
Friday, March 23, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 16.

by Jackie J

The clockwork mechanisms had run down when Miss Hutchings returned with Jess, they only ran for 15 minutes, more is the pity, but that fifteen minutes of unbridled stimulation will soon seem like an age for the captive mistresses when they are mechanically ravaged over and over again.

Jess was eager to see what was going on and asked again if she could remove the blindfold and see.

“One moment Jessica, remain there for me all will be revealed.”

Lady Downton, having had her first taste of the rhythmic strumming of her clitoris and by her own squirming, the length of the leather phallus working within her stared up at the smirking Miss Hutchings and the blindfolded maid, the blindfolded maid she recognised to be Jessica, Lady Florence Cranwell? 

Lady Downton helplessly bound in her harness felt the probing fingers of Miss Hutchings rewind the device strapped to her waist then smile flicking the switch. Lady Downton’s reaction was instantaneous, her eyes rolled, her body quivered and shook to the accompaniment of grunting moans, muted by the jaw brace.

Lady Isabelle oblivious to what was transpiring eventually caught sight of the blindfolded girl through the restrictive vision allowed by the cowl. Jessica standing blindfolded in her beautiful dress looking all the lady that she truly was, Lady Isabelle grunted and moved towards her. It was obviously something Lady Downton had arranged wasn’t it; it had to be, but why had she involved this other woman and who was it?

Miss Hutchings impeded her progress and fiddling under her belly recharged Lady Isabelle’s own clitoral contraption sending her into jerking spasm.

With both mistresses squirming and grunting preoccupied by their sexual torment Miss Hutchings removed Jessica’s blindfold.

Jess’s eyes blinked in the light and stood speechless and open mouthed at what she saw at her feet. Lady Downton and another naked figure in convulsions both bound up and obviously helpless within elaborate and intricate steel and leather harnesses. With the design of the harness spreading their thighs and raising their backsides high the dongs squelching into their slots, with their every movement, in full humiliating view.

Miss Hutchings put a comforting, controlling arm around Jess.

“Quite a sight hey Jessica? The already prepared captive pet, if you hadn’t guessed, is Lady Isabelle.”
Miss Hutchings smiled down at a stimulated and distraught Lady Downton who’s eyes weakly looked up at her housekeeper. This was not planned not agreed the modifications to the harnesses and Jessica but there was little indeed nothing she could do about that now. Having allowed herself to be strapped tight and helpless locked into the device of her own basic design, but with the addition of being mechanically stimulated and probed, she was at the complete mercy of Miss Hutchings. 

Miss Hutchings smirked looking back into the worried pleading eyes of Lady Downton who was trying hard to resist her total capitulation to the rhythmic, strumming, brush tipped probe teasing remorselessly at her clitoris.

“Not disappointed with the modifications I hope Mistress?”

Lady Downton had welcomed, looked forward to her periodic periods of controlled “Purification” at the hands of Miss Hutchings to slake her deep seated emotional torment, a legacy from her days at the hands of her father, but if she had or thought she had control previously she had no control now.
“Don’t look shocked Jessica Lady Downton enjoys this treatment relishes my degradation of her wants me to do this to her, in fact demands it of me. You wouldn’t know, why would you but they are harnessed like this each time Lady Downton visit’s Stoneleigh, let me describe what we have before us.”

“As you can see the pair are held within the harness, a design of Lady Downton’s herself, The harness keeps them down on all fours by the spine bar and shoulder and thigh plates with their heads raised by the posture collar. Hands and feet made ineffective by the leather bootees and mitts becoming no more useful than hoofs. The combination of the collar and jaw brace whilst allowing sustenance, prevents comprehensible speech, their ears are plugged with wax to leave them both mute and deaf. The closed cowl you see already locked in place with Lady Isabelle, again of Lady Downton's own design, offers only restricted vision. Why the cowls are in the shape of a pig’s head only Lady Downton would know but it does add to my amusement. For this visit I have added a few extra touches of my own to make her experience a little special. In fact, very special and you are part of that Jessica. Seeing a maid dressed in finery looking down on her whilst harnessed and helpless taking pleasure from being speared by a leather phallus. I must say though she looks particularly concerned it is you Jessica of all the maids I chose to assist me. Can you think why that might be? No matter.”

Miss Hutchings took a ball of wax and smiling rubbed it soft leaning down to Lady Downton who was trying in vain to shake her head in the new stiff posture collar with her jaw braced struggling to make words Miss Hutching leaned close.

Miss Hutchings laughed looking up at a bewildered Jess and mimicked Lady Downton’s muffled hardly audible spluttering mutterings.

“Met me mout, met me mout, met me mout, she is always like this before she is cowled but she would not forgive me if I did not carry out her wishes.”

“You like this in your ears don’t you adds to your experience now let’s get you finished off shall we”
Each of Lady Downton’s ears plugged Miss Hutchings then closed the cowl and sealed Lady Downton into her anonymity.

