
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Story: The Secret Slave. Part 11.

by Camille Langtry and SW

When Sophie knocked on Philip's door and heard his boisterous “come on in”,  she quietly entered and stepped forward slightly, her numerous bracelets and anklets she still wore rattling with every step, and froze when she saw that there was another girl, dressed just as she was, standing in the middle of the room. The girl turned her head and she recognized Rosa, who was clearly unhappy with Sophie’s arrival.

“Oh, I’s sorry Massa Philip, I didn’t know you has company, suh,’’ Sophie mumbled and reached for the door knob, hoping that Philip had already found someone to entertain him this evening and she was free to return to her mistress.

“Don’t be shy, Sophie. Come on in. I am sure Rosa doesn’t mind a little company, do you Rosa?” Philip, said, his words considerably slurred. He was sitting in front of Rosa, an almost empty whiskey bottle in one hand, a horse whip in the other, and was clearly enjoying himself. “I want you girls to play a little game for me. What do you say to that, eh?”

Both Rosa and Sophie remained silent. Both knew well enough that if there was one thing in the world Master Philip wasn’t interested in, it was their opinions.

“I really liked that dance, girls. That’s why you are both here. What I want now is something a little bit more.. private. Do you understand what I mean?” he added and took the last sip from the bottle and wiped his lips with his elbow. “Come on, move. Show me that dance of yours again.”

Sophie looked at Rosa, unsure how to react to the master's order, but Rosa wasted no time thinking about what to do and began to move sensually, rocking her hips and thrusting her breasts forward in a suggestive dance meant to entertain the drunken white gentleman in front of her. Sophie felt Philip’s gaze upon her and also started moving, mimicking Rosa’s obscene gyrations.

“Faster, faster,’’ Philip exhorted out and began stomping on the floor with both legs, imitating the jungle drums from earlier with loud “too-dooom, too-doo-dooom” sounds. “Come on, don’t fall asleep.”

The girls did as instructed and were now shaking their hips and moving their arms and legs widely at fast speed even though - much to Philip’s amusement - that meant that their short bead skirts swung wide open, leaving nothing to their master's imagination.

“Now move closer. Dance real close,” Philip said and started hitting the empty bottle with the wooden handle of his horse whip, trying - and failing - to replicate the quick rhythm of the native fire dance.

Rosa made a step toward Sophie and the two danced their African routine very close together, their bracelets and wooden necklaces rattling in unison. Sophie couldn't help but think that the other slave girl was obeying Philip’s indecent orders just as she followed instructions from her mistress on how to perform household chores - that's to say, with utmost servility and seemingly genuine eagerness. Her subservient attitude was perfectly evident as she followed her master’s instructions like a mechanical doll would - with not a hint of hesitation.

“Closer. You know what I want. Rosa, don’t disappoint me. You know what happens when you do. Show Sophie how happy you are that she joined us,’’ Philip blurted angrily, his words becoming almost unintelligible, and suddenly he cracked the whip strongly against the floor, clearly indicating that next time, unless they obeyed, it would fall on the girls’ tender flesh.

Rosa forced a wide smile on her face and put an arm around Sophie’s waist, pulling the girl close to her, as Philip continued stomping and hitting the bottle with the handle.

"You do as he wan’ or he have us both whipped real bad," Rosa whispered into Sophie’s ear and, before her dance partner could answer, the slave girl locked her full, warm lips upon hers.

“Ooh-ooh, now that’s what I like. Fondle her, both of you, show me how much you want it,’’ Philip commanded and started unbuttoning his trousers with drink-addled fumbling fingers.

Rosa did as told and squeezed Sophie's hips as she continued to hungrily kiss her. A wave of extreme shame overwhelmed Sophie and she stood almost motionless, too scared to move or to say anything, allowing Rosa to have her way with her - the latter’s semi-automatic, confident moves betrayed someone who had done it repeatedly at her master’s instruction. Her humiliation was amplified by the fact that Rosa’s skilful movements - her wet lips on her face and neck, her arms all over the body - were making her increasingly aroused, forcing her every nerve to tingle with unbidden pleasure.

