
Friday, October 20, 2023

Story: From Alpha Female To Submissive

By Peter242

Samantha was thirty-eight and a senior executive in a finance company. Initially, she loved the job, but now, even though she was one of the most senior people in the office, she hated the pressure of the job and the responsibility.  

Hannah was Samantha's assistant. She was twenty-four but was proving herself to be exceptionally good. She was happy to take on more and more responsibility and was even starting to go to client meetings by herself and was proving to be successful in obtaining new business for the company. 

Samantha took Hannah out for lunch to discuss how things were going. It was over that lunch when Samantha had probably had a couple of drinks too much and started to open up about her desire to wind down. "The stress is really getting to me, Hannah," Samantha said. She then added, "I can never wait to get home and wind down." 

Hannah asked because she was interested, "Tell me, Samantha, how do you wind down?"


Samantha blushed as she replied, "I can't wait to get home and get completely undressed. I then clean the house from top to bottom. I scrub the kitchen and bathroom, do the washing, ironing, dusting, and hoovering, and just wear myself out with the pleasure of the repetition of doing the same cleaning day after day. It is boring because it is mundane but is just what I need to switch off from everything I hate, particularly the huge stress of my job." 

That took Hannah by surprise because when she got home she would quite often prepare for meetings the following day or the day after that. She would certainly be checking her emails and answering as many as she could. Yet here was her boss who she had always seen as the true alpha female in the office but now saw that maybe she wasn't. It worried Hannah as she set herself the target of being like Samantha and being a woman that everyone looked up to and respected, so could the same happen to her? 

A couple of days after that lunch, a client had phoned up in the late afternoon and said they wanted an urgent meeting the following morning. The call was made to Samantha who then turned to Hannah and said, "Can you investigate this?  I need to get home." 

Hannah remembered the lunch and supposed Samantha wanted to get home to relax by doing cleaning again. She was certainly confident enough to prepare for the meeting by herself but still decided to have a joke with Samantha and said, "Of course I can, Samantha. However, I really need to get home early because my flat needs to be cleaned. I've got lots of washing that needs to be done and ironing, and the like. It's probably a good four hours of work." 

Samantha really didn't want to do the preparation work for the client. She knew that she was going to be handing over this client to Hannah in any case and, therefore, saw this as an opportunity both to give Hannah that additional responsibility but also to wind herself down. She therefore replied, "I tell you what, Hannah. If you stay here and do that work and prepare for the meeting tomorrow, I'll go back to your place and do all the cleaning for you." 

Hannah had meant it as a wind-up and really hadn't expected that response, but she was happy to take over the client and saw this as a good opportunity to do that. She wasn't sure whether Samantha was serious, but nevertheless opened her handbag, took out her keys, handed them to Samantha, and said, "You know where I live, so if you're happy to do that for me, then that would be really great." 

Samantha smiled and didn't think twice as she held out her hand and took the keys from Hannah, and said, "Cool." 

Even as Hannah was working away preparing for tomorrow's meeting, she did give some thought to what Samantha might be doing. She really couldn't believe that her boss was going to clean her flat, and just expected to find her flat to be in the same mess that she had left it in this morning, and that Samantha had gone to the wine bar. Nevertheless, she put that to the back of her mind because, after all, Samantha was her boss and she could've just told her to do this work by herself in any case. 

It was five hours later when Hannah arrived back at the flat, knowing that her neighbour had a spare key so she would be able to get in. She did, first of all, press the bell for her own flat just to make sure that Samantha wasn't there. It was therefore quite a shock to hear Samantha's voice saying, "Hi, Hannah. It's all done." 

Hannah really couldn't believe what Samantha had said as she quickly walked up the stairs and by the time she got to her flat the door was open. She was even more surprised to find Samantha standing there, fully naked, except for rubber gloves and a dusting brush. She was even more shocked to see that Samantha did have all the curves and that her pussy lips were shaved, and she could see that so were her legs. As she glanced up and down Samantha's curvaceous naked and clean-shaved body, she felt flutters flying around her vulva as she knew she did fancy her boss lady, and now more so. 

