
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Story: An Invite From a Neighbour

By Jackie J

Following a significant promotion at his work Mark Jacobs and his wife Pauline had moved into the exclusive suburb of Rockford just outside the city of Longton.  Large houses stood in their own grounds many gated, populated by rich couples. Over time Pauline had got to know most of her neighbours whilst out walking or during lunches at the golf and country club which was situated just a short drive from her home. 

Whilst most of the fine houses were inhabited by couples Miss Janice Partington was the exception on the tree lined avenue on which Pauline now lived. Janice was single, beautiful and with a figure that was surely the envy of all the ladies living in the neighbourhood. With no visible means of support, it was a mystery how Janice managed to live such a lavish lifestyle. None of Pauline’s neighbours seemed keen to discuss the mysterious Janice and Pauline put this down to petty jealousy of her good looks, perfect figure and financial independence.

Pauline was quite surprised when she received a note inviting her to meet with Janice and take lunch with her. Pauline had only been on nodding terms with this vivacious woman and in the twelve months since Pauline had arrived in the area they had hardly spoken.

Intrigued by the invite Pauline made a special effort wanting to impress her neighbour, hair and makeup, her powder blue Paul Reiner suit, accessorised perfectly the thirty something Pauline was ready. Studying her appearance in the full-length mirror in the hallway she puckered her lips, tasting her expensive cosmetics and ran a controlling moist finger over her eyebrows. Turning sideways Pauline smiled her approval at the straight seams of her stockings and the knife edged hem of her calf length skirt. Pauline’s silk blouse billowed a little beneath her tailored jacket in the warm breeze has her heels clip clopped her gracefully through her doorway and down the avenue.

Janice lived four houses down from Pauline and she was soon at the secure outer gate which swung opened and, having approached the door, pressed the bell at the entrance. The chimes had hardly stopped ringing when the door slowly opened.

Both ladies viewed each other on the threshold, like ladies do, to admire and assess each other’s outfits, twinned smiles reflecting a positive reaction by both hostess and guest.

Janice held her smile opening the door wide and a waft of her perfume flowed outward to be greeted by the gentle pleasantness of Pauline’s instinctive flaring nostrils who muttered her approval.

“Mmm, that’s nice.”

Janice softly chucked fondling her earring and beckoned Pauline inside.

“Do come in I wasn’t sure you would make it but thank you for coming I have been meaning to invite you for quite some time.”

Janice wore a short but elegant silk dress that hugged her every curve Janice, more handsome than pretty, with a short black bob hairstyle and fine features, her figure lithe and athletic.

Pauline entering the house complimented Janice’s obviously expensive dress and asked where she had bought her perfume.

Janice never letting her smile drop returned the compliment telling Pauline that she loved the suit she was wearing guessing correctly it was a Paul Reiner, size ten like herself, and that she couldn’t recall purchasing the particular fragrance, suggesting it may have been a gift.

The niceties over the girls made their way through into an expansive and tastefully decorated lounge, Pauline taking the seat offered to her.

Janice gestured to the well stocked bar at the side of the room.

“Lunch will be a little time yet, a drink Pauline, some wine perhaps?”

 “Yes, thank you, white please medium if you have it?”

Glasses poured Janice took her seat opposite Pauline and easing herself into the comfort of a sumptuous leather recliner smiled eyeing the pretty Pauline.

“Not too sweet not to dry, I hope that is alright for you.”

“I notice that your husband is away again Pauline another business trip abroad he seems to spend a lot of time away?”

Pauline, beginning with a forlorn sigh took a sip of her drink and replied.

“Yes Europe, three weeks this time another conference then sales meetings, he seems to be away more than at home.”

Janice leaned forward looking directly into Pauline’s eyes and placed a comforting hand on Pauline’s knee lightly disturbing the hem of her skirt.

“Oh, dear you don’t sound too happy about that, men hey, Mark isn’t it, your husband?”

Keeping eye contact Janice slid her hand slowly from Pauline’s stocking clad knee and sipped on her drink.

Pauline surprised but not uncomfortably so by Janice’s touch to her knee could not avert her gaze seemingly held by the smiling eyes of her hostess and silently gulped before replying.

“Yes, that’s right Mark he is the sales director for Lamingtons pharmaceuticals.”