“That’s right, that’s right. Now get on your hands and knees and crawl here,” Philip muttered and pointed with the empty bottle to the floor in front of his chair where he wanted the girls to be. 

Rosa finally unlocked her embrace and lowered herself to the floor and Sophie, remembering her fellow slave’s warning from earlier, followed suit. The two started slowly crawling on hands and knees toward the armchair, their wooden necklaces dragging on the floor, as their awaiting master slouched, his legs spread wide.

When the two slave girls were within arm’s length, Philip grabbed them both by the hair and pulled both toward his crotch.

“Rosa, show her we.. do how… how do we.. do it,’’ Philip said slowly, struggling to formulate his thoughts into words.

Rosa motioned for Sophie to move closer and reached inside Philip’s fly button: “You does from dat side, I does from here.”

The girls positioned themselves on their knees, ready to do their best to pleasure their master, when they heard the sound of an empty bottle falling on the floor. Philip’s body softened, his head fell on his chest and he started snoring loudly almost immediately. Rosa rose to her feet, a sly smile on her face, and pulled the master’s hand slightly to make sure he was indeed asleep. He mumbled something unintelligible and turned to the side.

With Philip snoring, Rosa subservient attitude from earlier vanished completely and she looked the sleeping man over with barely contained disgust. She grabbed Sophie by the hand and pointed at the door without saying a word.

The two of slaves left the room, trying to move slowly so that the rattle and jingle of their wooden jewelry did not wake Philip up, and looked across the dark corridor to make sure no one saw them leaving the master's chamber.

"We wuz so lucky he gots too drunk dis time,” Rosa declared in half-whisper and continued in a surprisingly confiding manner, as if she finally accepted Sophie as a girl she could trust. “Las’ time he wanted to use dat bottle of his on poor Lucy and when she said no he got all furious and got her whipped 39 lashes for disobeadgin’. Dis is how many of dem lashes Massa Jesus got. They say forty of dem will git the strongest man killed!"

Sophie did not say a word but thanked havens she had not experienced Philip’s perverted desires to fruition.

“Listen,” Rosa continued and switched back to her grumbling self as if she was back in the kitchen issuing orders to two junior and temporary housemaids who had been brought in from their usual positions as yard slaves to help serve at the party. “You say nothin’ to nobody about what happen here, understan’? If my man Tom knows about it, he’s gonna do somethin’ real stupid. I jus’ knows it. He know nothin’ about things Massa made me do b’fore. Understan’?”

“I say nothin’, Rosa, I promise,” Sophie responded quietly, quick to assure Rosa that their indecent secret was safe with her. Truth be told, her chances of ever meeting Tom seemed illusory anyway.

“We needs changin’ into reg’lar clothin’ now,” Rosa said and, after making sure no one could see them leaving Philip’s quarters, the two ran across the backyard to the cabin where they had left their dresses earlier. It was already dark and the evening chill made them shiver in their native gear.

The girls were quick to remove beads from each other’s hair and to wash off the last remains of the white paint - already smudged during the fire dance and their performance for Philip. Sophie felt a sense of relief as she took off the dreaded savage outfit and put her serving uniform back on. Rosa, for her part, also appeared to be happy to wear something more appropriate. 

“You know, you not as uppity as I though’ you wuz,” Rosa said and gave Sophie a friendly smile. “I though’ you wuz like them city nigras, all puffed up and lookin’ down on their sista's.”

With that she gave Sophie a brief hug and the two went their ways - Rosa back to the rear garden to assist with cleaning up after the party and Sophie, as instructed earlier by her Mistress, to Elizabeth’s room to help her get ready for bed.

Sophie found her Mistress still dressed in her beautiful emerald gown - obviously she could not remove it without her maid’s help - and reading a novel. She sensed that Elizabeth seemed excited by something, as if eager to share news with someone.