Samantha saw the look of surprise on Hannah's face and said, "I think I told you that I clean my flat fully naked. It really is the best way for me to calm down after a hectic day at the office. Anyway, come in, and you can let me know if I have cleaned to the standard you expect." 

Samantha saw how Hannah had looked her up and down and focused on her shaved pussy lips, and to emphasise how she liked to be fully shaved she lifted her arms as though dusting above Hannah's head but knew Hannah would see clearly that her armpits were also clean shaved. 

Hannah walked into the flat and closed the door, and then walked from room to room and had to admit to being really surprised at just how clean the flat was. What's more, when she looked in the linen basket in her bathroom it was empty, and then checking in her cupboard she saw that all of the clothes were not just washed but ironed as well. In fact, it was all done to a far better standard than she could ever have done herself. 

The last room inspected was the living room where Hannah sat in an armchair and Samantha stayed standing. Hannah thought Samantha looked nervous, and sounded it when she asked, almost tentatively, "Is it good enough for you, Hannah?" 

Hannah was surprised at the nervous tone of voice which was nothing like the tone that Samantha used when in the office. After all, when there, she was certainly the alpha female, telling everybody else what to do and expecting them to do it and exactly as she said. This was nowhere near the same Samantha. 

Hannah was going to mention the crease she saw in a blouse but decided not to. Instead, as she had been asked the question she replied, "Well, yes, Samantha. I have to say it has been done very well." Hannah then decided to test Samantha and said, "If ever you decide you want a cleaning job, then you've got one here for sure." She smiled to show that it was meant as a joke. 

Samantha knew that Hannah had meant it as a joke but replied, "Well, actually, I really am finding the job far too stressful whilst I find cleaning so relaxing. By relaxing I do mean that it is really hard work, but because it is so repetitive, I really don't have to think about anything and the time flies by. I often think there's nothing better than scrubbing a floor, cleaning a bath, and ironing making sure that there are literally no creases anywhere. I get so much satisfaction from it. The problem is, if I gave up my job then I wouldn't be able to afford to stay where I live. I have even looked at forums on the internet where ladies of wealth or position transform their lives by becoming women who only do as they are told and are happier that way, but I don't know how to make that transition." 

What Samantha was also very concerned about was that for some years now she had met women that she fancied but the relationship fell apart. This was because Samantha got into the mindset that when in a relationship, she wanted her partner to make all of the decisions which again would make her life stress-free. This was not something that any of the women that she went with wanted, many of whom went out with her because with her huge income, they could live very comfortably. Hence each relationship ended. 

That didn't stop Samantha from hankering after looking for a woman who could take on what was almost a maternal role. She had initially thought it would have to be a woman more her mum's age, but since meeting Hannah, she realised it could equally be a woman Hannah's age, so much younger than herself. In fact, she found Hannah assertive and someone who could easily manage what she needed even though far younger than herself. 

Slowly but surely, Samantha realised that, although she was the boss, she wanted more and more to be subject to Hannah's decision-making. Now that she was starting to hand over clients to her, she could see that Hannah was actually very good at making decisions. So, when the opportunity came to offer a cleaning service to Hannah, she jumped at the chance, and, as she cleaned the house, she definitely wanted to make sure that she did everything to a very high standard. The one thing that she could always focus on was cleaning, washing and ironing and whilst she was there, she felt that she was almost in seventh heaven as she did those things at Hannah's. 

Samantha did blush as she remembered that when she took the clothes from the linen basket in the bathroom, she saw there were several pairs of Hannah's knickers. She just couldn't resist putting each to her nose and taking a deep breath and felt that she was breathing in Hannah's sexiness. As she carried out the cleaning, she also imagined having short one-sided discussions with Hannah in which she was told what to do and even addressed her as Miss Hannah who right then was effectively her boss lady. She smiled as she said Miss Hannah to herself a couple of times and then a few times out loud as she liked the sound of it and felt quivers flying around her vulva at the thought of being so submissive. 

