
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Story: Real life experience: My Summer Job. Parts 3-4.

by Melissa

Part 3. First day at work 

My supervisor, Miss Davis, first took me to the laundry room and told me to take a cleaning cart. It had been prepared and contained everything I would need to clean the rooms. As I pushed the cart behind her, Miss Davis explained, "Now, girl, let's discuss our cleaning standards. The rooms must be spotless. No dust anywhere. Sheets must be changed whenever necessary and towels must be fresh. And the bathroom must be cleaned."

"I understand, Miss Davis," I said.

"Now let's go to your first room," said Miss Davis. She led me to a room and said, "This is room 03. It's been occupied by a guest, so it's been used before. But you must clean it again to our standards."

"Yes, Miss Davis," I replied.

"Now, if there's no 'Do Not Disturb' sign visible, knock on the door, say 'Cleaning Service' and wait for the reply. If you're invited in, enter the room, greet the guest and ask if you can clean the room. If there is no answer, take the master key, open the door and start cleaning the empty room." 

I went to room 03 and knocked on the door. No one reacted, so we went in. The room was empty and I started to clean. Miss Davis watched me intently.

"You're not doing it right, girl," Miss Davis told me. "You're not using enough elbow grease."

"I'm sorry, Miss Davis," I said, "I'll make an effort."

I cleaned the room again, this time with more effort.

"That's better," said Miss Davis. "But you have to work a lot faster. We don't have all day.

"I'll try, Miss Davis," I said.

I finished cleaning the room and made the bed.

Miss Davis looked at the bed and laughed. "Is that the best you can do?"

"What's wrong, Miss Davis?", I asked.

"Are you blind, girl?", Miss Davis told me. "The sheets are wrinkled."

"But...," I mumbled.

"Okay, girl, let's take it from the beginning," Miss Davis said. "To make a bed properly, there are several things to do. First, you have to strip the bed and put the dirty sheets in the laundry bag. Next, you need to put on a new fitted sheet. Make sure the fitted sheet is taut and doesn't wrinkle.

"Yes, Miss Davis," I replied.

"Next, you need to put on a flat sheet," Miss Davis said. "Make sure the flat sheet is smooth and even. Then you need to put on the top sheet and the blankets.

"Okay," I said.

"Finally, you need to make the bed," said Miss Davis. "You can do that by tucking in the sheets and blankets and fluffing up the pillows.

"I understand," I added and made the bed again, this time with much more effort.

"It's not perfect," said Miss Davis, "but it'll do this time."

"Thank you, Miss Davis," I said. 

"Now let's continue with the bathroom," Miss Davis told me.

I went into the bathroom and scrubbed the toilet, sink and tub. Then I mopped and wiped the mirrors. I also changed the towels.

When I'd finished, I thought I'd done a good job. But when Miss Davis came to check the work, she wasn't happy.

"This is unacceptable," she declared. "The toilet is still dirty, the floor isn't dry and there are fingerprints on the mirror.

"I'm sorry, Miss Davis," I replied, "I'm doing my best." 

"The best you can do isn't good enough," said Miss Davis. "I need you to follow the cleaning standards to the letter.

"Yes, Miss Davis," I said, "I'll try harder."

"You'd better, girl, if you want to keep this job," Miss Davis told me. "Here's what it takes to clean a bathroom to our standards. Before you start, gather all your cleaning supplies. You'll need a toilet brush, a sink brush, a tub brush, a mop, a bucket, cleaning solution and some paper towels. Put on rubber gloves and start by cleaning the toilet. Scrub the bowl thoroughly with the brush and cleaning solution. Then flush the toilet and wipe down the seat and lid. Got it, girl?"

"Yes, Miss Davis," I acknowledged

"When the toilet is spotless," said Miss Davis, "clean the sink. Scrub it thoroughly with the sink brush and cleaning solution. Then rinse the sink and dry it with a paper towel. Are you following me, girl?"

"Yes, Miss Davis."

"Next," explained Miss Davis, "clean the bathtub. Scrub it thoroughly with the tub brush and cleaning solution. Then rinse the tub and dry it with another paper towel.