“You are so early, Sophie. I wasn’t expecting you for another hour at least. What about master Philip? Oh, never mind about him. You’ll tell me all later. What did you think of Mr. McGowan?” she declared breathlessly, not even trying to hide her excitement. She moved to the center of the room and turned her back to Sophie, allowing her maid to begin unbuttoning the back of the gown. “You can feel he’s not like those country boys in their thick frock coats and dirty boots. It’s like a breath of fresh air talking to someone in these parts who is truly cultured.”

“Yes, he’s a true gen'l'man, Miz. When I sawed the two of you sittin’ there I could tell you wuz the most beautifullest couple at dat party, Miz,’’ Sophie responded as she unfastened the last hook of Elizabeth’s marvellous gown and started loosening her stays.  Indeed, compared to so many Southern bachelors these days, Mr. McGowan exhibited the charm and good manners of a European aristocrat. He was just like a character in those French novels she’d read - handsome, well-mannered and with just a little bit of mystery about him.

“He told me so much about his travels in Europe, Sophie. Did you know that no one wears blue in France anymore? Everyone’s in green these past two seasons. Poor Caroline, she’s so proud of her azure gown,’’ Elizabeth chuckled, delighted that she - at least as long as the good-looking visitor from across the Atlantic was to be believed -  managed to outshine the party’s hostess in the fashion department.

“And he’s a true Southern patriot too. He wants to settle down back in the South and is now looking for a plantation to buy. I promised I’d let him know if I hear anything. It’s rarely for something good to be up for sale, though,’’ she got into bed and suddenly changed subject: “I was very pleased with your dance, Sophie. You seemed so natural, as if you truly belonged among those African savages. Didn’t it scare you when that big man grabbed you and lifted you in the air? I can’t even imagine a Negro ever touching me like this!” 

Sophie began to reply but Elizabeth waved a hand and said, “Off you go, you’ll tell me everything after breakfast tomorrow. I need to be left alone now,’’ and so Sophie was thus dismissed to her tiny room for the night.

At breakfast, Caroline announced that she would go to church. Evidently the Reverend Andrew's admonition of her attendance, or lack of it, had had an effect. 

"Elizabeth dear, Philip and I will go to service this morning.  You will join us won't you?" she said and frowned at Philip: the plan had obviously not been discussed with him in advance and it might be assumed that, after his indulgences, he was feeling indisposed and was in no mood to travel or, indeed, be sociable.

Elizabeth replied, smiling, "Why, thank you Caroline but may I decline?  I prefer to confine my worship to my own church back home.  Besides, there would hardly be room for us all in the carriage.  I assume you will be taking house slaves along." 

Caroline considered the matter for a moment before replying, "We could take the buggy too but it is unsuitable for long drives so I suppose you have a point dear, and yes, we shall take Ruby and Rosa along while Jane begins preparation for dinner.  It is good for them to be reminded of the word of God from time to time.  The Reverend always instructs servants at church that the path to Heaven for them can only be trod by serving well their masters."

Elizabeth nodded and said, "If I may I shall take the buggy up to Cypress Hill and read there for a while, it will be so pleasant to take the air on this fine morning." And so, presently, the plans were agreed by all - though with some reluctance by Philip - the party of Cranstones made ready for their departure to church while, upstairs, Sophie put her mistress's hair in a simple bun. 

As the sound of horses faded from below, Elizabeth instructed her, "Go tell one of the under-grooms to bring the buggy round and then you can fetch a basket." The giggling a little she added, "See if you can slip a bottle of wine in it, I will need refreshment.  Oh, and a blanket and cushions too, and tell Jane you shall come with me.  Once there I will allow you to rest a little as you worked so very hard yesterday."

Sophie smiled widely, thanked her mistress and after a quick dip and duck of her head she was gone.

When the buggy came round to the porch Elizabeth smiled as she observed the handsome young groom's admiring eyes follow Sophie as she climbed aboard, elegantly, and sat next to her mistress.  She thought, and with some amusement, that Sophie's dance of the night must have made a very favorable impression upon him. The very idea that her friend, her secret slave, was the object of barely-hidden desire of common Negros, excited her greatly. She would have to press Sophie on this. Did she also find it exciting, she wondered?

