
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Story: Dr. Jackie and maid Hyde. Chapters 12-20 and Epilogue.

by The Yellow "M"

Chapter 12. An unexpected visitor.

In front of her, maid Hyde discovered Mrs. Smith, the wealthy CEO of a major cleaning company who had invested heavily in Dr. Jackie's research. Mrs. Smith, her face etched with a mixture of determination and menace, strode into the room. Her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of curiosity and determination. "Dr. Jackie," Mrs. Smith began in a stern voice, "you promised to develop the perfect aptitude test for cleaners and I'm here to ensure that your research continues unabated." 

Maid Hyde's heart sank. She had hoped to distance herself from Dr. Jackie, to escape the pressures of her former life. But Mrs. Smith's presence was a stark reminder that others still considered her to be bound by Dr. Jackie's obligations. "But I'm not Dr. Jackie," maid Hyde protested weakly. "I don't know anything about her research." 

Mrs. Smith's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing through maid Hyde's facade. "Don't play games with me," she hissed. "I know who you are, and I know what you're capable of. You're going to finish your research, or you'll regret it." 

"With all due respect, Mrs. Smith," maid Hyde replied, her voice firm despite the tremor that laced it, "That is not going to happen. I am just a maid, not a Doctor. I don't know anything about genetics. I can't resume Dr. Jackie's research." 

Mrs. Smith's eyes flashed with anger. "You'll do as I say," she snarled, her voice dripping with venom. "I've invested too much time and money in you to let you walk away. You have an obligation to me, and you will fulfil it." 

Maid Hyde shook her head, her gaze unwavering. "I'm not afraid of you, Mrs. Smith," she said, her voice firm with conviction. "I'm not going to be your puppet." 

Mrs. Smith's face contorted in anger, her composure momentarily slipping. "You're making a grave mistake, Dr. Jackie" she threatened. "You can be sure that this is not the end of it. You'll wish you had never crossed me" Then, still fuming of seeing her authority challenged, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the lab, leaving maid Hyde alone in the echoing silence. 

The maid watched Mrs. Smith go, a sense of liberation washing over her. She would not let herself be intimidated. As she turned to face the challenges that lay ahead, maid Hyde's resolve solidified. She would not be defined by Dr. Jackie's past or the expectations of others. The path ahead was uncertain, but she knew that she would forge her own path, guided by her conscience and driven by her passion for cleaning. 

Chapter 13. The trial. 

Mrs. Smith's fury knew no bounds. Her carefully orchestrated plan had crumbled, and the woman she had believed to be a brilliant and compliant scientist had turned against her. The financial losses were staggering, but it was the betrayal that stung the most. She would get her revenge, and she would get her money back. 

With a steely resolve, Mrs. Smith instructed her legal team to initiate a lawsuit against maid Hyde, the woman she now saw as a traitor. The accusations were damning: breach of contract, fraud, and negligence. Mrs. Smith also demanded compensation for her losses, a figure that would put maid Hyde in debt for the rest of her life. 

Maid Hyde was shocked by the lawsuit. She had hoped to put the past behind her, to rebuild her life as a maid. But Mrs. Smith's relentless pursuit forced her to confront the consequences of Dr. Jackie's actions. The public watched in fascination as the details of the case unfolded, the clash between the wealthy businesswoman and the brilliant scientist turned maid captivating their attention. The courtroom became a stage, and the two women were the protagonists, their lives laid bare for all to see. Everyone watched with bated breath as the legal battle unfolded, wondering what the outcome would be. Maid Hyde, now thrust into the spotlight, found herself facing a powerful adversary who was determined to bring her down. 

The legal proceedings were long and arduous, filled with heated debates and intricate arguments. Mrs. Smith's lawyers presented a barrage of evidence, attempting to prove that maid Hyde was indeed Dr. Jackie and that she was legally bound to the contract. Maid Hyde's court-appointed lawyer, on the other hand, argued that maid Hyde was not Dr. Jackie and that the contract was invalid. As the trial progressed, the truth became increasingly blurred. The lines between maid Hyde and Dr. Jackie seemed to fade, and the question of identity became a central theme in the courtroom. The jury, faced with a complex web of evidence and conflicting testimonies, found themselves grappling with the truth and the consequences of their decision. 