Hannah realised that Samantha had given more than a little thought to leaving her job and was certainly sympathetic because she liked her. In fact, more than just liked her but had often thought how she would love to have been her girlfriend. Well, maybe she still could be but nothing like the way that she had imagined. She had wondered what it would be like to have an alpha female like Samantha as her girlfriend and that worried her. Now, though, she saw Samantha in a very different light, particularly as she said she was looking for a girlfriend who would make all of the decisions. That suited her far better, Hannah knew, and seemed to suit Samantha as well. At least, that was what she thought, and seeing how it could work, she thought she would press Samantha. 

Hannah looked carefully at Samantha and said, "Well, you wondered how ladies of wealth or position could give that up and become maids or cleaners. The obvious way is that they have others to help them. If you gave up your job, I would almost certainly get a promotion and that would give me enough money to look after both of us. You could come and move in here and look after the house whilst I take care of the financial side of things. That would be just like those ladies of wealth or position who give that all up and become maids or cleaners." 

Samantha saw how right Hannah was. That was how it would have happened and whilst not set out in so many words on the forums, the ladies did become a maid or cleaner. It was so obvious now that Hannah said it.  

Samantha was really up for it but needed to make it clear just who she wanted to be in charge. So she explained, "I would really love to do that, Hannah. What I really need, and am looking for, is a girlfriend who simply makes all of the decisions for me. I just want to do what I'm told when I'm told. I find being obedient relaxing in the same way as doing the repetitive cleaning that I so love to do. So, my ideal girlfriend will tell me what to do, and when to do it, but, also, I will need to ask her permission to do everything. If I want to buy some clothes I will ask first. If I want to watch a TV programme I will ask. If you say no to anything I ask for, then the answer is no, and I will accept that every single time. If I ask what I should wear, you will tell me and that is what I will wear. There will be no arguments from me because I won't want to argue but just accept whatever you decide. You would effectively be my very strict mother. I know that you are more than capable of that, but is that a relationship you would want? 

Hannah knew that she was on the way to being an alpha female although thought she was following in Samantha's footsteps, and they would both be alpha females. However, she had noticed that Samantha had made some mistakes over recent days but didn't think it was her place to pick her up on them. Maybe it was? Maybe if Samantha wanted to be so submissive a relationship with her could work? 

Hannah said tentatively, "I could be like that, Samantha." She then added more firmly, "In fact, I could definitely be like that. I don't enjoy cleaning so you doing it works for me. I am also happy to make all the decisions, I suppose that is rather like being a mother to you." 

Samantha agreed sincerely and said, "Yes please, exactly."

Hannah pressed the point by saying, "I will need to check all your activities so you will submit your phone, computer, tablet, and any other electronic device for my inspection upon request?"

Samantha was definite in her response. "Yes, and immediately."

Hannah felt she could really do all of that, at least so long as Samantha really kept to it. So, she then asked, "It is all very well to say you will accept my decisions and not argue, but what if you do argue?" 

Samantha already knew the answer to that. "When I said I wanted to be mothered, that goes for discipline as well. You could ground me, take away my electronics, or just give me a curfew." She then waited a moment to see Hannah's reaction and saw she was thinking about what was said. Not waiting for a response Samantha then continued, "Or maternal discipline could be more physical and involve going across your lap for a bare bottom spanking." 

Hannah felt the flutters flying around her vulva with far more force than before. She imagined Samantha across her lap and spanking her bare bottom and thought she would cum as she pictured it. She managed to stay calm, though, and bit her lip, before replying, "I can see that would work better. A spanking would be immediate and painful and a far better lesson than grounding you." 

