
Monday, March 25, 2024

Story: The Job Interview. Part 5.

by Inanimate77 

It had been a week since Amy had started working for Susan, and while the new maid had settled into a bit of a routine, she really hadn't gotten used to her role. After what had been a terrible first day, Amy had managed to redeem herself. However, the process of pleasing her new employer had nearly killed her. 

Since school was out of session, Amy had agreed to take on more hours. This meant that she was effectively working seven days a week. Susan had assured her that once Amy got the house in order, the workload would go down. Although the never-ending list of tasks had left her completely exhausted, there was a sense of peace and satisfaction that came with the monotony of the work. 

Each morning, the routine was exactly the same for Amy. She would awaken at precisely 5:30 AM, feeling a sense of exhaustion already creeping through her body. After a brief shower to wash away the remnants of sleep, she would sit down to a simple breakfast, fueling herself for the long day ahead. The next hour was spent meticulously ironing her uniform, taking great pride in ensuring every crease and fold was perfectly pressed. It had become almost therapeutic for her, this act of creating order out of chaos. 

As she got more accustomed to using the iron, Amy found ways to make the process more efficient. What used to take her hours now only took one. She hoped that eventually, she could shave off an extra 30 minutes and get some much-needed rest in the mornings.

Once her uniform was ready, Amy would carefully slip on her undergarments - comfort and support were key when spending long hours on her feet. It didn't take long for her to realize that she needed new bras - the ones she had been wearing since college were not suited for this job. Thankfully, they would last a while before needing replacement. But it was the pantyhose that proved to be the real hurdle. Before working for Susan, Amy rarely wore them; now they were part of the official dress code. Not only were they uncomfortable, but they also seemed to rip or tear easily. Already in her first week, she had gone through four pairs. 

It hadn't occurred to Amy that she would need to invest in clothing for this job. But with all the necessary purchases for work attire, she had practically spent all of her first month's wages. Luckily, Susan needed her for additional hours, otherwise she would have been dipping into her savings just to pay for food. 

Her interactions with Susan had been surprisingly few since the first day. Amy’s employer seemed content to leave her a long list of tasks in the morning rather than speak directly to her.  If they did interact face to face it tended to happen in the evening when Amy was serving dinner to her employer.  Preparing and serving dinner was one of the many tasks that Susan had assigned to Amy.  While Susan realized that her new housemaid was not going to be a gourmet chef, she did expect the girl to be able to read a menu.  The food the girl had prepared had for the most part been satisfactory. 

For Amy the best part was the leftovers. While Susan was strict about not cooking too much she did permit Amy to eat the leftovers.  It never really equated to a full meal but the contents were far better than the typical college fare that she was used to.  It also gave her something to look forward to as she finished cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.  Amy was not permitted to eat dinner until everything had first been cleaned up. 

So, while Amy was expecting a different list of tasks as she started her day, she assumed that they would pretty much follow the same pattern as before. As she walked upstairs, she found the list waiting for her, posted on the back of the basement door. 

To her surprise, the list of household chores was noticeably shorter than usual. Amy raised an eyebrow in confusion, wondering if Susan had mistakenly forgotten to include some tasks. But as she scanned through the list one more time, everything seemed to be in order - dusting the living room, vacuuming the hallway, and organizing the pantry. That was it. 

Amy couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in her stomach. It was unusual for Susan to deviate from her strict routine of tasks. While still nervous, a new thought began formulating in her mind. Perhaps her recent efforts had begun to pay off. Maybe she had finally gotten on top of everything. Just as Amy began really contemplating this possibility, she heard footsteps approaching from behind. 

Turning around, she found Susan standing at the bottom of the stairs, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Ah, Amy," Susan greeted her warmly. "I need you to run some errands for me today.” She handed the maid a list along with some money. 

Amy's heart sank as she glanced at the list of errands in her hand.  Running errands meant going out in public, where people could see her in her uniform.  The mere thought made her skin prickle with discomfort.  To make matters worse several of the errands were at high-end stores.  Amy would stick out like a sore thumb dressed in her current state.  She mustered up the courage to speak, nervously clearing her throat before meeting Susan's expectant gaze. 

Taking a deep breath, Amy nervously spoke, her voice trembling slightly. "Ma’am," she began tentatively, "would it be possible for me to wear regular clothing while running these errands?  I... I feel a bit uncomfortable going out in my uniform." Amy's eyes pleaded with Susan, hoping for understanding. 

Susan raised an eyebrow, a hint of confusion flickering across her features. "Why would you want to wear anything other than your uniform, girl?  It is important to maintain a professional appearance at all times," she replied coolly, her tone holding a note of authority. 

Amy’s mind raced for the right answer, something, anything that would appease her employer. Meanwhile Susan held her gaze, her eyes holding steady. Each passing second made the maid more and more concerned that she would wilt under the pressure. 

Amy bit her lip, trying to come up with a valid excuse that would satisfy Susan's expectations. Her thoughts raced, trying to find a reason that wouldn't seem too frivolous or disrespectful. And then, as if a light bulb lit up in her mind, Amy's eyes brightened with a spark of inspiration. 