"Okay, Miss Davis."

"Then mop the floor," said Miss Davis. "Fill the bucket with hot water and the cleaning solution and start mopping, starting at the far corner and working your way out.

"Yes, Miss Davis," I said. 

"Finally, the mirror," Miss Davis said to me. "Never neglect the mirror, girl. Start by removing stains by putting rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth and wipe the surface. Next, spray the mirror with glass cleaner and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it down. Work from edge to edge, then from top to bottom, without making circular movements. Then check that the mirror is clean and streak-free, by trying to move around to look at it from different angles. Remove any marks or fingerprints with a little white vinegar and paper towel for a sparkling, streak-free finish. Got it, girl?"

"I think I understand, Miss Davis," I replied.

"Now clean the bathroom again, starting from scratch," Miss David said. "And this time, make sure you do it right."

This time, I worked harder to make sure my work was perfect. I scrubbed the toilet until it was spotless, mopped the floor until it was dry and made sure there were no fingerprints on the mirror. When Miss Davis returned to check her work, she was finally satisfied. "That's better, girl," she said. "But don't feel too comfortable. I expect this level of cleanliness from you every time."

I was relieved to have finally passed Miss Davis' inspection. But I couldn't rest on my laurels, as there were other rooms to clean. 

The second bedroom was a mess. The bed was unmade, the sheets were wrinkled and there were dirty towels on the floor. I took a deep breath and started by stripping the bed and putting the dirty sheets in the laundry bag. I then cleaned the bathroom, scrubbing the toilet, sink and shower. I also took the time to give the mirror a good cleaning. When I had finished with the bathroom, leaving it clean and shiny, I returned to the bedroom. I made the bed, vacuumed the floor and dusted the furniture. I even put a vase of fresh flowers on the nightstand. I thought I'd done a good job, but I was still a little nervous about what Miss Davis would think. Miss Davis walked around the room, taking the time to examine my work. She even got down on all fours to look under the bed. I held my breath, waiting for her to say something.

Finally, she spoke. "It's not perfect, girl," she said. "But it'll do."

I was relieved. "Thank you, Miss Davis," I said.

"But we don't have all day," Miss Davis told me. "Now hurry up and go into the next room."

"Yes, Miss Davis," I said. "Right away, Miss Davis." 

The rest of my morning went like this. Miss Davis didn't hesitate to reprimand me in no uncertain terms whenever I made a mistake. Having been a chambermaid herself, Miss Davis knew exactly what I was supposed to do. There was no way to hide any slackness from her. She didn't let anything slip. 

At one point, I had to clean a room that wasn't empty. "Maid service," I called out.

"Come in," said a voice.

I opened the door and entered the room. The guest, a man in his forties, was sitting on the bed. He was wearing a bathrobe and reading a book.

"Good morning, Sir," I said. "May I clean your room?"

"Of course," the man replied. "Go ahead, please."

Since the customer was nearby, I did put an extra effort. I started by making the bed. Then I straightened the furniture and put away the clothes that were lying around. I dusted the furniture and vacuumed the floor. Finally, I cleaned the bathroom. I scrubbed the toilet, sink and bathtub. I also mopped and wiped the mirrors. When I was done, the room was spotless. Even Miss Davis didn't complain.

"Thank you," said the man. "That looks great."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few coins. "Here's a tip for you," he said, handing them to me. It was my very first tip.

"Thank you, sir," I said. "I appreciate it.

I was happy to have been able to make this customer's room comfortable and clean, but I had to move on, as there were other rooms to clean. 

The last room I had to clean during my morning shift was my own, the one I shared with my husband. It was empty: my husband had left a note saying he'd gone off to explore the neighboring village and wouldn't be back until late afternoon. Having to clean my own room as a maid seemed a little strange. It was as if my husband's note wasn't intended for me, but was a message left by a guest to his wife, as his wife and I were different people. When I thought I was ready with the cleaning, Miss Davis looked around and frowned. "It's not good enough.", she said. The bathroom, in particular, wasn't clean enough, so I cleaned it again, more carefully this time. 