What Hannah didn't know was that Samantha had wanted to submit to Hannah for quite a while now because she liked Hannah's haughty authoritative personality. However, she hadn't thought it at all possible that Hannah would want to be her controlling girlfriend until today. Now, she was ready if Hannah would take on that maternal role.

Now, Samantha was really starting to think that she could achieve the life change of leaving her job and coming to live with Hannah who would make all of the decisions about everything, just as she longed for. Knowing she would be spanked was something she had dreamed of, and if that happened as well then all to the good.  

Samantha agreed. "I have certainly given a lot of thought to how I want to change my life around. I was so jealous of ladies of wealth or senior positions on the forums who changed into women answerable to others because they felt better that way. In the main they become maids or cleaners so follow instructions or do repetitive work. Like those ladies, I know that I am actually the complete opposite to the alpha female, and totally agree that if you were my girlfriend, and I disobeyed you, then each and every time you should put me across your lap and give me a spanking. I would stay undressed whenever I was at home which would make punishing me by spanking my bottom or smacking my legs far easier for you. I know it might sound strange, but I would also want to be disciplined if ever my cleaning was not up to the very top standard that I should give you." 

Hannah was wide-eyed at the thought of spanking Samantha for everything she did wrong and knew her knickers were damp. 

Samantha wanted to show Hannah how much she respected her and went to her handbag and took out a necklace that had a disc on it. She held it out to Hannah and said, "I had this made and wear it at home." 

Hannah took the disc and saw on one side the words, 'I always do what Hannah says.' She flipped it over and saw the words, 'When I don't, Hannah spanks me.' 

After reading both sides, Hannah looked quizically at Samantha. 

Samantha knew what the look meant and said, "I want to be submissive to you and know the consequences."Hannah again tested Samantha and said, "I didn't mention it at the time, but you did leave a crease in one of my blouses." 

Samantha gasped but didn't even question whether it was true. After all, Hannah said it so she accepted it. She did put her hand over her mouth and as though in automatic mode put her other hand over her bottom. 

Hannah knew why Samantha covered her bottom, as though protecting herself, and ordered, "As you are undressed, I will be putting you across my lap and giving you a hard spanking to teach you to be more careful." 

With that Hannah stood up and clasped Samantha by her bare upper arm and led her to the dining area. She picked up her handbag on the way as she led Samantha to the dining table where she turned a chair around into the room and sat down. She opened her handbag and took out her hairbrush, which was a thick wooden-backed hairbrush, which she pointed towards Samantha and said, "I'll be using this to make sure the spanking is a very hard but needed one." Then ordered, "Get across my lap and learn that leaving a crease is unacceptable."  

Hannah knew she was turned on as she watched Samantha lower herself across her lap, leaving her bare bottom perched on her lap. She wondered if Samantha was also turned on. 

As Samantha lowered herself across Hannah's lap she told herself this was what she had wanted to happen for so long. With her face inches from the floor and from Hannah's upside down legs the feeling of submission overtook every other feeling. She had never been spanked before and hoped the pain and humiliation were going to be as bad as she had imagined, which also turned her on. In fact, she was pretty sure that her pussy lips were damp with the excitement.  

Hannah had read up on how to give an adult a hard spanking and started by rubbing Samantha's bottom in circles, which was intended to show how control was wholly with her. Satisfied that Samantha was going to stay in position, she raised her hand and brought her palm down really hard on her far bottom cheek and loved the way that the cheek surrendered to her hand. The same happened as she landed spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, and enjoyed how Samantha was gasping as the spanks continued to land. 

Samantha had expected the spanking to hurt. However, she wanted to show Hannah just how obedient and submissive she was and made sure that she stayed across her lap and took every single spank. The spanking went on for what seemed to Samantha to be like forever, and even when she felt her bottom stinging badly and wondered if the spanking would end, she realised that Hannah just changed tack to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row. Although she had expected a spanking to hurt, she now knew that it really did. 