Jess stared at Miss Hutchings with a look of incredulity then watched the two restricted naked forms with their identity hidden by the masking cowls squirming grunting and moaning their asses held high their sex both pierced by the leather dongs. The whirring sound stopped and Miss Hutchings offered the leash attached to the collar of Lady Downton to her.

“Take this Jessica we need to take these pets to their pen.”

Jess had thought the dress and being brought to the dining room was to be some form of treat by Miss Hutchings perhaps dining at table, treated like a lady, nothing could have prepared her for this.
Jess looked back down the lead to the masked head of Lady Downton, she knew exactly why she would be concerned that it was her, what she didn’t know was that Miss Hutchings also knew.
Restricted by the harness being held down on all fours, hands and feet constrained within secured leather mitts and bootees, deafened by the wax and muted by the jaw plate with a dildo slopping in her pussy below her spread ass cheeks it was hard to think of it being Lady Downton. In fact, it was hard to think of it has anything other than the description of Miss Hitchings, a human pet.

In the end even, her breeding could not restrain her amusement any longer and burst out into a fit of laughter. Miss Hutchings smiled.

“Yes, quite funny Jessica, but not on the other end of the leash I can assure you, as these little piggies are about to find out.”

With a whack of her cane across the two bare asses the scuttling Mistresses were herded out of the dining room and down the corridor towards the east wing.

Jessica held both leashes whilst Miss Hutchings unlocked the two stout wooden doors then the large iron gates and they entered the seclusion of the east wing.

Miss Hutchings instructed Jess how to wind up the devices hanging from their bellies and having wound up both ushered the grunting moaning squirming pair into the gated pen.

Leaving the mistresses to their torment Miss Hutchings took Jess through into the luxurious recovery rooms at the side of the east wing.

“Right Jessica this is where you will be staying whilst you tend to my pets. Make sure the water and feed troughs are checked and filled twice a day and hose down the sewer grid and their backsides regularly. I have already mixed their gruel for the coming days and I will bring more later you will find it in the buckets by their pen. You will care for them like you would care for a farm animal and no better. Before you rewind the devices, which will be done every two hours, you will open their cowls so they can see clearly that it is you who are in command of them. I will leave my cane which you will use without restraint when encouraging them to exercise around the hall at least twice a day.”

Jess confirmed to Miss Hutchings that she understood what was expected of her and looked around the opulent surroundings a stark contrast to the pig pen in the adjacent hall.

“You will find everything you need for yourself here the bed chambers are through there on the left and the stocked kitchen is at rear and a treat for you Jessica, a bath tub. I am trusting you to treat my pets strictly, it is what they expect and I will visit regularly to check on your progress do you have any questions Jessica?”

Jess looked at Miss Hutchings, she had many questions but most were left unsaid. Why on earth would Mary Downton put herself through this and Lady Isabelle? To be physically caged in those insidious harnesses and sexually tormented and humiliated? Taken to a pen to be fed and treated like animals deaf and muted unable to communicate? Surely this would take them to the edge of madness, perhaps beyond? But most of all why was she being left in charge of them, why now if they have done this before, a regular thing according to Miss Hutchings? Why was she involved at all?

Miss Hutchings had poured two glasses of wine and offered one to Jess.

“Well Jessica, do you have any questions?

Jess took a sip of the quality wine.

“Well I will do has you ask Miss, of course and these are lovely apartments, but Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle will they not be unhappy indeed angry that it is I who will be here with them, will they not wish to punish me when they are freed?”

Miss Hutchings sipped on her wine smiled and chuckled.

“Punish you? I have told you they want this, I have other matters to attend to away from Stoneleigh so someone needs to look after them. I trust you to be discreet, you will be discreet Jessica won’t you or it will be you in a harness of your own.”

Jess gulped at the thought of being put into one of the harnesses.

“Yes, Miss I will of course be discrete but should I change back into my uniform whilst looking after the pets?”

Miss Hutchings pointed to the closet.

“Yes, you will find uniforms in there Jessica.”

“You have a comfortable bed, food, a bath tub and the pleasure of treating your Mistress and Lady Downton no better than farm animals. I will leave you now Jessica but I will return, perhaps you can give those piggy’s a rewind, the hour glass is on cabinet for you to keep track.”

Jess curtsied.

“Yes Miss.” 


  1. Lovely chapter. Miss Downton is now experiencing complete humiliation out of her control. I would say if Miss Hutchings keeps them for an extended length of purification with the clitoral stimulation it will have a tremendous mental effect. I dare say break Miss Downton.
    Amazing chapter with Jess in charge of them. Keep up the great writing.

    Lady Bella

  2. An Appreciative ReaderMarch 24, 2018 at 10:01 AM

    Really enjoying this dose of karma, the descriptions and the plotting. Looking forward to the next instalment!

  3. I really hope that Jess doesn't get back her from being submissive.

  4. will lady catherine also become a maid/slave?
