
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Story: Polish Au Pair Takes Control.

This story is written by Kristina Katyn, who co-wrote Kristina’s Secret Cleaning Job with Peter Martin.  I remember reading this story a few years ago and enjoying it, and then suddenly found myself in contact with Kristina herself, and she has assented to my including it here.  It describes how a busy housewife and a lady of the house found herself losing control of her own household.  Kristina loves corresponding on the subject of ladies becoming maids (or an au pair in this case) and many other subjects too.  Her email address is

by Kristina Katyn  (Copyright October 2005.)

(F/F, lesbian, humiliation, domestic, spanking, BDSM, non-consensual?)

Humbly, I knelt down on the kitchen floor and scrubbed at the stains with the stiff-bristled wooden brush.  My knees hurt already, but what I was not prepared for was the intimate tingle inside my most private part as I saw out of the corner of my eye that Aniela, our Polish au pair, was sitting (sitting!), watching me scrub.  Her skirt did not reach past her knees, and between her legs was visible the glistening pink triangle of her panties, not quite obscured by her slim thighs.  The shiny pink triangle seemed to be sending a message, "Surely you can see that if you are down low enough to see my panties, you are submitting to my will."

Perhaps I had been working her too hard again.  If she felt overworked and tired, it was probably reasonable for her to tell me so and take a break.  Brown-haired, pale skinned, attractive in an Eastern European way, Aniela was an efficient au pair if slightly too assertive for an ideal employee.  

I did not like the way she had practically `instructed' me to finish the cleaning because she was too tired, and she had now done this several days this week!  She was too darned cheeky.  But maybe I was too ready to give in.  I always avoided conflict, I always had.  And for some reason I wanted to please her.

"You still need to lose some weight," Aniela observed, staring at my skirt-covered bottom which was sticking in the air as I cleaned.

 "What a nerve," I thought.  But she was right.  And I preferred a fellow girl to say it than my
husband.  I would have to diet more over the next two weeks.  David was due back then and I wanted to be pretty for him.

"I have to go out to the shops now Geraldine," announced Aniela. "Please could you finish off folding up the washing when you have finished the floor.  I have done some of it, but I do not have time to do it all. If you can see the children to bed, I will be back in time for supper."

I gritted my teeth, but said nothing.  Aniela was too useful to annoy and it would take weeks to find another au pair if she left.  David thought she was great too and I didn't want any au pair difficulty to irritate him when he returned after a long business trip.
"May I use your shower today?  Aniela said.  Mine is not so good."

Did I agree?  Of course I did.

I should stand up to her, but something kept stopping me.  Whenever Aniela spoke assertively to me, my whole body quivered with a combination of anger and electricity, with nervous fear, with (and it was so hard to admit this to myself) sexual tension.

A few minutes later, Aniela was calling me from the bathroom,

"Geraldine, how does this work?  I cannot make it go."

I answered her appeal.  There she was, in the shower, naked and unembarrassed!  Her firm body glowed with health as she fumbled with the shower controls.  I could not help but notice that her pubic area was completely shaved, white and smooth.  I knew that my own pubic area was an untrimmed mess.   I would have to see to that before David returned.  He liked me to be neat and tidy.

The shower tap was low down and I leaned across Aniela to show her how it worked, when something happened.  My face was inches from her shaved pubic area.  My attention was drawn, irresistibly, to the finely hewn cleft of her vagina.  I paused.  My pussy tingled.  Aniela silently put her hand on my shoulder as if to say, "It's all right Geraldine."

A strange power seemed to take me over, to draw me towards Aniela's sexual area.  My body began to move in slow motion.  I ignored the shower controls and instead gazed, hypnotized at Aniela's pussy.  I gently, gently buried my face into her pure loins, sensing the delicate scent of my au pair's vagina and nestled my lips against it.  My tongue slipped out a fraction to taste the flavours of Aniela's intimacy.  I realized that I had longed for weeks, deep within my subconscious mind to do this, but my body and my soul never realized that the moment would come.
An hour later, I prised myself away from my position on the king-size bed between Aniela's naked thighs.  I would have to be at the school in 20 minutes to pick up the children.  Aniela was slumbering gently, enjoying the aftermath of three orgasms.  My skirt was all over the place and my underwear was half way down my thighs.  My mouth was sticky with my au pair's intimate wetness and my hand was sticky with my own juices as I had tried to make myself come, only to be instructed by Aniela to concentrate on her, not on myself.

Geraldine, I know it is not right that we share your bed at night, announced Aniela.  It is better if you take mine.  I take yours.

"But Aniela, that is my bed, it's mine!"  I protested from my kneeling position, picking up the kids' toys.  "Why does she always raise important things when I am on the floor?" I thought to myself.
"Geraldine, my bed is not so good.  Your bed is bigger and nicer.  You know you should be in the small bed," continued Aniela.

