
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 8.

By Jackie J

Sat comfortably in one of the large easy chairs Lady Downton smirked watching Lady Isabelle fuss around bringing her a glass of sherry.

“So, tell me Isabelle who is this present you have for me?”

Lady Isabelle pulled a file from her desk and smiled.

“A new girl, a new maid, you will like her I know you will, there is something different about this one.”

Opening the file Lady Isabelle began to read the description of Jessica Thornberry which Lady Florence had written.

Lady Downton purred her satisfaction.

“Mmmmmmmmm she sounds perfect and where did you find this pretty thing, where did she come from?

When Lady Isabelle told her that the new maid had been sent for a month’s training by Lady Florence Cranwell Mary sat forward in her chair her eyes tightening.

“What! Cranwell! I suppose you expect to be paid for this training, do you?”

 Isabelle looked at Mary sensing her displeasure and knowing what Mary’s displeasure could bring.
“Yes, yes of course all the costs, Lady Florence will pay when she collects her maid, I will write to her next week telling her that Jessica’s training is complete and advising her of the fee. Lady Florence was travelling and wanted her maid training whilst she was away”

Mary stood grabbed the file out of Isabelle’s hand and without looking tossed it across the room.
“Well you can write all the letters you want, Lady Florence will be paying you nothing. I have just come from Cranwell and Lady Catherine advised me that Lady Florence is no longer at Cranwell she is gone, she left weeks ago, not travelling but gone, I suspect either back to her parents or with another suitor.”  

Isabelle picked up the file putting the scattered papers back inside.

“Well in that case perhaps Lady Catherine will take her back and pay the fee."

Just the mention of Lady Catherine incensed Mary further and Isabelle should have known better than to mention her name know realising the history between them.

“Lady Catherine, Lady Catherine that bloody witch of a woman what were you thinking having anything to do with Cranwell anyway and that simpering bitch Lady Florence, taking one of her maid’s. What did Lady Florence say when she brought her maid, the cheek of the woman, did she not know who you are that you are a relation of mine? Isabelle you are going to be punished for this, I have told you that you don’t do anything here at Stoneleigh without my permission.”

Lady Isabelle watched Mary snatch at the bell cord to summon Miss Hutchings and sought to placate her angry Mistress.

“It wasn’t Lady Florence who brought the girl, I have never met Lady Florence, it was ...... Isabelle stalled at mentioning Lady Catherine again but had no choice, it was Lady Catherine she wouldn’t know we are related and I am sure Lady Florence didn’t she wouldn’t have sent her maid if she had known. I am sorry, we needed a maid, I never thought it would upset you and that business with Jonathan it was years ago.”

Perhaps if Lady Downton had not been contacted by Lady Catherine and had just visited Cranwell on the way to Stoneleigh to be told that Lady Florence had departed the thought of having one of Lady Florence’s maids would have been quite amusing. But she was not amused at all and striding to the decanter poured another sherry.

“Well Isabelle this girl better be worth it, have you had her has anybody else had her?”

Isabelle watched Miss Hutchings enter who was dismissed by Lady Downton to bring her strap.

“Not the strap Mary, please Mary, please not that.”

Mary continued.

“I asked you a question have you had her?”

Isabelle watched the door close.

“No, no Miss Hutchings had her belted for me, no one has touched her, I was saving her for you.”

Mary finished her sherry put her glass down and pointed to the chair.

“Good well that is something now you know what to do.”

Having collected the napkins and table cloth from Maud Jess was on her way back to the dining room and, passing the parlour, heard the distinctive sound of Miss Hutchings strap on tender flesh accompanied muffled yelps and winced wondering who was being punished. Hurrying on her way she could have not of imagined the scene behind the heavy wooden door, Miss Hutchings, under instruction of lady Downton, strapping the presented bare cheeks of Lady Isabelle the Mistress of Stoneleigh.

Returning to the dining room Jess joined Cathy spread the table cloth folded the napkins and laid out the cutlery, crockery and glassware for the evening’s dinner. A final dust and polish and all was prepared. Back in the store room Jess asked Cathy about the visitor and why was she special.
Jess’s heart nearly stopped and became faint and clammy when she heard the guests name and repeated it as if wishing it to change.

“Lady Downton, Lady Mary Downton?

Cathy looked at Jess’s paling face and laughed.

“I see you have heard of her reputation then she must have visited Cranwell I guess? Well if you know of her you know what to expect.”

Jess was speechless she was going to be discovered for her moonlighting, how embarrassing and of all the people to find her being a maid, Lady Mary Downton. Lady Mary the girl who her husband had been intended to marry, the woman who had spurned all Lady Florence’s attempts at reconciliation, what was she going to do, she couldn’t be seen like this by Lady Downton?

It was the repeated calling of her name by Cathy seeing Jess distant and looking like she had seen a ghost that brought her solace.

“Jess, Jess, Jess what’s wrong.”

Jess smiled to herself colour returning to her cheeks Cathy had given Jess her answer.
“O’ nothing Cathy, it’s just yes, you are right her reputation, she visited Cranwell a few times.”
Jess helped Cathy to replace things in the store being convinced that her secret would be safe.
She was Jess here at Stoneleigh, Jessica Thornberry, Lady Mary and Lady Florence had never met and in truth with the way things were between them never likely to meet in the future. Her hair had been cut short and had to admit that Lizzy’s cooking had added a few pounds, yes, she was Jess a common and uniformed maid not Lady Florence.

Lady Isabelle stood tearful following her thrashing at the hands of her housekeeper and Lady Downton, her anger having subsided somewhat, gently ran her hand through her aunt’s hair.