Janice giggled with the cross reference to his constant jetting off on business trips.

“A high flyer in more ways than one then Pauline?”

Pauline adjusted herself in her chair straightening the disturbed hem of her skirt and giggled herself.
“Yes, I must tell him that one when he gets back at the end of the month.”

Pauline giggled again.

“I miss him when he is away but it all pays the bills.”

“No man in your life Janice?”

Janice held out her hand and smiled.

“No, no ring on this finger and I cannot say that I have ever sought one, I enjoy my independence too much, men can be so self centred I find.”

With Janice raising the subject of work and intrigued to know how Janice afforded her lifestyle Pauline asked Janice what work she did to keep the wolf from the door.

Janice offered Pauline a top up for her glass, which Pauline accepted before she replied.

 “Well if you really want to know Pauline?”

Pauline leaned forward as if to share a conspiracy.

“Yes, I would. I really would.”

Janice fixed Pauline with her gaze once again and Pauline’s jaw visibly dropped listening to Janice.
“I seduce wealthy and attractive married thirty something women. After they accept me to be their Mistress, a very strict mistress I may add, I have them work here in my home cleaning and cooking, basically my maid. When I am satisfied with their standards of work I hire them out as maids for my company some work a few days a month other much more depending on their availability.”

 Pauline gulped wondering if she had heard correctly and queried Janice’s words.

 “You... You seduce attractive thirty something’s, married women, get them to accept you to be their Mistress and then work for you being maids, come on Janice you are joking of course?”

Janice held eye contact her own eyes narrowing.

 “No joke Pauline you asked what I do and I have told you.”

Pauline gulped again still hardly believing what Janice had just told her.

“How would you, could you do that it sounds so ridiculous.”

Janice giggled.

“Well I invite the woman I have selected to come and visit me perhaps, but not always, to take lunch with me, I am quite particular in who I choose, they have to be attractive of course, married with no children and like I said wealthy, the richer and more spoiled the better. Rich women with time on their hands and husbands who give more time to their career than their wives are just perfect for my needs.” 

Pauline sat mesmerised at the frankness of her hostess hanging on her every word.

“Without exception they resist at first, they all do but they eventually they succumb to my advances despite knowing full well what I intend to do with them.”

Pauline swallowed hard.

“My goodness Janice how could, why would, I mean how, it’s just they would have to be lesbians surely? How would you know they were that way inclined? I would never have thought you were a lesbian.”

Pauline then back tracked realising what she had said may cause offence.

“Sorry Janice not that I have a problem with that, being a lesbian I mean, each to her own I just didn’t think that you were, you know, a lesbian.”

Janice keeping eye contact pushed back her hair and chuckled.

“Pauline, I doubt any of those I select have had previous Sapphic experiences but rich doesn’t mean happy does it? The women I chose, thirty something seems the prefect age, share little if any sexual activity with their husbands. What with work, golf and time at the bar their husbands are tired and neglectful of a women’s needs. The women I choose and invite, whilst they would never admit it, are quite needy in that regard. Of course, everyone requires a little encouragement before they accept the inevitable and succumb to the tender loving touch of another woman, even when it’s a desirable woman like me.” 

Pauline sipped on her drink and wriggled in her chair showing herself to be a little ill at ease at Janice’s revelations. Whilst Janice had spoken Pauline had ticked off in her mind this vivacious woman’s criteria for what could only be considered her prey.

Pauline was thirty-two, attractive, no children, rich, Mark played golf and spent more time than he should at the bar, Conversation in the house more often than not revolved around Marks work, when he was at home that was, most of her own time spent at the country club with time on her hands and as for intimacy, that was rare and fleeting.

Pauline looked up and stared into the smiling eyes of Janice and the realisation hit her like a freight train.

Oh my God, she wants me, she wants to seduce me to have me become one of her maids!

Pauline started to feel clammy held in the gaze of her hostess.

Janice had seen the penny drop from Pauline’s expression just like she had seen many times before with her conquests. Janice pondered if Pauline would run like a frightened rabbit or slip herself unwittingly into her snare. 

“Are you alright Pauline you did ask, I was just being honest, I don’t broadcast what I do but I do hope your curiosity is now satisfied, let me fix you another drink, same again?

“Erm, erm well I’m not sure I....”