The jury deliberated for several hours. The courtroom was silent as the judge read the verdict. "The plaintiff, Mrs. Smith, is awarded damages in the amount of 10 million euros," the judge said. "The defendant, maid Hyde, is ordered to pay the plaintiff's legal fees." Maid Hyde's face fell. She couldn't believe that she had lost the case. Mrs. Smith smiled. She had been confident that she would win, and she was glad that the judge had agreed with her. Maid Hyde was devastated. She had lost her job, her reputation, and now, she was facing the prospect of financial ruin. She had no way to repay Mrs. Smith, and she knew that she would be thrown into jail if she couldn't come up with the money. 

Then, the next day, maid Hyde received a letter summoning her to the Mrs. Smith's mansion... 

Chapter 14. The mansion. 

Maid Hyde stared at the towering mansion before her, its imposing façade casting a long shadow over the manicured lawn. She had been summoned to this grand estate by Mrs. Smith, the wealthy businesswoman she was indebted to. Maid Hyde's heart pounded in her chest as she approached the mansion's entrance, her mind racing with apprehension. She had never been to this place before, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was walking into a lion's den. As the massive oak door swung open, revealing a lavishly decorated foyer, maid Hyde felt a wave of unease wash over her. She was out of her element, a mere maid in a world of opulence and extravagance. 

"Dr. Jackie," a stern voice called out, breaking the silence. 

Maid Hyde turned to see Mrs. Smith descending the grand staircase, her every step radiating authority and disdain. The wealthy businesswoman was dressed impeccably, her jewels sparkling under the crystal chandelier's glow. 

"I have asked you here for a reason," Mrs. Smith said, her tone cold and calculating. "You are aware of your debt to me, a substantial sum that you have no way of repaying."

Maid Hyde swallowed hard, her voice catching in her throat. She knew that Mrs. Smith was not one to mince words. 

"If you cannot repay your debt," Mrs. Smith continued, "you will find yourself in jail, a fate I am sure you would like to avoid." 

Maid Hyde's heart sank. Jail was the last place she wanted to be, but she saw no alternative. She was trapped, a prisoner of her own circumstances. 

"But I have a proposition for you," Mrs. Smith said, her lips curving into a cruel smile. "Return to your lab, Dr. Jackie, resume your research and deliver your aptitude test for cleaners to my company," Mrs. Smith declared, her voice laced with satisfaction, "and your debt will be paid in full." 

Maid Hyde shook her head with a newfound resolve. "Dr. Jackie is gone, Mrs. Smith," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't take her place even if I wanted to." 

Mrs. Smith's eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you," she said, her voice laced with suspicion. "You're still the same brilliant scientist who betrayed me." 

Maid Hyde took a deep breath, her resolve firming. "I'll prove to you that I'm really just a maid," she said. "I'll clean this entire mansion from top to bottom." 

Mrs. Smith scoffed. "You think you can do that? You are a slob, Dr. Jackie. You have never been able to keep your own lab clean." 

Maid Hyde ignored Mrs. Smith's taunts and set to work. She started with the kitchen, scrubbing the counters and floors until they shined. Then she moved on to the living room, dusting the furniture and polishing the windows. She worked tirelessly, her body aching from the effort. Hours passed, and the mansion began to transform. The once dusty and cluttered rooms were now spotless and gleaming. Mrs. Smith, who had been watching maid Hyde from the sidelines, couldn't believe her eyes. 

"I can't believe it," she said, her voice filled with disbelief. "You actually cleaned my entire mansion." 

Maid Hyde straightened up, a sense of pride washing over her. "I told you I could do it," she said. 

Mrs. Smith nodded slowly. "You're right, you did," she said. "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually impressed. You're not Dr. Jackie anymore. You're a maid and an excellent one." 

Maid Hyde felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had finally convinced Mrs. Smith that she was not Dr. Jackie. 

