
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 15.

By Jackie J

But for Miss Hutchings intervention, during the one and only attempt to leave Stoneleigh, Jess would have been savaged beyond recognition by the dogs patrolling the outer wall. Any hope of leaving Stoneleigh and returning to her privileged life after that incident slowly drained from the maid being kept busy at her chores. The weeks turned into months following Jess’s betrayal by Lady Catherine, a betrayal that confirmed Lady Florence’s future to be nothing more than that of a house maid at Stoneleigh. 

The key eventually found, in Maud’s trinket pot by Miss Hutchings, Jess’s chastity belt had finally been removed and many nights she sought solace in the arms of and at the pleasure of Peggy and Cathy or on certain evenings, normally Friday, with Miss Hutchings. Miss Hutchings taking a special pleasure from knowing it was a Lady servicing her needs between her sheets.

Lady Downton was due another visit to Stoneleigh and on the Wednesday before her arrival Jess was helping Miss Hutchings with a rather heavy delivery from the blacksmiths.

“These are quite heavy Miss, what’s inside the sacking?”

Miss Hutchings chuckled taking the sacking wrapped packages into her office.

“Best that you don’t know Jessica they are for Lady Downton’s visit at the weekend.”

Thinking nothing more Jess left Miss Hutchings with the delivery and returned to work with Peggy preparing Lady Downton’s chambers for when she arrived.

Miss Hutchings removed the sacking from her delivery and smiled checking over the alterations that had been made to the two harnesses. The smithy had followed Miss Hutchings instructions to the letter and unlocking her cabinet placed the two harnesses onto the trolley in readiness for Lady Downton’s imminent visit to Stoneleigh.

When Jess entered the kitchens for breakfast on Thursday morning silence broke out then benign chatter continued.

Jess took her seat at table.

“What, what is it, what were you talking about before I came in? Come on Cathy tell me, were you talking about me?

Cathy and Peggy made light of it convincing Jess that they weren’t, fobbing her off with some tale about something meaningless. Peggy was acting quite furtive during the day and had spent time with Cathy whispering. When Jess saw Miss Hutchings and Lizzy stop their conversation at lunchtime when she arrived, Jess was becoming concerned and suspicious something was going on, but what?
When a surprise is a true surprise, when the beneficiary of the surprise is totally clueless, then all the scheming and whispering in dark corners is justified.

During the afternoon Lizzy and Maud fussed about the kitchens and Lady Isabelle brought down a bottle of wine. Miss Hutchings was calling in to check that all would be ready.

All the Stoneleigh staff assembled in the kitchens they waited for Jess to join them.


Jess had completely forgotten the date that she had put on Jessica Thornberry’s details!

Jess looked at the smiling faces and saw the candled cake that Lizzy had made sat on the table.

Quickly gathered up by Cathy and Peggy Jess was pulled to the table and Lizzy served Jess’s favourite meal, Mutton dumpling stew followed by apple pie. The ornate tiny candles ablaze Miss Hutchings smiled at Jess and told her to make a wish. Jess looked at the gleeful faces around her, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and blew at the flickering flames.  One would think that wish would have been to escape from Stoneleigh, to be back at Cranwell, to be wearing her fine gowns and jewellery but no, despite all that had changed in her life her selfless kind heart still beat within her. Her wish, happiness and good fortune for all gathered at the table.

A few hugs and kisses and after a game of cards the impromptu party was over and Miss Hutchings told Jess she was to join her in her rooms. Cathy and Peggy winked at Jess when she left on the arm of Miss Hutchings.

Jess was no stranger to Miss Hutchings rooms and removed her apron and cap.

“That was lovely Miss, I had forgotten about my birthday I truly had.”

Miss Hutchings sat by her bed and smiled watching Jessica starting to peel off her clothes.

Stripped Jess approached the bed and pulled back the sheets to enter for Miss Hutchings pleasure and of course her own developed desires.

“No, not yet Jessica I have something for you.”

Miss Hutchings opened her closet and removed a beautiful emerald dress and laid it on the bed foundation and underwear followed from the drawers.

“Come on Jessica let me help you into these.”

Lady Florence had no need of foundation garments but the swelled fame of Jessica certainly did.
 Stood in the dress Miss Hutching placed some pretty shoes by her feet and Jess stepped into them.
Jess giggled and gave a twirl the hem of the fine gown swirling around her ankles.

“O’ it’s beautiful, thank you is this for my Birthday I haven’t worn a dress like this since......”
Jess cut herself off short and gathered her skirts in her fingers forlornly looking to the floor wiggling her fancy shoes.

Miss Hutchings embraced Jess lifted her chin and smiled.

“I am pleased you like it, very pretty and so are you. Yes, for your Birthday but you are to wear it tomorrow evening. You will serve dinner to Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton tomorrow then, when you have finished, you will return here and get dressed, I will come for you but not a word of this to anyone, understand?”

Jess nodded looking at Miss Hutchings quizzically then danced across the room flaring her skirts and giggling.

“Would you like a lady to please you tonight, Miss?”