At the end of my morning shift, at noon, I was already feeling tired even though I'd only worked for two hours. But it felt like 8 hours or more. I also felt like I was starving, especially as I hadn't had breakfast. Fortunately, I knew from the contract that I was to receive food for lunch. So I went to the kitchen. The cook gave me a tray with plenty to eat. I was heading for the dining room when, suddenly, Miss Davis got in my way. 

"Where are you going, girl?" said Miss Davis.

"I'm going to the dining room, Miss Davis," I replied.

"That's not allowed, girl."

"What?", I replied.

"Eating in the dining room is reserved for guests," Miss Davis explained. "It's not proper for a maid to eat there. Guests expect to be served by the staff. They don't want to see you eating with them."

"But I'm not just a staff member," I said. "I'm also a guest. I'm staying here too."

"That doesn't matter," said Miss Davis. "You're still a staff member and you have to follow the rules. Now get back to the kitchen."

I sighed. I realized I was now to eat in the kitchen.

"Yes, Miss Davis, I understand," I said and returned to the kitchen. 

Then came my afternoon pass, from 13 to 15. My supervisor, Miss Davis, had me put on a clean apron from the laundry room and gave me a list of rooms to clean. Fortunately, she was busy and couldn't stay with me all the time, so I didn't have to work as hard as I had in the morning. But I still did my best to create a clean and comfortable environment for the guests. I also interacted with a couple of guests, but received no tips. 

After hauling all the dirty laundry into the laundry room and preparing my cleaning cart for the next day, my afternoon shift finally came to an end. I had originally intended to join my husband in the village, but I felt so tired that I went back to my room. It was mid-afternoon, so I laid down on the bed, without even taking off my uniform, and fell asleep. When my husband returned, he found me there, still asleep.


Part 4. A maid's work is never done


The next morning, I woke up with a groan, my muscles aching from the physical exertion of my hard work of cleaning and tidying rooms the day before. It had been a tiring day, and I still felt exhausted. But I knew that I couldn't afford to be lazy. I had to get up and go to work again, even though I didn't feel like it. I had to secure the stay of my husband in this beautiful place. 

I looked over at my husband, who was still sleeping soundly. I rolled over and slowly sat up in bed. I reached over and turned off the alarm clock, making sure not to make any noise. Then, I slowly got out of bed and stood up. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the day ahead. I knew that I had to be strong, for my own sake and for the sake of my husband. So, after a quick shower, I wrote a note to my sleeping husband, dressed in my uniform and left our room. As I walked in the corridor of the hotel, I thought about how I would get through the day. I knew that it would be tough, but I was determined to do my best. I took a deep breath and headed into the kitchen to take my breakfast. 

I had just taken my breakfast and was preparing myself for my first shift when, suddenly, Miss Davis, my supervisor came to the kitchen. "Girl," she snapped at me, "Have you forgotten everything you were told yesterday? You can't be seen like that. Your apron is dirty and your uniform is wrinkled. Go to the laundry room, iron your uniform and change to a fresh apron." 

I was embarrassed. I knew that I should have taken better care of my uniform, but I had been working so hard on my first day that I completely forgot. "I'm sorry, Miss Davis," I said. "I'll go do that right now." 

I went to the laundry room and ironed my uniform. I then put it back with a fresh apron and came back to the kitchen where Miss Davis was taking her breakfast. She was still not happy. "Girl," she said, "I expect you to take better care of your uniform. It's an important part of your job." I nodded. "I understand, Miss Davis," I said. "I'll make sure it's always clean and pressed from now on." 

Then I fetched the cleaning cart and went straight to the rooms scheduled on my checking list. The first few hours of work were the hardest. My body was still sore from the day before, and I was struggling to keep up. But I kept going, one room at a time. As my first shift went on, I started to feel a little better. I got into a rhythm, and the work became less daunting. I even started to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that came from finishing a room. 