She stood over me, right against me and lifted up her skirt, hiding her face so that I could only stare at her delicate, lacey white panties through which her pale skin shone around her just-visible slit.  Her scent of sex and musk flooded over me.  She pressed her panties against my face. I surrendered.  I kissed her panties, feeling the soft intimate cotton against my mouth.  I pressed my lips against her pussy.  I felt my clitoris stir.

Aniela passed her hand underneath my skirt and felt around until she found the gusset of my generously-sized, unsexy, women's briefs.  She gave me a quick little rub along the material covering my neglected pussy and withdrew her hand.  "You and your little pussy will be in the servant's bed from now on please."

"Please, please touch me there again," I begged to her.

Aniela looked down at her employer, the pathetic bitch, begging for favours from her canine position on the floor.

"It feels so good," I continued.  "I haven't come for months.  Please touch me again."

Aniela condescendingly stroked her smooth hand over my bottom and patted it like she would pat a dog.

"I go to move my things now," she said.

Nearly two weeks passed.  I worked like a slavering dog, while Aniela wrapped me more and more around her little finger.  She went shopping on account, mine.  She enjoyed playing tennis at our club using my guest pass, she even took lessons and put them on our account.  She threw her dirty clothes into the laundry basket, taking it for granted that I would adoringly wash them all for her.
Despite my anger and shame at being treated like a servant in my own home, I longed for her return and longed for her to take me to bed with her again.  In my confusion I resented her, but all the time was dreaming of submitting time and time again to her pussy.

David was due back on Friday.

"Um, Aniela, Don't you think you should let me back into the big bedroom now?  I mean, David is back on Friday evening."

"Oh no, Geraldine, it will be fine.  I do not want us to mislead David as to who is doing all the work in the house now.  You are a fine mother and you work very hard.  David should appreciate that fact and that it is best if you have the little room.  It is nearer the children's rooms in case they need help at night.  I would just get in the way.  After all you pay me to help the family and everything is going so well as it is, even though you are very busy."

"Aniela, I must insist that you let me back into my room!" I shouted, stamping my foot.

Aniela gazed at me.  She sat down on the sofa, parted her legs, revealing her pretty, feminine transparent panties through which her sweet divide was completely visible.  She raised her arms to her sides and slipped off her top, unveiling her perfect breasts inside a flimsy bra. She unfastened the bra in the centre.

"Geraldine, come here and be with me.  You know your place is here on the floor, between my legs, and in the maid's room."

I sank to my knees between her thighs.  I sought out her nipples and sucked like a baby.  I dropped my face to her precious, gorgeous panty-covered pussy.  I delicately moved aside the gusset of her panties and respectfully licked like a kitten.  I knew I was lost.  Aniela's pretty pussy moistened with her secret juices and I lapped them up with my kitten tongue.

I was lost in lust and surrender to Aniela.  I knew that.  But I still felt deeply humiliated that things had come this far.  My au pair was sleeping in my marriage bed while I the wife and mother camped in the maid's room and worked like a slave during the day.  Aniela continued to shop and to play tennis as our guest, while I cleaned the apartment and looked after the children.  I continued to wash and fold her laundry.  I am sure that I detected semen stains on her tennis panties.  Was it Craig the coach who used to coach me or Michael, the guy who always hung around the bar, looking for opportunities to pick up girls?

But David was due back in a day or two.  What would become of me then? He had never lost his eye for pretty girls.  He had always liked Aniela. But I was his wife.  But I had become the housewife drudge.  Aniela was like the sparkling young wife that I wanted to be.  She had somehow taken over my life and my bed with my consent.  How could I have let this happen so meekly?

I decided that I should send David an email.  I hadn't been near the computer for weeks (too busy), but this was the right medium.  I would explain that Aniela was getting a little bit too big for her boots and that we had temporarily rearranged the sleeping arrangements, but would ask David to sort things out in his manly way when he returned home.

I sat down at the computer and opened my email.

Oh my gosh!  There was an email from David sitting on my inbox.  That was unusual.  We never usually emailed each other when he was away.  We preferred to text each other and talk on the telephone.  Well, let's see what he has to say.

I read, and read, and my legs turned to jelly.  The inside of my stomach grew suddenly cold.  And, I recognized what must have happened, because my clitoris tingled the way it only tingles when a particular person is taking advantage of me.  Aniela must have been using my email when she surfed the net on my computer.

"Hi Geraldine,

Thanks for your unusual email!  That was a cute photo of Aniela in her
tennis outfit which you attached.  I am glad you think it's a good idea for
her to have lessons.  She and I can of course play together when you are
too busy.