After a short drive they arrived at Cypress Hill, which was little more than a knoll, and alighted at the summit - a grassy clearing surrounded by the crowning ring of well-established trees that gave it its name and would afford their privacy.  Elizabeth ordered the young driver to return in time for lunch and Sophie immediately set about spreading the blanket, placing cushions and pouring wine for her mistress.  The plaintive air of a slave work song drifted up from the distant fields for, although a Sunday, it was harvest season and the field slaves would have no day off until the last boll of cotton had been picked. 

Elizabeth remarked, "How nice to hear the slave song, isn't it Sophie?  I do like to hear the nigras so happy at their work.  I am not used to hearing it but you, being familiar with plantation life, must know some songs.  I will have you sing to me when you tend my hair this evening."  Sophia thought of the work gangs of slaves below - men, women and children toiling in the heat and dust under their overseer's lash and she replied, "Yes'm, I sing fo' yo' Ma'am iffin yo' wan's but I goin' ter have ter make a song up fus' cos I cain' rememba' none Missa."  Elizabeth adjusted her sun hat, chuckled and settled onto the blanket and accepted the proffered glass of wine.  She said, "Now Sophie, I want you to strip and then you may lie face-down on the grass beside me. Come girl, quickly."

Sophie tingled a little and asked, "Ise ter shuck right down Missa?"

"Yes girl, that's what I said. Must I repeat an order? Come now, do as you're told - I don't want your dress dirtied when you lie down."

Sophie dipped quickly and soon her shoes and clothing lay in a neat pile nearby as Elizabeth sipped wine.  She had closely watched her maid undress and was delighted that the girl blushed slightly when she turned to face her mistress.   Elizabeth ran another lingering gaze over Sophie's delightfully slender, yet ripe, brown body, then she looked her in the eyes and said fondly:

"I am very pleased with you girl.  You served admirably yesterday - whenever I glanced at you I saw that you were working hard and keeping the very best of manners.  I must say, and I don't often say this to my slaves, but you gave excellent and exemplary service.  I might go so far as to say that I am proud of you."

"Oh Missa!" Sophie exclaimed and she gave a wide grin, "Ise glad yo's pleased wid yo' gal Ma'am!" 

"And your dance! My! How wild and free and natural you looked.  Quite, quite delightful to watch girl!" Elizabeth paused and looked away, smiling at the recollection of the slave dance and then turned back to Sophie and said:

"Yes, I am very pleased with you indeed, and do you know?  I had three offers from guests to buy you and each at an exceptional price. One lady and two gentlemen wanted you for themselves."

Sophie blushed with pride and Elizabeth continued, "Even Mistress Caroline remarked to me before retiring that you and the others had done well.  You may hope that you will be allowed an evening free from duty this week.  I will permit you to sit with me in my chamber and I could read to you," then, smiling with a sudden thought, she added, "or you might go down to the slave quarters and spend some time with your new friends there. I will leave you the choice."

Sophie replied quickly, "Iffin I might spend sum time wid yo' Missa den dat would be jes' mighty fine Ma'am!"

Elizabeth then said the words that always made Sophie's sex respond, "Good girl," and she instructed, "now lie face-down with your feet slightly apart and your arms outstretched."

Sophie did as bid and she smiled and closed her eyes when her mistress bundled her long and shining black tresses away from her neck and shoulders.  Sophie understood perfectly well that she had been ordered naked so that she might be exposed fully to the darkening magic of the sun, for her skin had begun to lighten since their arrival.  But, there was a look in her mistress's eye as she watched her undress that spoke of a desire for something more than just a practical requirement to maintain the appearances of pale mistress and dark-skinned slave.

Thus having arranged Sophie's hair, Elizabeth took up her book, careful to keep her hands under the shade of her wide hat, and Sophie fell, happily and almost at once, asleep for she was, indeed, still fatigued after all of her seemingly endless exertions of the day before: the house work, serving of guests, the dance, and what had followed in Master Philip's room. 