Janice’s gentle grasp already had Pauline’s empty glass in her hand and Pauline could not help but watch Janice’s tight silk clad ass slowly snake to the drinks cabinet. Janice turned quickly at the bar to catch Pauline’s stare and giggled. Pauline did not know where to look but found herself held in the smiling gaze of her would be seductress and blurted out a benign compliment.

“It really is a beautiful dress Janice.”

Janice chuckled poured the drinks and returned to sit opposite an increasingly nervous Pauline.
Pauline accepted her drink and took a healthy gulp. Emboldened by the drink and the frankness of her host, she had to clear the air, make it plain that no way would she be seduced by a lesbian, no matter how attractive she was and becoming a maid, forget it, why would she, why would anyone agree to that?

“Is that why you invited me Janice to recruit me into your harem of cleaning ladies, from what you have said I seem to meet all your criteria? Well I can tell you now there is no way I could be seduced by you or any other woman for that matter and being my Mistress, surely that is in the realms of erotic fiction. Having me becoming one of your maids, well it is just preposterous nonsense, I live a life of leisure why on earth would I give that up to spend my time scrubbing and cleaning? If that was your intention I am not flattered and perhaps I should leave.”

Janice’s eyes tightened and her lip curled before her haunting smile returned and having laughed out loud spoke in a low somewhat hypnotic tone.

 “No Pauline, why, we have only just met and I don’t have a vacancy for you at present, however let us suppose I did?  I would probably already have you out of the smart suit and designer lingerie of yours, why I would probably be wearing that myself by now, it is my size after all and you would be willingly wearing one of my cheap nylon cleaner smocks. But, before that, I would have held you in raptures of unknown sexual bliss and, in the throes of your ecstasy, you would have pledged yourself to me body and soul begging me for more, for me to be your mistress no different to the others. 

Pauline just stared at Janice a shiver running through her, her heart racing half in disbelieve at what she had just heard but her mind filled with images painted by Janice’s words and worse, much worse her gusset was filling with a warm weakening wetness.

 Janice smiled seeing the initial confidence of Pauline’s denial shrink and her demeanour change.
An awkward silence was broken by the sound of footsteps approaching the lounge from the hallway which stopped at the lounge door.

Janice smiled.

“Come in Maggie.”

A woman entered wearing smart maid’s uniform a laced apron around her waist and cap to her scrapped back hair. The maid curtsied and lowered her head before speaking in a quite tone.

“Lunch is ready for you Mistress?”

Janice chuckled watching Pauline’s reaction at seeing her neighbour Margret Johnson dressed like she was addressing Janice with the deference of a hired help.

“Thank you, Maggie we will be through presently.”

Pauline’s mind churned, Margret Johnson was attractive, thirty something, married and usually immaculately attired, was that really her? She was always so confident when she had seen her out and about? Was she really one of Janice’s women?

Janice was first to speak.

“Something on your mind Pauline?”

Pauline had to know.

“Maggie, the maid who just left, that was Margret Johnson wasn’t it? Margret who lives in the next avenue, I recognise her from the golf and country club, she is the lady captain? You have her for your maid?”

Janice finished her drink and eased back in her chair spreading her thighs ever so slightly but enough to raise the hem of her short silky dress onto her thighs drawing Pauline’s eyes from Janice’s gaze to a subtle flash of the taught gusset of Janice’s panties.

“That’s right Pauline, Margret Johnson the lady captain at the golf club. Maggie is being prepared to enter my service she works here two days a week being my personal maid."

Janice holding eye contact with Pauline let her smile broaden.

“Do you like Maggie’s uniform Pauline I think it’s quite flattering for a maid don’t you?”

Pauline didn’t know what to say the uniform was perfect and fitted the woman within so well. The wearer of course was Margret Johnson, her neighbour and the lady captain of the golf club but here in the home of Janice Partington she was none of these, she was just a maid and with this in mind Pauline replied.

“The uniform is perfect and like you say quite flattering for your maid indeed any maid.”

Janice continued.

“Yes, when I have a vacancy that could be you wearing that pretty uniform and I am sure it would be no less flattering on you than Maggie.

Pauline coughed to clear her drying throat and laughed nervously.

“I don’t think so Janice I doubt I would make a good maid.”