Don't worry about a thing about the new arrangements, I don't mind at
all.  I understand completely that you want to do more for the family and
that it is easier if you sleep in the basement room to be nearer the kids
and that it's better if Aniela sleeps in the main bedroom.  You have spoken
so well of her in your recent emails and it's fine with me if she wants to
sleep in the big bed with me.  I will be able to manage until things get
easier with the kids and you have less work to do.  You will be so tired
anyway that the last thing you will want is a randy husband in your bed.
See you on Friday evening, but don't wait up if you prefer to go to bed

Love and kisses,


It was too late!  Everything was too late.  My husband thought I WANTED him to share a bed with our au pair.  But I wanted to have her, to be her lover.  I did not want her to have sex with David, not with any men, not at the tennis club, not anywhere.  But what could I do about it?  I was frightened that if I tried to resist Aniela again she might get nasty, she seemed so strong, so powerful.

What if I begged her to reconsider, to let me back in my bedroom just for appearance's sake?  What if I promised that she need never do any work in the house again if she only would let me back in my room and not sleep with David.  What if...

...I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Geraldine, I am not happy that you tried to resist my wishes about the bedroom.  You should know that I am the mistress of this house and that you are the servant.  You know that, don't you?"
I stayed silent, desperately thinking...

Aniela roughly inserted her hand inside my shirt and bra, seized my right nipple and twisted and squeezed viciously.  "Geraldine?" she queried.

The pain shot through my nipple and breast - but direct to my pussy, which throbbed with fear and desire.  I squealed, "Aniela, YOU are the mistress.  I am your servant.  I love you.  Please don't hurt me.  I am so sorry.  Please be gentle."

"It is time for me to show you even more clearly who is in charge here Geraldine."

Aniela showed me the riding crop she must have purloined from the sports cupboard.  My favourite riding crop from childhood!

"This will help you understand," she intoned.

"Aniela, no!" I sobbed.  Please don't do this.  You are the boss.  You are in charge.  I love you, I love you.  You can sleep with my husband. I'm sorry I resisted you.  Please don't beat me, please don't beat me!"

Aniela firmly forced me, sobbing, onto her lap and held me down with her strong left forearm.
She raised my light summer skirt all the way up to my waist, exposing my tatty white cotton panties which to my further embarrassment were caught up in the crack of my too flabby bottom.
Aniela roughly pulled down my unattractive underwear to my knees.  I felt so exposed, both with my bottom bare to the air and to her gaze and feeling my untrimmed pussy hair resting mutely and obediently on her stern lap.

Aniela paused.

"Geraldine, the gusset of your panties is exceedingly sticky and wet. That is why I am in charge here.  Your pussy knows who is in charge."

"Yes, I know." I whimpered.

She raised the riding crop above her shoulder, ready to strike down hard on my vulnerable, quivering, pathetic, surrendering bottom.

I gritted my teeth, clenched my buttocks and waited for the moment of pain.  My pussy tingled as if it were filed with fresh stinging nettles.  I envisaged David and Aniela going off to play tennis, her micro tennis skirt flipping up to show off her pristine white panties.  I envisaged myself screaming with agony as our Polish au pair ripped into my buttocks with a horsewhip.  I imagined my red, ridged, ripped bottom in the bathroom mirror.  I wanted to be Aniela's slave.  I wanted to her to thrash me, to teach me respect for the stronger woman.  I longed to lie between her thighs again and gently lick and love her shaven pussy.  I longed to neatly fold up her clean lingerie and place it in what had been my underwear drawer.  I longed to sponge her shoulders and back in a warm, steamy bathroom and to help towel her dry afterwards.  I longed to gently dry her between her pink thighs.
Aniela brought down the riding crop with anger and with power...

..The whip seared deeply and viciously into my fears and dreams like a red hot blade.  I howled and howled again.  The crop sliced into my expectant skin time and time again.  My life became a red blur of pain and more pain.  She struck and struck and I, the pathetic, defeated housewife howled and howled and howled in shame.



  1. This is a really excellent story. Readers interested in Kristina Katyn's other stories can find two of them on BDSM Library, plus several others on Alt.Sex.Stories. The range of subjects is very broad, from babysitting kinks to Dolcett tales. Are there other places where your stories may be found? Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Nice story. Another good one by Kristina Katyn is "Power of Attorney". It's one of the better Exe2Sec stories out there.

  3. I compare this story as being like a sports nutrition drink, it giving all the required component parts needed and more, but in a short sharp burst.

    The above is not a criticism, i as a reader like a variety of styles of writing that gets the Lady2maid message across.

    The homoeroticism nicely incorporates the power exchange and control.

    Thank you from a happy reader, for your take on the Lady2maid theme.

  4. Kristina Katyn is definitely is a talented writer. I wish she had written more such stories. May be she will with more support and appreciation. Anyone who is a bit more interested in her works, here you go :

    While not a story, if you want to know the writer a little more, her "Self Introductory" page is worth reading :

  5. Just read this story again. lovely
    Jackie J


    PS also looked at the other story's mentioned above and look forward to more?

  6. Lovely story. Amiela being much taller and bigger than her but younger, would add more spice. Size difference makes a difference..!!