By lunchtime, I was exhausted. I took a short break in the kitchen to eat and drink, but I knew that I couldn't afford to rest for too long. I had to keep working. But before starting my afternoon shift, I quickly went to the laundry room and changed to a fresh apron. I also polished my uniform shoes, just in case. Better safe than sorry, I thought. 

Then I started my second shift of the day. The second room of my checklist was not empty. When I knocked on the door and waited, a sharp female voice answered: "Come in."

I opened the door and stepped inside. "Good morning, Madam," I said. "I'm here to clean your room."

"Well, hurry up and do it," the female guest said. "I don't have all day."

I started cleaning the room, but the guest kept finding things to complain about.

"The sheets aren't clean enough," she said. "And the towels are wrinkled."

"I'll change them, Madam," I said.

"And the carpet is dirty," she said. "You need to vacuum it."

"I'll do that too, Madam" I said.

I worked hard to clean the room, but the guest was never satisfied. She kept finding things wrong and complaining to me.

Finally, I finished cleaning the room. I was exhausted and frustrated.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Madam?" I asked.

"No," the guest said. "Get out of here."

As I walked away, I could hear the guest muttering under her breath.

"Lazy maid," she said. "Can't even do her job right."

I felt my face flush with anger. I wanted to say something to the guest, but I understood that it probably wouldn't do any good. The guest was already in a bad mood, and anything I said would only make her worse. I knew that I couldn't let one rude guest ruin my day. I had to focus on my work and do my best, so I went to the next room and started cleaning. 

I had just finished cleaning the next room when, suddenly, I met a man in the corridor. He was dressed in a business suit and had a stern expression on his face.

"Come here, maid," he said to me.

"Can I help you, Sir?" I asked.

"Yes," the man said. "I need you to iron my clothes."

"Iron your clothes?" I said. "I'm not supposed to do that. My job is to clean the rooms."

"I don't care what your job is," the man said. "I'm the guest here, and I'm telling you to iron my clothes."

I was starting to get annoyed. "I have no intention of doing so," I said. "I'm not your servant."

"Very well," the man said. "I'll call the manageress and complain."

I sighed. I knew the man would probably carry out his threat.

"All right, sir," I said. "I'll iron your clothes."

I took the clothes to the laundry room and started ironing them. When the ironing was finished, I returned and handed the clothes to the man.

"Here you are, Sir," I said.

"You've taken your time, stupid maid. Now, be gone," he said and left for his room, without even giving me a tip. I felt angry and humiliated and couldn't believe I'd been treated like this by a guest. 

After taking care of the last room on my checklist, I was exhausted. I was about to finish my shift when the manageress, Mrs. Roberts, approached me.

"Melissa," said Mrs. Roberts. "I need you to go scrub the lobby floor."

I was surprised. "But I thought I was done for the day," I said.

"I know, and I'm sorry," said Mrs. Roberts. "But there's been a spill in the lobby and I need someone to clean it up."

I sighed. I knew I couldn't argue with Mrs. Roberts. She was my boss, after all.

"All right," I said. "I'll do it."

I went to the laundry room and grabbed a mop and a bucket. Then I went to the hotel lobby and started scrubbing the floor. The spill was large and messy, and it took me a long time to clean it up. It was hard work and I was starting to feel even more tired than before. But I knew I had to finish the job. After a while, I finished scrubbing the floor. I was exhausted, but I was also glad to be done. 

By the end of my second day of work, I was tired, but I was also satisfied. I had worked hard, and I had done my job well. It had been physically exhausting, but, unlike the previous day, I had enough energy to have a good talk with my husband when he came back from a nearby lake where he had been fishing all the day. When I saw how happy and relaxed he was, I understood that I had taken the right decision when I took this job to secure his stay in that beautiful surrounding, far from his stressful job. 

The next day, I woke up in a good mood despite the fact that my body was still sore after being on my feet all the previous days, cleaning rooms and making beds. After letting the shower wash away the stress of the day before, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. 