Hannah could tell that Samantha was struggling but thought it best to make sure that this was a long and hard spanking and one that she would remember. After all, there didn't seem to be any benefit in making the spanking a light one, because if the relationship happened and Samantha did move in with her, and spanking was the definite punishment arrangement, then it would have to be a hard spanking to make any sense. 

As the spanking increasingly stung, Samantha still accepted that it had to be a hard one, and because it was so hard to cope it told her even more that Hannah would control their relationship in the way that she needed. After all, it was no good her saying that she wanted to be submissive and accept whatever Hannah decided, including when to spank her, but then not accept how hard a spanking she was given. Everything had to be done in the way Hannah decided, and Samantha told herself that was what would make her life less stressful. So, she took every spank and told herself that she had better get used to it. 

Samantha had forgotten the hairbrush, but as soon as Hannah started spanking her with it, she couldn't stop herself from yelping because of the even greater pain. That was when she really did know that giving Hannah total control over her was going to be the best thing that could happen to her. 

When Samantha was crying uncontrollably but still obediently stayed across her lap, Hannah decided that she could stop the spanking. She saw that Samantha's bottom was very red but also bruised so she would remember it for quite some time. She didn't let Samantha up immediately but rubbed her bottom until she had calmed down a bit. 

Samantha couldn't stop herself crying even after the spanks stopped landing. However, she also didn't try to force herself up because she knew that she still had to wait for the instruction from Hannah to get up. She wasn't even thinking anymore that she was actually Hannah's boss at the office because in her mind she had already given up her job and all she had to think about was doing exactly what Hannah told her to do. 

When Hannah saw that Samantha was now just sobbing, she gave the instruction, "Get up, Samantha. Turn and stand in front of me with your hands on your head and listen to what I have to say." 

It took a few moments for Samantha to struggle to push herself off Hannah's lap, and as soon as she did all she wanted to do was rub and clutch her stinging bottom cheeks, but she didn't and did as she was told and stood with her hands on her head. Her eyes were full of tears so she couldn't make out Hannah except seeing her as a blur, but she was still only going to do what she was told. 

Once Samantha was standing and, as instructed, had her hands on her head, Hannah wanted to check that she was still in charge. She had to admit to once again studying Samantha's curvaceous body but also wanted to see once again her fully shaven pussy lips, as well as her fully shaved armpits and legs. She would insist that Samantha was always clean-shaved and make it a spankable punishment if ever she wasn't. 

When Hannah looked at Samantha's pussy lips, she saw that they were glistening and so leaned forward and ran her fingers along those damp pussy lips and heard Samantha's erotic gasp. Even then she stayed in position, and Hannah wondered whether she was humiliated by being found to be aroused by being spanked or felt good that that fact was now common knowledge between them. 

Satisfied that Samantha did want to be subject to her total control, Hannah made an immediate decision and instructed, "You won't need any clothes for the rest of the day, and so you will sleep here tonight. You will share my bed and we will give each other huge orgasms. First, though, you will send an email to the CEO and to the head of HR, submitting your resignation and asking for it to take immediate effect. You will, in this email, recommend me for promotion. Is that understood?" 

The instruction confirmed to Samantha that this was exactly the relationship that she wanted. Yes, she might become a doormat, but doormats don't suffer any stress if treated properly, and she was sure that Hannah would treat her properly. Maybe not with as much respect as she gave her at the office but was sure that she would love her like a mother did whilst maintaining very very strict maternal control. 

Samantha also knew that from now on it was she who would respect Hannah in every way possible and felt relaxed at the thought. Yes, she did see how those ladies of wealth and position could quickly turn their lives around and move forward and be stress-free and unquestionably obedient. 

The first thing Samantha did after being released by Hannah was to send the email. Of course, Hannah dictated the email for her, and she didn't question anything that she said in it. 

After that, they both went upstairs and Hannah made it clear that she was in charge, she decided that they have a shower together and then lay on the bed and make love together. That is what they did and both Hannah and Samantha gave each other huge orgasms and were excited with every moment of their lovemaking. 