After some passage of time, perhaps an hour, she was woken by a slap on her bottom and her mistress's voice urged; "Come girl, turn over - I mustn't let you bake for too long." She smiled and handed Sophie her glass of wine which, she herself, had refilled before wakening her maid.  "Here, you may sip some wine and then lie out on your back.  You will tell me all about how things went with Master Philip last night."

“Oh, dis was nothin’ Miz,’’ Sophie responded as turned herself onto her back, remembering her promise to Rosa to keep their secret even as she hesitated for a moment, unsure if her new friend meant other slaves only. “He don’t feel too well, Massa Philip, fo' nuthin like, you know, like dat.”

“Indeed, he got rather intoxicated. It’s amazing he found strength in him to go to the church this morning. But then again, Mistress Caroline has a way of getting him in line: he may grumble, but he always does as she says,’’ Elizabeth declared and turned a page. 

She allowed Sophie to repose further, telling her, “You may sleep for a while longer girl,” and when Sophie closed her eyes Elizabeth's gaze lit upon the beautiful and naked girl stretched out just inches from her.  Elizabeth thought, not for the first time, how agreeable it would be to truly, legally, possess Sophie – if that were so then she would have made full use of her but it seemed like an impossible dream – the girl would never be hers to use.  She sighed slightly and returned to her book and read until the sound of a distant but approaching horse signalled the return of their buggy.

The remainder of the day passed quietly and, it being Sunday, the house girls had only light duties to attend to.  The ladies of the house took an afternoon walk without maids and on their return they read together in the drawing room. Philip had spent his time confined to his chamber and he still looked pale and unwell when he emerged later for dinner.  Sophie was quietly amused at table when, having pushed his plate of roast beef away after picking at just one or two morsels, his sister had admonished him:

“Philip, you should eat - it is such a waste for that food to go to the slaves.  Really! When will you learn to behave with moderation,” and she had turned to Elizabeth and said with great irritation, “When he sees a whiskey bottle he becomes married to it until it is done, it is quite disgraceful.”

Whereupon Philip had excused himself and gone upstairs to bed - motioning Ruby away when she started after him to go up and help him undress.

At bed time Sophie gave her mistress a 'stand up' bath and after towelling her down and assisting her into a night gown she took up the hairbrush and began to hum a melancholy melody as she worked.  After some little passage of time though, Elizabeth began to chatter to her maid.  She said:

“It was the lady in the red dress that wanted to buy you, but I told her you were my best girl and not for sale under any circumstances.  She was very disappointed,” and Sophie replied:

“Dat lady looked like she'd jes' come from a N'awlins bawdy house Ma'am.  Dat dress an' hur jew'lry wuzn't righ' fo' a real lady Missa.”

But Elizabeth said sharply, “That'll do girl.  It is not for you to judge a white lady.  Don't ever forget you place Sophie!” and as Sophie lowered her eyes and said humbly, “Yes'm, Ise sorry Missa, I didn' mean nuthin' by it Ma'am,” Elizabeth began to giggle and then she said:

“You are quite correct though – she looked perfectly awful in that outfit, why, I declare, she did look like a trollop.  Some of these country types have but very little class.” and she allowed Sophie a little giggle.

At length, Elizabeth began to speak warmly of Mr McGowan and during the discourse she remarked:

“Oh, I do like Mister McGowan, Sophie, and I am certain that he likes me.  He promised that he would write to me at home!” and smiling she added, “Do you know, I believe I would accept any proposal – after a decent interval of course.  What do you think girl - would he make a fine husband for me and a good master for you?”

And Sophie had become instantly stimulated at the idea - at the merest suggestion that her position as slave maid to Elizabeth could have any permanence.  She replied:

“Oh yes'm! Dat gen'l'man would be a very fine husban' fo' yo' Missa.  He mighty fine, pow'fu  good lookin' an rich fo' suah – why, dat brocade on his waistcoat wuz real' fancy and his suit de bes' of material Missa.  Reckon he'd be a good massa too; he seem real kindly ter good slaves an' he smiled at me when I took his hat.  He make a real good massa fo' dis heah yo' gal Mistiss!”

