
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Story: A Simple Act of Delegation. Chapter 9.

by Jackie J

Three months had passed since Deborah Jackson had slipped into the heels and skirts of her secretary for her temporary charade. The discovery of her games by the owner of Sapphire and Ross had led to Miss Deborah Jackson, with the collusion of her secretary Jane Simpson, being tempted and drawn deeper into her fantasies until those fantasies had become her reality. No longer the ditzy secretary her original imaginings of her degradation and subordination had been Debbie Langtry now reduced to a mere cleaner wallowing in her servility and lowly status. 
During the first two weeks in her new role Jane Simpson had delved deep into the minds and motivations of individuals such as her ex boss Miss Deborah Jackson reading the thesis of many eminent professionals. She had an incentive of course, if she could fuel those deep-seated desires held by her boss, draw her beyond a tipping point, Jane’s position of head of compliance along with its many advantages would be secured. It became clear to Jane from her studies, and did somewhat explain certain aspects of history, that certain individuals were predisposed if not desirous of their enslavement. The majority from this group of individuals according to the well-read text, were held within the invisible constraints of their financial, domestic and employment situations being already subconsciously enslaved. For those unfettered by such mundane shackles these deep-rooted emotions festered within them. This went a long way to explain why many wealthy and those engaged in professional occupations sought solace, albeit covertly, to exercise their demons, being many and varied, at the hands of others.
With the guidance from her studies Jane had made swift progress with Miss Deborah Jackson in establishing and reinforcing the persona of Debbie. The more degradation and humiliation she heaped on her ex boss the more willingly she accepted and responded to her subordinate roll absorbing her debasement and the desecration of all she ever was like a sponge, Jane becoming ever more confident and effective with her authoritative control of her ex boss.
Had Mrs. Ross not shown such an excited and keen interest in the willing demise of Jane’s ex boss, seeking daily updates and making regular visits to the compliance department to watch Jane’s new secretary stripped of her elegant wardrobe, dressed in her skimpy secretarial compliant wear, performing her mundane subordinate tasks, becoming increasingly consumed by her new persona, perhaps Jane would have delved no further.  
To fuel Jane’s curiosity she had wondered why when Mrs. Ross discovered Miss Jacksons little games, especially with her compromising such sensitive and confidential information her reaction had not been more conventional. Sure, like she had been told, the knowledge of the double mirror program that Deborah Jackson held could not leave the company but there must have been other ways than to entrap and condemn a previously loyal executive into a life of her submissive fantasies?
Jane was scheduled to attend a professional development course and having assured Mrs. Ross that her new secretary was suitably compliant in her roll, during the second week of her promotion Jane was meeting with Jenny Phillips in human resources to go over the details of the course she was to attend.
With all the arrangements agreed Jane was looking forward to her time away all expenses paid staying in a five-star hotel for a few days. On the instruction of Mrs. Ross Debbie would be transferred to the cleaning staff the following week whilst Jane was away on her jolly.
Jenny sipped on her coffee and smiled at Jane.
“You seem to be adapting well to your new role Jane and I understand so is our new secretary, Debbie.”
Jane put down her cup.
“Yes, Debbie is quite a revelation to say the least Jenny, something about that, Mrs. Ross she seems, well, I don’t know how to put this really but...”
Jenny interjected with a chuckle.
“Are fascinated, excited the words you are looking for Jane?”
Jane looked at Jenny questioningly, it was a strange choice of words but it summed up Jane’s thoughts perfectly.
Jane could not help but giggle which she did suppress to some degree.
“Well yes, Mrs. Ross wants daily updates and visits my offices regularly watching Debbie. I mean the whole thing is weird but you are right Mrs. Ross is fascinated excited even by Miss Jacksons evolving persona.” 
Jenny opened her drawer and removed a hard-backed book and smiled sliding it onto her desk. 
“I understand you have been doing some research on the workings of the submissive mind. Why don’t you take this? I am sure you will find it informative. Your course isn’t until next week, have a read and then we should meet I have a proposal I think you will be interested in.
It was a puzzled Jane that left Jenny Phillips to further torment her ex boss.
 Mrs. Ross did have reasons to be fascinated even excited following Deborah Jackson’s willful demise and the blossoming of her alto ego Debbie. The sophisticated head of Sapphire and Ross’s compliance department allowing herself to be willingly taunted, humiliated and denigrated under the gaze of her fellow employees at the hands of her once secretary. Yes Mrs. Ross had reasons, reason’s well known to Jenny Phillips. 