That night, they slept together, making love again and again giving each other more huge orgasms and then going to sleep in each other's arms. 

In the morning, Hannah got dressed to go to the office. Hannah then told Samantha to get dressed in the same skirt and blouse that she had on yesterday and to go straight to her home, pack all of her clothes and bring them back here. 

By the time Hannah got back from the office, Samantha had brought back enough clothes but was undressed and had been cleaning the house and had done all the washing and ironing.  

Hannah had left a list of chores for Samantha to do in addition to cleaning and that included making supper, and giving her the full menu. As they sat in the dining room and ate that dinner, and discussed what had happened that day, Hannah confirmed that she was going to get that promotion. Samantha was very happy with that, and with everything that happened to her and said how she felt no stress whatsoever with what she had done in the house today. 

Once they finished supper, Hannah told Samantha to wash up and put the things away, which she obediently did. They then watched TV together, with Hannah choosing all of the programs before it was time to tell Samantha to go and have a shower.  

Of course, Samantha had remained naked throughout, and Hannah was very conscious of the fact that whenever she looked at Samantha's breasts, she saw that her nipples were taut, and had little doubt that if she felt between Samantha's legs, she would once again have felt them to be damp, just as she knew she was damp. She didn't have to though, but just instructed to go for a shower which was followed by another instruction to go straight to bed. 

That night they once again gave each other huge orgasms, and both relished their new positions In what they both wanted to be a very long-term relationship. Hannah knew that she felt very comfortable being in control and making all of the decisions, and Samantha knew she wanted to be told what to do at every turn and had no issue at all with the number of times that she was going to be spanked. After all, she had made the transition from being so senior and looked up to, but intolerably stressed, to doing everything that she was told every time and feeling no stress whatsoever.  

It was a wonderful life for them both.


  1. What an excellent story I hope's the start of one many chapters long, I love the fact that Sam's clothes need to be approved by Hannah, maybe we'll be seeing Sam taken along to a school outfitters for kitting out in a suitable school uniform

  2. Strange story. Not like the typical Ladies2maids story line. But enjoyable non the less. Looking forward to more from Peter 242.

    1. You mean not identical to the last 30 stories served up on here? Something different to the cut and paste plots that you approve of?

  3. This is a lovely happy story, and neatly and logically explained as to why the new relationship suits both Hannah and Samantha so well. Hopefully Hannah will earn enough to pay for enough central heating to keep her new and naked maid warm! I’m worried that Samantha may become bored at Hannah’s home though, with insufficient cleaning work to keep her occupied — she may need to spend hours at the gym to keep toned or perhaps to be contracted out to some of Hannah’s friends to bring in some cash income. KK x

  4. From Alpha Female To Submissive Sissy male ) kind of old JJ story from old lacy place.
    waiting for next parts of "Dr jackie and maid Hyde"

    1. Regarding my story "Dr. Jackie and Maid Hyde", the beginning of which appears in the form of comments in a previous blog post, I have finished it and sent it to Camille for consideration so she can publish it at her convenience.

    2. but Camille not update her blog more then month (((

  5. I love the idea of winding down from office work by cleaning house, naked: such a contrast. It would be great to meet a girl who likes doing that.

  6. Just curious whether there might be a Chapter 2 in the works? Or if this Author will be adding more to his account?

  7. More lady/maid photos with captions from Emily at

    Respectfully Submitted,
    Renegade Spirit

    1. love those captions - particularly the pair about Lady Tania and Isabella

    2. Glad to hear you like them. Are you a fan of voluntary power exchanges, Ladies actually enjoying their role as a maid (for a while at least)?

    3. Personally, I'd like to see more stories where both parties are pleased with the outcome.
      It's like 99% of LtM stories have to involve some sort of nefarious plot so those captions are a breath of fresh air to me.
