell from this day forward known only to be Cathy housemaid of Cranwell manor signed and dated Lady Catherine Cranwell.

Lady Catherine sat with a previously unseen meekness and Janet stood and stared down at Lady Catherine, Cathy.

“Just one word from you is this all true.”

Lady Catherine looked up at her now Mistress, the Rubicon was crossed; there could be no going back.

“Yes, Miss Janet.”

Janet smirked this was real, she was to be Mistress of Cranwell, the woman who had held her in contempt, belittled her at every opportunity, chastised and disciplined her, on many occasions physically, and made her life a misery was now to be her maid. Janet did not question to deeply the sudden motivation of Lady Catherine to repent in such a manner in fact she never questioned it at all. She was Mistress of Cranwell, with documents signed by Lady Catherine herself to prove it, and she intended to make sure that this bitch was going to suffer the relentless humbling humiliation and ignominy that her words surely demanded for her chosen path of atonement.

Sharista’s first visit to Cranwell manor was unannounced she wanted to know that the duplicitous Lady Catherine had followed her instructions and renounced her wealth and privilege to become the maid of her maid as agreed to save herself from a worse fate. The smile on Sharista’s face when the door to the manor opened, to be welcomed by the curtsy of the uniformed maid told her all she needed to know and made Cathy feel instantly uneasy. Why was she here, she had done everything that had been asked of her she could not renege on their covenant she couldn’t, could she, would she?
Sharista leaned forward and adjusted her cap and the maids lace trimmed collar and chuckled.

“What a pretty maid you are Cathy and as long as that continues your secrets are safe with me, now your Mistress a word with your Mistress, tell her that I am Sharista Matrina from the convent and charity.”

Guided through to the parlour Sharista was announced by the curtsying maid to Miss Janet sat resplendent at her desk concluding some paperwork, financial matters.

Tea served by maid Cathy Miss Janet’s maid was told to remain in the parlour whilst she was discussed.

Sharista sipped her tea, there was still more than a hint of pride and veiled arrogance in maid Cathy and she could sense a degree of comfort between Mistress and maid which was understandable given their previous relative positions, this of course could not continue if Lady Catherine was to be truly broken into a common maid. Any sense of lingering self worth would need to be driven from her.

“So, Miss Janet I trust your maid is compliant in its duties it has much to repent, the convent would be unhappy if it enjoyed anything but a miserable existence to purge it of its sins. Tell me do you use a cane or a strap to discipline it. Punishment, especially physical punishment, is good for the soul to drive out those demons of decadence that have festered so long within this wretch. It must be humbled and filled with genuine humility with no living thought only to serve. The convent would hope that you are capable of delivering its wishes.”

Janet had punished her maid both verbally and physically but not excessively so maid Cathy used to be her Mistress after all and Janet had not yet fully embraced and realised the total power she had over her now. In truth, when she considered, she had been reluctant to thrash her maid even though at times she thought her maid deserving of such. Perhaps that attitude would change, here was the lady from the convent who had instigated and indeed facilitated Lady Catherine’s wishes to become the maid of her maid and accepting of all that would entail, encouraging her to issue corporal punishment as a matter of course.

Sharista stood and smiled striding around a trembling Cathy.

“Tell your mistress what you deserve and beg, like the worthless wretch you are, to be strapped and caned for the slightest misdemeanour, that this treatment well help you to truly to atone for your sins.”

“Well girl on your knees in front of your Mistress and beg to be punished.”

Cathy had no choice and knelt in front of an equally uncomfortable Janet.

“Mistress I beg that you punish me severely for the slightest error in my service of you and my duties about the manor this I ask to guide me to redemption.”

Sharista stood back hiding her smile.

“On your feet girl you have much of your journey to redemption to travel. I will visit regularly to witness your progress which with the devotion of your mistress should now be hastened.

“Now about your duties your Mistress and I have matters to discuss.”

Cathy curtsied and left the parlour.

Listening to Sharista, Janet believing Sharista to really be from the convent and the religious representative overseeing Cathy’s road to redemption, sat and nodded her agreement. It was Sharista’s name on the documents that Lady Catherine had handed to her why wouldn’t she listen and carry out the wishes of the convent.

Sharista in a slightly sympathetic condescending tone explained how difficult it would be for Cathy to truly repent and cleanse herself of her sins whilst she still harboured thoughts of her past life. It was up to Janet to drive these thoughts from her and the more aggressive treatment of her maid would serve this purpose. Until Cathy is fully subjugated, servile and truly submissive to her Mistresses needs she will not thank you and of course neither will the convent. A maid is her only life now you must help her to reach that goal of thinking and being nothing but an obedient maid.

Before taking her leave, Janet thanked Sharista for calling and giving her guidance on how to treat her maid and promised that she would see progress during her next visit.

Three months since the reversal of fortunes at Cranwell Cathy had learned the consequences of failing to obey her Mistress, slapped spanked, berated and ridiculed into her new role her thoughts focused on only being an obedient maid. Her previous existence, of Lady of the manor in which she now served, was being driven from her conscious mind.

Cathy had been made to humiliating recite her wishes of atonement to the Ladies with whom she was once a social equal if not their better. They continued to call at Cranwell; the new Mistress had insisted that they did. The first few visits were a little awkward of course but having seen the documents and acknowledging it was what Lady Catherine wanted accepted the meek curtsying maid Cathy for what she now was the housemaid of Cranwell manor.  


  1. Interesting. I was not expecting to see a Cathy part too the story.

  2. Another twist. Very much deserved. Wondering if Cathy will see a harness.

  3. Is this the end? This feels like the end.

    1. Perhaps the beging of the end, certainly the end for wicked Lady Catherine!
      Jackie J

  4. I think Lady Catherine submitted just a bit to willingly. I suspect that she had always harboured submissive fantasies and this was her realising her dream. I bet that every moment when she puts on her apron and when she curtseys to her former servant brings great joy to her.