 Leaning forwards Janice’s hand was once again on Pauline’s knee then sliding just above it.

“Not straight away Pauline you would have to learn to be a good maid.”

Pauline brushed Janice’s hand off her upper thigh and stood sharply from the comfort of the sofa.
“No, enough Janice, now stop that please, don’t. Thank you for the invite but I think I should go”
Janice sat back and gazed up at her prey before standing making Pauline half stumble back towards the door.

Janice smirked.

“Leaving so soon, surely you will stay for lunch, it’s all prepared, such a waste, Maggie will be disappointed, but if you must Pauline, I hope I haven’t upset you, but you did ask and I was just being honest with you.” 

Pauline, flushed and all of a fluster, was embarrassed at her own budding arousal that she had felt whilst Janice had described what she would do with her and then seeing the proof of her words, Margret Johnson Janice’s pretty maid. She had to leave she must. But Janice was right she had asked and if Maggie had prepared lunch it would be rude to just leave? Janice had also implied that it was not her intention to add her to her collection.

“Janice look you haven’t upset me just surprised me that’s all sorry but it’s just its just, look I’m being silly aren’t I, if lunch is prepared, I will stay but then I really must go.”

Pauline accompanied Janice into the dining room and took her seat. Whilst she had agreed to take lunch, she was anxious to eat the meal and then leave.

Maggie served lunch and Pauline tried hard not to make eye contact with Janice’s maid but was impressed, not only how she was dressed and her demeanour, but with the impeccable way she served table just like a real maid would. There was something eating at Pauline, something was missing from Janice’s explanations, say that Janice was such a skilled temptress with her feminine touch, that she had seduced and turned Margret Johnson with her Sapphic delight’s, even if Margret became besotted with Janice and accepted Janice to be her Mistress, why would she agree to continue to be Janice’s housemaid?

Not only Janice’s willing housemaid but, if what Janice had told her was true and why should she doubt that given what she had heard and seen, Margret Johnson would soon be working for Janice being one of her maids? A Sapphic awakening and sexual gratification is one thing, but working as a domestic dogsbody?

Pauline’s silent thoughts were disturbed by Janice.

“How is your lunch Pauline, you very quiet?”

Pauline cleared her mouth and looked over at Janice Maggie stood behind her Mistresses guest topping up her wine glass.

“Sorry I was just thinking and the lunch is very nice thank you, O, no more wine for me Margret, sorry, Maggie, that’s enough.”

Janice giggled.

“Relax Pauline nothing wrong with a glass of wine with your lunch.”

With the lunch consumed Maggie cleared the table and Janice stood.

 “Come Pauline shall we retire back to the lounge I can tell you have more questions.”

Pauline looked at her watch.

“Erm well really I should be going Janice I really should, but alright but not for long.”

Pauline shuffled behind Janice back into the lounge and both sat on the comfortable sofas.

Janice smiled.

“I sense you are a little uneasy about the situation with Maggie Pauline does it surprise you that she is my housemaid?”

Pauline stared at Janice and could hold her opinions no longer.

“Janice, I thank you for the lunch and for being so forthright but I am sorry but the whole situation, what you have described and seeing Margret dressed like she is, your maid, which confirms what you have told me, it just seems absurd, ridiculous.How many of my other neighbours are under you spell, yes spell because I don’t see how else they would do this.”

Janice sat back into the sofa and laughed then spoke in her low hypnotic tone.

“Wow, calm down Pauline you are trembling I am not a witch, you have never had a mistress have you, no of course not, but let me put you in Maggie’s position. When you accept me to be your mistress, or to be more precise, when I choose you to join my group, you will want nothing more than to please me won’t you? You would wear a pretty maid’s uniform for me wouldn’t you Pauline? When I am your mistress you will do anything I ask, won’t you Pauline?”

Pauline gulped breaking eye contact with her hostess feeling a flush to her face.

“Stop it Janice, no way will I be joining your group and be in Maggie’s position.”

Janice sat forward.

 “So, you say Pauline but I can tell, you are curious or you would have already have left here by now. If you are so certain, so confident that you would not serve your mistress why don’t you put that to the test? Then we would both know for sure, wouldn’t we?”

Janice sat back her seduction in play. 

“Look at you, I am guessing you spent most of the morning getting ready, your hair, your makeup, no doubt wearing designer lingerie beneath that beautiful suit and silk blouse.”