“You deserved that your naughty girl but I guess it is only money and perhaps we can keep the girl.”
Mary turned to Miss Hutchings.

“So, this girl Jessica is she a good maid, Cranwell may not want her back, be willing to pay for her training.”

Miss Hutching laid he strap down on the table and sat.

“Yes, I am pleased with her, hopeless when she started, came here looking like a little princess she did, spoke like one to.”

Miss Hutchings tapped her strap and chuckled.

“But she soon learned to obey, they all do, the other maid’s get on with her well and her registration is all in order, yes she is a good worker. Eats like a horse mind you, Lizzy’s favourite, eats anything put in front of her, still she needed fattening up a little for sure. If Cranwell don’t want her back keep her here she can pay off the training fee from her wages.”

Lady Downton smiled.

“This Jessica sound’s interesting I look forward to discovering what other talents she is blessed with will she be serving dinner this evening.”

Miss Hutchings smiled knowing exactly what other talents would be expected.

“Yes, she will be serving with Cathy, you know Cathy the blonde girl from your previous visits.”

Lady Downton sighed.

“Oh yes Cathy a sweet little thing, surprising what a girl will do for a few baubles.”

Lady Isabelle looking quite sheepish offered the folder containing Jessica Thornberry’s details.

“Do you what to look at this Mary?”

Mary smiled took the folder and handed it to Miss Hutchings without opening it.

“No, I will meet her soon enough, you may leave us now Winifred and thank you for reminding her ladyship here of her place.”

Miss Hutchings drew back smirked and curtsied.

“My pleasure as always Lady Downton”

With Winifred having left, Mary smiled at a forlorn looking Isabelle.

“Come here you silly thing and give me a cuddle you know I care for you dearly it’s just when you mentioned Cranwell and those two women. What I would like to do to that Lady Catherine and if I ever meet that Florence, well the chance would be a fine thing now it seems she has disappeared.”
Lady Isabelle settled comfortably into Lady Downton’s lap and squirmed to her gentle touch. They had time before dinner and Mary, feeling a little remorseful, for having Winifred spank her aunt for her perceived indiscretion, pleasured her with the thoughts of this new maid Jessica in her mind.

Lady Isabelle dressed in her finery looking radiant and lady Downton looking handsome in tailored velvet trousers and short bolero jacket. The only femininity granted to Lady Mary’s ensemble being her fine silk blouse. Sat at table they awaited their dinner with self-served wine. Cathy was first to enter and Mary smiled at her previous conquest making Cathy blush slightly although she had been rewarded well for her endeavours and laid the dishes of vegetables on the table with a neatly bobbed curtsy. Mary was in conversation with Isabelle when Jessica meekly entered with the roast platter in hand. Mary looked up and stared at the maid bringing in the beef. So, this was Jessica, the new maid, the maid from Cranwell, the maid that Miss Hutchings described being a little princess on her arrival? Mary looked away quickly and took gulp of her wine and reached for her napkin before an eager Cathy could spread it across her lap, something wasn’t right?

Marys mind was doing somersaults at the confusing contradiction before her No it can’t be, it can’t? That’s impossible. Mary stole another glance at the maid curtsying before placing the roast on the table, then her smile Jessica’s smile when she offered to carve.

Mary fought hard and successfully to hide any hint of recognition and nodded for the pretty thing to proceed. There could be no mistake, that smile, that smile that had haunted her for the past years, but how, why? Maid Jessica was, it had to be, it was, it was Lady Florence Cranwell, the smiling bride on the arm of Jonathan at the church a face Mary could never forget?

Quickly composing herself a sneering smile came across Mary’s face. How Lady Florence Cranwell had ended up here at Stoneleigh, a trainee maid, she could not comprehend but she was here of that there could be no doubt. Her love rival who stole her prospective husband and his associated wealth dressed in a maid’s uniform serving table. 

Jess herself had been and was apprehensive of serving Lady Downton but had convinced herself that there could be no recognition of her true identity, by someone who had never actually met her, she was Jessica Thornberry and in truth with the aggressive training she had received felt more distant from her privileged existence and more like maid Jessica with each day that passed. Lady Downton had looked her over when she entered the dining room with the roast but Jessica put that down to her being a new maid at Stoneleigh and nothing else. Lady Downton’s words reinforcing her belief that her true identity was safe and unknown.

Mary smiled cynically.

“So, you are Jessica the new maid here at Stoneleigh? I have heard good things about you girl. From Cranwell manor I understand a maid to Lady Florence Cranwell. I do not know Lady Florence is she a good Mistress?”

Jess hesitated but was even more convinced now that her true identity was unknown from Lady Downton’s question.

“Well girl you have a tongue in that head of yours tell me.”

Jess curtsied.

“Sorry Miss, thank you Miss, yes Miss, from Cranwell manor Miss, Lady Florence is very kind Miss.”

Mary could hardly contain herself watching and listening to the simpering maid that was Lady Florence Cranwell. Miss Hutching had certainly taught her the meaning of servility, but why was she here, what brought her to Stoneleigh to be a maid?

“Indeed Jessica, interesting, that will be all for now, we will talk later I am interested to know about your Mistress at Cranwell.”

Jess joined Cathy at the back of the dining room and stood in silence whilst Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton enjoyed their meal unaware that Lady Downton knew exactly who she really was..


  1. Very nice chapter though I personally would like more detail in the punishment when it occurred of Isabelle as the once mistress of stoneliegh I feel it would have brought out her humiliation, downgrade more. But overall a good chapter

  2. "[T]he simpering maid that was Lady Florence Cranwell"? I think more appropriately, "that HAD BEEN Lady Florence Cranwell" -- it seems unlikely she ever will be Lady Florence Cranwell again....