"But you still owe me a lot of money," Mrs. Smith declared. "So you will work as a cleaner in my cleaning company, and your salary will be applied to your debt until it is paid in full." 

Chapter 15. The cleaner. 

Maid Hyde's days as a cleaner in Mrs. Smith's company were a relentless cycle of gruelling work and demeaning treatment. From dawn until dusk, she toiled relentlessly, her body aching and her spirit weary. The tasks were endless and often thankless, each one a reminder of her fallen status and the weight of her debt. She scrubbed floors until her hands were raw, her knees blistered from the harsh chemicals. She polished surfaces until they gleamed, her reflections distorted in the mirror-like shine, a haunting reminder of the woman she once was. She emptied overflowing bins, their contents a testament to the extravagance and wastefulness of her employer. 

Maid Hyde's workplace was a far cry from the sterile laboratories she once occupied. Instead of the comforting scent of chemicals and the hum of machinery, she was surrounded by the pungent odours of bleach and ammonia, the air thick with dust and grime. The work was relentless and backbreaking, each day a monotonous cycle of scrubbing floors, polishing surfaces, and emptying overflowing trash cans. The harsh chemicals stung her eyes and throat, and the constant bending and stooping left her body aching. Her labour was physically demanding, but it was the mental strain that took its toll. Mrs. Smith's disdain was palpable, her every word and gesture a reminder of maid Hyde's humiliation. She would often berate her in front of her colleagues, her voice dripping with venom, her words like daggers piercing maid Hyde's pride. 

The other cleaners, most of them poor and uneducated immigrant girls, offered little sympathy at first, their own struggles making them indifferent to maid Hyde's plight. Maid Hyde longed for human connection, for a kind word or a genuine smile, but such interactions were rare in this harsh environment. She was an outcast, a pariah, her former life a distant memory. 

The lack of respect was the most demoralizing part of maid Hyde's job. Mrs. Smith treated her like a servant, barking orders and demeaning her at every opportunity. She was no longer a respected scientist but a mere cog in the machine, her worth measured by the number of toilets she cleaned and the floors she polished. 

Each day, maid Hyde would return to her cramped apartment, her body exhausted and her spirit crushed. She had traded her dreams of scientific breakthroughs for a life of servitude, her once bright future clouded by the harsh realities of her new life. But despite the gruelling work and the demeaning treatment, maid Hyde persevered. She knew that this was her only way out of debt, and she was determined to regain her freedom. She worked diligently, her mind focused on the day when she would finally be able to walk out of her current ordeal. 

As the weeks turned into months, maid Hyde's body grew stronger and her spirit more resilient. She learned to ignore Mrs. Smith's taunts and focus on the task at hand. She found solace in the rhythm of her work, the satisfaction of transforming a dirty space into a clean and inviting one. 

Chapter 16. The former rival. 

One day, maid Hyde was sent as a cleaner back to her lab. Her heart pounded as she stepped back into the familiar surroundings of her former laboratory, a place that held both fond memories and painful reminders of her recent ordeal. The scent of chemicals lingered in the air, a nostalgic perfume that evoked a past life she had thought was lost forever. As she moved through the lab, her eyes scanning the familiar equipment and workspace, a sense of melancholy washed over her. This was where she had poured her heart and soul into her research, where she had made groundbreaking discoveries that had earned her respect and admiration in the scientific community. But those days were gone, replaced by a harsh reality that had stripped her of her identity and her dreams. She was no longer Dr. Jackie, the brilliant geneticist who had captivated the world with her groundbreaking work. She was now maid Hyde, a humble cleaner, relegated to the shadows of her former life. 

As she continued her cleaning, a sharp voice pierced the silence of the lab. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the fallen star herself," the voice sneered, laced with disdain. 

Maid Hyde turned to face the source of the voice, her heart sinking as she recognized Dr. Emily Stanton, her former rival and nemesis. Dr. Stanton was a formidable scientist, her ambition as sharp as her intellect. She had always resented Dr. Jackie's success, seeing her as a threat to her own aspirations. 