Janice paused and smiled with predatory eyes.

“Now all that effort can only have been for me can’t it?”

Pauline tried to compose herself.

“Look yes I did make a special effort before coming here but not for what you are suggesting, I just wouldn’t, I didn’t know, how could I, look please Janice stop all this, you are making me feel very uncomfortable.” 

Janice smiled and moved to sit next to Pauline on the larger of the sofas.

“You have never been kissed by a woman have you Pauline and I doubt your husband touches you here and here and here like this?”

Pauline, a look of shock in her eyes her tummy trembling to the tender sensuous touch of Janice’s finger tips, froze when Janice’s lips pressed to hers. Pauline’s fleeting tight lipped resistance subsided and their mouths engaged.

Pauline pulled away and forlornly pleaded.

“No Janice don’t please don’t, you mustn’t, I can’t, please no!”

Lips reengaged Janice’s hands swarmed over and sensuously peeled the swooned Pauline like a piece of fruit. Tossing Pauline’s clothing to the floor, before feasting on the revealed flesh taking Pauline on an erotic journey of discovery through the lexicon of the karma sutra of lesbian lust. Her erogenous zones touched, kissed, sucked and teased with a hither to unknown tenderness Pauline squirmed and writhed moaning her pleasure her body numbed and her sex soaked by the relentless onslaught. Many months since she had been stimulated by another and never like this, never like this. Janice’s skilled and practiced touch holding Pauline in a state of quivering euphoria before driving her to yet another orgasm. Pauline clinging to Janice like a limpet feeling another climax busting through her sweat soaked body squealed her wonderment. Pauline had been touched, teased gnawed and nibbled like never before her clitoris and nipples raw and aching in tingling delight.

Janice turned lifted and draped Pauline’s limp, moaning, giving body over the arm of the sofa and buckled on her strap on before grabbing a handful of Pauline’s lank hair and driving her rubber phallus deep into her. With the stamina of a bull she ploughed Pauline’s sloppy slot tightening her grip of her hair and raising her head. Pauline squealed her submissive pleasure her whole body numb and tingling held in the raptures of her Sapphic awakening.

Pauline whimpered and Janice continued to slap her belly against Pauline’s wobbly ass working the dildo within her streaming pussy.

“Tell me girl who is your Mistress”.

Pauline’s eyes rolled feeling the dong slurp from her steaming pussy then squealed the confirmation of her covenant in painful pleasure. Her hair tugged tight the tool of her tantalising torment pressed deep into her opening ass.

“You mistress, you mistress you are my mistress.”

“Argh, ohh.”

Janice revelled in the exaltation and proclamation of her latest pet and loosened her grip of Pauline’s hair. Pauline collapsed in euphoric capitulation over the end of the sofa softly moaning whilst her mistress took her pleasure reaming her busted pet’s rear.

Janice, after having Pauline reaffirming her to be her Mistress over and over with each degrading thrust into her ass, withdrew the soiled dildo and stepped from the sofa smiling at the dishevelled limp wreckage of Pauline Jacobs.

Unbuckling her strap on Janice chuckled pulling the wasted naked body of Pauline back onto the sofa and laid her on her back. Spreading her legs wide, to display her shaved sloppy pussy, which still oozed and dribbled its pleasure of indoctrination into the ways of lesbian lust at the hands of her neighbour, Janice Partington, her Mistress.

A quick snap for her gallery, ready to be captioned, then Janice collected the discarded clothing of Pauline and proceeded to dress. Feeling the cold wetness in the cotton gusset of Pauline’s silk panties, the wetness that had preceded and heralded her Sapphic seduction Janice giggled. The label in the silky slip proclaiming its expense made Janice chuckle when it shimmered down over her toned body in soft comforting ripples. The crisp white blouse buttoned. the suit was a more generous fit than Janice’s size ten but then Paul Reiner suits often are. Silk stockings glided over Janice’s thighs to their clasps and whist Pauline’s heels were tight they were fine. Janice stood and smoothed down her skirt before adjusting her jacket and chuckled, another fine ensemble for her collection.  