"I... I was thinking," Amy started slowly, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke, "that maybe it would be better if I wore my regular clothes because... because..." She hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to convey her message without offending Susan. 

"Because I wouldn't want to risk getting my uniform dirty while running errands," Amy blurted out finally. "I mean, with all the dust and dirt outside, it might ruin the pristine appearance of the uniform, and I wouldn't want that to reflect poorly on you, Ma’am." 

Susan's expression softened slightly as she considered Amy's reasoning. The maid held her breath, hoping that her excuse would be accepted. After a moment of contemplation, Susan nodded thoughtfully. 

"Alright, girl," she said at last, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You can leave the apron at home when you go out for these errands. The rest of your uniform is black anyway, so even if you get a little dirt on it, no one will notice. Just make sure you wear your cap to maintain some semblance of professionalism." 

Susan was savoring this moment. The past week had been amazing, but today she wanted to test the limits of her maid's devotion even more. Amy's response showed that her plan was successful. Even without the apron, it was obvious to anyone who saw the maid what her role was in Susan's household. 

Amy realized she was stuck. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, weighing heavy on her heart. She had tried to maneuver her way out of wearing the uniform out in public, but Susan's decision to let her go without the apron had sealed her fate. What woman her age would be out and about on a Summer day in a black dress, pantyhose and cap?  Hopefully she could do her best to avoid as many people as possible and that meant walking.  There was no way Amy was going on public transportation dressed like this even if she was left completely exhausted. With a list in hand, she immediately left the house betting that the early morning hours would reduce the likelihood of running into too many people. 

As the door closed with a soft click behind her maid, Susan couldn't contain her giddiness any longer. She had work to do this morning, but she was positively dripping with excitement. Seeing the look on Amy’s face had been simply divine. When she had posted the job looking for a housemaid, she never could have imagined a situation quite like this. 

The girl still had some pride left, evident in the way she held herself and the fire that burned in her eyes. It only made things all the better for Susan - what fun was there in playing with an already broken toy?  No, she fully intended to savor every step of the journey as she broke down the young Harvard student and molded her into a willing servant.  By the time she was done perhaps the girl would turn tail back to whatever podunk town she came from instead of pretending to be peers with the brilliant upper-class minds who attended her university.

Susan's heart raced as she hastily made her way up the stairs to her room. She couldn't resist sneaking a quick glance at the door, making sure no one had followed her. The anticipation of what was to come made her skin tingle and her breath hitch. As she entered her room, the scent of her own arousal wafted towards her, spurring a shiver down her spine. 

Her cheeks flushed with excitement as she peeled off her clothes and slid into bed, feeling the cool fabric against her heated skin. Her panties were already damp with desire, a reflection of the thoughts racing through her mind. With a mischievous grin, she reached for her nightstand drawer, filled with an array of toys and gadgets that never failed to bring her pleasure. 

But as she rummaged through the drawer, a delicious thought popped into her head. She would have to get dressed again after this. These panties would definitely not be suitable for wear once she was finished with them.  A small smile played on her lips as she imagined the shock and embarrassment of her new maid when they were discovered.  Perhaps the girl might even notice Susan's arousal and blush furiously at the realization. 

With that tantalizing thought in mind, Susan chose a toy and began to explore the depths of pleasure, fantasizing about all the new tasks she would give Amy.  The game had only just begun.  She had so much more fun planned for her college educated servant. 


  1. I've been waiting for the next part! Thank you!

  2. Curtsies! Thank you Miss. Worth the wait.

  3. im so glad this got updated!!!! cant wait to see the humiliations Amy deals with on her errands. Perhaps another run in with the young bride again.

  4. Very happy the next chapter is published. Keep up the great work! I really like the changes that have taken place in the first week - up at 5:30 every morning 7 days a week, dress code is now an accepted term, uniform keep pristine at all times, proper undergarments and pantyhose being worn and that are purchased by Amy and she refers to them as an investment, use of "ma'am" is now instinctive, diet is controlled, etc. Is one item on the errand list a proper haircut for Amy or is Susan going to be present for this enormous change to order and inspect it? I am so looking forward to the steps Susan takes to break and mold Amy into her perfect servant.

  5. I'm with Susan.
    Can't wait what more she can do with poor Amy :D

  6. Great story, am eagerly awaiting a continuation of your Leah and Charlotte story also!

  7. Susan has been a real softie for the first week. Is the next week where Amy starts to get up a proper hour and gets her mistress' clothes for the day ironed, shoes polished, assists her in getting dressed, etc., in addition to the other morning routine items? Great work on this story so far.

  8. Love the chapters. I can't wait until Susan has Amy completely molded into her perfect servant! So when Susan orders Amy to run errands Amy does not even think about wearing her apron for the errands. The before and after is going to be great.

  9. This is another fabulous story thank you! So exciting to witness this decline. Personally I’d like to see Any gain some weight to feel the humiliation of becoming a simple fat housemaid, maybe with a side job of being a checkout girl at a local supermarket.

  10. Great story, waiting impatiently for more. Thanks.