"What are you doing here, Jackie?" Dr. Evans asked, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Have you come to beg for your old job back? Well, you can save your breath. Your time here is over."

Maid Hyde's cheeks flushed with humiliation, her pride wounded by Dr. Stanton's cruel words. She swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure. 

"I'm here to clean, Dr. Stanton," she replied, her voice trembling slightly. "That's all." 

Dr. Stanton let out a harsh laugh, the sound echoing through the lab. "Cleaning? How the mighty have fallen," she taunted. "I suppose this is all you're good for now, isn't it?" 

Maid Hyde remained silent, her eyes downcast. She knew that Dr. Stanton's words were true. She had fallen from grace, her dreams shattered, her future uncertain. But she was determined not to let Dr. Stanton's taunts break her spirit. With a renewed sense of resolve, maid Hyde picked up her cleaning supplies and continued her work, ignoring Dr. Stanton's presence. She would not let Dr. Stanton's venom diminish her worth. She was more than her past mistakes, and she would prove it. 

As she moved through the lab, her hands working tirelessly to restore order amidst the chaos, she felt a surge of defiance rise within her. She would not let Dr. Stanton define her. And so, maid Hyde continued to clean, her movements a silent testament to her resilience and determination. She would rise from the ashes, stronger and more determined than ever before. 

Chapter 17. A nefarious scheme. 

Another day, the late-night stillness of the office building of the cleaning company was shattered by the hushed voices of Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton, their conversation reverberating through the corridors like a chilling whisper. Maid Hyde, working late to catch up on her cleaning duties, found herself drawn to the sound, her curiosity piqued by the secretive tone of their exchange. 

As maid Hyde crept closer, her heart pounding in her chest, she caught fragments of their conversation, each word piercing her like a shard of ice. They spoke of a new drug, a concoction designed to alter the DNA of the immigrant girls who worked as cleaners for Mrs. Smith, transforming them into docile and obedient slave girls. Maid Hyde's blood ran cold as she realized the sinister implications of their plan. These girls, already vulnerable and exploited, were about to be subjected to a horrifying experiment, their lives turned into a cruel game of scientific manipulation. 

Anger and determination surged through maid Hyde's veins. She would not stand idly by while these innocent girls were robbed of their freedom. She had to find a way to stop Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton, to thwart their evil scheme. But she knew she had to be careful. Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton were powerful and ruthless, and they would not hesitate to silence anyone who threatened their plans. Maid Hyde had to bide her time, and to find a way to prevent Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton from implementing their nefarious scheme. 

The next day, while Dr. Stanton was away from the lab, maid Hyde decided to investigate. She crept through her former lab, her heart pounding in her chest, until she came to her former office, now Dr. Stanton's office. Inside, she found a trove of documents that confirmed the shocking truth: Mrs Smith, driven by her insatiable greed and desire for power, had instructed Dr. Stanton, to find a way to strip the immigrant girls working as cleaners of their free will, transforming them into docile and compliant slave girls, perpetually bound to their service. And Dr. Stanton, the brilliant but unscrupulous scientist, who was replacing Dr. Jackie at the lab had therefore identified a recessive gene, the servility gene, and was developing an unethical drug - the servitude drug -, based on Jackie's research on the cleanliness gene, to alter this servility gene and transform it into a dominant gene that would induce a servile behaviour of the girls affected for the rest of their lives, permanently suppressing their rebellious impulses and all desire for independence. 

Maid Hyde's mind raced with thoughts of how to intervene. With each passing moment, maid Hyde's resolve grew stronger. She would not let Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton implement their evil plan. She would fight for the immigrant girls, for their freedom and their dignity, and would not rest until Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton were held accountable for their actions. 

Chapter 18. In the lion's den. 

A month later, maid Hyde was suddenly summoned to Mrs. Smith's office. Dr. Stanton was also there. The air in the office was heavy with anticipation as maid Hyde stood nervously before Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton, the two most powerful figures in the cleaning company. She knew that this was no ordinary meeting. 