Janice smiled down on the naked Pauline her legs still spread wide her gapping pussy oyster like with her gnawed red raw clitoris glistening like a swollen pearl. Janice sat on the edge of the sofa and stroked her fingers gently through Pauline’s matted hair and giggled listening to her softly moaning her contentment. Sure, Pauline’s body ached to its core but it was an ache of little consequence, every sinew of her sexuality having been ripped asunder, teased to the point of emotional collapse, she was no longer the same woman who entered Janice’s home. Pauline’s mind now filled only with the thoughts of hereto forbidden desires.

A woman of thirty having had a relationship with only one man, an older man who had quickly gone cold and was ever traditional and basic when it came to love making, how could Pauline’s previous experience of her missionary position sex have prepared her for the onslaught of the predatory lesbian Miss Janice Partington. Of course, Janice new that, she always did her homework on the women she chose to ensnare.  

Pauline had squirmed and wriggled to the initial gentle touching, kissing, sucking and licking and screamed out her release when her first orgasm blossomed within her. Then the more aggressive gnawing, nibbling, biting, scratching held her in raptures, climax after climax draining all thought but for her new-found lust. Then when she thought she was drained of all emotion, her pussy streaming its unbridled gratitude for its pleasures she was roughly ridden. Pauline’s sloppy slot ploughed to her screams of ecstasy then, and then she squealed her allegiance when her rectum was invaded wallowing in her own willing violation and degradation.

Could anyone make her feel so alive, so used, so sullied so complete and fulfilled like Janice had, like her Mistress had? Pauline had been emotionally broken and was smitten, there would be no going back for Pauline Jacobs she would do anything to relive her experience anything, no different to Margret Johnson and those before her she would do anything for her Mistress.  

Pauline’s eyes slowly opened and gazed up wantonly at the smiling face of Janice her hand pawing slowly upwards to be softly clasped and stroked. With the meekness of a nursed kitten Pauline purred and squirmed, turned to her side, drew up her knees and rested her head in Janice’s lap, onto the skirt of her own suit which her Mistress now wore.

Janice chuckled and stroked the sodden strands of hair from Pauline’s face. Still holding Pauline’s hand, she held it to her cheek letting Pauline’s fingers loving dawdle her latest pet’s eyes staring up full of wonderment.

“Well Pauline it seems you will be wearing your maid’s uniform sooner than you thought doesn’t it?”
Gazing up wantonly into Janice’s smiling eyes Pauline wistfully whispered softly.

“Yes Mistress.” 


  1. Loved as always, Jackie!
    Thank you!

  2. Very well written, Ms Jackie. I am sure there is more, and I cannot wait till it appears. Excellent as always. Thank you Ms.

  3. My absolutely favorite kind of plot - the career woman (or frustrated suburban wife) WILLINGLY becoming the maid of a domineering Mistress. Thank you Jackie for this gem!

    Richard/ Germany

  4. Who truly knows what goes on behind the doors of well heeled suburban homes.

    Well that was most definitely no subtle introduction to the world of Sapphic 'delights' for Paula.

    Janice has the power, and one has to think Paula is not powerful enough to combat it.

    Thank you Jackie

  5. I love this story so much!

    If I can be so bold to suggest how it could have been even better: Perhaps Pauline could have resisted Janice's initial advances, but, the idea of being subjugated having caught hold of her mind, she is tormented, perhaps over several episodes, before she eventually succumbs to Janice's offer.

    Thank you, and I look forwards to your next one.

  6. This story was so well written it could be a stand alone because we know where the end results will probably be, but that being said it would be nice to have more sequels and even plot twists.

    Thank you

  7. More of the same pattern I DON'T like...I am never into lesbian situations.
    I gave it a look...

  8. I really enjoyed this story! It was interesting how Janice was open about what she does and then to see Pauline connect the dots and realize the danger in time only to fall anyways. The strap-on domination of her new pet followed by taking her expensive designer outfit as her own was a strong finish.

  9. Superb story, Jackie, as usual. You are a talented author! Thank you! I surely hope you will add parts to this story... lots of potential, Pauline trying to "escape" from her predicament,followed by punishments, trying to hide it from her husband, etc. etc.

  10. Hi just wondering if there's gonna be a part two for this story.

  11. This story is perfect just the way it is. Don't be talked into writing more of it just to satisfy a couple of readers. Honestly, no one can use their imagination anymore.