This was a new day, and I was determined to start it off right. So I went to my dresser, opened the top drawer, took out my makeup bag and set it on the counter. Then I opened the makeup bag and started to apply my makeup. I put on foundation, concealer, blush, and mascara. Then I added a touch of lipstick. I didn't usually wear much makeup, but I wanted to feel special today. After I was finished with my makeup, I went to my jewellery box. I opened the box and took out my favorite pearl necklace. I did put on the necklace and took a look in the mirror. 

I smiled. I looked good. I felt good. I was ready to face the day. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. I went to my closet and got dressed. I put on my maid's dress and a fresh apron. Then I slipped on my uniform shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror again. I was convinced that I could handle anything that came my way. 

As I walked to the kitchen for the breakfast, I was glad that I had decided to put on makeup and jewellery. It had made me feel good, and it had made my day a little bit brighter. 

But then, Miss Davis saw me and said, "Girl, I need to talk to you about your appearance."

"Yes, Miss Davis?", I replied.

"There are two ways to wear a black dress, either with pearls or with a white apron," she said. "You can't do both at the same time. The apron is part of your uniform, so you can't wear a pearl necklace. It might confuse guests and it's not appropriate for a maid."

"I'm sorry, Miss Davis," I replied. "I didn't know."

"Well, now you know, girl," she said. "I'm also concerned about your fancy makeup."

"But why, Miss Davis?", I said, "I just want to look good."

"You shouldn't try to look better than our female guests," explained Miss Davis, "they might become jealous of your appearance and believe that you are trying to compete with them."

"I never thought of that," I said.

"I didn't think you'd thought about it, girl," Miss Davis replied. "And with your husband around, you wouldn't want the kind of attention your fancy makeup is bound to attract from the male guests."

Understanding what Miss Davis was implying, I blushed furiously.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed, girl," Miss Davis said.

"I... I'll... I'll take off the pearl necklace right away, Miss Davis," I said, blushing even more, "And I'll tone down the makeup, too." 

I left the kitchen and went to my room, took off my jewelry and most of my makeup. I was disappointed that I had to change my appearance, but I understood that Miss Davis was right. But I decided to not let it alter my good mood. 

Then I worked hard all day, taking breaks only when I absolutely had to. I cleaned rooms, made beds, and changed linens. I also had to carry luggage and run errands for several guests. By the end of my second shift, I was exhausted, but I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had worked hard and even Miss Davis recognized that I'd done a good job, albeit reluctantly. I was proud of myself for that. I knew that the next day would be just as tough, but I was determined to face it head-on and do my best to keep the hotel clean and tidy.


  1. I am in love with this story. I cannot wait to see where it goes from here.

  2. Dear Readers,

    The continuation of the account of my Summer job experience can be found above. I hope you will like it, and I look forward to your feedback.

    Your humble maid, Melissa

    1. I am so pleased you took my first comment to heart!

      Good girl.

  3. what a great and engaging continuation. Loving all 4 chapters so far.Thank you for this.

  4. It is good to see that on your first days on the job, you were beginning to learn the importance of hard work and a tidy, modest appearance. You handled the rude lady guest very well. But - arguing with the man who needed his clothes ironed? Did you not think this would reflect poorly on your superiors? A maid should do what she is told, not say 'that isn't my job'. I hope you learned a valuable lesson from this experience and that you took orders more willingly from that point on. Less 'sighing' please!

    1. You're right, of course, Sir or Madam. I shouldn't have argued with the guest, especially since his request, while not officially part of my job description, wasn't something I couldn't do, nor was it an inappropriate proposition. In fact, from that point on, I obeyed orders more willingly, except once when I was told to do something I found demeaning (but that will be depicted in the next installment).

      Your humble maid, Melissa

  5. I wish this story could go on and on.
    Maybe your husband meets another woman and spends time with her while you are tending to your maid duties.

    Maybe the management opts to extend his stay free of charge so you continue as maid for longer.

    Alas, I understand this is supposed to be based on real events. I cannot wait for the next installment.

  6. I hope we see miss Davis getting close with Melissa’s husband. Would love to see that as our poor “girl” has to do even more demeaning services for the wealthy guests.

  7. I am looking forward to knowing what happened next! K