Miss Hutchings laughed at the irony then grabbing Jess and pushing her down onto her bed looked into Jess’s eyes. A Lady? Well I think you make a perfect lady with or without the dress.
The dress returned to the closet Jess flopped onto the bed and snuggled beneath the sheets watching Miss Hutchings undress.

“So why will I be wearing the dress Miss.”

 Miss Hutchings snuffed the candles and smoothed herself into the bed beside Jess.

“You will find out don’t worry, now come here you little minx.”

The two giggled and there was little sleep that night.

Friday and, with a flurry and fuss, Lady Downton made her demanding way into Stoneleigh, Lady Isabelle like always fawning over her. Miss Hutchings smiled and walking out to the coachman before he returned with the carriage and gave him an envelope for delivery to the housekeeper at Downton Hall, Lucy Fairbright.

 Lady Downton had been true to her word with Jonathan when he returned to look for Florence. She accompanied him to ports, Florence’s parent’s home, Stately homes, Manor houses perhaps the only place they did not visit of course was Stoneleigh. Six weeks of leave exhausted Jonathan returned to his regiment once again, this time reconciled that Florence had gone and did not want to be found.

Whilst Mary had made it clear she would welcome his hand Jonathan was reluctant to commit but, with his mother nagging him to concede Lady Downton was an obvious choice, he agreed to consider matrimony on his return and, persuaded by his mother, asked the local bishop to arrange the annulment of his marriage to Florence on the ground of desertion. 

The afternoon of her arrival Lady Downton looked over the accounts with Miss Hutchings a smile crossing her face seeing that the tenant farmers had all paid their increased rents adding to the coffers of Stoneleigh.

Lady Downton laughed pointing to the figures in the ledger.

“Look I told you they would pay what choice do they have, being thrown out of their homes, we will increase the rents again come next harvest.”

Lady Downton then frowned looking at an item in the expenses columns.

“What’s this, the Smithy’s account, it is preposterous and little detail just the amount and my name is here I never sanctioned this.”

Miss Hutchings leaned forward and spoke in a low tone.

“Your harnesses Miss, they needed some work for your visit this month, I thought it best to be discrete in the books.”

Lady Downton’s frown turned to a smile becoming mildly aroused at the mention of the harnesses and all that they conveyed.

“Quite some work looking at these charges Winifred I do hope I am not to be disappointed?”
Miss Hutchings collecting the ledgers smiled at Lady Downton.

“No, I am sure you will not be disappointed with the modifications I take it that you and Lady Isabelle be requiring the East wing this evening after your dinner Mistress?”

Lady Downton offered her glass for a refill and Miss Hutchings obliged.

“Well yes of course, Winifred. We always do on my arrival at Stoneleigh. I will ring after dinner as usual and make it rough like last time, especially with Isabelle. I like watching her squirm. Have that Jessica girl serve our meal this evening. I am guessing she has put on a few more pounds, quite the little fatty now, isn’t she?”

Miss Hutchings smiled and nodded it was true Jess liked her food, fat however was perhaps rude and uncalled for.

“Yes, Mistress already arranged and yes quite rotund one may say.”

Jess joined Cathy that evening to serve dinner of roast duck to Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle who enjoyed the meal and wine chatting and laughing paying little attention to Jessica now just another of the established obedient maids at Stoneleigh.  The two ladies having finished their repast retired to sit by the fire whilst the maids cleared table. Jess returning from the kitchen was waylaid by Miss Hutchings who pointed her to her rooms to change.

Miss Hutchings awaited the five rings of the call bell and did not have to wait long. Withdrawing her trolley from her office she wheeled it into the dining room and parked it by the door before laying out the two modified harnesses. Both ladies, sat by the fire and relaxed by the drink looked over to Miss Hutchings who walked slowly towards them.

Lady Isabelle more relaxed than normal by her libation had perhaps forgotten the rules that Lady Downton laid down and insisted upon for Miss Hutchings. Miss Hutchings owned the rule book from the ringing of the bell, she was Mistress and they were hers to command as she saw fit. A trust that she had placed in Winifred Hutchings that Lady Downton would soon be regretting.

Lady Isabelle   started to stand.

“Shall we strip each other?”

The slap across Lady Isabelle’s face made a resounding crack and she wobbled to the floor.
“Shut up you bitch.”

Lady Downton felt a flush of excitement and her nostrils flared she had waited for this, looked forward to this. Miss Hutchings aggression appeared so real like she wanted, like she needed to fuel her fetish.

Miss Hutching pulled Lady Downton from her chair, ripped open the bodice of her dress then bursting it off her shoulders dragged it from her. Leaving Lady Downton in her lace and ribbon trimmed calico. Miss Hutchings glared at Lady Isabelle and without a word ripped the clothing from her quivering body leaving her naked on the floor. Miss Hutchings had never been this rough with them before but Lady Isabelle assumed it was something Lady Downton had specifically asked for, and in truth she had.

Miss Hutchings then finished stripping the underwear from Lady Downton and laughed at their compliance little did they know what she had planned for them.

Miss Hutchings pointed to Lady Isabelle.

“You, put those rags on the fire, all of them shoes and all.”