Elizabeth giggled with delight and said:

“Yes I think so too.  How exciting, isn't it girl?  But we must say nothing to anyone and shall see what happens.  Not a word about this to anyone Sophie - about my liking for him – after all, Mister McGowan and I have only just met and we, that's you and I,  must not get too far ahead of ourselves.  But for now we may quietly hope,” then she ordered, “Now, off to bed with you and no need to turn my bed back - I shall see to it myself.”

And when Sophie dipped and wished her mistress a good night Elizabeth took her maid's arm with one hand and with the other she stroked the girl's cheek gently before releasing her and saying softly:

“You are such a good girl Sophie.  Quite the best slave I have ever owned.  You make your mistress very proud,” and blushing with pride and pleasure Sophie dipped again and hurried off to her room – little did mistress or slave suspect the great trouble that would only just begin on the following day.


  1. Thanks Camille and SW.

  2. Thank you so much for the new chapter. Cant wait to see what rhe great trouble will look like. I bet it will make the slave situation for sophie more permanent... hehe

    1. You are on to something, but not so fast. The story is very far from being over.

  3. A great Continuance of this lovely story
    All the levers are being subtly and skillfully drawn into place perfectly
    Jackie J

    1. Thanks, Jackie J. We have a few more levers left though! The heroine can still call it quits, or can she?

    2. As a heroine addict myself, I can tell you that I can quit Lady2Maid whenever I want to.

  4. Kudo's again
    This is my favorite story
    On the net by far
    Run Sophie run
    As fast as you Can
    Back to your home

    1. A poetry competition? How about a haiku?

      Beautiful mistress
      Is hard to please for simple maid.
      Oh, how that whip stung!

  5. Everyday without a continuation is a sad day!

  6. What will happen...."on the following day" ?

  7. Is there any chance of adding in some physical alterations aswell? Maybe lack of shaving or something that her new mistress could mock her for? My personal preference would be impregnation by one of the male slaves and ending up as a wet nurse and very lowly scullery slave, matronly, saggy, topless and trapped.

    But that's just me and I'm aware that it's your story :)

    Thank you so much so far. I want to be her!
    Jen xx

    1. It won't be just like you said, but hopefully exciting nonetheless!

  8. The way Camille has taken on the excellent piece of literature by SW and developed it, has in my opinion created a classic.

    I personally was glad that Phillips 'desires' were not met due to his inebriated state, that for me would have the diverted from the interaction of the females within the story, that as said just my viewpoint.

    However i enjoyed the apparent total obedience/eagerness shown by Rosa tending to Phillips 'wishes', but once he lost consciousness then Rosa's demeanour was totally changed, servile she was not.

    The suggestion of dear sophie maintaining her slave role long term to her Mistress, most definitely is a welcomed idea.

    As a reader i am in awe of wordsmiths like Camille, thank you for your efforts.

    1. Any chance you can work your magic on New Employee too? It's hard to believe we're coming up on the 2 year anniversary.

    2. Thank you for the kind words, nothing pleases me more than a reader that enjoys what I write. Robyn has made some good editing suggestions and part of this chapter was done by SW so at least some of your praise is meant for them.

      I agree that interaction between females is what drives this story.

  9. New Employee was last updated in November 2017. Monica Graz often takes longer than that to let her plots simmer. I haven't lost hope with BigBird74 yet.


    1. Neither have I, but communication with BigBird has been sporadic to say the least. I really like that story and would love to see it continued.

  10. If Elizabeth marries that guy, who only knows Sophie as a slave... idk. I do like it when Sophie tried to revert to Sophia and is reminded of her new place, hopefully we'll see more of that!

    1. We will, do not worry. This journey has many stops left.

  11. What sort of update time are we looking at for this?

  12. It would be interesting to see Elizabeth become a slave girl along side sophia