Once the die was cast for Miss Deborah Jackson Mrs. Ross was becoming more aroused with each day that passed. Jenny had made two visits to Mrs. Ross’s mansion that very week and a weekend session was already being planned. Previous visits had been spasmodic at best but it was all becoming more intense, more demanding. Jenny Phillips was well aware of the impending windfall from the double mirror program, information not difficult to extract during her sessions with Mrs. Ross and she intended to take the lion’s share. 
Having read and returned the book she had been given and following a subsequent meeting with Jenny at a local Bistro Jane was sat in her bath tub swathed in bubbles and chuckled at what had been divulged and discussed. Mrs. Ross intended to take Debbie to be a house maid at her mansion. Uniforms had been ordered and all was prepared. Jenny would be seeing Debbie the following day to inform her that she would be working with Mrs. Brown’s janitors whilst her boss was away. Debbie would not be returning to a secretarial roll, Mrs. Ross demanding that Debbie become competent with her cleaning skills before being brought to serve at Long Acres. 
The bombshell from Jenny, delivered after finishing their tapas, still made Jane shiver even in the warmth and comfort of her bath. If all Jenny had told her was true about Mrs. Ross then the plan was sound. In a few months Mrs. Ross’s mansion would have its servile house maid and all its knowledge of the double mirror program would be hidden away inside the domestic drudgery of a Long Acres maid.  Jenny had made Jane chuckle with her plans for Mrs. Ross and with none of the other executives at Ross and Sapphire being aware of the double mirror programs existence, Mrs. Ross having made sure of that, the insidious program would work silently in the cyber shadows with Jenny and Jane creaming off thousands. 
With the bath water cooling Jane wrapped herself in a robe and stepped out into the lounge of her apartment looking out over the glittering skyline and chuckled taking in the view her ex boss would until recently have enjoyed. Being head of compliance she could deliver her side of the bargain but could Jenny?
When Mrs. Ross came to deliver the booking details and tickets for Jane’s course unaware of the conspiracy unfolding between Miss Simpson and Jenny Phillips Mrs. Ross stretched out her arm with the wallet containing all the information and Jane could not help but notice the redness on her wrist which she quickly covered with her sleeve. Jane smiled and took the file. A redness that confirmed much of what Jenny had told her the previous evening.
“Thank you Mrs. Ross I am sure the course will be most useful.”
Jane attended her course and Debbie began her work being a cleaner for Mrs. Brown’s janitorial department. When Jane returned to work she had a new secretary, organised by Miss Philips, Joanne Pendleton. More importantly Mrs. Ross was absent from work a staff notice explaining she would be away for some time and that Miss Phillips would, in conjunction with other senior executives, be managing the business until her return. Jane smiled knowing Jenny’s scheme was in play.
Following Miss Phillips meeting with Debbie Langtry, to inform her she would be joining the cleaning staff and Mrs. Ross’s further arousal at seeing Deborah Jackson so willingly accepting her further demise, the appointment for Jenny to visit Long Acres that same evening took place. Jenny arrived at Mrs. Ross’s mansion just before eight and smiled seeing the door slightly ajar like it had been on the many previous occasions.
Mrs. Ross some years previously, not long after Jenny had commenced her employment at Sapphire and Ross had discovered Miss Phillips had a rather special talent outside her role of being the head of Sapphire and Ross’s human resources department. 
Confronted by Mrs. Ross, regarding her extracurricular activities, Jenny had enticed and convinced the owner of Sapphire and Ross to concede to her curiosity in the seclusion and privacy of her mansion. Many sessions had followed, but very much on an irregular basis after that initial awakening. Following the events with Miss Deborah Jackson however her instilled desires had unfortunately become more of a need. 
Winnie had prepared herself and had been ready for Jenny’s visit for some time and shivered in anticipation hearing the main door closing and the distinctive sound of her visitor’s heels progressing along the parquet floor of the hallway, thoughts of Deborah Jackson flushing through her mind.  It was wrong, of course, it was wrong, it was always wrong, it was very, very wrong but when the scent of that ambrosial perfume, Winnie’s own trigger, filled her senses and velvet gloved fingers stroked down her cheek she was in another world. 
Jenny Phillips persona and attire much different than would be seen at Sapphire and Ross and in stark contrast to how Winnie was prepared for the evening and the session began.
“Let’s just check everything, nice and tight, good girl now let’s just slip your hood on then up and in you go.”
Eleven thirty and Winnie showered and dressed, wearing a silk robe entered her lounge rubbing her wrists Jenny sat comfortably in an easy chair smiled and pushed a charged glass of wine forward on the low table.
“You look like you need that Winnie.”
Winnie reached for the glass and gulped her first taste.
“My god Jenny that was awesome, it really was, I needed that, this Debbie thing it’s driving me crazy.”
Jenny chuckled.