A slight hesitation and Miss Hutchings cane striped across Lady Isabelle’s ass and the heap of clothing soon sat smouldering atop the flames. Lady Downton stared at Miss Hutchings this was irregular but it only served to excite her more and she had little time to think before hers and Lady Isabelle’s hair was grabbed and the pair dragged towards their awaiting vessels of modified incarceration.

Forced to the floor Lady Downton was the first into her modified harness and when Miss Hutchings was happy she was secure and helpless Lady Isabelle joined her in her harness. The thick leather posture collars, now secured to the harness itself, buckled, the cowls where snapped shut and the lower muting jaw sections wound up tight as normal but then Miss Hutchings flipped back the top section much like a medieval knight’s armour only in the design of a pig’s snout.

Head movement for the two captive Mistresses was now severely restricted by the strengthened collars, now a fixture of the harness and the new leather very stiff. Both pairs of eyes strained to follow Miss Hutchings circling around them checking all the straps buckles and locks. With the hoofed mittens and bootees secured in place Miss Hutchings stood in front of the two helpless harnessed ladies rolling the balls of silencing wax in her hands and smiled.

“I hope you like the modified cowls but don’t worry they will be closed soon enough but I have something I want you to see first.”

Miss Hutchings leaned down to Lady Isabelle and chuckled.

“Not you though”

Wax rammed into her ears Miss Hutchings slammed down the cowl top and closed the lock sealing Lady Isabelle into her muted silence.  Lady Downton watching cautiously started to become agitated and grunted the best she could with the jaw brace tightened.  

Hooking a lead chain through the loop on Lady Isabelle’s collar Miss Hutchings dragged her captive Mistress so her elevated and displayed ass and pussy faced Lady Downton then proceeded to demonstrate the working of the main modifications to the harnesses.

Turning the key which Miss Hutchings had inserted into a steel box, the clockwork mechanism was soon fully wound. Feeling under the belly of Lady Isabelle Miss Hutchings chuckled and attached it to the band buckled tight around her waist. Two straps clipped to the thigh plates on her upper thighs securing the box in position.  Seeing the leather phallus hinged and swinging to the rear of the harness secured by the thigh plates Lady Downton’s eyes bulged watching how it swung and locked. 

Then with a tug on Lady Isabelle’s chain, causing her to rock back, the dong penetrated her to the sound of muffled moans and grunts. The more she tried to extricate herself the deeper the phallus worked itself until she was speared to the hilt.  Miss Hutchings laughed and flicked the switch on the steel box and to the sound of quite whirring the attached probe danced its merry jig against Lady Isabelle’s clitoris making her squirm and as she did the dong slithered to her movement soon becoming sloppy in her slot.     
Miss Hutchings smiled at Lady Downton.

“Your turn next, piggy. And don’t worry, I will be visiting regularly with the key to keep you aroused. And if you are wondering, there is a way to work the phallus free which I am sure you will discover over time when your pussy becomes stretched, sloppy and slack, then you can fuck yourself at your leisure.”

A helpless Lady Downton shook in her restrictive harness her words muted into grunts by the cowls tightened jaw plate whilst Miss Hutchings prepared her and having snapped the lead chain to her collar Lady Downton felt the tip of the phallus at her open wet lips.

Miss Hutchings chuckled then laughed tugging the lead and Lady Downton’s eyes rolled feeling the full length of the phallus accommodating itself within her. Lady Downton’s own little box primed and switched her ass wriggled pushed and twisted the best she could within the restraint of her harness her grunts and moans growing.

“That’s right little piggy you fuck yourself but before I seal your cowl and lock you away in your pen I have something to show you. Maid Jessica or should I say Lady Florence Cranwell, I thought she would like to see this, help me put you in your pen. She doesn’t know that I know her true identity and well, I will keep that to myself for now.

Lady Downton’s eyes went wide grunting and shaking in her harness stimulated by the insidious probe at her clitoris but she was helpless and held fast with her own movements keeping the sloppy dong slithering within her.  What was Winifred saying, how did she find out? Oh, fuck what is she planning?

“O yes Mary, I have known for some time, in fact you gave me ideas of my own when I found out. If one Lady can disappear to become a maid why not two and who knows perhaps Lady Catherine will be joining you in your pens for an extended period of Purification?”

Miss Hutchings left to bring Jess leaving a muted Lady Downton floundering in her harness each movement working the dong within her wetness. Jess was looking particularly resplendent in her emerald gown when she was guided by Miss Hutchings into the dining room.

Jess could hear rattling, slurping and grunting and although tempted to peep did not.

“So, Miss what’s the big secret? Why the dress and the blindfold? What’s going on out there? Can I take this off now?”


  1. Wahouuuu That's a unexpected turn of event !!! I love it :)

  2. I love this story. It's absolutely incredible. The path it is taking is what I had hoped but wasn't sure of. Wonderful.
    Lady Bella

  3. An Appreciative ReaderMarch 22, 2018 at 1:44 AM

    Really enjoying this story too, keep up the good work!

  4. OMG, I can't wait for the next episode!