"Maid Hyde," Mrs. Smith began, her voice laced with a calculated softness, "we have asked you here today to discuss your performance as a cleaner." 

Maid Hyde's heart pounded in her chest as she listened to Mrs. Smith's words. She knew that this was not going to be a simple performance review. There was something else afoot, something that was making her skin crawl. 

"Overall, we are satisfied with your work," Mrs. Smith continued, her gaze fixed on maid Hyde. "You are a diligent and efficient cleaner, and you always complete your tasks to a high standard." 

Maid Hyde let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders slumping slightly. She had been working hard, and it was nice to hear that her efforts were being recognized. 

But Mrs. Smith's next words sent a chill down maid Hyde's spine. "However," she said, her voice hardening, "we have noticed a tendency in you to question authority." 

Maid Hyde's heart sank. She knew that this was the real reason for the meeting. They were here to reprimand her for her rebellious spirit, for her refusal to blindly follow orders. 

"We expect our employees to be obedient and compliant," Dr. Stanton added, her eyes glinting with a hint of menace. "We do not tolerate dissent or questioning of our decisions." 

Maid Hyde's anger flared. She had always been a freethinker, a woman who questioned the status quo. She refused to be treated like a mindless robot, following orders without question. 

"I believe that questioning authority is a healthy thing," she retorted, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. "It allows us to improve our processes and make sure that we are doing things in the right way." 

Mrs. Smith's eyes narrowed, her expression darkening. "In this company," she declared, her voice dripping with authority, "we believe that there is only one right way to do things. And that way is our way." 

Maid Hyde's heart pounded in her chest. She knew that she was outnumbered, that she was up against two powerful individuals who were determined to break her spirit. But she also knew that she couldn't back down. She had to stand up for herself, for her right to think for herself. 

"I am not an automaton," she said, her voice firm and resolute. "I am a human being, and I have a right to think for myself." 

Dr. Stanton's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flickering within their depths. "We'll see about that." 

"You will not be allowed to question our authority, but we are willing to give a second chance," Mrs. Smith stated. "And we are willing to overlook your past transgressions after you drink this," she said showing a glass in Dr. Stanton's hand. 

Maid Hyde's heart pounded like a drum. She understood that she was meant to serve as guinea pig for Dr. Stanton's servitude drug. 

Chapter 19. Testing the new drug. 

"Maid Hyde," Dr. Stanton began, her voice laced with a forced politeness that did little to mask her underlying menace, "we have developed a new drug that we believe can help you with your... difficulties. A drug that will help you to... conform," he explained smoothly. "A drug that will make you more... compliant, more agreeable. It will eliminate any trace of rebellion, any hint of dissent." 

Maid Hyde's blood ran cold. "I don't want your drug," she declared, her voice regaining its strength. "I'm not broken. I don't need to be fixed." 

Mrs. Smith's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing her face. "You will drink the drug, maid Hyde," she commanded, her voice dripping with icy disdain. "It is not a request." 

Maid Hyde stood tall, her resolve unwavering. "I will not," she retorted, her voice firm and defiant. "I will not be your puppet." 

Mrs. Smith's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Very well," she said and reached for her phone. "Security! Come to my office at once!" she barked into it, her voice laced with venomous authority. 

Moments later, two burly security guards burst into the room, their faces grim and expressionless. Mrs. Smith pointed at maid Hyde, her eyes burning with malice. "Seize her and tie her to a chair!" she commanded, her voice dripping with contempt. The guards lunged at maid Hyde, their hands grabbing her arms, their movements swift and brutal. Maid Hyde struggled against their grip, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind reeling in shock. 

"You can't do this!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation. "This is illegal!" 

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The guards forced her to sit down on a wooden chair. Her hands were bound behind her back, the rope cutting into her flesh. Her legs were tied to the chair, her body immobilized. She felt a wave of panic wash over her, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. She was trapped, at the mercy of Mrs. Smith's ruthless power. 

Dr. Stanton then poured the drug into maid Hyde's mouth. 