“Not quite the Debbie experience you are seeking is it but I have been thinking we could...”
Jenny paused for effect Winnie hanging on her words.
“No, no that’s ridiculous; here let me fill your glass.”
Winnie offered her glass for a top up then sat facing Jenny.
“What, what would be ridiculous, what?"
Jenny feigning reluctance spoke holding eye contact with Winnie.
“Well these sessions are getting more regular each time you want more, to get closer to what Debbie is experiencing, I fear that will never be real for you with these short sessions, I feel I am letting you down. I know what is happening to Debbie is exciting you and she is soon to be your maid how sad for you that you will never be able to relate to how she truly feels unless….
Jenny paused again and took a sip of her wine.
Winnie leaned forward anxiousness in her eyes.
“Yes, go on Jenny unless, unless what?”
 “Well I would have to extend your sessions. It would mean that you will take some time away from work, not as much to get it out of your system but put it in if you see what I mean. I wouldn’t mind staying here for a while and I promise I would leave you in no doubt of just how Debbie feels given more time with you. I could handle things with the other managers at the company for a short time. It would just take an email from you; taking a short break, perhaps visiting a sick relative, no one would deny you that? Then when Debbie comes to Long Acres to be your maid you will be able to share her most inner feelings of subjugation with her, won’t you? 
Winnie gulped on her wine, to let Jenny have control of her not for a couple of hours but perhaps a couple of days maybe a week? Jenny was right the sessions had become more regular, the helpless capitulation that she felt and craved, engendered by Jenny, was only ever fleeting what Jenny was suggesting would be? What would it be? Winnie felt a cold shiver run though her body staring across at Jenny dressed as she was. Body hugging Basque, tight hip clinging satin shorts, broad garter straps to stocking tops, her legs crossed displaying her above knee spike heeled boots. Jenny looked so powerful so demanding. 
“I am not sure Jenny, I almost loose it in a couple of hours with you, and you are so…. I mean how would it work? When would we start?
Jenny sat back and brushed her dark hair from her face her tongue rolling across her glossed crimson lips and pointed to the bunch of keys on the table with the crop she held in her gloved hand.
“It will start by you taking off that robe, getting down on your hands and knees, taking those keys in your mouth and crawling over to me with them, then you will do just as you are told, won’t you Winnie?”
Winnie looked down at the keys she had her safe word, if it got too much she would be alright, wouldn’t she? A couple of days why not? Jenny was right the short sessions were good, Jenny did make her feel helpless, she was helpless when Jenny took control of her, If Jenny could make her feel like she did in two or three hours how would she feel after a day, two days? Winnie fresh from her earlier session was more than moist filled with anticipation staring across at the stern dominant persona sat opposite she couldn’t help herself.
Winnie eased her robe from her shoulders and slid from the leather sofa to her knees. Keys gripped in her teeth she crawled around the table to Jenny who stood to receive her gift.
Winnie sighed feeling the collar she had worn earlier fastened back around her neck and the leash clipped in place. Jenny chuckled leading Winnie on her leash out off the lounge, through the kitchens to the back scullery and pulled open the heavy wooden door to where Winnie had squirmed her pleasure at the hands of Jenny so many times. 
Jenny smiled down at Winnie.
“Let me get your things.”
Winnie sighed, the short chain leather cuffed manacles locked back to her wrists and ankles, the ring gag still wet with remnants of her spoon-fed supper from earlier strapped tight. Winnie squirmed weak eyed and moaned breathing heavy feeling the rubber silencing buds pushed into her ears. Jenny zipped the tight leather hood over Winnies head and laughed before attaching new adornments to her captive. Padded mittens, much like boxing gloves buckled to both hands and feet. Winnie shook in feeble resistance to the deprivation of another of her senses, touch and feel only the senses of smell and taste remaining. 
Hooded, shackled, naked, blind deaf and dumb Winnie crawled up the familiar ramp to the elevated cage suspended over the sluice drain like she had done many times before, a slight hesitation met with the sting of Jenny’s crop. The cage door closed and locked Jenny removed the ramp and pulled across and locked the shutters hiding the cage and shackled squirming contents from view. The heavy wooden door to the back scullery closed and locked Jenny collected Mrs. Ross’s lap top and left Long Acres to return home.


  1. To quote the author Terri George in their book Feast on Me, “The Submission Of a Meek And Timid Woman Isn’t That Much Of a Prize. But The Submission Of a Strong Woman? Now That’s a Gift. Something To Be Treasured.”.
    The above of course was regarding a heterosexual relationship, but feel it sums up Jackies story nicely.

    Once again Jackie thank you, for a well thought out chapter, with its mix of deviousness, the giving up of power through inner desire, and the accepting of that power by others.

  2. Thanks for the story. I can't wait to see Debbie along side of winnie