Maid Hyde's eyes widened in horror. She cried out and coughed, but couldn't stop her former rival. At first, she struggled against her restraints, but her protests faded into silence, her eyes glazing over. She soon became completely quiet and expressionless. 

A sense of triumph washed over Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton as they watched maid Hyde's transformation. They had achieved their goal, creating the perfect worker, a docile servant devoid of free will. Maid Hyde had succumbed to their power, her resistance crushed by the force of their ruthless ambition. 

With a flick of her wrist, Mrs. Smith signalled to the guards. "Untie her and leave," she commanded, her voice laced with authority. The guards loosened the ropes that bound maid Hyde's hands and legs and left. 

Mrs. Smith gestured towards a tray laden with champagne glasses and a bottle of chilled champagne. "Serve us," she ordered maid Hyde, her voice cold and imperious. 

Her face completely expressionless, maid Hyde picked up the tray and poured two glasses of champagne. She offered one to Mrs. Smith, who took it with a haughty air. She then offered one to Dr. Stanton, who stood beside Mrs. Smith, her eyes fixed on maid Hyde with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. 

Maid Hyde watched as Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton raised their glasses, their eyes sparkling with malicious intent. 

"To your servitude, Dr. Jackie," Mrs. Smith toasted, looking at maid Hyde, her voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"To your submission, Dr. Jackie," Dr. Stanton added, her voice laced with a dark satisfaction. 

Chapter 20. The moment of triumph. 

In the dimly lit confines of Mrs. Smith's office, an air of triumph hung heavy, punctuated by the clinking of champagne glasses. Dr. Stanton, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and malice, raised her glass towards Mrs. Smith, the wealthy businesswoman who had funded her twisted research. 

"To a new era of obedience," Dr. Stanton declared, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "To a world where the lower classes know their place." 

Mrs. Smith nodded in agreement, her lips curving into a cruel smile. "This is just the beginning, Dr. Stanton. With this drug, we can control the masses, turn them into our obedient puppets." 

Their jubilation stemmed from their recent experiment, in which they had administered their newly developed servitude drug to maid Hyde, a former scientist and rival of Dr. Stanton who had fallen from grace and was now working as a cleaner for Mrs. Smith. The drug, designed to suppress the rebellious spirit of its subjects and render them docile and compliant, had seemed to work flawlessly on maid Hyde. In just a few minutes, maid Hyde had transformed from a spirited and independent woman into a meek and obedient servant, her mind clouded, her will broken. Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton had watched with delight as maid Hyde carried out their every command without question, her once vibrant eyes now dull and lifeless. Dr. Stanton, basking in Mrs. Smith's praise, had revelled in the thought of the power they now wielded, the control they had over the lives of others. 

But their celebration was cut short when they suddenly felt light-headed and had to sit down. A startling realization dawned upon them when they saw maid Hyde smiling at them in triumph. 

"You can't be smiling...," Dr. Stanton muttered. "But how...," Mrs. Smith stammered. 

"Sorry Ma'am. Sorry Doctor," maid Hyde said. "Your plan to create a drug to control and exploit the immigrant girls working for your cleaning company was just too evil and inhumane," she declared, her gaze sweeping across Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton, "I had to stop you, so I replaced the drug with a harmless placebo, and feigned obedience when it was administered to me." 

"You can't stop us," Mrs. Smith declared, despite feeling it increasingly hard to focus her thoughts. 

"I already have, Ma'am," maid Hyde explained. "And when you thought I was under your complete control and ordered me to serve you, I did put a drug in your champagne". 

"You did put... in our champagne?" Mrs. Smith stammered, her voice losing its usual sharp edge, acquiring a disconcerting tremor. Dr. Stanton, her usually stoic demeanour crumbling, reached for her throat, her eyes widening in panic. "I... I can't breathe," she gasped, her words choked and constricted. 

A faint smile touched Maid Hyde's lips as she watched them with a mixture of satisfaction and remorse. "Don't worry," she said, her voice surprisingly calm yet brimming with a veiled darkness. "It's just the effect of the drug." 

The realization hit them like a wave crashing against the shore. They had been outsmarted, outplayed by the very individual they had underestimated, the one they sought to control. 

"You... you did put the servitude drug... in our champagne," Mrs. Smith began, watching at maid Hyde in horror, her words trailing off as she succumbed to the wave of drugged drowsiness that engulfed her. 

A strange sensation began to wash over Mrs. Smith and Dr. Stanton. Their limbs grew heavy, their eyelids grew droopy, and a wave of dizziness swept over them. As their consciousness slipped away, they realized the gravity of their mistake. They had underestimated maid Hyde, underestimated her cunning, her resourcefulness, her ability to turn their own weapon against them. In the quiet depths of the office, their bodies slumped against the plush chairs, their minds slipping into darkness. They had become victims of their own creation, their dreams of power and control dissolving into the oblivion of unconsciousness... 

Epilogue. Two months later. 

The early morning sun cast long, golden rays across the manicured lawn, illuminating the imposing façade of the huge manor. Inside, a team of three cleaners, maid Sara, maid Emily and maid Hyde moved with practised efficiency, their cleaning supplies trailing behind them like faithful companions. 

Maid Sara, formerly known as Mrs. Smith, was a woman of unwavering energy, her laughter echoing through the vast hallways as she effortlessly tackled even the most stubborn stains. Maid Emily, formerly known as Dr. Stanton, possessed a meticulous attention to detail, her keen eye spotting dust and dirt that others would miss. And then were was maid Hyde, formerly known as Dr. Jackie, the seasoned veteran of the group. Her eyes held a spark of resilience and determination. She exuded a calm confidence, her steady presence grounding the group amidst the whirlwind of cleaning tasks. 

As they moved from room to room, the cleaners transformed the manor from a relic of opulence into a haven of cleanliness. Maid Sara's infectious laughter filled the air as she polished antique chandeliers, maid Emily's gentle hum accompanied her as she dusted delicate figurines, and maid Hyde's rhythmic movements mirrored her as she vacuumed under opulent furniture. Despite the grandeur of their surroundings, the cleaners never lost sight of the camaraderie that bound them. They shared stories, exchanged jokes, and offered encouragement, their voices filling the manor with a sense of warmth and belonging. As the day wore on, the once-dusty manor gleamed under the cleaners' touch. The air was crisp and fresh, the surfaces spotless, and the overall ambiance exuded an inviting warmth. 

"We did it!" maid Sara declared, her hands on her hips, surveying their handiwork with pride. "This place is clean as a whistle!" 

Maid Emily nodded in agreement, a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. "It was a lot of work, but it was worth it." 

Maid Hyde smiled, her heart filled with contentment. "I'm glad we could do this together. At first, I wasn't so sure you were right to resign from your positions in the cleaning company and to stay as cleaners. But now, I think you made the right choice." 

"I'm so glad you gave us this opportunity," maid Sara said, her cheerful face alight with gratitude, her eyes filled with genuine appreciation. "Maid Hyde," she began, her voice filled with sincerity, "we never really talked about it, but we must thank you for your immense mercy. You had every right to make us drink that servitude potion after what we did to you, but you chose to spare us." 

Maid Emily, her usually quiet demeanour replaced by a wave of emotion, nodded in agreement. "We were foolish and blinded by ambition," she confessed, her voice trembling with regret. "We acted wrongly and didn't think through the extent of the harm we wanted to inflict on you and on the immigrant girls working for the cleaning company." 

Maid Hyde looked at her two colleagues, their faces etched with genuine repentance, and a sense of compassion washed over her. At the time, she had indeed been tempted to give them a taste of their own medicine, but had understood that it wouldn't be right to condemn them to a life of endless servitude. 

"I had to stop your evil scheme," maid Hyde replied, her voice gentle and understanding, "but I didn't want to transform you into mindless slave girls, devoid of dignity and free will. Nobody deserves such a fate. I was willing to give you both a chance to redeem yourselves, so, instead of putting the servitude drug in your champagne, I did use the cleanliness drug, the same drug I had previously used on myself. I knew first hand that the cleanliness drug had enriched my personality without erasing my individuality and would not, like the servitude drug, leave you as nothing more than shells of your former selves." 

"But where did you find the cleanliness drug for us?" maid Sara asked. 

"Don't forget that I had created this drug as Dr. Jackie, "maid Hyde explained. "I knew how to produce it again. So I worked on it in secret, during my cleaning shifts in the lab. I mixed the necessary ingredients and produced enough of the drug for both of you. And I even improved the recipe so it would work permanently from the very first use. No one suspected a thing because, for everybody, I was just a mere cleaner incapable of such a feat." 

"Yes," maid Emily admitted, "we completely underestimated you. I should have guessed that the brilliant student and scientist I had known in the past could not just lose all her skills, but I am glad I didn't suspect anything and couldn't stop you." 

"I am happy," maid Hyde said in a serious tone, "that you don't resent me for making you drink the cleanliness drug, but there is one thing I have to confess. I think I could create an antidote to make your cleanliness gene recessive again and restore your DNA as it was before that fateful night when my drug altered your DNA. Would you like me to do it?" 

Maid Sara looked at maid Hyde and asked: "Does it mean that you could also do it to yourself and restore Dr. Jackie's DNA?" 

"Yes," maid Hyde conceded. "But I won't. I am happier as maid Hyde and a better person." 

"I am also happier as a cleaner," maid Emily admitted. "I don't want to become that awful Dr. Stanton again." 

"It's the same for me," maid Sara concurred. "Mrs. Smith has caused enough harm. I prefer her to stay a memory. So thanks, but no thanks. I don't want your antidote." 

Maid Hyde smiled, her heart filled with a sense of hope. She had witnessed the transformative power of forgiveness and the potential for redemption that lay within every individual. Together, maid Sara, maid Emily and maid Hyde would embark on a new chapter of their lives, based on mutual respect, trust and a shared commitment to make the world a better place and to take on the world as maids and cleaners, one spotless surface at a time.


  1. nice )) waiting Jackie J version of this story with chastity and lesbians ))

  2. It would of been interesting, if Maid Hyde would've slipped some of that new drug in with the champagne along with the 1st batch. Not only making Mrs. Smith and Doctor Stanton cleaners, but subservient to Maid Hyde. True justice.

    1. To be honest, I had considered this option. But for a story published in December, I thought it would be better to give the villains a chance to redeem themselves, in the spirit of a Christmas tale.

  3. It's nice, for a change, to come across a complete story that offers a satisfying conclusion and leaves few lingering questions. This is not the case with all the stories presented on this blog.

  4. As I try to write stories myself, I know it's not always easy to bring a story to its conclusion, especially when faced with the challenges of crafting a satisfying ending. So well done Yellow M for completing your story. It is in itself, I would say, a significant accomplishment. And I would like to take this opportunity to wish Ms. Langtry, as well as Yellow M and all the writers and readers of this blog a Merry Christmas.

  5. Would love more stories like this where the women chose to stay as maid out of their own free will.

  6. For those interested, relatively new on Amazon/Kindle "Maid: The Tale of a Cancelled Trophy Wife".

  7. no updates (. lack of stories to publish or camille "percolating" again?

  8. Happy new year, everyone!

    For pictures with a caption-story from Emily Grey on a similar student-to-maid theme, see the open correspondence at .

    Respectfully submitted,

    Renegade Spirit

    1. Sorry, that group link is

      I was confusing its URL with the URL of Camille’s website (the one you’re reading now).

      Renegade Spirit

  9. I have created mini comic of Indian maid and teenage boy role reversal and swapping if anyone interested check out my deviant art

  10. We need more stories quickly please.

    1. I'm pleased to say that I've already sent the first parts of my latest work to Ms. Langtry, so I hope that the beginning of my new story will soon be published.

      It's about a wealthy student from a privileged background who has just been accepted into a prestigious boarding school, but is mistaken on her arrival for a delinquent girl sentenced to community service.

    2. publish your story on deviantart

  11. Looking forward to your new story maid Melissa.
